InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Mapped Life ❯ A Mapped Life: Chapter 10: Three is company, but four is a crowd... ( Chapter 10 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I DO NOT OWN Inuyasha or the Crew, Rumiko Takahashi does. But I do own my original characters.
A/N: “Well then, Hi y’all! I love writing this story,and so do you because there would be no other way to explain 265 page views in 17 days. I don´t know about you, but I am having a blast watching what I had planned just go out the window, because it ends up so much better, than the first draft.”
"For those of you that might be wondering, I do try to pre-write the chapters sometimes when I have nothing to do, then when I am passing everything over on the computer, everything I had planned and written out, just seems to go *Poof* and something much better appears, and thus is how the previous nine chapters happened, all with the imminent help of my fluffy XL sized plot bunny."
"Pedro here got into my personal stash of banana glazed mini cakes, getting an overdose of sugar, and I decided he should burn of the energy, right Pedro?”
*Pedro hunches down in all fours and tries to creep out of the room*
*Pinkit thwarts his plan shutting the door, picks him up with great difficulty, and throws him in the exercise wheel* "Omf! God Pedro! How many of them did you eat?"
“Alright Pedro show them what you’ve got!”
A Mapped Life:
A steam whistle awoke Toga, signaling the ship was an hour away from the Boston City Pier; he took a shower dressed in khaki slacks and a white short-sleeved button down shirt, brown moccasins, and pulled his unruly silver hair in a topknot. He picked up his luggage and placed it in a cart that was left outside his cabin, rolling it just outside Lora’s cabin he unlocked the door with his spare key, finding her dressed in a white button maternity dress and tan roman sandals, her hair woven in an intricate mass of loops, twists curls and braids.
Her luggage sat at the edge of her bed, he walked into the room, and without a word picked up her bags, depositing them on the same cart as his he looked to see if anything was left behind, finding nothing he then addressed her, “Let’s go Lora, Myouga will have the limo at the pier, and I don’t want that much attention, when we arrive, we will wait on deck to reach the pier,”
Lora nodded and picked her purse up, covering her throat with an elaborate rich textured scarf she found in the Café the other day; she walked behind Toga, down the hall and up the ramp designed to bring carts full of luggage up to the first class deck.
They found Kentaro and Kenichii sitting at a table having an early breakfast, joining them at the table the spoke of the living arraignments for the first few weeks until Kenichii brought a house suitable for both bachelors, cousins at that.
As Toga and Kenichii came to an agreement, Lora kept trying to make Kenichii look at her, he whom ignored her desperate need for attention and focused on the conversation with Toga.
Another set of intervals of the ships´ steam whistle, signaled they had arrived at pier, the intercom sounded:
“Good Morning to all of the passengers of the S.S. Faithfull, we are pleased to announce that we have arrived at Boston City Pier, on schedule as planned, for those of you that heard the warning bell at 07:00 hours, and are ready to leave, you may approach one of the nice ladies in a blue sailor uniform and turn in your keys to your cabins, once being checked out, you may get off using the ramps of each division, first class will have four ramps all on the right hand side of the deck, second class will have three ramps all on the left hand side of the second class deck, third class with have three ramps also on the left hand side of the third class deck, all of our personnel with permission to go off-board will be able to use the ramps on the right hand side on the third class deck using their employee boarding pass, to all of our passengers we wish you a safe trip to your future destination and we hope that you consider Rising Sun Cruises and the S.S. Faithfull again for your leisure, business or pleasure trips, Safe Trip to you all, Good day, from your loyal Captain Ito Hiro.”
The ramps were being placed as the stewardess arrived at their table to pick up the keys to the cabins, all were turned in and check-out slips were issued to be able to get off the ship, Toga stood and helped Lora up, Kentaro and Kenichii followed suit, the men carried the luggage as Toga helped Lora down the ramp, she stumbled midstep and almost fell, Toga sighed and picked her up bridal style in one quick motion, earning him a huff of self indignation from Lora.
“Clumsy woman, if it weren’t for me, you would be on the floor half of the time,”
“Argh! I can walk on my own you know! It was just that bump on the ramp I tripped on!
“Yeah you tripped on it, and you almost fell face first risking going into labor right here and now too…”
“Grrr! Inu I’m so fed up with your constant hovering! Anyone would think I have a terminal sickness instead of just being pregnant, and for your information I am not due yet!”
“Yes you are due any minute, that is why I hover over you, because I care about my child, not like you that you could care less if you fall or not,”
“You know you would be such a charming man if you had more tact with your mouth, and the words that come out of it, put some good use to that tongue of yours, other than the nightly use you put to it,”
“Yeah well I don´t here you complaining, you always ask me for more, don’t you?”
