InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a Night... ❯ Man! I Feel Like a Kitsune! ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I'm sorry, bloodbunny can not come to keyboard at the moment, she is currently have mad, wild, passionate sex with Hiei, Gaara, Kakashi, Sesshomaru, and- SHIT!!! The fez! Quick Hiei! Kill them all! Mahahaha! Oh… never mind… it was all in my head…
AN: See what happens when you forbid yourself from reading other stories and you REALLY don't want to do your homework? That's right! You get over your stupid writers block! Enjoy!
PS: I'm looking for a new muse- I mean BETA!!! Yes, beta… that's it… Do you hear me out there!?!!? BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA!!!!!
*** = Stupid thing I do when changing POV, places, or any other thing I can think of.
Chapter Eight: Man! I Feel Like a Kitsune!
Last Chapter:
Shippo turned his head to the side. He didn't have a father to take care of him anymore. All he had was Kagome, and it looked like she was going to be taken away from him soon. He couldn't even sleep with her anymore! He slowly moved around the camp until he came to rest with his older self. For some reason, it helped to know that someone else knew how he felt at that moment.
This Chapter:
The first thing that Kagome noticed when she came to the next morning was the splitting headache she had. Almost a second later she was quickly brought up to date on why she had been woken up and why her ears hurt like a bitch. Inuyasha was yelling at whoever had gotten him pissed off and Kagome wasn't surprised to find that Hiei's voice followed Inuyasha's shouts. Kagome groaned when the voices began to increase in sound and quickly tried to move onto her side but was stopped by an arm holding her down.
“Ka-go-me, it is not good for you to be moving in such a way until we have found you to be in good enough health.” Kagome quickly opened her eyes when she heard the cold voice of Sesshomaru call out to her. But, as soon as she did she had to close them again for the sun was out and smiling down upon the land with all its brightness. Kagome groaned again and began to move her hand up to cover her eyes only to be stopped by the same hand that had stopped her from moving onto her side.
“If you treasure your new arm at all I suggest you remove your hand from her person. I would hate for Kagome to have to grow it back again…” Kagome shivered at the cold voice she heard Hiei speak with. If it were anyone else she would have been scared out of her mind. But this wasn't just anyone, it was Hiei, and if truth be told the voice he had just used made her whole body shiver with something she had never felt before in her life.
Sesshomaru slowly removed his hand from hers and stood. He had noticed her shiver after the small fire demon had spoken and filled it away for future use. “You think you could beat this Sesshomaru? Don't make me laugh.” Kagome's eyes shot open again as she heard the sound of two swords coming out of their sheaths.
“Stop! You two can't fight!” She said as she quickly jumped out of her sleeping bag and rushed over to the pair. Before she could take two steps in their direction her mind began to swim and she forgot the reason why she was out of her sleeping bag in the first place. She began to fall to the ground but a pair of strong, warm, arms wrapped around her slender waist and caught her in mid-fall.
The first thing Kagome noticed when she woke up for the second time that day was that she was really warm. Then, she groaned out as her headache from before came back full force. As a response to her pain something strong around her waist pulled her closer into the warm hard form next to her. All she could do was snuggle into the warmth that was gifted to her.
Before long, she realized what, or rather who, she was snuggling into. Along with the heavy thing around her waist that was now tracing small circles over her back, while the other ran slender fingers through her raven locks.
She bolted upright out of the embrace but quickly regretted it as her hands came up to clutch her head.
**Just relax.** A voice said in her mind at the same time she felt the warm arms come around her form again.
`Who?' She thought out as two pairs of calloused hands replaced her soft ones.
**Your mind keeps rejecting mine.** He said ignoring her question, **Lower your shields and I'll take away the pain using your power left behind.** Kagome thought about it for a second before she slowly relaxed and let the consuming presence into her mind. Almost at once she felt better and slowly opened her eyes. Her piercing blue met fierce red in a clashing embrace before she was pulled away by Inuyasha's demanding shout about wanting food.
She slowly pulled away from Hiei who only let her go after she gave him a grateful smile. She stood with ease and slowly made her way to her bag so she could begin to make the group ramen for dinner. Sango, seeing her out of the corner of her eyes, cut off her conversation with Miroku to take the food from the young girl's hands.
