InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Mapped Life ❯ A Mapped Life: Chapter 7: Realizing the truth of the people we think we know... ( Chapter 7 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I DO NOT OWN Inuyasha or the Crew, Rumiko Takahashi does. But I do own my original characters.
A/N: “136 page views in 2 days, Woot! Still one review though, that’s O.K. the more page views I get I know I must be doing something right, for you to keep reading right? Right? “
*shows a wacky torture device at pink fluffy plot bunny*
“I have named my plot bunny `Pedro´ (LOL) so you just sit back and enjoy reading while I make `Pedro´ talk”
*an evil laugh is heard in the room as `Pedro´ quivers in fear*
“Don´t mind the ruckus in here we are just playing, oh and there is chapter seven, hope you enjoy reading it, See you all Later!”
A Mapped Life:
Izayoi woke up again, remembering she still had to write a letter for Kimie, to be able to drop it off at the post office booth tomorrow; she used what she had brought that afternoon. This is what the letter read:
Dear Kimie,
Hello sister, how are you? I am fine, we are still aboard the ship, and I am dropping a line since, we are at half the way of the trip. I promised I would write. Say hello to everyone for me, tell them I miss them, tell Maeko I love her. Oh, and daddy Han has not lost a single minute, he has already gone and closed numerous thousand dollar contracts. I love you sister, take care of yourself, I will write once I know the address so you can write me back.
Love Izayoi
Izayoi folded the letter, and put it in the envelope, writing the address on the outside in English, and taking the sheet of stamps with her until she was at the post booth so she could ask how many were need to send a letter to Okinawa, Japan.
She hid the letter in the right pocket of the dress she would wear tomorrow; she stashed the dress in the closet, and went to sleep.
Later that night Han brought a woman to his room, convincing her to join him in bed, only to make her sound as if he were torturing her. Iza was about to stand up and knock on her father’s door, when suddenly the noise stopped, there was a grunt, the bed sounded, then footsteps, and the front door shutting.
The sloppy footsteps followed outside in the hall after her father shut the door and turned the locks, securing the cabin. Then he walked to his room falling asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.
That night Izayoi had a hard time falling asleep, repeating the noises she just heard in her head, she silently vowed to never be the other woman to any man, the other woman he could throw out in the middle of the night after he had his way with her.
Izayoi went to sleep that night crying for the strange woman that had the foul luck to fall grasp of her father’s filthy hands.
That night Iza tossed and turned in bed trying to fall asleep again, with her mothers´ memory occupying her mind, and her name on her lips, `Madelyn okaa-san, did you also suffer while you were at my father’s side? Did he also throw you out in the middle of the night when he met you? Or was he different before? How much did you have to suffer just to stay at my side mother? Were you happy? ´
Next morning Izayoi woke up to the sound of her father retching repeatedly in his bathroom. She made quick work of showering and dressing up in a bright yellow sundress, and combed her hair up in pigtails, adorning them with yellow ribbons; she put the stamps and letter, inside her backpack. Then she walked into her father´s room, yelling over his retching, “daddy Han, I´m going out for breakfast, do you want me to bring you something back, should I call room service for you?”
Han´s body trembled, as he retched again, then he raised a hand and shooed her away, as he nodded no, she shrugged, and ran out of the cabin, into the hall, up the main stairs and pushed her way through the large crowd to get to the post booth, she asked the person in charge the amount of stamps needed, sticking a full sheet of strawberry shortcake stamps on it quickly, and then she handed in the envelope, seeing it placed inside a large leather duffle bag in the corner of the booth, she then walked towards the first class café, to have some `Continental Breakfast´
Iza sat a two seat table, ordering hotcakes strawberry jam and sausage, with a large glass of orange juice; she ate silently observing the vast blue sea. A shiver ran up her spine, and she put her glass down, to run her hands up and down her arms to get rid of the goosebumps, she remembered her mothers´ wise words, “since living in Japan, one seems to run into youkai on a daily basis, you must know how to identify them my dear daughter, we Ikedas´ seem to be able to feel them near, our family descending from a long line of kings and queens and warlords, were trained in this art, and you my dear have potential, so every time you feel this sensation run up your spine, a very powerful youkai is near, remember this because it will be important for your survival.”
Izayoi kept rubbing her arms, as she looked over her shoulder to where she felt the source was coming from, her violet eyes clashing with what one only could describe as the lightest shade of honey could exist. “Almost as if they were liquid gold”
Izayoi eyed the youkai for a second then she remembered where she had seen him, `he is that guy I stumbled into at the pool! ´
Said guy had taken a seat at his table with a woman that also seemed to be youkai, they ordered their meal, and he stood up, he approached her table and Izayoi tried to slide out of her chair.