And Lora hid her flushed cherry cheeks in the crook of his neck.
Kentaro and Kenichii watched the couple bicker and exchange crude comments, Kenichii snorting at Toga’s last comment about the use of his tongue on Lora, making him wince and look away, that moment he realized that even though the couple had their differences, he still bedded Lora,
`Could it be that she feels something for Toga, and played with me all this time?´ Could I compare to Toga in bed, him being her first since this was essential in the production of an Heir to the House of Inu, the bitch had to be untouched, virgin, and he had to be her first.
As they approached the black stretch limo, Kenichii thought to himself as he saw Myouga open the back right hand side door for Toga, and saw him lower Lora gently onto the plush red velvet limo seat, `Can I really aspire to own your heart Lora Takisho? Can I compare to what you saw in Toga to allow him to bed you, my koi?´
He saw Lora look at him, he turned around to look at the ship, hiding the hurt in his eyes, Kenichii sighed loudly as Toga called him into the car, “Ichi let’s go, we will arrive at the Manor in two hours or so, the sooner we leave the sooner we will arrive.”
Kenichii felt fustration emanate from everyone of his pores, he bit the inside of his cheek, as he walked up to the limo and climbed in, oblivious to the conversation inside.
Toga instructed Myouga to head directly to the Manor, as Lora observed the sky outside the car, over the busy streets of Boston, Massachusetts, a storm onset in the horizon, and grey clouds scattered over the brown and grey buildings of this place, where she could call home for the time being.
She sighed again then winced as the limo fell in a pothole, Toga barked out to Myouga to mind his driving only and not fall in another hole. Then raised the glass separating the driver from the occupants of the limo for more privacy. Myouga was his loyal retainer, since his father passed away, he knew him very well, but there were somethings that still were not to be tolerated, one of those being evesdropping.
Kentaro groaned, `with an overprotecting Tai Youkai, a bitch in final days of pregnancy, that couples bickering, and the sexual fustration between Ichi and Lora, the strings are so so taunt they could snap causing everybody go full Inu on each other, these are going to be a very long and tedious two weeks…´
Kentaro pulled some chewing tabacco from his coat pocket and popped a chunk in his mouth, running his manicured claws through his inmaculate copper mane, and huffed in exasperation as he fixed his icy blue eyes on the other three occupants in the car, which had stopped bickering and know observed the scenery through a different window, `could they really survive two weeks together without killing themselves?´
Please Read & Review, hugs and kisses Pinkit!
A/N: “Well then, Hi y’all! I love writing this story,and so do you because there would be no other way to explain 265 page views in 17 days. I don´t know about you, but I am having a blast watching what I had planned just go out the window, because it ends up so much better, than the first draft.”
"For those of you that might be wondering, I do try to pre-write the chapters sometimes when I have nothing to do, then when I am passing everything over on the computer, everything I had planned and written out, just seems to go *Poof* and something much better appears, and thus is how the previous nine chapters happened, all with the imminent help of my fluffy XL sized plot bunny."
"Pedro here got into my personal stash of banana glazed mini cakes, getting an overdose of sugar, and I decided he should burn of the energy, right Pedro?”
*Pedro hunches down in all fours and tries to creep out of the room*
*Pinkit thwarts his plan shutting the door, picks him up with great difficulty, and throws him in the exercise wheel* "Omf! God Pedro! How many of them did you eat?"
“Alright Pedro show them what you’ve got!”
A Mapped Life:
A steam whistle awoke Toga, signaling the ship was an hour away from the Boston City Pier; he took a shower dressed in khaki slacks and a white short-sleeved button down shirt, brown moccasins, and pulled his unruly silver hair in a topknot. He picked up his luggage and placed it in a cart that was left outside his cabin, rolling it just outside Lora’s cabin he unlocked the door with his spare key, finding her dressed in a white button maternity dress and tan roman sandals, her hair woven in an intricate mass of loops, twists curls and braids.
Her luggage sat at the edge of her bed, he walked into the room, and without a word picked up her bags, depositing them on the same cart as his he looked to see if anything was left behind, finding nothing he then addressed her, “Let’s go Lora, Myouga will have the limo at the pier, and I don’t want that much attention, when we arrive, we will wait on deck to reach the pier,”
Lora nodded and picked her purse up, covering her throat with an elaborate rich textured scarf she found in the Café the other day; she walked behind Toga, down the hall and up the ramp designed to bring carts full of luggage up to the first class deck.
They found Kentaro and Kenichii sitting at a table having an early breakfast, joining them at the table the spoke of the living arraignments for the first few weeks until Kenichii brought a house suitable for both bachelors, cousins at that.
