InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wish I May ❯ Appearances ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 8

'Wait, did I just think Youko couldn't screw things up too badly with a human miko?' Kurama thought to himself. 'Of course he can, she's a human miko and he's a perverted kitsune youkai!' Kurama threw himself back into fighting for the control of his body, mentally beating his fists against the barriers Youko had set against him.

Youko looked over at Kagome, the only change physically apparent was his golden eyes replacing Kurama's bright green gaze. He was surprised, however, to see that Kagome was still watching Yusuke and Keiko fight. And she was smiling wistfully, as if a fighting couple brought back fond memories.

"What do you find so endearing about them?" Youko asked her.

Kagome started at his deep voice and glanced over at him as if she only just realized he was there. She hesitated as she noticed his golden eyes. She narrowed her eyes as though squinting at him.

'That's weird...' She thought to herself. It seemed as though, when he moved, there was a blurring of his features, as if another person were overshadowing him.

"Uh... Oh, the way they act together, just brings back memories."

Now that she was aware of it, there seemed to be stronger bursts of blurring every now and then, most often after one of them spoke.

"Memories of what?" He prodded. He leaned in closer to her and watched intently as she scrambled for words. There was a slight blush to her cheeks in response to his closeness, but she was also puzzled.

'She senses me.' Youko was beaming.

"Someone I used to know."

"You mean InuYasha-baka." Shippo jumped up on her lap and shot a glare toward Kurama.

'So the kit is protective.' Youko observed.

'Of course he is. I doubt he would welcome a perverted youkai to bed his adopted okaa-san.' Kurama retorted.

'You say that like bedding her would be a bad thing.'

'She could kill us'

'So could Sesshoumaru-sama.' Youko attempted to distract Kurama from the tantalizing danger of Kagome's powers.

'Another reason to back off.'

The kitsune turned his attention back to Kagome and quirked an eyebrow at her in question of her kit's statement.

"Hai, Shippo." She answered the kit.

"A hanyou I used to travel with." She finally gave into Youko's questioning look.

'She traveled with a hanyou and adopted a kitsune kit. I think we can be assured she likes youkai.' Youko argued.

'She's still a miko.' Kurama grumbled.

Youko relaxed back onto the couch in a way that would have been clear that Kurama was no longer in control, had Kagome known him better.

Kagome's eyes fixed on the space right above his head, and her eyes softened.

'I think she can see me a little bit, too.' Youko was estatic.

Shippo followed her gaze and glared at Youko.

Kagome noticed Keiko and Yusuke had stopped arguing. Keiko was glaring angrily at Yusuke, her arms crossed under her breasts. Yusuke was looking expectantly at Kurama.

"Are ya comin', Kurama?"

Youko glanced toward Yusuke dismissively.

"I have far more fascinating things to occupy myself right now." He already looked back to Kagome. Yusuke expression changed as he took in his friend's relaxed posture, different voice and golden eyes.

"Oh, shit." Yusuke mouth moved but the words hardly escaped his mouth. He moved to Keiko's side protectively.

"No need to worry yourself, dectective."

"What's going on?" Kagome asked worriedly, pulling Shippo closer with one arm and instinctively bringing her free hand to her neck, where the Jewel shards once hung.

"I'll explain later, come here."

Kagome glanced between the two males and started to stand up.

A deep growl rumbled in Youko's chest.

She instinctively sat back down.

"Explain now." She demanded.

"Well, funny story..." Yusuke began trying to think of ways to simply explain how his friend was actually two people. He wasn't sure how far it went, but he knew Youko could be dangerous and Kurama was careful to stay in charge unless the situation was incredibly life-threatening.

"Okaa-san, I want to go home." Shippo whined, yawning for good measure.

'Oh, the kit is clever.' Youko grinned inwardly.

"I'll escort you." Youko shot the kit a smug look and rose to his feet fluidly to offer a hand to help Kagome to her feet. She glanced in Yusuke's direction but he had a helpless look on his face.

Taking a deep breath, Kagome placed her hand in Youko's and let him pull her to her feet and lead her out the door.


"What... just happened in there?" Kagome asked him, her voice quiet and submissive. She knew she was dealing with a youkai now and she wasn't going to take any chances that he didn't have the same morals as Sesshoumaru-sama in the Sengoku Jidai.

"I do apologize, I am Youko, Youko Kurama. I believe that you have met my counterpart, Suichi, though he's taken to calling himself Kurama."

Kagome stared at him, dumbfounded. 'A youkai with multiple personalities? Oh, Kami, please, spare me. Why do I always have to deal with crazy ones?"

"Oh..." She struggled for words. "I'm Higurashi Kagome."

Youko grinned at her.

"Pleased to formally meet you, Kagome" He raised her hand to his mouth like he had seen in the western movies Kurama watched. He touched the tip of his tongue against the top of her hand, tasting her skin.

'Mmm, now remember that.' Youko told Kurama. The kitsune delighted in the startled zap of power he received from Kagome at the gesture.

'Stop it, did you feel that? She will purify us!'

Youko was really starting to throw himself fully into the control, instead of just suppressing Kurama.

Kagome notice the blurring became more extreme and she could almost make out the features of the secondary image. She looked harder, squinting at the blurriness of what she was seeing.

'Ow, that hurts my eyes... Oooh. I think I'm going to be sick.' Looking at someone that was just blurry, while the rest of the world made sense, hurt. It hurt her eyes. and it made her stomach drop.

"Stop it! You're making me sick." She groaned.

'First time I heard that.' Kurama laughed at Youko's ability to make the girl ill.

"Sick?" Youko questioned her, a bemused smile on his lips.

"All that blurring, it really hurts my eyes."

"I am performing no illusion."

"Well, whatever you are doing, stop it." Kagome snapped, looking at her feet as she walked instinctively toward home. If she looked at his blurring form again, she feared she really would be sick. People just aren't blurry. It's not how the world works.

'She wants me back.' Kurama prodded Youko further.

'No, she wants me to be clearer, idiot.' The kitsune sneered at his human counterpart.

'No way, you can't. This is Ningenkai!'

'We are near her home, which is surrounded by woods. And if the scents of youkai around here are any clue, her home's inhabitants are quite used to youkai.'

'I won't let you.' Kurama declared and threw himself doubly hard into regaining control. For a few seconds it was a battle of wills, and then Kurama won out.

The blurring was gone, and he looked at her with eyes that were once more that beautiful shade of green, but now there was just a bit of gold in them, like looking up through a canopy of leaf-festooned trees on a sunny day. And she could swear that there were some silver strands in his previously red head of hair.

"My apologies, Higurashi-sama. It is not often that happens." Kurama dropped his eyes from her gaze in apology, and shame that he was so weak to let Youko get so far. "He was warned to let you be."

"Oh." Was her reply. This was just too much for her to contemplate in depth at the moment.

Sensing the change in the other male, Shippo relaxed and studied him closely. The older kitsune had wanted to mate his Okaa-san. That was not okay with him, he had managed to keep her and there was no way he was about to give her up to some weirdo youkai from her time so easily. There was something weird going on with this youkai though. Other than the obvious. The kit sensed that it was a kitsune illusion, no matter what the other male claimed, he could sense the foxfire hidden in it.

A/N: Ok... so yea. I really am getting around the... um... actual story? lol. I know its slow going, I just don't want to rush it. It feels like so much until it all gets stretched out to half the pages here on