InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a Night... ❯ One Little Doggie Had Two Arms and the Other Had One ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Too tired to do anything funny/clever. Though, in my dreams I do own Hiei and Sesshomaru and anyone else I want to own! It's MY dream! Not real! Dream!
*** = Stupid thing I do when changing POV, places, or any other thing I can think of.
Chapter seven: One Little Doggie Had Two Arms and the Other Had One.
Last Chapter:
Kagome was almost done making dinner when a young hyperactive girl named Rin ran out into the clearing with Jaken hot on her heals. “You foolish human!” He yelled after her, but no soon as he said that he began to shiver in fear. For Sesshomaru had just dissolved into view at the edge of the tree line.
This Chapter:
Sesshomaru slowly floated into the clearing where the group had set up camp. All the while he was glaring at Jaken. Jaken cowered under the heated glare of his master. He slowly moved back a couple steps before he thought better of it and threw himself at Sesshomaru's feet.
“'E Lord, Please forgive this lowly servant!” The demon lord looked at his servant for a second before he kicked him off into the sky. Rin laughed when she saw Jaken land in a near by field. She looked to Sesshomaru, who nodded, before running off after the green demon. Shippo, seeing that he had someone his own age to play with, quickly ran off to join the hyperactive girl. Just incase she needed protection, of course.
“What the fuck do you want, Sesshomaru!” Inuyasha yelled drawing his sword. Everyone else in the clearing, besides Kagome and Kurama, quickly pulled themselves into a defensive position. Sesshomaru gave his brother a bored look before he turned his gaze to the young miko who sat before the fire.
“Miko, this Sesshomaru requests to speak with you in private. In return I will contribute my strength to you and yours until the half demon known as Naraku is defeated.” As soon as those words left his mouth he had two members of the group yelling at him while the others just looked on in surprise.
Kagome, who had been sitting quiet up till this point, looked like she had just seen a ghost. “You want to speak to me?” When he just raised an eyebrow at her she blushed and muttered a quiet, `but why would anyone want to talk to me…?' Inuyasha quickly stepped in front of the young miko.
“Hello no! There ain't no way she's going with you!” He pointed his sword at his brother for good measure.
“For once I agree with the baka.” Hiei said as he jumped down from the tree he had been sitting in. His hand was at the hilt of his sword, ready incase the tall demon made a sudden move. Kagome looked up at her two guardians and shook her head.
“Really now guys,” She said standing. “I don't see any problem with Sesshomaru wanting to talk to me.” She glanced around the group to see that the others were now slightly more relaxed. Looking towards Sango she found her friend wearing a suggestive smirk. `I'm going to kill Sango later. No, scratch that. I'll kill Miroku for it later. They've been hanging out WAY too much lately.'
“Besides,” She said while walking closer to Sesshomaru. “I've been meaning to take a walk.” She was stopped from going any closer by a strong arm. Looking up she saw Hiei still glaring at Sesshomaru, who was giving Hiei a strange look.
“I said NO, wench! If you wanted to go for a walk I would have taken you!” Kagome snapped at the word.
“Sit! Inuyasha, this is your BROTHER-”
“Half brother!” Came a muffled reply. Kagome rolled her eyes.
“HALF brother. The point is, Inuyasha, that you are family and should act like it! Enough of this stupid fighting! All Sesshomaru wants to do is talk to me! He even wants to join our group! But what did you do? You charged after him, shoving your sword down his throat! Your brothers! Be nice to each other!” When she was done both brothers were looking at her in shock.
Kagome snorted, `really now! Is it that hard to be nice to your family!?' She moved to go to Sesshomaru and was again stopped by Hiei. He was glaring down at her, daring her to go with him.
“Oh for the love of-!” She stomped her foot and moved around Hiei to go the other way, only to be stopped by said person. She sighed and placed her hands on his shoulders. “I'll be FINE, Hiei. I know how to take care of myself. And if I do get into trouble I'm sure you'll be the first one to know.” She glanced at his headband and moved around him again to go into the woods in his shock.
Sesshomaru waited for her to pass him before giving the apparition a knowing look. Though, no one else would have picked up on the look besides the two emotionless men. He slowly turned to follow the young miko so she didn't get too far ahead of him.
Once the two were out of sight the group went back to normal. Sango and Miroku finished making dinner, while talking in hushed tones to themselves. Hiei went back to his tree along with Inuyasha. And Yusuke and Kuwabara went back to fighting and petting Kirara.
Kurama sighed and leaned his head on the tree he was resting against as he looked over the field. He watched his younger self and Rin run around with Jaken's staff and had to chuckle at them.