As Toga and Kenichii came to an agreement, Lora kept trying to make Kenichii look at her, he whom ignored her desperate need for attention and focused on the conversation with Toga.
Another set of intervals of the ships´ steam whistle, signaled they had arrived at pier, the intercom sounded:
“Good Morning to all of the passengers of the S.S. Faithfull, we are pleased to announce that we have arrived at Boston City Pier, on schedule as planned, for those of you that heard the warning bell at 07:00 hours, and are ready to leave, you may approach one of the nice ladies in a blue sailor uniform and turn in your keys to your cabins, once being checked out, you may get off using the ramps of each division, first class will have four ramps all on the right hand side of the deck, second class will have three ramps all on the left hand side of the second class deck, third class with have three ramps also on the left hand side of the third class deck, all of our personnel with permission to go off-board will be able to use the ramps on the right hand side on the third class deck using their employee boarding pass, to all of our passengers we wish you a safe trip to your future destination and we hope that you consider Rising Sun Cruises and the S.S. Faithfull again for your leisure, business or pleasure trips, Safe Trip to you all, Good day, from your loyal Captain Ito Hiro.”
The ramps were being placed as the stewardess arrived at their table to pick up the keys to the cabins, all were turned in and check-out slips were issued to be able to get off the ship, Toga stood and helped Lora up, Kentaro and Kenichii followed suit, the men carried the luggage as Toga helped Lora down the ramp, she stumbled midstep and almost fell, Toga sighed and picked her up bridal style in one quick motion, earning him a huff of self indignation from Lora.
“Clumsy woman, if it weren’t for me, you would be on the floor half of the time,”
“Argh! I can walk on my own you know! It was just that bump on the ramp I tripped on!
“Yeah you tripped on it, and you almost fell face first risking going into labor right here and now too…”
“Grrr! Inu I’m so fed up with your constant hovering! Anyone would think I have a terminal sickness instead of just being pregnant, and for your information I am not due yet!”
“Yes you are due any minute, that is why I hover over you, because I care about my child, not like you that you could care less if you fall or not,”
“You know you would be such a charming man if you had more tact with your mouth, and the words that come out of it, put some good use to that tongue of yours, other than the nightly use you put to it,”
“Yeah well I don´t here you complaining, you always ask me for more, don’t you?”
And Lora hid her flushed cherry cheeks in the crook of his neck.
Kentaro and Kenichii watched the couple bicker and exchange crude comments, Kenichii snorting at Toga’s last comment about the use of his tongue on Lora, making him wince and look away, that moment he realized that even though the couple had their differences, he still bedded Lora,
`Could it be that she feels something for Toga, and played with me all this time?´ Could I compare to Toga in bed, him being her first since this was essential in the production of an Heir to the House of Inu, the bitch had to be untouched, virgin, and he had to be her first.
As they approached the black stretch limo, Kenichii thought to himself as he saw Myouga open the back right hand side door for Toga, and saw him lower Lora gently onto the plush red velvet limo seat, `Can I really aspire to own your heart Lora Takisho? Can I compare to what you saw in Toga to allow him to bed you, my koi?´
He saw Lora look at him, he turned around to look at the ship, hiding the hurt in his eyes, Kenichii sighed loudly as Toga called him into the car, “Ichi let’s go, we will arrive at the Manor in two hours or so, the sooner we leave the sooner we will arrive.”
Kenichii felt fustration emanate from everyone of his pores, he bit the inside of his cheek, as he walked up to the limo and climbed in, oblivious to the conversation inside.
Toga instructed Myouga to head directly to the Manor, as Lora observed the sky outside the car, over the busy streets of Boston, Massachusetts, a storm onset in the horizon, and grey clouds scattered over the brown and grey buildings of this place, where she could call home for the time being.
She sighed again then winced as the limo fell in a pothole, Toga barked out to Myouga to mind his driving only and not fall in another hole. Then raised the glass separating the driver from the occupants of the limo for more privacy. Myouga was his loyal retainer, since his father passed away, he knew him very well, but there were somethings that still were not to be tolerated, one of those being evesdropping.
Kentaro groaned, `with an overprotecting Tai Youkai, a bitch in final days of pregnancy, that couples bickering, and the sexual fustration between Ichi and Lora, the strings are so so taunt they could snap causing everybody go full Inu on each other, these are going to be a very long and tedious two weeks…´
Kentaro pulled some chewing tabacco from his coat pocket and popped a chunk in his mouth, running his manicured claws through his inmaculate copper mane, and huffed in exasperation as he fixed his icy blue eyes on the other three occupants in the car, which had stopped bickering and know observed the scenery through a different window, `could they really survive two weeks together without killing themselves?´
Please Read & Review, hugs and kisses Pinkit!