InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Hanyou's Thoughts ❯ chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A Hanyou's Thoughts 2
By: Neo Staff
*sigh* Has no one ever even seen Inuyasha? Hello people!!! There is more than one hanyou in the whole damned show! And I didn't make it to hard to figure out! I thought everyone would get it when they read the last bit of it! Either you're all really dense, or my writing has gotten worse…and if that's the case, that my writing is worse, I'm gonna stop writing all together! *sigh* Sorry, pissed off right now…I just a few reviews from someone, and some of them sort of pissed me off.
“Enough, Kanna, I have seen all that I want.” The little white girl cleared the mirror and stayed quiet. “If she still wants to waste her life with those people and she wants me dead still, she shall have to die herself. Prepare for the attack. But do not harm her yet. I want to give her a chance to come to me…”
And Now:
`We shall have to surprise them,' the hanyou thought. `If we do not, they will win. Surprise is best.'
He turned a corner in the temple and smiled at the grousem sight before him. There, on the floor, where the monks that had once owned the temple. They had fought…yeah…like that had helped.
`Such small people,' the hanyou thought. `Why did they even try? It did them no good.' He thought for a moment and the smile grew. `But it was fun to seem them squirm.'
He turned another corner and found Kagura leaning against the wall.
“You're late.” She said. “What took you?”
The hanyou only smiled and entered into the room she was by. She followed and a moment later Kanna to entered and sat in front of the hanyou.
“Show me her,” he said.
Kanna concentrated for a moment and then an image appeared on the surface of her mirror. That image was Kagome.
`Beautiful,' he thought. `Perfect, in every way. And yet still not mine. She will be, though, or she shall die.'
The hanyou nodded and the image cleared. He was once again looking at a blank mirror.
Kanna looked up at the hanyou and said, “What would you have us do, Master Naraku?”
A/N: Ok, now that we have that cleared up, will you stop asking me who the hell the hanyou is? Ok, thank you very much, this is a crappy chapter, I know it, and you'll get more crappy chapters until I'm out of this stupid hospital. Not me that's sick, tell you people over IM, kk? Anyways, I'll update my other stories as soon as I can, ok?
Love ya all, kk? Now stop yelling at me!!
Neo Staff (Nene)