InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Mapped Life ❯ A Mapped Life: Chapter 2: Mother Moon ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I DO NOT OWN Inuyasha or the Crew, Rumiko Takahashi does. But I do own my original characters.

Hey there! Here is chapter two, Enjoy!

A Mapped Life:

Maeko and Kimie looked gloom when Han-sama confirmed Lady Iayois´ journey.

Maeko knew that he wouldn’t give up so easily, and he had kept his promise of at least letting Izayoi turn ten, before he sent her off to Boston.

Kimie cried inconsolably but there was nothing to be done, Izayoi would leave tomorrow after breakfast on a ship half way around the world to a far of place, were they couldn’t share their experiences anymore.

Kimie cried herself to sleep that night, while Izayoi on the other hand was crouched underneath her four posted bed looking for a small heart shaped, red box.

¨Ah ha! ¨ she chanted triumphantly, ¨here it is! ¨

She pulled herself out from under her bed, then dusted of her pajama covered knees, then the dusted covered box, Iza opened the box revealing her mothers´ pictures, her engagement ring, and a lock of her hair tied with a piece of red lace. To other people owning dead peoples’ hair might be considered creepy, to Izayoi it was her mothers´ essence, and to Han it was something she should always conserve.

Rumor around the mansion was that Han wanted Izayoi gone, so he could court foreign women, and re-marry, Iza just ignored the rumors true as they might be. She reached for her suitcase, packing the most important trinkets of her life, ignoring the rest of her clothes that would be packed by the maids. Some of it was already inside the trunks that would be shipped tomorrow also.

Izayoi curled on her windowsill with a quilt, and opened the curtains, a full moon out, she felt a warm smiled creep onto her lips, `okaa-san always loved full moons, she said it always came out when she was happy, when she needed someone, when she was angry at the world…´ She hugged her knees to her chest, and laid her head on her knees.

`Okaa-san, if you can hear me now, I miss you mother, I miss you now more than ever,´ a sob escaped passed her lips as she closed her eyes, `I´m sorry mother, I promised you I wouldn’t cry, but I am, mother, I cry because I need you, and I need daddy Han, but he is sending me off to America to a boarding school, so I can learn he says, come with me okaa-san, come with me moon so I won´t feel so lonely´

Izayoi wiped her tears from her face slowly and slid off the windowsill to walk towards her bed, curling up in the center of it, with her pillow and her quilt, she wore her mother´s engagement ring on her middle finger.

Little did she know that her mother heard every word, so did the moon.

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