InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Mapped Life ❯ A Mapped Life: Chapter 16: Explaining What Hapnned in the First Place Vol. 3: Tunnel Vision ( Chapter 16 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I DO NOT OWN Inuyasha or the Crew, Rumiko Takahashi does. But I do own my original characters.
“Hello Hello!
I am so glad to be back, I have been working on this difficult chapter for a long time, I have dediced to post it now before i do anything else with it, and it doesn't look like anything i had planned for this chapter afterwards; and I also had a small issue here with Pedro, he decided to abandon ship, but I found him hog-tied him and brought him back!
Jaja! Serves you right for trying to run away!
I would like to give thanks and a large Bouquet of lilies and roses to “[Precious]” who takes time out of her horribly hectic college life to encourage me to keep writing, Thank you! Thank you so very much girl, people like you keeps writers like me wanting to keep sharing our treasured stories with our small crowd of dedicated readers.
I must “WARN YOU” that this chapter contains torture and death of a character; explicit situations take place, which is why this fic is rated X – for explicit behavior and sexual content!
Well then all things settled I welcome you to read chapter sixteen of A Mapped Life: Tunnel Vision.”
Morning of January 13th 1970, Takisho Estate, Okinawa Japan:
Takumi marched down the polished wood corridors towards the Chief Wife living area, where he would meet with his wife to discuss an important matter, which she was not informed of yet.
Chiyo was a purebred royal; her pure bloodline one of the six ancient Inu Youkai bloodlines descending from Anubis himself, progenitor of the Inu Youkai species on earth and Lord Father to all Inu youkai, her father had set up an arraigned marriage with the First in Command for the Dog General Taisho. And she accepted her fate honorably, up taking her place a the left hand side of her husband at every social convention, and Ruling Bloodline Congress Meetings, but she had only one child, a daughter, that was her only fault.
The birthing of the first child was troublesome, almost costing her her own life, for Takumi’s bloodline was that of a poisonous Inu Youkai nature, which bore the seal of the turquoise crescent moon on the forehead in all forms, humanoid and True Inu, the child was born with poison claws which in Chiyo’s case tore open her inner walls and was declared forbidden to birth another, if she did, she would exchange her life for the newborn. Lora their daughter inherited this seal and both their pure bloodlines, which made her a treasure, and could be given in marriage for a stronger alliance.
In Inu youkai law the fathers got to raise and train the male children to be Lords and rulers, and the wives or mothers got to keep the female children, educating them to mannerisms they would have to employ if the were promised in marriage in exchange for a stronger bloodlines and alliance.
For this reason Takumi was left with a female heir, not being able to marry another or mate out of agreement for a male child to rise as heir, due to the contract signed by both of them before the mating to ensure that all of the clauses were complied with. He could not take a concubine to produce a male heir, for it would disgrace his honor and break the alliance with the Tanaka House, Chiyo’s Lord Father.
Later on Chiyo made a public petition at the Lora’s’ sixteenth birthday asking Takumi to not promise her only daughter in marriage, in exchange for alliance to another House, petition which he did not agree to, and thus causing Chiyo to move into a Wives’ living quarters on the other side of the Takisho Estate.
Area to which Takumi had just arrived at; a servant girl dressed in dark blue work linens bowed low and knelt opening the shoji screen allowing him to enter, also revealing Chiyo and Lora seated on large overstuffed cushions, dressed in the family colors and emblem the turquoise crescent moon, their hair pulled up in intricate hives with ornaments and beads protruding from it, holding the elaborate hairstyle in place; both of the women nodded delicately acknowledging his presence, as Takumi bowed slightly, then seated himself atop a vacant cushion meant for him to occupy.
Chiyo extended her hand and picked up a porcelain cup, setting it on the side of the low table Takumi occupied she then proceeded to fill it with ocha; serving Lora, and herself afterwards. All three of them took a first sip of the herbal tea, and then looked expectantly around the table at each other.
Takumi decided to break the dark silence, he looked at Chiyo directly, then at Lora, “My beloved wife, lady of this house, Chiyo-sama, The Taisho has spoken, he has given me direct orders and they involve our daughter Lora, she must learn to submit to a male in five days time, for she will be married to the Taisho’s only son Toga. She must be ready for the mating before the end of the week, the orders are final, your passports have been suspended temporarily Chiyo-sama, neither you nor Lora can exit the Estate before Sunday morning when we part for the Taisho Estate to attend the signing of the contract and the Mating.”