“Here. I'll make dinner tonight. Why don't you go take a bath and try to recover your strength. I'll make sure the hentai stays here.” She said the last with a glare at Miroku. Kagome could only nod as Sango all but shoved her bathing supplies into her arms. Before she knew it she was sitting in the near by hot springs with Shippo sitting in her lap.
“Oka-Kagome?” Shippo called out hesitantly after she was done washing his hair.
“Yeah, Shippo?” She answered.
“Do you… maybe… I mean… do you think I'd be able to?” Kagome gave him a confused look at his stuttering. “I… will you be my Okaa-san?” He was finally able to spit out. He quickly turned his head away not wanting to see her anger at the stupid question.
Kagome smiled softly to herself before she pulled the small kit towards her and kissed the top of his head. “I've always thought of you as my son, Shippo… why didn't you ask sooner? It looks like you've wanted to ask for quite some time now.” Shippo quickly turned back around and gave her the best hug he could master with his little body.
“Ka-chan?” He called out after a few minutes. At her nod he continued, “I was wondering if you would want to do a demon adoption ceremony? It just requires the exchanging of blood and power.” She smiled again.
“I would do anything for you, Shippo. Just let me rest a day before we do it. If we have to exchange power I want to have some to give you!” She chuckled and tickle attacked him. He began to laugh until he got her to let go by splashing her, which resulted in a splashing war between mother and son.
The new family took there time finishing up their bath. The only reason the two made their way back to the camp before dark was the promise of food and rumbling stomachs.
Sango glanced up as the two came back into the clearing and rushed up to the sister type figure when she saw the small smile on her lips. The three made there way over to the fire where the rest of the food had been kept hot from the night air.
Kuwabara, Yusuke, and Inuyasha were all on one side of the camp play fighting and arm wrestling. While Miroku and Hiei observed the only two girls in there lives that mattered. Kurama sat off to one side of the camp quietly finishing up his ramen. He was the only one to pay attention to the young kit that sat happily in Kagome's lap before he ran off to bug Jaken with Rin in the field.
Sesshomaru came to stand next to him and raised a questioning brow at him. Kurama just smiled his knowing smile and went back to his food.
The next day Kagome was the first person to wake up out of all the people who had gone to sleep. Looking around the clearing she found Hiei in the tree above her sleeping bag, Sesshomaru sitting next to a sleeping Rin, and Inuyasha sulking in a tree on the other side of the clearing. She carefully moved Shippo off of her stomach and got up to start making breakfast for the group.
The next one to awaken was Miroku, quickly followed by Sango who knocked Miroku back out into the land of the sleeping. With her outraged shout she had woken up everyone else but the two kids and Jaken who seemed to like their sleep.
When Kagome was done with Breakfast Sango came over and started to hand out bowls to everyone in the group, Shippo and Rin having been awoken by the smell of food, and Jaken being awoken by a kick to the head, courtesy of Sesshomaru. Soon the whole group was done eating and the camp was clean and picked up. The group traveling towards the next town they heard rumors about.
“Hey Ka-chan! Do you have any candy?” Shippo asked coming to sit on her shoulder a few miles into the journey.
“And why should I give you any candy?” She asked remembering that he had been the one to tell Inuyasha that she was going back to her own time.
“Um… because I ate all my food?” He said smiling at her.
“Really? Then should I give Hiei candy too because he ate all his food?” She asked glancing at the small demon next to her. He just gave her a cocky grin and held out his hand for the offered candy. She rolled her eyes at them both. `Not helping, Hiei!' She said in her mind knowing he would hear. “You always eat all your food. Why should I reward you for doing something you always want to do?”
“Because I'm cute and you love me?” Kagome sighed to herself as the two demons ganged up on her. Now all she needed was Rin to give her a really bad guilt trip. Looking up at the front of the group she could see Rin looking back at her while she walked hand-in-hand with the tall demon lord. Seeing that she was caught, Rin quickly turned back around and walked tensely next to her adopted father. Kagome sighed to herself before she stopped walking.
“Fine… you win.” Kagome said as she set her bag down and dug through it to find some candy. She found the boxes of Pocky in no time and gave two to Shippo. “Make sure to give one to Rin!” She yelled after him as he ran to the front of the group with his treasure. Listening to his Okaa-san he handed over one of the boxes to Rin and taught her how to open it. Curious, even Sesshomaru held out his hand to try one of the new goodies.