Toga lead Lora by the arm into the Café for breakfast, she was on her last days of pregnancy, and such time was very crucial for the health of the baby, he had kept her close the past few hours, being strict on her eating every meal, and a good balance of meat and fruit.
They sat at their table and he ordered both of their meals, he felt someone’s´ eyes on him, which was not odd since not many people were used to seeing a silver haired, golden eyed man, walking amongst them day to day.
He turned to look behind him, his eyes searching for the person that was watching him, his gold eyes meeting violet, as he abruptly stood up, and approached the table where the girl from the other day was sitting alone at.
He stood next to her table and arched a delicate brow as he bowed. “Well hello miss…?”
Izayoi blinked out of her revere, and answered his question, “Ohayo kind sir, please address me as Tokugawa-sama.” She said bowing her head in a ladylike manner, finally those etiquette lesions her father had made her take were starting to pay off.
Toga answered in perfect Japanese, “Lady Ne? And so young, tell me Lady Tokugawa, don´t you think it is rude to assume that somebody you don´t know speaks the same language as you do? By the way you haven´t even apologized for pushing me face first into the pool the other day Lady Tokugawa.”
Toga was just trying to irk her into speaking to him, Iza resembled a fish out of water, opening and closing her mouth repeatedly, `the nerve of him, to act all superior and all, just like daddy sometimes´ She observed his hair closely, and up close it didn’t look like a cheap wig at all, it was more of a comparison to expensive silk, soft and silver from the root all the way down.
Toga kneeled in front of her trying to regain her attention, but she was in some kind of trance, observing him.
Izayoi felt compelled to observe him in detail, his skin was firm and a tanned peach color, his face was boyish in nature, with a strong jaw line, and high cheekbones, what one would only call chiseled perfection. He had the most exotic youkai crests she could have ever seen, two horizontal jagged indigo lines, starting at his hairline reaching down to the middle of each cheek into the valley under the cheekbone.
This being, this creature, not human, not animal, was interesting to say the least and irked Izayoi´s curiosity to the extent that she raised her fingers to trace over the crests on Toga´s cheeks with her small nimble fingers.
Toga forgot his train of thought as if out of wonder and pure curiosity she raised her hand to run her fingers over his crests, he was hypnotized by her lavender eyes sparkling in mischief and curiosity, finally the noise of the restaurant brought him back to the present, he heard Lora holler out over the noise in an unladylike manner for him, to go and convince the waiter that se was alright, person who was stressing the point that if she was pregnant she could not have Brandy for breakfast.
Toga snapped his clawed fingers bringing the girl back from her trance, he braced her delicate wrist in his large clawed hand while he spoke, “dear Tokugawa-sama, hasn´t your mother taught you not to be touching or speaking to strangers?”
Iza was just a few breaths away from a heart attack, “Gomenasai InuTaisho-sama I didn´t mean to disrespect you so.” She scribbled her cabin number and surname on the receipt that the waitress left at the table, and rapidly extracted her hand from the man´s grasp, nicking her palm in the process, also leaving behind her mother´s scarf.
Toga closed his eyes for a moment, regaining his composure, for he would need it to deal with Lora, `Oh what I wouldn’t give to be free of her, `only after my son is born and old enough to be left under my care.´ He ran his neatly manicured hand down his face, bracing himself for the argument to come, when he smelled blood, he frowned inspecting his hand, and his face, thinking he had cut himself clumsily, taking a closer look at his index finger and the blood that run down his claw, he thought back to the girl and her small delicate hand, `did I injure her in the process of just trying to get her to listen to me? To get her to stop touching me?´ He frowned, a concerned look on his face, as Lora continued to argue with the waiter, to provide the alcohol she longed for, what an insolent, pushy, disrespect for a true Inu-bitch she was.
He stood form the abandoned table smoothing out his slacks, and removed his handkerchief from his pocket, wiping the blood from his claw, and stashed it away in his pocket. “Waiter, please bring the Lady some orange juice, it´s healthy for the baby since she is in her final trimester and is delusional, don´t pay attention to her.
Lora snorted and Toga cracked a smile, “Dam Innuo! He is my son too!”
“Shut your trap Lora, you know what we agreed on, the divorce is final after his sixth month of life, and you know it, you know you have no right over him after that time, you pathetic excuse for a pureblood bitch! So sit down and eat the goddamned breakfast right now!”