With everything said he stood and bowed paying respect to his wife, which had a very sour look on her face, then exited Chiyo’s living quarters, his footsteps over the tatami mats were silent and quick, though he stopped altogether before reaching the shoji screen, he looked over his shoulder at his daughter and then his wife, “It has to be done this way Chiyo, the Taisho needs us right now, he needs to secure an heir to his bloodline, and he has honored us with that privilege, it will be an arraigned marriage, and they can divorce as soon as the child is weaned off the mothers milk, soon you will understand why it shall be done, there is no need to plot against me.”
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Lora was excited to hear the news, she would be marrying the son of the Taisho, she had always admired and cared for Toga secretly, although Kenichii said she was more than obvious sometimes, her dreams were soon to come true, she would be married and pregnant with Toga’s first child by next week, Lora smiled as her mother looked at her with sad eyes, which she didn’t understand, she was getting married to the man she had loved secretly since grade school, and her mother didn’t look happy about it at all,
`sometimes mother is so hard to comprehend…´
Both Lora and Chiyo watched as Takumi walked out of the room and down the hall, when Chiyo was sure that he was out of youkai hearing range, she spoke, “Lora, you will do as your father orders, I have made a mistake raising you as if you were human, you never learned to submit to a male Inu, and that has been my crime, now that you need this knowledge, I must show you how to be a proper Inu Bitch in less than a weeks time, come with me, we shall start immediately.”
Both women stood and walked down the hall towards the weapons chamber. Chiyo had always feared this day, and now thick tears ran down her impossibly long eyelashes, marring her porcelain white skin. The daughter she always raised to be perfect, and speak her minds worth would now be brainwashed to believe males were superior, and should do as told no questions asked. A somber expression adorned her face as they reached the door to the reformed dungeon; the door was opened by a tall regal Inu Youkai, known as Kira, the Takisho House pain giver, and executioner. His face was covered in a leather mask, and he wore black slacks and a grey t-shirt. His black hair was woven in a tall braid; his massive arms were almost bizarre with the amount of muscle they bulked.
Chiyo sat on a cement bench outside of the barred cell where Kira lead Lora into, Lora blinked confused as Kira produced a long star-tipped leather whip. What was able to be seen of Kira’s face was evil in every way as he stretched the whip over his head and growled out a command in Inu which Lora did not understand at all, “Submit!” since she did nothing after the command, Kira brought the whip down over Lora’s shoulder ripping her haori sleeve open.
Lora bared her fangs screaming in pain, she lashed out blindly with her poisoned claws at her attacker, as she claimed to her mother to help her, seeing that her feeble attack did nothing to fend off the brute she clung to the cell bars begging her mother to help her, “Mother…please help me i don’t deserve this, I know I don’t!” all Chiyo did was flick her wrist for Kira to continue the torture, they had to break Lora’s will in anyway possible before the mating, if they didn’t Toga’s youkai could kill her for not submitting in bed. “I’m sorry baby this is for your own good, Kira go ahead!”
Kira barked out the command again, Lora did nothing, he barked again and at the same time brought the whip down fast against her back twice, ripping the haori open, exposing Lora’s breast bindings, all she could think about as she feel to her knees on the cold grimy brick floor was, ‘why mother?’
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The command was issued for another day and a half, and was not answered, no food nor water was provided, she tried to escape by using her claws to melt the steel bars standing between her and her freedom from this retched place, which only made things worst for her, earning her the anger from her torturer, he cuffed her left arm and leg to the wall, and changed the star-tipped whip to a bull whip, by the end of the second day Lora’s voice was hoarse from screaming, she felt faint, never having to go this long without food or water, her blood pumped slower through her veins she felt her heart skip a beat more than twice as the whip cracked open uneven scars on her torso, and when she opened her eyes her mother was still seated in the cement bench, outside of her prison, but everything was a blur, as she closed her eyes she heard her mothers’ voice yell something like, “harder Kira!” as she whimpered and tried to curl up in a ball but the cuffs stopped her from doing so, that horrid command was issued again, Lora called out to her mother for knowledge.
“What does it mean mother?!”
She couldn’t do anything else than scream as the whip tore open the delicate flesh between her shoulder blades, Lora screamed bloody murder, she quivered in fear, shivered in disgust, her body completely covered in dirt, grime, blood and her own urine.