Kagome shook her head again and handed over another one of the boxes to Hiei. She then closed her bag and watched as Hiei jumped up into one of the trees to eat his reward. She shook her head again and jogged slowly to catch up to the group. Kurama chuckled as she came up next to him.
“Oh? I suppose you want one too?” She asked him jokingly.
“No, thank you. It's just funny to see how I used to act.” Kagome nodded her head in understanding and jumped when Hiei appeared next to her again.
“Jeese! Don't do that!” She said putting her hand to her chest. Kurama chuckled again and she glared at him. “And just what is so funny?” She asked him. He held up his hands in front of him before he began to run up to the front of the group. Her eyes widened in surprise before she ran after him. “You get back here, Kurama!” Soon she had Rin and Shippo helping her chase down the taller red head in a small game of tag.
Hiei just watched as his strange onna ran after her future son. Somehow he was happy just to see her running around laughing in such a dire time in their quest for the jewel shards. He knew she was nervous of what was to come, but she still put on a happy face. She was trying to make those around her happy even at the cost of her own feelings. In his mind, that just made him want her all the more.
Finally, after twelve hours of traveling and forty-three miles walked, Inuyasha let the group stop and settle down for the night. Kagome and the rest of her group settled into the normal routines they did every night they camped outside. Sango went to refill the water bottles, Miroku went to go get the fire wood, Inuyasha went go scout out the area around the camp site, and Kagome and Shippo would set up the bed rolls for the night, then cook dinner when Miroku got back with the fire wood while he took over setting up the rest of the camp site. Though tonight, Kagome and Shippo were joined with some help from Rin and a few of the others.
Almost a second after Miroku came back and Kagome got the fire going strong Hiei appeared by her side holding up seven large rabbits, already clean of their fur, for the twelve people that were in their group. She smiled her thanks and let him help her set up some splints to cook them on.
The large dinner that night, along with the long day of traveling, left most of the group exhausted and they were quickly excusing themselves for a good nights sleep. When Kagome was sure that everyone that was going to sleep was asleep, she shook Shippo awake and stood with him in her arms. She then quietly made her way towards the edge of the small clearing.
“Wench! Where do you think you're going!?” Inuyasha yelled out jumping down in front of her.
“Oh really, Inuyasha….” She sighed out, ignoring the cruel name, “Shippo and I are just going for a short walk.”
“Yeah! So mind your own business and go back to sulking in your tree!”
“Why you-”
“Fine. Do what you want! Just don't come crying to me when you get eaten by a bear-youkai!” He then huffed and went back to the tree he had just been in and started to sulk like Shippo had told him to do. Kagome and Shippo shared a look at the small triumph they won over the Hanyou and continued on their way into the woods.
<I wouldn't go after them if I were you.> Kurama said to Hiei right before he was going to take off after them.
**And why is that, Red?**
^You'll see when I get back!^ Youko said not wanting to be left out of the conversation.
**What does your younger self have planed?**
<We'll just have to find out when they get back. Youko's fallen into the act of laughing manically.>
**Hn.** Hiei settled back down on the tree branch he was still sitting upon.
Before long, the duo was out of earshot and in a small clearing with a large boulder off to the side. Kagome sighed and sat down in the middle of the clearing, letting the moonlight shine down on her and the small kit.
“Now what do we do?” She asked her soon-to-be son.
“Now we have to cut open our wrists and put them together, after that our auras and scents will automatically mix with each others. Then after a minute or so our bodies will change to take on each others looks. I'm not sure if you'll get to live as long as me though, no one has ever tried to do this with a human before…” Kagome nodded and pulled out a small pocket knife that Hojo had gotten her as a gift. “No, Ka-chan let me do it! It will hurt less if I do…” She nodded again and put the small knife back into her pocket.
Shippo took a deep breath before he retched his hand out of cut Kagome's wrist with his tinny, but deadly, claws. She gave out a pained gasp as she bit her lips and watched as Shippo did the same thing to himself. They quickly put their wrists together before Shippo's demon healing could close up the wound.
True to his words, not even a minute later, their auras started to leak out of their bodies and slowly mix with each others. Kagome's was a shinning pink in color while Shippo's took on a light greenish tint. When they were done mixing, Kagome's mostly stayed the same besides a few green specks here and there. But, Shippo's changed drastically. His once light green aura changed to being one of a bright green with half of it being a pinkish-purplish color swirled into one blinding color.