Please Read & Review! I love you all, Pinkit!
A/N: “136 page views in 2 days, Woot! Still one review though, that’s O.K. the more page views I get I know I must be doing something right, for you to keep reading right? Right? “
*shows a wacky torture device at pink fluffy plot bunny*
“I have named my plot bunny `Pedro´ (LOL) so you just sit back and enjoy reading while I make `Pedro´ talk”
*an evil laugh is heard in the room as `Pedro´ quivers in fear*
“Don´t mind the ruckus in here we are just playing, oh and there is chapter seven, hope you enjoy reading it, See you all Later!”
A Mapped Life:
Izayoi woke up again, remembering she still had to write a letter for Kimie, to be able to drop it off at the post office booth tomorrow; she used what she had brought that afternoon. This is what the letter read:
Dear Kimie,
Hello sister, how are you? I am fine, we are still aboard the ship, and I am dropping a line since, we are at half the way of the trip. I promised I would write. Say hello to everyone for me, tell them I miss them, tell Maeko I love her. Oh, and daddy Han has not lost a single minute, he has already gone and closed numerous thousand dollar contracts. I love you sister, take care of yourself, I will write once I know the address so you can write me back.
Love Izayoi
Izayoi folded the letter, and put it in the envelope, writing the address on the outside in English, and taking the sheet of stamps with her until she was at the post booth so she could ask how many were need to send a letter to Okinawa, Japan.
She hid the letter in the right pocket of the dress she would wear tomorrow; she stashed the dress in the closet, and went to sleep.
Later that night Han brought a woman to his room, convincing her to join him in bed, only to make her sound as if he were torturing her. Iza was about to stand up and knock on her father’s door, when suddenly the noise stopped, there was a grunt, the bed sounded, then footsteps, and the front door shutting.
The sloppy footsteps followed outside in the hall after her father shut the door and turned the locks, securing the cabin. Then he walked to his room falling asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.
That night Izayoi had a hard time falling asleep, repeating the noises she just heard in her head, she silently vowed to never be the other woman to any man, the other woman he could throw out in the middle of the night after he had his way with her.
Izayoi went to sleep that night crying for the strange woman that had the foul luck to fall grasp of her father’s filthy hands.
That night Iza tossed and turned in bed trying to fall asleep again, with her mothers´ memory occupying her mind, and her name on her lips, `Madelyn okaa-san, did you also suffer while you were at my father’s side? Did he also throw you out in the middle of the night when he met you? Or was he different before? How much did you have to suffer just to stay at my side mother? Were you happy? ´
Next morning Izayoi woke up to the sound of her father retching repeatedly in his bathroom. She made quick work of showering and dressing up in a bright yellow sundress, and combed her hair up in pigtails, adorning them with yellow ribbons; she put the stamps and letter, inside her backpack. Then she walked into her father´s room, yelling over his retching, “daddy Han, I´m going out for breakfast, do you want me to bring you something back, should I call room service for you?”
Han´s body trembled, as he retched again, then he raised a hand and shooed her away, as he nodded no, she shrugged, and ran out of the cabin, into the hall, up the main stairs and pushed her way through the large crowd to get to the post booth, she asked the person in charge the amount of stamps needed, sticking a full sheet of strawberry shortcake stamps on it quickly, and then she handed in the envelope, seeing it placed inside a large leather duffle bag in the corner of the booth, she then walked towards the first class café, to have some `Continental Breakfast´
Iza sat a two seat table, ordering hotcakes strawberry jam and sausage, with a large glass of orange juice; she ate silently observing the vast blue sea. A shiver ran up her spine, and she put her glass down, to run her hands up and down her arms to get rid of the goosebumps, she remembered her mothers´ wise words, “since living in Japan, one seems to run into youkai on a daily basis, you must know how to identify them my dear daughter, we Ikedas´ seem to be able to feel them near, our family descending from a long line of kings and queens and warlords, were trained in this art, and you my dear have potential, so every time you feel this sensation run up your spine, a very powerful youkai is near, remember this because it will be important for your survival.”
Izayoi kept rubbing her arms, as she looked over her shoulder to where she felt the source was coming from, her violet eyes clashing with what one only could describe as the lightest shade of honey could exist. “Almost as if they were liquid gold”
Izayoi eyed the youkai for a second then she remembered where she had seen him, `he is that guy I stumbled into at the pool! ´
Said guy had taken a seat at his table with a woman that also seemed to be youkai, they ordered their meal, and he stood up, he approached her table and Izayoi tried to slide out of her chair.