She coughed, and pulled on the cuffs that held her captive, her torturer laughed gleefully seeing that she was still active, no one had lasted this long in his dungeon and under his Spanish bull whip, she was a feisty one this Lora Takisho, Kira punched the air out of her just for the fun of it, causing her to empty the contents of her stomach, which was no more than thick bile, Lora supported herself with an arm as she called out to her mother;
“Mother, father, Toga, Kenichii, anybody! Help me, please help me, why mother why? What does it mean? Why am I here?”
Lora broke out into a desperate river of tears, Kira barked out the command again. She did not understand, she did nothing she lay still to see if that buffered the anger of her torturer, it had the opposite effect, the whip came down hard over her back, baring her once delicate skin which was now puffy and bleeding from the deep cuts the bull whip produced, her ribs where starting to show, and the bruises were a colorful gamma of blue, yellow and purple.
Kira stepped over her and tore the remains of her clothes from her body, exposing her broken naked body to his lustful eyes, he barked the command again, Lora crawled backwards and pushed her back into the wall trying to disappear from this horrid place, she felt faint from the lack of food and water, weakly she leaned her head back against the brick wall, screwing her eyes closed waiting for the crack of the whip and a new cut to mark her skin, and maybe just maybe end this torture that her life had become, for this hell to come to an end once and for all.
Then whip cracked against the wall, for a moment she thought that maybe he had missed his aim, but when she leaned her head back against the wall she had consequentially bared her neck to him, submitting in the Inu youkai form.
`That’s it! This is what mother does when father looks at her that way, she gives him reason, raising her chin to him, or is it baring her neck? This is what they are trying to teach me! ´
Kira’s thunderous laugh echoed through out the dungeon, celebrating that he broke the will of another willful and witty Inu youkai bitch, again, it was a task he took much pleasure in, and this time, he had the honor to break the Lord’s daughter, she was fit for an arranged marriage now, his task was done, he repeated the command numerous times more, Lora responded baring her neck every time, but when she took too long responding he would bring the whip down again.
By morning on the third day, the Lord Takumi himself came down to the dungeon, his youki crackling over the bricked walls, fighting to be released to free his daughter from the tiresome torture he had thrust upon her to break her will.
He reached the cell where she lay prostrate on the floor her once silvery-blue hair, was now a dull shade of copper, matted with her own blood and bodily excretions, her once creamy white skin was an unhealthy shade of purple, the scabs where the whip met the skin crisscrossed in every direction, showing that she had tried to avoid being hit, death was slowly starting to creep over his once beautiful daughter, Kira issued the command again, but Lora was too weak to move anymore, he called out the command as he raised the bullwhip overhead to punish her again, but his hand was paused by a strong clawed grip.
Takumi’s eyes were a fierce crimson with green pupils; his claws punctured Kira’s skin like a knife through butter as he barked out “Enough Kira!” Kira dropped the whip and bared his neck to his Lord; Takumi grabbed him by the neck cutting through his skin and slammed him into the nearest wall. Then he yanked the cuffs off the wall and then slid them off Lora’s’ delicate hand and foot, he removed his outer haori and wrapped it around her frail form, picking her up and carrying her bridal style out of the dungeon he ran toward the healers’ quarters in the Estate, Lora had lost consciousness. Lord Takumi left Chiyo in the dungeon, sulking in her own thoughts.
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Takumi arrived at the healer’s living quarters brief minutes after; the healer was a Hawk youkai, tall with a head covered in long feathers, brawny upper torso and arms, his eyes a piercing yellow. He was currently drinking his morning ocha, but soon had the cup knocked from his hand by an angered Lord, who was about to turn primal, he held another being possibly youkai bundled in his dirty outer haori.
The hawk’s beaklike nose twitched in disgust, “what is that horrid decaying smell my Lord?”
His lord bared his fangs and growled low in warning, the hawk nodded and pointed to his examination table, Takumi walked over to it and lowered Lora gently on to it, the healer made quick work of unwrapping her from the cloth, and examining her wounds, his eyes widened as he realized of who the person that his lord brought in was, the feathers on the back of his neck bristled as he looked up at his lord,
“Lord Takisho, I need to call Emi to have her help me cure Lady Lora immediately!”
Takumi nodded and disappeared down the hall, transforming into his energy sphere form, he reappeared shortly after with Emi in his wake, the healer signaled for her to come closer and bring tonics and cotton gauze, they first had to clean the wounds out, then Emi would give her a sponge bath, after that he could then look at the damage closely and apply treatment.
