InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Mapped Life ❯ A Mapped Life: Chapter 5: Stumble along now... ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I DO NOT OWN Inuyasha or the Crew, Rumiko Takahashi does. But I do own my original characters.

“I can´t believe it! Just four chapters and 105 page views! YAY! “

*does victory dance on end zone hand in hand with pink fluffy plot bunny*

Well then, even though some of you who read it, rather not leave a review, at least you took your time to read it, which is what makes me happy; I just want to say that I go for quality not quantity, and even though my chapters are short, I feel that I do get my point across, I think that as the story develops, my chapters will increase in size. This project is something I started just a week ago, when I was reading through the wide selection of fan fiction available on media miner, I saw that they are not many stories that have to do with Izayoi’s´ life, and since I did not want to plagiarize anybody, nor tell the same story again, here is something “Alternate Universe,” that I know everybody will grow to love, or at least read once. ;-9 *smirks in anticipation*

I have a special Announcement! Hats off to “Cool Beans” my first reviewer, I appreciate it greatly you took your time to leave a review, this idea has been floating around in my head for months now, but it was not until now that I finally decided to put it on paper. I hope you follow up with my fic, I do think it´s going to get interesting. *Winks*

And now, on with the story!

A Mapped Life:

After the captains´ announcement, Izayoi smiled and ran the rest of the way down the hall, cutting the time she would take to arrive at their cabin, running straight across the leisure deck, where people ran laps around the track, or played tennis in the reserved courts, a few were bathing in the pool also.

Izayoi ran on the path between the tennis courts and the pool, then out of nowhere a yellow ball came shooting out from over the safety net, knocking Izayoi off balance and causing her to push a man with what looked like a silver wig face first into the pool, she caught hold of the ladder poll before falling in, mumbling a discrete “gomen” before running like a bat out of hell, missing the only what one could describe as light amber observing her.

`Moments before´

Toga Inu no Taisho, chat leisurely with one of his business partners, how happened to be moving to the Americas also, Kenichii was one of his long youth friends, once they grew up the kept the friendship undercover, due to industrial spies, and risk of rumors spreading about partnership between both Industrial Companies, while Kenichii was the son of the wealthiest Textile and Construction Organization tycoon in Kyoto, Toga was son to the last Demon Lord in Japan, of course other Youkai still lived on the planet, modern culture confusing their species as “alien” or “a figment of the imagination” or other people using them as ideas or models to make money off of, what you never thought “a man who could receive a bullet to his head ad still be alive was human right?”

Ken InuTaisho, Toga´s father, and previous `Inu no Taisho´, was also a business man, also being as ancient as Dragons, he lived through the “Oil fever” in the middle east, discovering his own magnanimous supply of the black gold himself, he was pronounced Japans´ Oil Tycoon, and the Yakuza´s rival in a very short period of time.

After his reign as Inu no Taisho was over, Ken passed on the family legacy, and honor to his only living son, Toga, and after his death he left him with the greatest Oiling Empire on the planet, business contracts to fill, and money to spend.

Toga having to keep the legacy of the `Inu no Taisho´ alive, had to produce an heir before his 300th birthday, if anything were to happen to him, he would leave somebody to fill his spot. Thus explaining how Lora Takashi came to occupy the role as wife, to Toga but not his mate, Thank God, what a tragedy that would have been.

Kenichii´s tennis partner Kentaro, arrived with a cylinder of new balls to start their warm up, using the wall as opponents they served and parried, loosing concentration as the captain made his daily announcement over the loud speaker.

Toga ushered Lora who had just arrived at the deck, towards the rectangular pool in the middle of the wide area, to practice her Lamaze exercises, being pregnant and due in a month, any time soon.

Toga sat on the edge of the pool as Lora swam a slow lap around the pool, picking up the muffled cheers and curses as Kentaro missing a par issued by Kenichii and vice versa.

Suddenly a little girl with porcelain skin, pitch black hair and violet eyes came running though the court. Kenichii missing a par again saw her and yelled for her to stop or get out of the way, for he and Kentaro were also Inu youkai and the par he missed was going a good 10 mph, with the sweat they worked up and all. He knew that if the girl got hit by it, she was in for a good concussion or severe head trauma.

The girl oblivious to it all kept running into the line of impact of the first tennis ball, being missing by only a hair, she tripped on something and was hit by the second one in the back, stumbling onto Toga, pushing him into the pool, but she managed to grab onto the pool´s stair poll before falling in.

Toga was startled out of his revere by a light weight pushing him into the pool face first, when he turned around pealing his silver forelocks off his face he managed to hear a mumbled “gomen” and before being able to look directly at her, she tore off straight for the hall that lead to first class.

Toga combed his mane back with his claws, raising a hand trying to call the girls attention with a “hey you” only managing to scare the girl into running faster, rubbing his palm over his face he observed her, and recalled her eyes, `what a pretty little girl, lavender eyes…´

Kenichii ran over and helped Toga out of the pool his white shirt and slacks clinging to his frame, Lora came swimming up moments later, and as Kenichii also helped her out of the pool, Toga didn´t miss her crude comments about it all.

“Inu, can´t you even keep dry the right way? Oh, what a clumsy father my son will have. Move out of the way will you, I can´t get out of the pool! Kenichii get your ass over here and help me out you mutt!”

Toga took his shirt off and wringed it out in the pool, grunting as Lora bubbled with arrogance, `why did I have to look for a bitch so arrogant to be whom to my heir?´ Toga huffed in frustration and grabbed Lora by the braid she had combed her blue-grey hair into, “Now listen, and listen good, you are not my mate, only a wife, which has no right over me, we were married for me to keep my son, and give him my name, after he is born and weaned off your milk, we divorce and you get your money, and I keep my son, do you understand you pathetic excuse for a bitch?”

Lora narrowed her green eyes into dangerous lime green slits, she raised her lip showing her fangs growling in warning, that she wasn´t liking his way of jerking her around at all, Toga seeing this pulled her harder by the nape, commanding her into submission. Lora fell silent as she saw red creep into the corners of his white pupils.

“Good, at least your father showed you when to submit, so now you know not to mix mans´ law with Youkai law, right?”

Lora blinked and lowered her head, cursing vividly under her breath, as why she had accepted the Dog Lords deal in the first place.

“Well now, silence bitch you are making me cross! Go up to your cabin, I’ve had enough of you for today!”

Kenichii lead Lora by the arm up the stairs leading to second deck first class, as Toga looked over his shoulder at the stairs where the girl had disappeared to, and again his thoughts invaded his mind, `what a pretty little girl, lavender, lavender eyes…´

Please Read & Review, I would Greatly Appreciate It! Hugs and "eshys" Kisses for all, Pinkit!