InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Mapped Life ❯ A Mapped Life: Chapter 14: Explaining what happened in the first place Vol. 1 ( Chapter 14 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I DO NOT OWN Inuyasha or the Crew, Rumiko Takahashi does. But I do own my original characters.
“This chapter is dedicated to my Wonderful reviewer ` [Persephone K] ´ I will take your ideas into consideration, and I am pleased that you love my story. Thank you for being reviewer number two!”
*Cue Confetti, and Conga dancers!*
“I’m on tonight, and I feel so good reading Persephone’s review alright!”
*O.K. then…*
“I have been thinking about the comments and Ideas you shared with me on my fic, I must say that I feel flattered that you noticed how I tried to improve my writing style. “
*Flattered? I feel as proud as a peacock, just look at me show off and prance…*
“Since I have no Beta, nor person to give me pointers, I just sit in front of the computer, and brainstorm for ideas, and let them pour out onto the keys.”
*And consult me! Her cute, fluffy plot bunny, my name is Pedro, nice to meet you…*
“Then I actually have to proof read and Beta for myself, reading the chapter about three of four times and then posting it onto”
*She steps on me while she is doing that…look at the bruises, what you can’t see them?! There right there see!*
“And since you asked me or more as if advised me to make my view on the story clearer, how about I post what should have been the Prologue of the story…hope this makes everything more understandable…”
*Jrm Jrm –clears throat-Told you so…*
“Oh and I can’t forget my cute fluffy plot bunny Pedro, that has been encouraging me all the way, thanks Pedrito! And Thank you all for the 406 page views in twenty five days! Yay, I feel so loved by everybody…”
*Yeah thanks for reading our little story…Ja ne!*
A Mapped Life:
January 12th 1970, Taisho Estate, Okinawa – Japan:
It was a fair sunny afternoon, the wind played with the chimes that hung in the archway entrance towards the indoor terrace, all was quiet other than that sound, two figures sat on plush cushions at the low table in the middle of the vast terrace that looked out toward the lush green Zen garden located in the east wing of the Estate, a maid brought a tray with assorted obento boxes, fruit, a steaming pot of tea, and cups for both of them.
After the maid bowed her reverence, she stood and left, sliding the opaque shoji door closed. The figure dressed in a formal aqua colored kosode, paired with a darker hakama that matched his grey-blue mane and sea blue eyes, reached for the tea pot, pouring tea for both of them, he spoke, “Tell me Ken, what is so important that you had to call me over for a tea party?”
The other figure sitting at the table sneered at the last comment, flicking his ever-so-long silver topknot over his shoulder, patted down his pristine silver pelt and then crossed his dark grey silk kosode covered arms, leaning back against the wooden support pillar that held the shingled roof sturdy, as he looked out over the garden at the koi pond, he spoke as he watched a koi eat a dragonfly;
“The predators are threatening dear friend, the Yakuza want me to sell the South Oiling District, as you know we are the last centennial-old youkai alive, but I fear it will not be that way for long, since I have no intention to sell the south district, because it is the part of Taisho Enterprises that funds my other companies and projects. Takumi I know I will die before the new moon, they think that having me murdered gives them the power to take over; what they don’t know is that my son and heir is of age, to sire an heir for himself keeping my bloodline strong and eternal…”
The other youkai, slammed his fist on to the table causing both cups to tip over and spill their content over the side of the low table, “Stop talking nonsense, Ken! You are the Inu no Taisho for Kami’s sake! Nobody can stand up to you!”
“I talk no nonsense Takumi! I know I grow old with age, and sooner or later I will be killed, and I know it will be by the Yakuza’s hand, the right hand in fact, I know it will be Ryuukossei himself that will deliver the final blow, Tak-kun my bloodline is in danger of extinction, the silver Inu bloodline must stay strong, that is why I want to settle an arraigned marriage between our first born children, I need Lora to marry Toga and have his child, after the child is born they can divorce and find their life mates, please Takumi give me your support on this?”
The other Inu youkai stroked his blue grey pelt, which hung over his left shoulder and down his back as he spoke, “What about breaking Sou’unga out of the memory closet you have it hidden away in, and slap some dragon hide around you and me both just like old times, eh?”
