InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Mapped Life ❯ A Mapped Life: Chapter 13: Soo much Rules and Regulations... ( Chapter 13 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I DO NOT OWN Inuyasha or the Crew, Rumiko Takahashi does. But I do own my original characters.
A/N: “I appreciate all of the page views guys, I know that maybe everybody is used to Kagome and Inuyasha alternate universe fics, and maybe this is a little on the odd side, buy I just wanted to see how a story about how Izayoi and Toga met, and how Sesshoumaru was raised to be the stuck up hunk he is goes. I understand if maybe you read the stories and rather not leave a review, lets just have you know that I do accept anonymous reviews, and emails, I don´t mind them, hey any is better than none; I would be nice to know what you guys think about what I write. “
“Pedro here wanted me to write chapter 13 of this interesting story, when Izayoi arrives at the Institute, so here it is…”
A Mapped Life:
The gray Mercedes Benz approached the looming black gates of the Elizabethan Institute for Ladies; a long wide bricked road lead the entrance to the learning institution, rose bushes adorned the edges of the brick-paved road. A fountain with what looked like a Greek woman and her daughters pouring water from flasks into the fountain made from a rose-hued marble adorned the entrance of the Institute.
Everything that adorned the building from the outside and it’s surroundings was constructed, built, or sculpted of the finest materials.
The car came to a halt as it arrived at the main entrance to the center building, presumably the main office.
Clark stepped out of the drivers’ side of the car and walked around the back to open the door for Han, and Izayoi, a young woman, presumably a maid, greeted them, “Mr. Tokugawa, I hope you had a good trip Sr. I am Sally, please allow me to escort you directly towards Mrs. Cunningham’s office, walk this way please…”
Han buttoned his dark blue pin-stripped blazer, removing imaginary lint from his sleeve, he dusted off his shoulder and address Iza, “Be on you best behavior, this is the best schooling you will ever be able to have young lady, a one time chance to be somebody in the future, if you blow it, it’s back to Japan with you, and I promise I will send you off to one of your mothers’ distant aunts and have you plant the mushy rice fields, do you understand?”
Izayoi felt her heart beat increase meaningfully, and tears prick her eyes, but she willed herself not to shed them, she nodded her head, “Hai, Han otou-san I understand.”
Han turned around ignoring the hurt look on her face, `she can be so like her mother when she wants to´ “Let’s get this other with then, I have other things that are of utter most importance to attend to Izayoi, come along, let’s not keep Mrs. Cunningham waiting for you.”
They walked down an expensively furnished hall, up a grand set of stairs which could only be made out of red wood, guessing on how wild the wood streaks were spaced.
Han spotted the maid, waiting outside of a dark wood door, Han stopped in front of her, “Ms. Sally please usher us in to meet Mrs. Cunningham, if you may now?”
Then young maid bowed her head, and rapped lightly on the door, she opened the door a notch and announced that the visitors had arrived, “Mrs. Cunningham, I hope I don’t disturb you, I have the eleven o’clock people outside, should I usher them in, ma’am?”
A tall thin lady in her late fifties, with graying hair, dressed in a dark purple one piece knee-length dress and black pumps, swung the exuberant large leather office chair around, “Han is here? Usher them in girl don’t make him wait, he owns this institution now, if it weren’t for him, we would have went broke last year, he acquired this school, giving me the money to pay my debts off, and in exchange I raise his ten year old daughter in American Culture, so bring them in, oh, and bring us tea afterwards, move!”
The girl opened the door all the way and bowed letting Han and Izayoi step in the office, the lady offered the twin chairs in front of the large oak wood desk, “Please take a seat, Mr. Tokugawa, is this the young lady that we were expecting?” she said as she raised her seeing glasses that hung off a chain around her neck to her dark brown eyes, “ah, Izayoi Tokugawa I take it, eh? Looks like a trouble maker to me.”
Izayoi blushed and bowed showing her reverence and then sat next to her father.
“Very well then, lets get down to business, cutting the formalities short, let me introduce myself, I am Catherine Cunningham, the headmistress of this educational institution for young ladies, you will be here for the next eight years of your life, so you best start liking it,.”