When that was done, and their auras went back inside of them, they took their arms apart and smiled to each other. Until the pain of their bodies changing came to them. They both doubled over in pain as their wounds healed and bodies took on new shapes to fit their new bond.
When it was over Kagome was slightly taller, with a slight point to her ears, along with a tiny point to her now sharp nails, a green ring around the pupil of her bright blue eyes, and a red-ish tint to her once all black hair. With how much Kagome changed, in was nothing compared to what Shippo now looked like.
He now stood at a good 4'1”, with two blackish-red fox ears, three long tails of the same color, human-like feet, and a ring of blue around his eyes.
The two looked over each other before Kagome laughed. “Now you're almost as tall as me! I think this will take some getting used to!” Shippo also laughed at his mom as she ruffled his long hair.
“Ka-chan! You'll mess up my hair!” Kagome laughed with renewed vigor as he moved her hands away from his new ears. “Come on Ka-chan, let's get back to the others. I'm getting kind of tired.” She nodded in agreement and the two of them made their way back to the campsite hand-in-hand.
All to soon, the two demons, and two semi-demons looked up as the new mother and son entered the clearing. Hiei and Kurama shared a glance while Sesshomaru looked on in amusement. It was Inuyasha who all but exploded.
“What the hell happened to you two!?” Inuyasha shouted jumping down from his tree to hover over the two newly bonded.
“Inuyasha, we just bonded. I'm now his mother according to demon law.”
“What!? Why would you do that with this weakling!?”
“Inuyasha…” Inuyasha quickly backed up from the two as they made their way over to Kagome's sleeping bag. But, that just got Inuyasha to freak out all over again.
“And just what do you think you're doing?! Get out of Kagome's sleeping… thing!”
“What are you talking about? I always sleep with Kagome!”
“Well you're too old to be sleeping with her!”
“I was just sleeping with her yesterday and no one complained about it!” Hiei just snorted at that comment.
“And yesterday you looked two! Now you look ten and should act like it! Grow up!”
“Look whose talking!”
Kagome sighed and took pity on the group members that were still asleep. “Guys! Stop!” She said holding up her hands. “Inuyasha you need to stop yelling at Shippo! Though, Shippo,” She said taking on a softer tone, “Inuyasha is right. You need to start to grow up and learn how to be independent on your own. I never realized how old you were until your body changed to fit your age… I'm sorry but I think it's time for you to start sleeping on your own.”
“No. I mean it this time. I'm your mom now, if you don't listen to me you won't get any candy for a week.” She said putting her foot down for the first time against Shippo. The young kit sighed but nodded his head in acceptance. Kagome smiled a tired smile and pulled him into a tight hug while ruffling his hair again. “Now how about I help you set up your sleeping bag?” He gave her and happy nod as he fixed his hair yet again and the two set up a small sleeping bag right nest to hers.
Before long only the four `watch demons' were still awake. Hiei silently jumped down from his tree and looked down at the woman who he now considered his. Her scent of summertime and sakura blossoms had now changed to one laced with rainstorms and freshly cut grass from the kit that lay beside her in his own sleeping bag.
He liked this new scent she had, but at the same time he hated it. There was a male's scent on her that wasn't his own. It didn't matter that it was her son's or not. He just didn't like it over powering the one he was able to put on her earlier that day. He slowly slide himself into the sleeping bag with her and pulled her into his chest as he put his arms around her small form.
When he was done arranging Kagome around so they would both be comfortable he looked up over her shoulder towards the other three demons that were still awake. One was glaring at him while the other two had amused looks on their faces. He glared at all three of them before turning to nuzzle into her hair, then into her neck. He then opened his mouth and licked the soft flesh that fell right between her neck and shoulder. And, before he could help himself, he leaned forward and softly grazed his teeth into the skin he found there.
Licking up the trace amount of blood that leaked through the tiny holes, he smirked to himself. He now claimed her as his intended mate. Now no one would be able to claim her as he began his courtship with the spirited woman he held in his arms.
Looking back up at the three demons he smirked at the two shocked looks and one completely horrified look he was getting from them. Oh yes, now he liked her scent. She now held his own scent of embers and the beginning of winter.
AN: Again looking for a beta!!! And just a subtle hint, REVIEW!!! If everyone that read this story reviewed I'd have over 1000! It's not a lie! Look at how many `hit's' I have!