InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a Night... ❯ Take a Look at My Intended… ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Mine! Mine! All mine! Oh look! A red wall! MAHAhaha! *Rolls again on the ground in a straitjacket*
AN: I have no excuse for being so late with getting out this chapter…
I love Drac! <3 <3 <3 Thank you for being my wonderful Beta!!!
*** = Stupid thing I do when changing POV, places, or any other thing I can think of.
Chapter Nine: Take a Look at My Intended…
Last Chapter:
Looking back up at the three demons he smirked at the two shocked looks and one completely horrified look he was getting from them. Oh yes, now he liked her scent. She now held his own scent of embers and the beginning of winter.
This Chapter:
Hiei looked down upon his future mate for the millionth time that night. The other three had finally stopped looking at them and had left Hiei to do whatever he pleased. He had run his hands through her hair, caressed her skin, and nuzzled her more times then he could count.
The sun was coming up now and he could feel Kagome starting to wake up from her deep dream. She moved slightly in his grasp and her hand came up to rub her neck. His rough hand came up to cover hers. Blushing a deep red, Kagome quickly shot up from her position next to him and out of her sleeping bag.
“Ka-chan?” Asked a sleepy yet concerned voice from behind her. Turning, her blush deepened. When she had backed up away from Hiei she had moved onto Shippo's sleeping bag, waking him up.
“Oh, I'm sorry, Shippo!” She said hugging her young son and hiding her flaming face in his long hair.
“It's ok, Ka-chan.” He said rubbing her back. He glanced over towards her sleeping bag and saw that Hiei was still lying on his side inside of it. “Um… Ka-chan? Why is Hiei in your sleeping bag?” At hearing this Kagome snapped her head around to glare at the demon in question.
“Yes, what ARE you doing in my sleeping bag?” Inuyasha snorted from across the clearing while Kurama hid his amusement behind his hand.
“The same thing you should be doing.” He answered simply as he gazed intensely into her eyes.
“Ah ha. If you want wanted a sleeping bag I could have gotten one out for you.”
**Hn. Where's the fun in sleeping alone? I'd rather share a sleeping bag with you.** He said in her mind.
“AH! Pervert! Get out of my mind!” She threw Shippo's pillow at him and quickly started to make her way across the clearing towards the, now awake, Sango. She was stopped in her journey though, when the same pillow she threw at Hiei hit her in the butt.
She spun around and gave Hiei a glare that would rival Sesshomaru's. Hiei just smirked back at her. Oh yes, she would be his. No one else would ever dare to stand up to him, yet this woman challenged him without a second thought. He couldn't wait to find out how she was in bed.
Kagome turned back around towards Sango and the two began to make breakfast for everyone but the young fire demon, while the others woke up and shouted about how much Shippo had changed over night.
“Man, Hiei, what'd you do to piss her off?” Yusuke laughed out when she gave thirds to Shippo and Inuyasha without even sparing the elemental a glance.
“Hn. Mind your own business, Detective.” He said before he hopped into a tree to wait for the group to be done eating.
The group made their way off without a hitch. The two Inu brothers were in front of the group along with Rin and Jaken. Kurama and Shippo were next in line, followed by the two girls and the neko youkai. Bringing up the rear were Yusuke and Miroku who were talking about the best way to grope a woman while Kuwabara tried all he could to get them to stop. Hiei, as normal, had taken to the trees in scout out ahead of the group.
“I don't know what it is, Sango.” Kagome told the other girl as they continued to walk, “But my neck just won't stop bugging me. It doesn't hurt or anything, it just feels…. weird… I don't know how to explain it.” Sango watched as her sister rubbed her neck for the tenth time since they took off from camp.
“Here, let me look at it. Maybe you scratched it on a plant or something.” Sango said as she rearranged her boomerang to so she could get a good look at the other woman's neck. Sango gasped at what she saw.
“What? What is it?” Kagome all but shouted.
“It… it looks like... it's a purple oval… it looks like it would be some sort of cour-”
“I suggest you don't finish that sentence, Onna.” Hiei sneered out as he landed between the two girls. Kagome glared at him yet again, but this time she was joined by Shippo and Sango.
“What is wrong with you today?!” Kagome all but shouted at him. “Come on, Sango. Let's go walk by nicer people.” Kagome retched around Hiei to grab onto Sango's hand and pulled her friend along behind her before said friend cried out in pain while their hands were yanked apart. Whipping around ready to yell at Hiei for hurting her sister she was amazed to find Sango's stomach impaled by a tentacle. Her face drained of color. That's where she had been standing a second ago.
“Sango!” She screamed out as the group took up defensive positions around the two girls and the two young. Evil laughter rang out around the group before Kagome was pulled against Hiei's hard chest. When she opened her eyes again the two of them were in the air and, looking down, Kagome saw another tentacle impaled in the ground right where she had been.
