InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Mapped Life ❯ A Mapped Life: Chapter 3: Forget me Not ( Chapter 3 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I DO NOT OWN Inuyasha or the Crew, Rumiko Takahashi does. But I do own my original characters.
Hey there! Here is chapter three, Enjoy!
A Mapped Life:
Next morning Maeko knocked repeatedly on the door to Iza´s room.
“Iza-san get up! Open the door Iza-san! It´s late, breakfast is about to be served, the car is already here koi, Get up!”
Iza rolled over and covered her ears with the pillow. The incessant knocking didn’t go away, she mumbled some unintelligible phrases as Maeko managed to open the door and pull the warm blankets off her prone body.
“Izayoi Tokugawa, get up right now!”
Izayoi gave up trying to appear asleep, she rolled over and crawled out of bed, walked across her room into the bathroom, as Maeko drew her shower, after a quick shower, Iza walked back into her room covered in a towel to fin Maeko closing her cherry wood trunk.
“Maeko-san do you promise to take good care of Kimie while I am away?”
Maeko smiled and replied while not looking at her young mistress, “why of course my dear Iza-san, she is my daughter and as such I will take good care of her, and I will also take care of her because you want me to my koi.”
Iza slipped on her underwear, followed by her white stocking, and her petticoat, Maeko turned around holding a knee length royal blue dress adorned with white polka dots, slipping it carefully over Iza’s´ head, buttoning it up in the back, and tying the red ribbon at the waist.
Izayoi turned around inspecting herself in the full length mirror on the wall, straightening her collar, as Maeko combed out her hair, and placing the matching red headband in her hair; Iza spoke up, “Maeko-san, you wont let Kimie forget me, right?”
There was a pregnant pause. As Iza looked up directly into the mirror image of Maekos eyes, Maeko turned Iza around and hugged the girl to her chest.
“Izayoi-san I will never forget you, nor will I let Kimie forget you, even though you are not my daughter, I love you the same, Iza-san, never forget us my koi, we will be waiting.”
Izayoi wrapped her arms around Maekos´ neck and smiled, “I promise I will never forget you Mae-san not you or Kimie, as she is my sister.”
A bell signaled breakfast, was ready, they broke their hug to get ready to go downstairs.
Izayoi took her diary out from under the bed and stashed it in her leather backpack, along with her mother´s pictures, and a scarf, then turned around glancing around the room one last time then ran downstairs; towards her future, towards the most important gift a parent can give a child, a good education.
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Hey there! Here is chapter three, Enjoy!
A Mapped Life:
Next morning Maeko knocked repeatedly on the door to Iza´s room.
“Iza-san get up! Open the door Iza-san! It´s late, breakfast is about to be served, the car is already here koi, Get up!”
Iza rolled over and covered her ears with the pillow. The incessant knocking didn’t go away, she mumbled some unintelligible phrases as Maeko managed to open the door and pull the warm blankets off her prone body.
“Izayoi Tokugawa, get up right now!”
Izayoi gave up trying to appear asleep, she rolled over and crawled out of bed, walked across her room into the bathroom, as Maeko drew her shower, after a quick shower, Iza walked back into her room covered in a towel to fin Maeko closing her cherry wood trunk.
“Maeko-san do you promise to take good care of Kimie while I am away?”
Maeko smiled and replied while not looking at her young mistress, “why of course my dear Iza-san, she is my daughter and as such I will take good care of her, and I will also take care of her because you want me to my koi.”
Iza slipped on her underwear, followed by her white stocking, and her petticoat, Maeko turned around holding a knee length royal blue dress adorned with white polka dots, slipping it carefully over Iza’s´ head, buttoning it up in the back, and tying the red ribbon at the waist.
Izayoi turned around inspecting herself in the full length mirror on the wall, straightening her collar, as Maeko combed out her hair, and placing the matching red headband in her hair; Iza spoke up, “Maeko-san, you wont let Kimie forget me, right?”
There was a pregnant pause. As Iza looked up directly into the mirror image of Maekos eyes, Maeko turned Iza around and hugged the girl to her chest.
“Izayoi-san I will never forget you, nor will I let Kimie forget you, even though you are not my daughter, I love you the same, Iza-san, never forget us my koi, we will be waiting.”
Izayoi wrapped her arms around Maekos´ neck and smiled, “I promise I will never forget you Mae-san not you or Kimie, as she is my sister.”
A bell signaled breakfast, was ready, they broke their hug to get ready to go downstairs.
Izayoi took her diary out from under the bed and stashed it in her leather backpack, along with her mother´s pictures, and a scarf, then turned around glancing around the room one last time then ran downstairs; towards her future, towards the most important gift a parent can give a child, a good education.
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