InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ When Times Collide ❯ When We Are Apart ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: I do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho. I am merely subjecting them to my evil mind! Bwahahaha! This will be an Inu/Kag/Hiei because I'm a major hentai. My muse for Heart of Ice may have disappeared momentarily, but another muse graced me with her presence. Also, a good number of people, myself included, wanted an Inu/Kag/Hiei so here it is! Hope you all enjoy!
When Times Collide
Chapter 1: When We Are Apart
The final battle had at last begun. A hanyou, a miko, a kitsune, a taijiya, and a neko youkai faced Naraku in battle. Their faces were marred with anger toward the evil hanyou. One member of their group was gone forever. For three years, they had scoured Sengoku Jidai for shards of the Shikon. For five years, Miroku had hung on to life, helping his comrades in any way possible, but his time had come just two days prior to the battle. As his friends watched helplessly, the houshi had been pulled into his own kazaana, his pained screams ringing in the air. Now the time had come for the final battle. They would defeat Naraku for all he had done. For all the pain he caused.
“Naraku, prepare to DIE!” Inuyasha leapt at Naraku with the red tetsusaiga drawn. In one sweep, Naraku's barrier shattered. “Kaze no kizu!” The blazing fang sent blades of golden light toward the demon. When the dust cleared, Naraku was no where to be seen. The group stood alert. Not a sound could be heard.
Kagome held her drawn bow with trembling hands. Anger coursed through her blood as she thought of all the evil deeds Naraku committed. Shippou sat atop Kirara with Sango, who had Hiraikotsu poised for battle. Ears twitching madly in an attempt to locate Naraku, Inuyasha growled menacingly. Kagome tensed suddenly and called out. “Inuyasha the shards are behind you!” Everyone turned toward the direction Kagome pointed to. Naraku stood in the tree-line in his baboon outfit.
“Kongou Souha!” Diamond spears shot from his blade toward Naraku. Hiraikotsu, a hamaya and kitsune bi followed Inuyasha's attack. Everyone's gaze was focused on Naraku's screaming form.
“Kukuku. Did you think to defeat me so easily?” They all swung around to see Naraku with a struggling Kagome in his grasp. “Inuyasha, you are angry now.” His grip tightened around Kagome, causing her to squeak in pain. “Your little miko will die, and her power will be mine.” An evil smirk painted his face as his body began to reshape. A tentacle sprouted from one of his arms and pierced Kagome's stomach. Blood spilled from her lips as her body arched in pain. Crimson drops from the purest source fell to kiss the earth.
“Kagome okaa-san! Iie!” Little Shippou screamed when he saw Naraku's actions. The rest of the group was unable to extract Kagome from his grasp since their attacks would harm her further.
`Gomen nasai minna. I must kill him now or all our lives will be forfeit. I love you all.' Kagome closed her pain-clouded eyes and reached inside herself for her well of power. The warmth of her power spread through her. Unknown to those present, Kagome had been training her powers with Miroku and Sesshomaru. She lifted her arms and to everyone's surprise, hugged Naraku tightly.
Naraku's eyes widened in surprise as his skin began to burn. A silver-pink glow enveloped the miko and spread to cover Naraku. Naraku pushed futilely at Kagome to get her to release him from her hold. The light flared and Naraku's scream could be heard. When the glow dissipated, Naraku was but a pile of ashes. Inuyasha rushed forward and gathered Kagome's limp figure to his chest. Anguish flooded his heart as he felt her heart beat slower.
“Kagome…aishiteru. Don't die. Onegai koishii. I need you.” Tears fell from his golden eyes to caress her face. Her hand lifted gently and stroked his cheek.
“Don't cry, Inuyasha. I want you to be happy. Live for me. Take care of Shippou, okay? Sango, Kaede, Kirara, Shippou, the villagers, they all need you. I'll wait for you forever koi. Aishiteru.” She coughed and a trickle of blood ran down her chin.
Shippou, Sango, and Kirara crowded around Kagome. Regardless of the blood on her stomach, Shippou clung to her. “Okaa-san.” Shippou cried harder when he felt her stroke his head in a comforting manner. Sango held onto Kirara as both sobbed in sorrow. Another friend and family member was dying and they could do nothing to prevent it.
As Kagome drew her last breath, the two pieces of the Shikon fused together and dissolved into her body. Before their eyes, Kagome and the tama vanished. As death stole her away, a glow circled the rosary around Inuyasha's neck before the rosary vanished. Inuyasha reached to grasp the fading bond and moaned when he was unable to. He collapsed onto his knees and cried, his head thrown back in sorrow. “Kagome!” His tortured cry was heard for miles, striking the hearts of all. Off in the western lands, a mighty taiyoukai bowed his head, a single tear making its way down his face. In a cave behind a waterfall, the wolf prince curled up with his wolves and howled to the sky at the loss. Far in a distant village, a large, kind hanyou burst into tears as he worked in his garden. They all knew the meaning of such a cry. They all knew from whom the sound came from. And they all mourned the loss of the beautiful, kind, innocent, and pure miko, Kagome.
After a week of sitting statue-still where Kagome had fallen, Inuyasha finally moved from his spot. He made his way toward the well, hoping he could pass even without the rosary. A lump formed in his throat as he imagined Kagome walking toward the well to go home, a smile on her face. Unknown to him, the rosary was slowly appearing around his neck once more.
“Where am I? Is this heaven?” She glanced around her in confusion. She could see the sky ranging around her and Tokyo below her. `Why am I floating in the sky?! Okay girl, get it together now. Let's see. I died, so I'm a ghost?'
“Bingo!” Kagome jumped in the air and spun around. “Hello. My name is Botan. I'm here to bring you to Reikai.” The blue haired girl sitting on an oar chirped happily as she spoke with the dead miko.
“Um…who are you?”
“Oh…silly me. I'm the lady of death. I bring spirits to the spirit world. Koenma-sama, the prince of Reikai, ordered me to bring you to him. He has a proposition for the Guardian of the Shikon-no-tama.”
“Ano…okay.” Botan motioned for Kagome to grab hold of the oar. In moments, they were within Koenma's office.
“Koenma sir, I've brought her.”
“Thank you Botan, that is all.” Koenma sat back facing Kagome. “You have done well in disposing of Naraku, guardian of the Shikon. I have a proposition for you.” He paused for a moment and then continued. “I would like you to become a spirit detective.”
A/N: Hello! This is the first chapter to my Hiei/Kag/Inu. If you don't like threesomes, please don't read. If there are any problems, concerns, suggestions, please notify me. I hope you will enjoy this tale. ^___^