InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wish I May ❯ Completion ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: OK, some of you may have been reading my older, Untitled story that was also a YYH/IY x-over. I read back on it and was really unhappy with it, so I'm starting over. Well, I kept the first 2 paragraphs from the Untitled fic... all else is pretty much new. Hope you enjoy. I am going to try and keep updates regular. Sorry for the short first chapter, the others will probably be much longer.
Let me know what you think, constructive criticism is appreciated!

Chapter 1  

I wish I may, I wish I might
Have this wish I wish tonight
I want that star, I want it now
I want it all and I don't care how  

Kagome awoke to the feel of a soft mattress and warm, comfortable blankets and smiled to herself and curled deeper into the nest of blankets. She was startled into full wakefulness though by a small yip coming from her side. Sitting bolt upright, she yanked to covers off the bed, revealing a small kitsune kit.  

“Shippo!” Kagome gasped in relief, then her memories from the day before came back to her. She had wished on the Jewel. She remembered.    


Kagome watched, horrified, as one by one her friends began to fall to Naraku and his demon horde. InuYasha was one of the first to go. As he was focusing on his Kaze no Kizu attack, a tentacle emerged through his chest, dragging his heart with it. The organ seemed to try and continue beating for a few seconds before InuYasha crumpled to the ground.

Sango and Miroku were fighting back to back in an attempt to protect each other. Naraku knew her weakness and sent Kohaku to her, swinging his blade with blank eyes. As the group feared, Sango was defenseless against him, she glanced to the houshi but he was busy with a group of demons. Unwilling to harm her brother, Sango blocked his attacks as he wore her energy down. He saw his opening and struck. As she fell Miroku caught her descent in the corner of his vision and it was all the opportunity that the demon he was battling needed.

Kagome had long accepted InuYasha's rejection of her love, though she still cared for him as a friend, but Sango and Miroku, her brother and sister of this time, their deaths sent her into a place in her mind she had never been before. In a way she saw nothing, she was blinded by her sadness, and yet, the battle slowed and everything took on such detail. She was numb with grief. She refused to die. She saw Sesshoumaru still in the fight, she though of Rin, she could not lose her Lord. Shippo could not lose Kagome, she was all he had left now. The void that the numbness created in her began to fill with energy, a glowing, pulsating, vibrant energy, it swirled with colours and as it grew it became the blinding pink purity of her Miko powers.

The energy began to hurt, but she knew it was not right yet. Her purification powers strained and pulled for release, the demons around called it out, it wanted to feed, to tear their souls from their body and incinerate their bodies. Kagome was horrified by the violence of such supposedly pure energy. The thought was abandoned as it all became too much and the white-pink power spilled forth, rushing over the field like a tidal wave, pouring into the demons and purifying them.

Somehow the energy directed itself over Sesshoumaru, soaking into him instead a healing power. Kagome watched as the arm InuYasha took from him was restored before her eyes, the various wounds acquired in this battle disappeared. A cry of anger and anguish tore through the air. Naraku. Her gaze snapped to him as she focused the strength of her power on destroying him. The pink energy was suddenly drawn to him, descending like a starving predator upon his hideous form. The energy squeezed into his body through every orifice, every pore, into his very cells and in mere seconds, Naraku was no more.

Kagome could not move. Vaguely she sensed the rest of the jewel growing closer, and finally Sesshoumaru entered her field of vision. He knelt in front of her, ripping the shards from around her neck. Kagome's eyes widened in shock as she watched him add the remaining shards to the glass vial she always carried wit her. He clasped her hand in his, gently forcing her fist to unclench and placed the vial of shards in her hands, re-closing her fingers around it.

Sensing the Jewel was finally collected, the purification energies that had been released withdrew back to Kagome suddenly, knocking her onto her back as the Jewel's light seemed go glow from beneath her skin, seemingly consuming her as it sent her on to continue her Path in her own time.


"Oh, Shippo." She curled herself around him protectively.

"Okaa-san." he clutched at Kagome's uniform top, burying his nose into her stomach and breathing her scent to reassure himself. "I was so scared for you."

"I'm here now Shippo, we are safe now."

And she drifted to sleep, exhausted and aching both phsically and mentally from the battle.