InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wish I May ❯ Who Are We Waiting For? ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 7

Kagome returned home with Shippo, both moved more slowly than usual, due to the day's events.

'Wow, Sesshoumaru has a mate... and a daughter. There really are youkai still alive.' Kagome's head was spinning with all the new information. She had always assumed that youkai had died out and all the ones that she encountered previously in her time were due to the fact that she was still completing the Jewel.

'And Keiko knows all about youkai then! Finally, someone that won't think I'm crazy.' She sighed in relief. She had felt so burdened with her knowledge. Alone in knowing the truth about the past and youkai.

'Shippo will be able to find a mate eventually.' She added to her thoughts. She had hardly thought about it before, but if there really weren't youkai anymore... Shippo would have been alone. She would have grown old and died, leaving Shippo alone in a world full of humans that knew nothing about him.

Sighing, she remembered she had promised to call Keiko.

"What?" A very rude and irritated voice answered. Yususke.

"Is Keiko there? This is Kagome."

"The miko." Kagome gritted her teeth at his words. What was so hard about saying her name? She heard another voice in the background, a loud thump, and then Keiko's voice.

"Hello Kagome!" Someone was happy to hear from her, at least.

"Hi Keiko. Sorry it is so late, I was at Kai's all day."

"I'm just so glad you called back, Kagome. I was so worried that the boys had scared you off."

"No, no, I'm used to it." Kagome replied, thinking of InuYasha's behavior. "And besides, I am so happy that you know all about youkai! If I let anything slip before people would think I'm crazy."

"Yeah, I know what you mean." Keiko said, thinking of all the times she had to bite her tongue about what Yusuke was up to. "So how have you been? We need to get together again, now that this is all sorted out." Keiko continued. Kagome heard protesting in the background in the form of Yusuke's voice muttering something about Koenma.

"Oh, I'm okay, I had training today with Kai. Its going to be so tough. And Sesshoumaru-sama brought his daughter and some of her friends to play with Shippo."

"Who's Sesshoumaru?"

"Oh, a youkai I used to know." Kagome brushed the question off. "I didn't know that Kai knew him. Small world, huh?"

"Really." Both girls paused, wondering how their lives had never seemed to come together despite all their similarities.

"Hey, what are you doing tonight?" Keiko asked, cutting into Kagome's reflection.

"Oh, nothing, why?"

"Would you like to come over? You can bring Shippo if you want, he's so adorable!"

"Sure!" Kagome was relieved that Shippo was invited along, her mother had just barely kept the house together after watching the kit last time. She was very good with the boy, but he was fast and curious. And there were a lot of interesting things at the shrine. She was hoping the boy would be more calm today after all the exercise he had playing with the other youkai children at Kai's.

"Great, do you want to meet me here at 6?"

"Sounds good, we'll be there!" Kagome hung up the phone and glanced at the clock. 5:30. "Oh... poo. Come on, Shippo!" Kagome poked her head into the kitchen. "Mama, Shippo and I are going to Keiko's."

She took Shippo's hand as they hurried in the direction of Keiko's house.


Yusuke grumbled to himself as he, Kuwabara, Hiei, and Kurama stood in Koenma's office.

"Well, whaddya want?!" Yusuke shouted. Koenma looked up from his papers and glared at the boy.

"We have to wait. He should be here soon. I told him I could deliver the message, but he insisted that since this group consists of youkai also that he deliver the message." He looked back to the mound of paperwork on his desk.


"Yusuke, can you not simply speak at a normal volume?"

Kurama and Hiei's gaze quickly shot toward the office door, where the handle had begun to turn.

'Now, that feels familiar from somewhere....' Youko thought aloud.

'Then I want no part in it.' Kurama snapped back at him.

The door opened to reveal a tall, handsome, silver haired Inu youkai. He took a moment to stare down his nose at each member of the room, including Koenma.

"Koenma has informed me his team has gone sniffing where their noses do not belong." Sesshoumaru's voice was low and calculated, but it seemed to boom across the room. "You are to stay away from the miko Kagome and her kit. She is no longer your assignment to follow."

"Who're you?" Yusuke blurted.

'Ah... he's going to be killed one of these days.'

"This Sesshoumaru need not explain himself. Nor should you need me to identify myself to you, if you had any sense." Sesshoumaru's glare got more intense. It was true though. The youkai was clearly the strongest of them and exuded power and dominance.

'He's an idiot.' Kurama was stunned that even Yusuke could not sense Sesshoumaru-sama's power. But then knowing Yusuke, perhaps it only spurred him on.

"Well, thats gonna be a hard order to follow. My girlfriend, Keiko, decided they're best friends. She's at Keiko's now, I think."

'She's ours, he can't make us stay away.' Youko whined.

Sesshoumaru stared down at Yusuke, considering the boy. Kurama could swear that were it not for the famous Taiyoukai's control and current occupation in managing the worlds, Yusuke would probably have been dead.
"Very well. Your Keiko may be her companion, but you are to keep her out of all business concerning Maikai and Reikai." Sesshoumaru added a pointed glare in Koenma's direction for good measure.

Yusuke and Koenma nodded their understanding.

Then Sesshoumaru looked directly at Kurama.

"And you would do best not to let her see your ears or tails." He told the kitsune with the slightest glint of amusement in his eyes before he left the office.

"There! now you can go, Yusuke! I don't have anything for you right now, so get out of my way so I can finish this paperwork."

"Don't haveta ask me twice!" Yusuke said as he stepped through the portal Botan made for them. The rest of the group followed behind him.


Kurama emerged through the portal to find himself in Keiko's house with an arguing Yusuke and Keiko, and Kagome watching on, fascinated with their interaction. Hiei and Kuwabara emerged behind him. Hiei was gone in a blink of an eye, and Kuwabara managed to excuse himself, saying something about leaving Yusuke and Keiko to work things out. Kurama hesitated for a second, unsure of himself, and that was all it took.

Youko managed to surface enough to go seat their body, rather closely, next to Kagome.

'Youko! Stop it! Let go!'

'Now, now, you agreed to help me on this one. Don't worry, I won't do anything you wouldn't want me to do.' Youko shushed his counterpart.

'How could I even begin to think something like that?' Kurama asked him sarcastically. But after a few more shoves to try and regain control, he contented himself to sit back and watch.

If Youko wanted the girl so badly, he couldn't screw things up too badly or he'd loose her. Or she'd kill them.

Thanks for the reviews guys!

Hopefully this was OK, I'm trying to liven it up/give it some direction... I'm getting there.