^Rin…^ Youko sighed out dreamily. At Shuuichi's questioning probe he explained. ^Rin is my future mate. But, she is human. People were already after her head because she's Sesshomaru's ward, but they became even more violent when she took a demon mate. When she was in labor with our first kit she was killed by the very wet nurse we hired to take care of her.
^We were away from her at the time, along with Sesshomaru, as was the custom of that time. I smelt the blood, but I thought it was from the kit. After thirty minutes of the strong smell of blood and no crying or screaming we both made our way into the room. We found her dead with her stomach sliced open. The nurse had killed her and the kit then cleaned out the room of anything remotely high value.^
Kurama's human half felt sorrow for his other half. This was what had turned Youko into the cold blooded thief he was today. He would go off and steal and rut just to get the memories of his loved one out of his head. It was probably what had killed him in the end as well.
The two souls sat quietly together, just watching the two young children as they played. They envied the carelessness the two of them had. But, it would soon enough be ripped away from them.
When they were far enough way from the group, Sesshomaru turned to the young miko and addressed her.
“Onna, this Sesshomaru would like for you to return his arm to him. This Sesshomaru could do it himself but it would take a few years.” Kagome was so taken back with his question that she didn't even notice the rude name he called her.
“You… would like me to heal your arm?” At his nod she snapped her mouth shut. Here was this powerful demon lord in front of her and he would like her to heal his arm? How could she NOT do it? He would probably kill her if she didn't do what he asked. So, after a couple minutes of thinking she turned her thoughts back to the world of the living. “Of course I'll do it but, you have to promise to me that you won't kill anyone in the group. I'm not saying that you have to stop arguing with your brother, though it would be nice, you can't kill him or start the fight. I'm not going to keep you from defending yourself.”
Sesshomaru thought it over for a second before he nodded his head. “This Sesshomaru accepts your terms. He will not kill anyone.” Kagome slowly nodded her head and moved to stand by the young taiyoukai.
When she got close enough to him she slowly extended her hands out to touch the stomp of an arm that was left after Inuyasha took it off. Truth be told, it had already gained a couple of inches from where it had been the last time she had seen it. She took a deep breath and pulled out her now compliant healing powers. Kaede was a wonderful teacher; Kagome realized when she saw the arm beneath her start to grow.
She watched in fascination as the bones grew back under her hands. After the nerves had grown back it had only taken a few minutes for the skin to grow back over the new arm. The last thing she was able to see before she blacked out from lack of power was the purple stripe on Sesshomaru's arm painting itself into his wrist.
Sesshomaru looked down at the girl who had just slumped against him. Had she not known that her power was so low? He skulked at the thought, but he also had to admire her for fulfilling her part to the bargain even at the cost it did to herself. He slowly picked up the woman he found intriguing and maybe even beautiful. Yes, he would have fun teasing the little fire demon. Sesshomaru wasn't stupid; he knew who Hiei was and how much power he had to have to survive this long on life. He was secretly glad that the miko had someone as powerful as him to take care of her.
The second Sesshomaru got back to the clearing Rin shot herself at him. “Otou-san!” She giggled out as she latched onto his leg. “Is Kagome-nee-chan going to be ok?” Shippo, who was following her, stopped short at hearing the word `father' come out of Rin's mouth, but he quickly shoved it aside as he noticed that Kagome was unconscious in the taiyoukai's arms.
“She is fine, Rin. She just used up too much energy when she healed this Sesshomaru's arm.” He moved over to where he saw her bed roll, with a chatting Rin following him, and carefully placed her down within the cloth folds. He slowly placed the other half of the sleeping bag up to her chin, and then he softly kissed her on the forehead before moving away from her body. He was happy to note that the fire demon, known as Hiei, growled at him when he did that and quickly moved closer to her body. He quickly took up the act of glaring at anyone who came close to her, which included a young kit that usually slept with her.
Shippo turned his head to the side. He didn't have a father to take care of him anymore. All he had was Kagome, and it looked like she was going to be taken away from him soon. He couldn't even sleep with her anymore! He slowly moved around the camp until he came to rest with his older self. For some reason, it helped to know that someone else knew how he felt at that moment.
AN: So how did you like that one? And it was only 30 minutes or so late! Yeah! Next chapter is Shippo! Yes, that's right, the chapter is Shippo! Not on Shippo, but IS Shippo! ^__^ kidding, kidding, I'm just tired.
Thank you to all who review! It keeps me from pulling out my hair when the story doesn't go my way! I'll hopefully, see you all next Tuesday!