InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Mapped Life ❯ A Mapped Life: Chapter 1: We will talk about it over dinner... ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I DO NOT OWN Inuyasha or the Crew, Rumiko Takahashi does. But I do own my original characters.

Know without further Adue here is the first installment of ¨A Mapped Life¨

A Mapped Life:

Dear Diary:

Today Han otou-san took me to the park, we played on the swings and he brought me ice cream. It was nice to be able to see him after his long business trip. I turn ten years old tomorrow; otou said that he will send me to a good school now that he finally got me accepted. He said that it´s overseas and that I will get a better education. He also said that I need to learn English, because when I am older I am going to need to speak it. Well now Maeko-san is calling me down to dinner. I will write soon.

Love Izayoi

¨Iza-san! Iza-san! Come down to dinner, it´s not everyday you get to share the table with your father! ¨

Maeko Hirota, her nanny hollered up the wide staircase leading to her room. Iayois´ father looked down on the household staff calling her sister, or friend, he rather them call her Lady or Madame Izayoi, but ¨Iza-san¨ as she rather be called, at a early age of ten rather be addressed by anything but Lady, such mannerism still made her feel as she were playing house with Maeko – her nanny, Kimie – her daughter, Joseph-san her English teacher, Honoo – the cook, Yasou – the housekeeper, and Hyougo - the butler.

Maeko knocked on her door, and rattled the doorknob. Iza just laughed to herself and locked her diary.

Although the house was considered one of the finest in all of Okinawa, her father Han Tokugawa, thrived to have an extension built into the house, styled after a Western House, being sort of a living quarters for the English tutor Joseph Taylor, and Izayoi, just to make the transition from oriental to American easier for her, since after her mother died at an early age of six, he got the crazy idea to send her overseas to be taught as an American.

Maeko just ignored his comments harsh and demanding as they were, and insisted on letting Izayoi turn at least ten before sending her elsewhere to be schooled.

A chime wrung of in the corridor signaling that her father was sitting and waiting for her at the dinner table. Izayoi jumped off her bed, tripped on the rug, and stood up clumsily, Maeko knocked on the door again and called for a set of keys from Yasou; Iza ran to the door and opened it, gracing Maeko with a crooked smile, while she twiddled with her pigtails.

¨Iza-san, are you ready to go down to dinner? Your father is waiting, remember you must not keep him waiting…¨ Maeko rambled as she looked Izayoi over, ¨Dear girl, and what in Kami-sama´s sweet earth is that hairstyle?¨

Iza scrunched up her nose and replied ¨Why they´re pigtails of course! I´m sure papa Han will love them! ¨

She pulled Maekos ´arm and ran down the corridor, straight down the stairs, into the parlor and burst through the dinning room doors.
¨Konbanwa Han otou-san! ¨ She called as she ran up to her father and hugged him lovingly around the neck giving him a big, noisy peck on the cheek.

¨Good evening dear daughter, but I must say that I do not like you running around and jumping too and fro like that.¨

Izayoi settled on her chair on the right hand side of her father and unfolded the paisley printed napkin into her lap. Han observed his daughter out the corner of his eye, his lovely nine year-old daughter was wearing pigtails, a jean skirt a purple and white stripped tube top and matching socks. Han corked an eyebrow at her less than ladylike attire, clearing his thought as Honoo filled his crystalline cup with water.

¨Well my dear Izayoi, I see that you are taking after American culture just fine, just where did you get inspired in such original style? ¨

Iza raised her head and granted her father with the biggest smile he saw that week, ¨Why Pippy Long stockings of course daddy Han!¨

¨Very good Izayoi, prefect pronunciation! I believe you are ready to go to the Elizabethan Institute for Ladies already! Oh, it´s going to be so educational for you there will be English and history, and literature class, I´m sure you will enjoy it my girl! ¨ He said as he propped his hand on her shoulder.

Iza lowered her eyes to her hands, which now were clutching the napkin in her lap, ¨yes of course otou-san how could I forget the Elizabethan Institute? You have been talking about it since I turned seven.¨

¨Oh Izayoi, cheer up, for a young lady being sent off to learn at the best educational institute of this time you seem so sad, what´s wrong my dear?¨ he said as he raised her chin with his index finger. Izayoi blinked back the tears that were threatening to fall, as she mumbled back ¨I´m just sad about being so far away from Han otou-san, I am afraid of being away from home, I´ll miss otou-san and Maeko, and Kimie, that´s all daddy Han.¨

Iza swallowed the lump in her thought and flashed a small smile at her father. Honoo brought in a silver covered platter; he set it down in the center of the table as he uncovered it. Sweet and Sour Pork, her favorite, Jazmin Rice, green beans and carrot salad. This was what her mother used to cook when she was happy.

Madelyn okaa-san, what a pretty woman she was, with her pitch black hair, and deep violet eyes, and porcelain skin. `Izayoi looks so much like her mother when she laughs, such a mothers daughter.´ was Hans´ final thought before Honoo served dinner.

Please tell me what you think, this is my first fic, I would be grateful if you review and tell me whats up? :-)