Toga lead Lora by the arm into the Café for breakfast, she was on her last days of pregnancy, and such time was very crucial for the health of the baby, he had kept her close the past few hours, being strict on her eating every meal, and a good balance of meat and fruit.
They sat at their table and he ordered both of their meals, he felt someone’s´ eyes on him, which was not odd since not many people were used to seeing a silver haired, golden eyed man, walking amongst them day to day.
He turned to look behind him, his eyes searching for the person that was watching him, his gold eyes meeting violet, as he abruptly stood up, and approached the table where the girl from the other day was sitting alone at.
He stood next to her table and arched a delicate brow as he bowed. “Well hello miss…?”
Izayoi blinked out of her revere, and answered his question, “Ohayo kind sir, please address me as Tokugawa-sama.” She said bowing her head in a ladylike manner, finally those etiquette lesions her father had made her take were starting to pay off.
Toga answered in perfect Japanese, “Lady Ne? And so young, tell me Lady Tokugawa, don´t you think it is rude to assume that somebody you don´t know speaks the same language as you do? By the way you haven´t even apologized for pushing me face first into the pool the other day Lady Tokugawa.”
Toga was just trying to irk her into speaking to him, Iza resembled a fish out of water, opening and closing her mouth repeatedly, `the nerve of him, to act all superior and all, just like daddy sometimes´ She observed his hair closely, and up close it didn’t look like a cheap wig at all, it was more of a comparison to expensive silk, soft and silver from the root all the way down.
Toga kneeled in front of her trying to regain her attention, but she was in some kind of trance, observing him.
Izayoi felt compelled to observe him in detail, his skin was firm and a tanned peach color, his face was boyish in nature, with a strong jaw line, and high cheekbones, what one would only call chiseled perfection. He had the most exotic youkai crests she could have ever seen, two horizontal jagged indigo lines, starting at his hairline reaching down to the middle of each cheek into the valley under the cheekbone.
This being, this creature, not human, not animal, was interesting to say the least and irked Izayoi´s curiosity to the extent that she raised her fingers to trace over the crests on Toga´s cheeks with her small nimble fingers.
Toga forgot his train of thought as if out of wonder and pure curiosity she raised her hand to run her fingers over his crests, he was hypnotized by her lavender eyes sparkling in mischief and curiosity, finally the noise of the restaurant brought him back to the present, he heard Lora holler out over the noise in an unladylike manner for him, to go and convince the waiter that se was alright, person who was stressing the point that if she was pregnant she could not have Brandy for breakfast.
Toga snapped his clawed fingers bringing the girl back from her trance, he braced her delicate wrist in his large clawed hand while he spoke, “dear Tokugawa-sama, hasn´t your mother taught you not to be touching or speaking to strangers?”
Iza was just a few breaths away from a heart attack, “Gomenasai InuTaisho-sama I didn´t mean to disrespect you so.” She scribbled her cabin number and surname on the receipt that the waitress left at the table, and rapidly extracted her hand from the man´s grasp, nicking her palm in the process, also leaving behind her mother´s scarf.
Toga closed his eyes for a moment, regaining his composure, for he would need it to deal with Lora, `Oh what I wouldn’t give to be free of her, `only after my son is born and old enough to be left under my care.´ He ran his neatly manicured hand down his face, bracing himself for the argument to come, when he smelled blood, he frowned inspecting his hand, and his face, thinking he had cut himself clumsily, taking a closer look at his index finger and the blood that run down his claw, he thought back to the girl and her small delicate hand, `did I injure her in the process of just trying to get her to listen to me? To get her to stop touching me?´ He frowned, a concerned look on his face, as Lora continued to argue with the waiter, to provide the alcohol she longed for, what an insolent, pushy, disrespect for a true Inu-bitch she was.
He stood form the abandoned table smoothing out his slacks, and removed his handkerchief from his pocket, wiping the blood from his claw, and stashed it away in his pocket. “Waiter, please bring the Lady some orange juice, it´s healthy for the baby since she is in her final trimester and is delusional, don´t pay attention to her.
Lora snorted and Toga cracked a smile, “Dam Innuo! He is my son too!”
“Shut your trap Lora, you know what we agreed on, the divorce is final after his sixth month of life, and you know it, you know you have no right over him after that time, you pathetic excuse for a pureblood bitch! So sit down and eat the goddamned breakfast right now!”
Please Read & Review! I love you all, Pinkit!