Ken punched a hole in the hardwood floor, trying to dissuade his anger and frustration, he had so much more to live for, but he knew that he wouldn’t ever get to see it, not his first grandchild, nor his great-grandchildren, being a youkai, an Inu youkai at that, he had to secure his bloodline before he passed, and that was what he was doing;
“I am ill my friend, the last time I used Sou’unga something happened, something not even modern youkai medicine can explain, something is eating me away from the inside, I thought I had a few more years left using my regenerative capabilities as youkai and all, but if I have to go into battle with Sou’unga again I know it will be my last, that sword, that sword needs to be destroyed, it is pure evil Takumi, swear you will never give it to Toga, swear you will have one forged from my fangs even if I am on my deathbed, promise me friend, there is no body else I can trust in…”
Takumi’s eyes grew dark with unfettered rage, “why didn’t you tell me that you were ill Ken-kun? Why did you wait until the damage was too far along? Are you sure Toga will be alright with this Ken? Have you already told him what is going on? You know he likes to have options…”
Toga observed the far wall of the Estate, then looked back at Takumi who remained seated in front of him, anger mixed with his youki, which lashed out at the air around them killing the subtle mood;
“Takumi, I don’t think we have anytime left to give them a choice, it has to be done, I mean Lora already likes him, haven’t you seen and smelled how she acts when you come over for dinner, she flirts with him all the time, Lora loves him,”
Takumi leaned up over the table and grabbed Ken by the collar, sneering at his life long friend and ally, “But Toga doesn’t love her, I know it for a fact, If they get married she will be unhappy, I don’t want her to wither away, I know how cruel he can be, and Lora has never been taught to submit not even to me, he could kill her!”
Ken scrunched up his eyebrows disbelievingly, “You think you are going to sit there and tell me that your first born female has never been taught to submit? Being daughter of one of the ruling Inu Youkai, Oh come on! I might have a soft spot for females, and I might be getting old, but don’t you dare expect me to believe that shit! Every female is born and taught to submit to the ruling male, they have to know when to speak, and when to back down, following orders is what keeps them alive!”
Ken shrugged off Takumi’s hand, and leaned his elbow on the table as Takumi stood up and started to pace stopping every now and then to look at Ken out of the corner of his eye insecurity radiating off him in waves, Ken was hiding his mirth behind a mouthful of cold hakkao, then he spoke as he reached for an onigiri roll, “Well old dog, aren’t you going to tell me why your daughter hasn’t been taught to submit? How is it that when you are invited over she acts so submissive then?”
Takumi plopped down on his cushion and stabbed a siumai with his chopstick, “She was schooled in a ningen institution, her mother wanted her to be a socialite, a scholar, maybe even graduate from college and work as a professional, she was never taught to submit, because in her mothers living quarters there are only female servants, and I never go there, she is submissive in front of people she is afraid of, or people she likes, she is afraid of you, but she likes Toga, so that is all the more reason for her to act that way when we dine together, that is just the way she is by nature.”
Ken barked out a thunderous laugh, waving his chopsticks in the air, “And you never thought she would consider a mate, or being married then? What if she mated with somebody behind your back one day, and she almost got killed? There is only one order that a full Inu demon speaks before taking his mate, you and I both now what it is, so if she wasn’t taught to, then she would have been slaughtered on the spot, trying to act like a human female and take the initiative in bedtime activities, oh Kami-sama! Tak teach her how to submit within a weeks time, the wedding is next Monday, I will schedule a dinner meeting for Toga and Lora to speak with us present, I will tell Toga today, don’t tell her yet, let’s see what I come up with to make him think like he had a choice, you know how Toga is…”
Takumi laughed heartedly at that, “Yeah, I know my godson very well, he thinks that he should always have a choice, let him think he chose Lora, and by the way what will the Takisho bloodline gain from this marriage and birth?”
Ken pulled a dark leather checkbook out of his inner kosode pocket, he opened it and look the fine tipped pen from it’s holder from inside the leather book also, writing the amount on the check and signing it, he tore the rectangular piece of paper and slid the check towards the middle of the table, Takumi picked it up and read it, his eyebrows shooting up under the thick fringe of his pristine blue grey silky mass of bangs, he shook his head incredibly, “three million dollars?! This is a whole lot of money Ken; it is triple its worth in Japanese Yen! Just for an arraigned marriage I think it’s too much!”
Ken shook his head and raised his clawed hand calming his friend down, “settle down Takumi, it is not only for the marriage, but for the fact that if I die before the marriage, you will keep your word to see to it that they are married, and that they move out of Japan for the time Lora is with child, they will need guards, so you should call Kenichii and Kentaro to accompany them and guard them, they are to go to the Mansion in Boston and Ren is to keep the child safe, see to it my dear friend, I have nobody else to trust in, other than you,” with this Ken extended his hand to Takumi and shared a warrior grip as they looked into each others eyes and nodded agreeing on what needed to be done. Takumi folded the check and slid it into his inner kosode pocket.
Then they sat and enjoyed the rest of the obento lunch and tea, telling stories of thing that happened while they grew up together, enjoying each others company, since this meeting could possibly be the last time they got to see each other alive.
What they didn’t know was that a third figure stood downwind from them, thus explaining how they weren’t aware he was there the whole time, a devious smile played out on his lips his eerie yellow eyes dancing with mischief, he jumped over the wall surrounding the Estate, running over rooftops to deliver the inside information to his master, the right hand of the Yakuza himself, Ryuukossei.