“Due to your fathers wishes for rapid integration into the system, you will start tomorrow early at 6:00 a.m. ; classes will last up to noon, then lunch at the cafeteria, after lunch you can enroll any extracurricular activities, such as art, physical education, or cavalry, rest and relaxation ours are from 3:00 to 5:00, homework is done from 5:00 to 6:00, dinner is from 6:00 to 6:30, 6:30 to 7:00 quiet or religious time, if you are not catholic you can stay in your room and meditate or do whatever it is you do to praise your Lord, lights out at 9:00 sharp.”
“Your day without schooling will be Saturday which you can use to your own convenience, some girls enroll in horse ridding lessons, ballet, theater, drama club, singing, acting, nature walking, you name it, after it is hosted by a professor on campus it is fine, you are not to leave this institution without your guardian’s written consent, we rest on Sundays, our catholic girls go to church early, and then their parents take them out for a time with the family, if you are not visited on Sunday you may stay inside the school perimeter, just don’t try to make any other girl follow you religious beliefs, America is a free country, and at this Institution we strive to teach so, respect other girls’ freedom and they will respect yours, if you have a problem address any teacher, professor, or myself, do not, under any circumstance take matters into your own hands.”
“You are free to join any hobby, after it is not, pornography, drugs, prostitution, gambling, or breaking the law. This learning institution houses 60 teachers and professors, 50 maids, that includes cooks, maids, housekeepers, and 349 students making you #350. The institution itself occupies a majestic two acres on the whole ten acres of land, please try not to get lost, your living and sleeping quarters are on the fifth floor, west wing, north corridor, door number three hundred and fifty, please try not to get lost.”
“Your father has brought everything that you shall need, if you need something else we will provide you with it, next to your door there is a console with three buttons, one is red that is the emergency button, one is yellow that is the button for room service if you are hungry, and one is white which is for a maid if you need something provided. These services shall not be abused, no men in the rooms at any time, do I make myself clear Ms. Tokugawa?”
Izayoi blinked feeling the information overload her scrambled brain, but nodded shyly, the lady looked from her to her father then back at her, and chuckled, “Very well then Ms. Tokugawa, that is all I have sent your luggage up to your room, rest well tonight, tomorrow will be a long day. You are excused,”
The lady shooed her off with a flick of the wrist, Izayoi bowed her respect and followed her father out the door, Han stood in front of his daughter, he looked her over one last time, and placed a hand on her shoulder, “Be well daughter…” then he turned on his heel and walked down the corridor toward the stairs and out of the building, leaving her alone, frightened, and with a lot of strangers.
Izayoi turned on her heel but in the opposite direction, up the stairs toward her room, down the numbered and lettered corridors, following arrows and signs, sighing in relief when she found the door numbered #350 she turned the knob and walked inside, she was greeted with the presence of another girl sitting at her dresser rummaging through her trunks, she did a double take and looked at the number on the door to make sure that se had not mistaken for a different room number, #350 I. Tokugawa, read the silver shinny plate slide into place on the door, she frowned and pushed the door open wider, the blond girl lifted her head, and saw Iza standing in the doorway, flashing her a devious smile, she called out for others in the room.
“Hey girls the china is here, lets leave this shit alone and go, there was nothing good in finding in the first place, other two girls emerged from what Izayoi only guessed as her bathroom and closet area with pieces of her clothes in their hands, yeah no good find, they snickered and laughed as they threw the clothes on the floor, one spoke up, “Hey Mallory, looks like she don’t understand you much there,” “Yeah Mallory look at the lost puppy look on her face, bet she don’t speak a rat’s ass word in English,”
The other girl that was sitting at the dresser turned around and primped herself in the mirror, “Shut up both of you, if she is here, then that means that she does speak something at least, right China?” she asked as she used one of Izayoi’s ivory combs.
Izayoi stood her ground speaking out in a clear and concise tone, “You are right Ms. Mallory, I do speak English just fine, but I am here because my father wants me to add to my knowledge, now I would appreciate it greatly if you make yourselves scarce from my room, I Izayoi Tokugawa, daughter to Han Tokugawa, the largest business tycoon in Okinawa, Japan, am Japanese not Chinese, now leave!”
All three girls exchanged glances and walked out of the room quietly, when they were gone, Izayoi allowed herself to shrink to the floor in a heap and a single tear slid down her cheek, then she realized that she was alone, that her father left her to her own luck and that this was the reason why Maeko and Kimie where crying.
Izayoi crawled to the door and pushed it closed, securing the lock, she stood and arranged the clothes onto hangers, then she took a long hot bath, changed into an oversized slip on t-shirt that smelled so much like home and crawled into the bed, she was so tired she went right to sleep, sleeping dreamlessly.