“Why is he after me?” She whispered. She turned in Hiei's hold to hide her face in his chest as she clung to him. She didn't want to see anymore of her friends get hurt because of her.
**It will be fine.** He said softly in her mind. **You said yourself there weren't many shards left. Maybe he believes that too and is sending out his golem to do his dirty work.** Kagome nodded her head as they landed on a tree before taking to the air again. The tree they had been in smashed as another tentacle flew through it in an attempt to hit them.
`Maybe you're right. But the fact that he's not here himself is a good thing. It means he's not yet strong enough to take us on. We still have time to gather our forces and hopefully find him before he gets too powerful.' Kagome clung to Hiei even tighter when she heard Rin scream out in pain.
**It's ok. Sesshomaru killed the golem for hurting his ward while Shippo destroyed the remains.**
“Shippo did?” She asked lifting her head up.
**Hn. They make a good team.**
“Dude, did you see that!?”
“Yeah! He was way cooler then you, Urameshi!”
“What did you say, baka!?” The two continued to fight on as Hiei landed next to Kurama with Kagome still in his arms.
“Thank you, Hiei.” She said before she started to wiggle to get out of his hold with little success. “Um… Hiei?” She asked.
“Could you please let me down now?” He sighed inside his mind before slowly letting her out of his grasp. She smiled at him once more before she ran off to check on Sango and Rin.
^Problems?^ Youko asked with a smirk in his voice.
**Shut it, Fox.** He snapped back before jumping into a tree. He could already tell they were going to stay here for the night. The monk was already setting up a fire for the night.
Kagome began to make dinner after she was finished with wrapping the two girl's wounds. Kagome rubbed her neck yet again after she was done pouring in the noodles and the sauce mix. She had almost forgotten about it being there.
`I wonder what Sango was going to say about it. Cour…. cour… courage? No. Couriered… no. Course… no. Coursing… no. Court… no. Wait! Court. Courting! Could it be a courting mark? But then who-?'
“Ka-chan, you're burning the food!” Shippo said as he popped up next to her from out of no where. Kagome jumped in surprise then cried out in pain as her arm touched the streaming pan full of ramen.
Hiei was at her side in a second growling at Shippo as he backed away from the two of them. He knew better then to get between an angry youkai and their hurt mate. It didn't matter if they were mated yet or not. Once a youkai found their mate they would never want another.
Hiei grabbed onto her shoulders and turned her around to face him. She was clutching her arm tightly to her chest. “Onna, let me see your arm.” He all but demanded of her. She just shook her head and turned towards her bag.
“That's ok. I can treat it myself. It's not even that bad.” She quickly went over to her bag to get out her first aid kit for the second time that night. Hiei was fast on her heals the whole way. The only reason he didn't try to get her to show him was so he didn't make it worse with their fighting. Kagome quickly wrapped her arm up, making sure Hiei wouldn't see her arm before turning back around to face him.
“See? All better!” Hiei looked at her in doubt. She was still holding her arm close to her chest so it had to be worse then she was letting on.
“Onna…” He warned.
“Don't `Onna' me, Otoko.” She bit back. She quickly walked past him and went to the forgotten food that was now slightly burnt. She grabbed the nearest bowl and began to spoon out dinner for everyone.
“Yusuke,” She called to her childhood friend. “Would you like some dinner?” He was laughing on the ground and held his hands up to say yes. Just as he looked up he started to laugh all over again when his gaze fell on Hiei. Kagome just rolled her eyes and placed the boiling pot on a cooling rack she had brought from home. “Well whenever you're ready the food is over here.” She made her way back over to her pack, again passing the unmoving Hiei, and grabbed her bathing supplies.
“I'm going to go take a bath. There's a hot springs over that way right Inuyasha?” She asked pointing to the south. She got a muffled `yeah' from him before she began to head towards where she could hear slightly bubbling water. She would go alone tonight. Sango and Rin were still too hurt for them to go with her.
“Oh! Shippo, could you make sure none of the guys spy on me?” She asked her son before she could make it out of the clearing.
“Sure, but um… Ka-chan-?” He was about to continue at her nod but stopped when he saw Kurama shake his head out of the corned of his eyes. “Never mind. Just be safe. I'll watch the guys for you.” He saw her nod before she disappeared into the woods. Shippo and Kurama locked gazes and both smirked before going back to their food. Hiei had vanished right when she had grabbed her bathing supplies.
Kagome quickened her pace when she knew she was out of ear shot of her youkai companions. To tell you the truth, her arm hurt like hell. She clutched her arm to her chest and just about ran the rest of the way to the stream. When she arrived, she threw her supplies to the ground and quickly striped out of her clothes. They would just get in the way of looking over her arm.