Please Read and Review, Ja ne! Pinkit!
“This chapter is dedicated to my Wonderful reviewer ` [Persephone K] ´ I will take your ideas into consideration, and I am pleased that you love my story. Thank you for being reviewer number two!”
*Cue Confetti, and Conga dancers!*
“I’m on tonight, and I feel so good reading Persephone’s review alright!”
*O.K. then…*
“I have been thinking about the comments and Ideas you shared with me on my fic, I must say that I feel flattered that you noticed how I tried to improve my writing style. “
*Flattered? I feel as proud as a peacock, just look at me show off and prance…*
“Since I have no Beta, nor person to give me pointers, I just sit in front of the computer, and brainstorm for ideas, and let them pour out onto the keys.”
*And consult me! Her cute, fluffy plot bunny, my name is Pedro, nice to meet you…*
“Then I actually have to proof read and Beta for myself, reading the chapter about three of four times and then posting it onto”
*She steps on me while she is doing that…look at the bruises, what you can’t see them?! There right there see!*
“And since you asked me or more as if advised me to make my view on the story clearer, how about I post what should have been the Prologue of the story…hope this makes everything more understandable…”
*Jrm Jrm –clears throat-Told you so…*
“Oh and I can’t forget my cute fluffy plot bunny Pedro, that has been encouraging me all the way, thanks Pedrito! And Thank you all for the 406 page views in twenty five days! Yay, I feel so loved by everybody…”
*Yeah thanks for reading our little story…Ja ne!*
A Mapped Life:
January 12th 1970, Taisho Estate, Okinawa – Japan:
It was a fair sunny afternoon, the wind played with the chimes that hung in the archway entrance towards the indoor terrace, all was quiet other than that sound, two figures sat on plush cushions at the low table in the middle of the vast terrace that looked out toward the lush green Zen garden located in the east wing of the Estate, a maid brought a tray with assorted obento boxes, fruit, a steaming pot of tea, and cups for both of them.
After the maid bowed her reverence, she stood and left, sliding the opaque shoji door closed. The figure dressed in a formal aqua colored kosode, paired with a darker hakama that matched his grey-blue mane and sea blue eyes, reached for the tea pot, pouring tea for both of them, he spoke, “Tell me Ken, what is so important that you had to call me over for a tea party?”
The other figure sitting at the table sneered at the last comment, flicking his ever-so-long silver topknot over his shoulder, patted down his pristine silver pelt and then crossed his dark grey silk kosode covered arms, leaning back against the wooden support pillar that held the shingled roof sturdy, as he looked out over the garden at the koi pond, he spoke as he watched a koi eat a dragonfly;
“The predators are threatening dear friend, the Yakuza want me to sell the South Oiling District, as you know we are the last centennial-old youkai alive, but I fear it will not be that way for long, since I have no intention to sell the south district, because it is the part of Taisho Enterprises that funds my other companies and projects. Takumi I know I will die before the new moon, they think that having me murdered gives them the power to take over; what they don’t know is that my son and heir is of age, to sire an heir for himself keeping my bloodline strong and eternal…”
The other youkai, slammed his fist on to the table causing both cups to tip over and spill their content over the side of the low table, “Stop talking nonsense, Ken! You are the Inu no Taisho for Kami’s sake! Nobody can stand up to you!”
“I talk no nonsense Takumi! I know I grow old with age, and sooner or later I will be killed, and I know it will be by the Yakuza’s hand, the right hand in fact, I know it will be Ryuukossei himself that will deliver the final blow, Tak-kun my bloodline is in danger of extinction, the silver Inu bloodline must stay strong, that is why I want to settle an arraigned marriage between our first born children, I need Lora to marry Toga and have his child, after the child is born they can divorce and find their life mates, please Takumi give me your support on this?”
The other Inu youkai stroked his blue grey pelt, which hung over his left shoulder and down his back as he spoke, “What about breaking Sou’unga out of the memory closet you have it hidden away in, and slap some dragon hide around you and me both just like old times, eh?”