Please Read & Review hugs Pinkit!
A/N: “I appreciate all of the page views guys, I know that maybe everybody is used to Kagome and Inuyasha alternate universe fics, and maybe this is a little on the odd side, buy I just wanted to see how a story about how Izayoi and Toga met, and how Sesshoumaru was raised to be the stuck up hunk he is goes. I understand if maybe you read the stories and rather not leave a review, lets just have you know that I do accept anonymous reviews, and emails, I don´t mind them, hey any is better than none; I would be nice to know what you guys think about what I write. “
“Pedro here wanted me to write chapter 13 of this interesting story, when Izayoi arrives at the Institute, so here it is…”
A Mapped Life:
The gray Mercedes Benz approached the looming black gates of the Elizabethan Institute for Ladies; a long wide bricked road lead the entrance to the learning institution, rose bushes adorned the edges of the brick-paved road. A fountain with what looked like a Greek woman and her daughters pouring water from flasks into the fountain made from a rose-hued marble adorned the entrance of the Institute.
Everything that adorned the building from the outside and it’s surroundings was constructed, built, or sculpted of the finest materials.
The car came to a halt as it arrived at the main entrance to the center building, presumably the main office.
Clark stepped out of the drivers’ side of the car and walked around the back to open the door for Han, and Izayoi, a young woman, presumably a maid, greeted them, “Mr. Tokugawa, I hope you had a good trip Sr. I am Sally, please allow me to escort you directly towards Mrs. Cunningham’s office, walk this way please…”
Han buttoned his dark blue pin-stripped blazer, removing imaginary lint from his sleeve, he dusted off his shoulder and address Iza, “Be on you best behavior, this is the best schooling you will ever be able to have young lady, a one time chance to be somebody in the future, if you blow it, it’s back to Japan with you, and I promise I will send you off to one of your mothers’ distant aunts and have you plant the mushy rice fields, do you understand?”
Izayoi felt her heart beat increase meaningfully, and tears prick her eyes, but she willed herself not to shed them, she nodded her head, “Hai, Han otou-san I understand.”
Han turned around ignoring the hurt look on her face, `she can be so like her mother when she wants to´ “Let’s get this other with then, I have other things that are of utter most importance to attend to Izayoi, come along, let’s not keep Mrs. Cunningham waiting for you.”
They walked down an expensively furnished hall, up a grand set of stairs which could only be made out of red wood, guessing on how wild the wood streaks were spaced.
Han spotted the maid, waiting outside of a dark wood door, Han stopped in front of her, “Ms. Sally please usher us in to meet Mrs. Cunningham, if you may now?”
Then young maid bowed her head, and rapped lightly on the door, she opened the door a notch and announced that the visitors had arrived, “Mrs. Cunningham, I hope I don’t disturb you, I have the eleven o’clock people outside, should I usher them in, ma’am?”
A tall thin lady in her late fifties, with graying hair, dressed in a dark purple one piece knee-length dress and black pumps, swung the exuberant large leather office chair around, “Han is here? Usher them in girl don’t make him wait, he owns this institution now, if it weren’t for him, we would have went broke last year, he acquired this school, giving me the money to pay my debts off, and in exchange I raise his ten year old daughter in American Culture, so bring them in, oh, and bring us tea afterwards, move!”
The girl opened the door all the way and bowed letting Han and Izayoi step in the office, the lady offered the twin chairs in front of the large oak wood desk, “Please take a seat, Mr. Tokugawa, is this the young lady that we were expecting?” she said as she raised her seeing glasses that hung off a chain around her neck to her dark brown eyes, “ah, Izayoi Tokugawa I take it, eh? Looks like a trouble maker to me.”
Izayoi blushed and bowed showing her reverence and then sat next to her father.
“Very well then, lets get down to business, cutting the formalities short, let me introduce myself, I am Catherine Cunningham, the headmistress of this educational institution for young ladies, you will be here for the next eight years of your life, so you best start liking it,.”
“Due to your fathers wishes for rapid integration into the system, you will start tomorrow early at 6:00 a.m. ; classes will last up to noon, then lunch at the cafeteria, after lunch you can enroll any extracurricular activities, such as art, physical education, or cavalry, rest and relaxation ours are from 3:00 to 5:00, homework is done from 5:00 to 6:00, dinner is from 6:00 to 6:30, 6:30 to 7:00 quiet or religious time, if you are not catholic you can stay in your room and meditate or do whatever it is you do to praise your Lord, lights out at 9:00 sharp.”