She slid into the water as fast as she could, given the heat, and took up a seat on one of the large chair-like rocks that seemed to be drawn to hot springs. Finally getting settled she brought her arm away from her chest and slowly unwound the gaze. She gave out a hiss of pain when the last of the wrap came off with some of her flesh. She was burnt from her wrist to an inch before her elbow. Red boils and pealed off skin met her gaze.
“Onna.” Hiei growled out as he appeared next to her in the springs. She whipped around to face him, but her scream of `hentai!' was replaced with a chocked scream of pain as water got into one of the many open wounds on her arm.
Hiei's glare softened as he pulled her to his bare chest without hesitation. One of his hands went up to bury in her hair while the other rubbed soothing circles over her back to calm her down.
Kagome clung to him tightly just as she clung to her wounded arm. They stayed like that for many moments until Kagome felt the pain in her arm calm to an annoying itch.
“Hiei…” She sighed out, “What are you doing here? I told Shippo to make sure no one came after me.” She tried to move out of his embrace but Hiei kept a tight hold on her, and truth be told, she really didn't want to let go.
“Stupid Onna, I knew you were still hurt.” He said as if that answered her question.
“Why do you care?!” She growled back with vigor, trying harder to free herself from his grasp. “I'm just a stupid `Onna' to you! Why would you care?!”
“God damn it sit still! You're my woman and I won't have you hurt!” He pulled her back to him and crashed his lips down upon hers to stop her from any protest she would voice.
Kagome was shocked to say the least. Here she was NAKED in the hot springs with Hiei who also just so happened to be naked. Oh, and let's not forget the little fact that he was currently KISSING her. On top of that, he had said that she was `his woman'. Does that mean he likes her? Guys are so confusing.
Hiei slowly pulled away from her when he felt her tense from the need for air. He could sense the confusion coming off her so he pulled her closer and tucked her head into his neck. To think that this is what had been missing from his life all those long years. A woman of all things! He would have laughed if anyone told him that a few years ago.
Pulling away from her he looked straight into her dazzling blue eyes and asked, “Now will you show me your arm?” Kagome blushed and turned away from his heated gaze as she slowly brought her arm away from her body.
Hiei smirked to himself and slowly brought her burnt flesh up to his mouth. He had to stop himself from laughing when she let out a surprised gasp when his wet appendage met her torn flesh. Her head had whipped back around and she tried to pull her arm back to her but Hiei's grip held fast.
“What… what are you doing?!” She gasped out.
“This will help you heal faster. I told you before; I won't have MY onna hurt.” She would have yelled at him if it hadn't been for the heated look in his eyes. He hadn't meant for what he said to be an insult. It was his way of showing he cared. He was the type of person that would only say something like that if he truly meant it. She just blushed and looked away from him again. Those red eyes of his were doing strange things to her.
Once Hiei was finished with his ministrations, he brought his hand up to cup Kagome's cheek and turned her eyes back to his. “There's no need for you to hide from me.” he murmured as he brushed his body up against hers. Kagome flushed deeper when she remembered that not only was she naked but Hiei was too.
She gave out an embarrassed squeak and promptly dived into the water to cover her chest. In her haste to cover herself she forgot that Hiei's hand was on her cheek and caught the side of her ear on one of his claws when she sank down into the water.
Hiei gave out a tiny growl when he smelt the scent of her fresh blood. “Damn it, Onna! There you go again! I swear, you'll be the death of me while just trying to protect you for yourself!” Hiei slowly bent his head down and brought her ear into his mouth while his hands held her steady so she wouldn't hurt herself again.
Kagome bit back a gasp as she felt his tongue run over the side of her ear. She felt a shiver go up her spine when the licking slowly changed to nibbling. Soon afterwards she gave out a quiet moan when he bit down on her ear just a little bit harder then she expected.
Her scent spiked with her arousal and Hiei couldn't help the smirk that came to his face. He was the cause of this. “See? You can't hide from me, Ka-go-me. Even now your body calls to mine. I've claimed you as my future mate. That's why your neck hurts so much. All I wait for now is your mind to except what your body calls out for with your entire soul.” He slowly kissed the top of her head before letting go of her and heading back up to the shore.
He quickly used his heat to dry himself off before putting his clothes back on and seating himself against a nearby tree facing away from her. “Finish bathing. I have a feeling that the idiot won't let you sleep for very long.”
Kagome quickly jumped out of her shocked state and did just as he commanded. After she washed her hair and body she made her way out of the stream and was just about to grab her towel when she found herself already dry. Looking up she saw Hiei glancing at her from over his shoulder. She blushed again as he turned away from her and she quickly finished changing into her night time clothes before he could turn around again.
Next Chapter: Wimpy Wolf, Running Down the Trail!