Ken punched a hole in the hardwood floor, trying to dissuade his anger and frustration, he had so much more to live for, but he knew that he wouldn’t ever get to see it, not his first grandchild, nor his great-grandchildren, being a youkai, an Inu youkai at that, he had to secure his bloodline before he passed, and that was what he was doing;
“I am ill my friend, the last time I used Sou’unga something happened, something not even modern youkai medicine can explain, something is eating me away from the inside, I thought I had a few more years left using my regenerative capabilities as youkai and all, but if I have to go into battle with Sou’unga again I know it will be my last, that sword, that sword needs to be destroyed, it is pure evil Takumi, swear you will never give it to Toga, swear you will have one forged from my fangs even if I am on my deathbed, promise me friend, there is no body else I can trust in…”
Takumi’s eyes grew dark with unfettered rage, “why didn’t you tell me that you were ill Ken-kun? Why did you wait until the damage was too far along? Are you sure Toga will be alright with this Ken? Have you already told him what is going on? You know he likes to have options…”
Toga observed the far wall of the Estate, then looked back at Takumi who remained seated in front of him, anger mixed with his youki, which lashed out at the air around them killing the subtle mood;
“Takumi, I don’t think we have anytime left to give them a choice, it has to be done, I mean Lora already likes him, haven’t you seen and smelled how she acts when you come over for dinner, she flirts with him all the time, Lora loves him,”
Takumi leaned up over the table and grabbed Ken by the collar, sneering at his life long friend and ally, “But Toga doesn’t love her, I know it for a fact, If they get married she will be unhappy, I don’t want her to wither away, I know how cruel he can be, and Lora has never been taught to submit not even to me, he could kill her!”
Ken scrunched up his eyebrows disbelievingly, “You think you are going to sit there and tell me that your first born female has never been taught to submit? Being daughter of one of the ruling Inu Youkai, Oh come on! I might have a soft spot for females, and I might be getting old, but don’t you dare expect me to believe that shit! Every female is born and taught to submit to the ruling male, they have to know when to speak, and when to back down, following orders is what keeps them alive!”
Ken shrugged off Takumi’s hand, and leaned his elbow on the table as Takumi stood up and started to pace stopping every now and then to look at Ken out of the corner of his eye insecurity radiating off him in waves, Ken was hiding his mirth behind a mouthful of cold hakkao, then he spoke as he reached for an onigiri roll, “Well old dog, aren’t you going to tell me why your daughter hasn’t been taught to submit? How is it that when you are invited over she acts so submissive then?”
Takumi plopped down on his cushion and stabbed a siumai with his chopstick, “She was schooled in a ningen institution, her mother wanted her to be a socialite, a scholar, maybe even graduate from college and work as a professional, she was never taught to submit, because in her mothers living quarters there are only female servants, and I never go there, she is submissive in front of people she is afraid of, or people she likes, she is afraid of you, but she likes Toga, so that is all the more reason for her to act that way when we dine together, that is just the way she is by nature.”
Ken barked out a thunderous laugh, waving his chopsticks in the air, “And you never thought she would consider a mate, or being married then? What if she mated with somebody behind your back one day, and she almost got killed? There is only one order that a full Inu demon speaks before taking his mate, you and I both now what it is, so if she wasn’t taught to, then she would have been slaughtered on the spot, trying to act like a human female and take the initiative in bedtime activities, oh Kami-sama! Tak teach her how to submit within a weeks time, the wedding is next Monday, I will schedule a dinner meeting for Toga and Lora to speak with us present, I will tell Toga today, don’t tell her yet, let’s see what I come up with to make him think like he had a choice, you know how Toga is…”
Takumi laughed heartedly at that, “Yeah, I know my godson very well, he thinks that he should always have a choice, let him think he chose Lora, and by the way what will the Takisho bloodline gain from this marriage and birth?”
Ken pulled a dark leather checkbook out of his inner kosode pocket, he opened it and look the fine tipped pen from it’s holder from inside the leather book also, writing the amount on the check and signing it, he tore the rectangular piece of paper and slid the check towards the middle of the table, Takumi picked it up and read it, his eyebrows shooting up under the thick fringe of his pristine blue grey silky mass of bangs, he shook his head incredibly, “three million dollars?! This is a whole lot of money Ken; it is triple its worth in Japanese Yen! Just for an arraigned marriage I think it’s too much!”
Ken shook his head and raised his clawed hand calming his friend down, “settle down Takumi, it is not only for the marriage, but for the fact that if I die before the marriage, you will keep your word to see to it that they are married, and that they move out of Japan for the time Lora is with child, they will need guards, so you should call Kenichii and Kentaro to accompany them and guard them, they are to go to the Mansion in Boston and Ren is to keep the child safe, see to it my dear friend, I have nobody else to trust in, other than you,” with this Ken extended his hand to Takumi and shared a warrior grip as they looked into each others eyes and nodded agreeing on what needed to be done. Takumi folded the check and slid it into his inner kosode pocket.
Then they sat and enjoyed the rest of the obento lunch and tea, telling stories of thing that happened while they grew up together, enjoying each others company, since this meeting could possibly be the last time they got to see each other alive.
What they didn’t know was that a third figure stood downwind from them, thus explaining how they weren’t aware he was there the whole time, a devious smile played out on his lips his eerie yellow eyes dancing with mischief, he jumped over the wall surrounding the Estate, running over rooftops to deliver the inside information to his master, the right hand of the Yakuza himself, Ryuukossei.
Please Read and Review, Ja ne! Pinkit!