“Your day without schooling will be Saturday which you can use to your own convenience, some girls enroll in horse ridding lessons, ballet, theater, drama club, singing, acting, nature walking, you name it, after it is hosted by a professor on campus it is fine, you are not to leave this institution without your guardian’s written consent, we rest on Sundays, our catholic girls go to church early, and then their parents take them out for a time with the family, if you are not visited on Sunday you may stay inside the school perimeter, just don’t try to make any other girl follow you religious beliefs, America is a free country, and at this Institution we strive to teach so, respect other girls’ freedom and they will respect yours, if you have a problem address any teacher, professor, or myself, do not, under any circumstance take matters into your own hands.”
“You are free to join any hobby, after it is not, pornography, drugs, prostitution, gambling, or breaking the law. This learning institution houses 60 teachers and professors, 50 maids, that includes cooks, maids, housekeepers, and 349 students making you #350. The institution itself occupies a majestic two acres on the whole ten acres of land, please try not to get lost, your living and sleeping quarters are on the fifth floor, west wing, north corridor, door number three hundred and fifty, please try not to get lost.”
“Your father has brought everything that you shall need, if you need something else we will provide you with it, next to your door there is a console with three buttons, one is red that is the emergency button, one is yellow that is the button for room service if you are hungry, and one is white which is for a maid if you need something provided. These services shall not be abused, no men in the rooms at any time, do I make myself clear Ms. Tokugawa?”
Izayoi blinked feeling the information overload her scrambled brain, but nodded shyly, the lady looked from her to her father then back at her, and chuckled, “Very well then Ms. Tokugawa, that is all I have sent your luggage up to your room, rest well tonight, tomorrow will be a long day. You are excused,”
The lady shooed her off with a flick of the wrist, Izayoi bowed her respect and followed her father out the door, Han stood in front of his daughter, he looked her over one last time, and placed a hand on her shoulder, “Be well daughter…” then he turned on his heel and walked down the corridor toward the stairs and out of the building, leaving her alone, frightened, and with a lot of strangers.
Izayoi turned on her heel but in the opposite direction, up the stairs toward her room, down the numbered and lettered corridors, following arrows and signs, sighing in relief when she found the door numbered #350 she turned the knob and walked inside, she was greeted with the presence of another girl sitting at her dresser rummaging through her trunks, she did a double take and looked at the number on the door to make sure that se had not mistaken for a different room number, #350 I. Tokugawa, read the silver shinny plate slide into place on the door, she frowned and pushed the door open wider, the blond girl lifted her head, and saw Iza standing in the doorway, flashing her a devious smile, she called out for others in the room.
“Hey girls the china is here, lets leave this shit alone and go, there was nothing good in finding in the first place, other two girls emerged from what Izayoi only guessed as her bathroom and closet area with pieces of her clothes in their hands, yeah no good find, they snickered and laughed as they threw the clothes on the floor, one spoke up, “Hey Mallory, looks like she don’t understand you much there,” “Yeah Mallory look at the lost puppy look on her face, bet she don’t speak a rat’s ass word in English,”
The other girl that was sitting at the dresser turned around and primped herself in the mirror, “Shut up both of you, if she is here, then that means that she does speak something at least, right China?” she asked as she used one of Izayoi’s ivory combs.
Izayoi stood her ground speaking out in a clear and concise tone, “You are right Ms. Mallory, I do speak English just fine, but I am here because my father wants me to add to my knowledge, now I would appreciate it greatly if you make yourselves scarce from my room, I Izayoi Tokugawa, daughter to Han Tokugawa, the largest business tycoon in Okinawa, Japan, am Japanese not Chinese, now leave!”
All three girls exchanged glances and walked out of the room quietly, when they were gone, Izayoi allowed herself to shrink to the floor in a heap and a single tear slid down her cheek, then she realized that she was alone, that her father left her to her own luck and that this was the reason why Maeko and Kimie where crying.
Izayoi crawled to the door and pushed it closed, securing the lock, she stood and arranged the clothes onto hangers, then she took a long hot bath, changed into an oversized slip on t-shirt that smelled so much like home and crawled into the bed, she was so tired she went right to sleep, sleeping dreamlessly.
Please Read & Review hugs Pinkit!