Takumi sat in the corner of the room, his head bowed in deep thought, he soon feel asleep for the time his daughter had spent in the dungeon he did not rest, her screams reaching his delicate hearing racking his brain and were slowly driving him crazy.
The healer’s only thought as they worked to clean the scabbed blood from the cuts so her skin wouldn’t scar was, ‘what exactly happened to you Lady Lora…?’
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Toga arrived back at the Taisho estate, late in the afternoon, his flight was back from the office Taisho Enterprises held in Abu Dhabi, since their primary product was oil, it was only right for them to own lands and oil extracting bases in that country. He was sent to the general oiling base in replacement of his father to go in and conduct the yearly revision and make sure that everything was running smoothly.
As Toga set foot in the Estate he felt his father’s youki permeate the air, it was stale and somber, almost sickening,
“Father? Where are you?”
Toga quickly assumed his energy sphere form and searched the Estate for his father, only to find him in the Armory, sitting, almost slouching over a wooden bench, So’unga in his grasp, with some sort of red feelers protruding from the hilt of the sword feeding freely off his immortal blood sucking the life out of him.
Toga knelt next to his father, shaking his shoulder gently to awaken him, Ken mumbled and groaned in protest, how come his father was going through this alone, the feelers protruding from the swords grip were feeding from the space that was almost always dressed in leather cuffs that covered his whole forearms, but the spaces where the skin was not covered by the feelers was marred with dark brown scars.
Toga felt a knot rise in his throat, as he started tearing through the evil things, which made the sword cry in protest, its source of nourishment was being yanked away from him. The sword that once helped his father forge his empire in the times before the kings started to claim the earth was now sucking his father dry, the smell of death slowly lingered amongst his regal fresh mountain musk, his father was at death’s door, and he had not been aware of it, by the smell of it, there was nothing he could do now, it was eating his father slowly from the inside, and it would soon reach his heart.
Ken awoke as the sword was yanked from his grasp, his eyesight was shot to hell but his nose was perfectly functional, his son, his only son had come to his rescue, he had been in the Armory the last three days producing fangs for a sword to be made for Toga, thus letting So’unga feed freely off him, but he lost consciousness on the third day and that was how he was found, unconscious and being bleed out by a demon sword.
Toga hefted his father over his shoulder, it was incredible that now at the age of two hundred fifty five he could carry his bulky father, but two years prior he had been in bed for a few days after trying to lift him. Ken was not fat; no fat was the word that would least describe his wide brawny and strong presence. His muscled perfection constituted the majority of his weight, which now had considerably dropped, but neither Takumi nor Toga were able to find out, since he had long ago started replacing the weight and mass he lost with layers under his haori and hakama. Since nobody else came into close physical contact with him, everybody assumed he remained the same.
Toga laid his father down on a futon in his sleeping quarters. Accommodating his head with a pillow, he brushed the sweaty bangs out his eyes, his dark amber eyes unfocused, clearly showing loss of sight and early stage of decomposition of the physical body, it was true, his father was dying, and it was too late for Toga to try and do anything.
His father stirred, grunted, whined almost when he tried to sit up, Toga place a gentle hand on his chest to stop him,
“Father, I am finally back you are no longer alone, tell me father why did you keep this from me? Why did you give yourself to So’unga? What was so important you would decide to give your soul to a bloodlust crazed demon imprisoned inside a Sword?”
Ken, coughed and lifted his hand to grip his sons’ arm, “Toga, I am sorry I kept this important knowledge from you, but if I did tell you, you would have told me to stop and be rid of So’unga, that sword helped me build my empire, it helped me be who I am now, and I do not regret losing myself to it, for it is for a better future for you my son, I do not want you to inherit So’unga, I do not want you to suffer the same I have suffered to keep the demon inside the sword at bay. Toga I let the sword feed freely off me to be able to regenerate my fangs quicker, so Takumi could have a sword forged from my fangs for you.”
Ken was having a difficult time breathing, he coughed up blood and phlegm, Toga rushed to help him into a more comfortable sitting position, Ken pulled a gold necklace out of his haori, from it hanged about a dozen of ivory Inu Fangs, fangs his father sacrificed his life for, in that moment they seemed so meaningless to him.
“Take these and keep them safe, don’t give them to anybody else than Takumi he will know what they are for, I have already told him, my essence grows short my son, it is a shame I can no longer see you, but at least I know you are here with me and that is all that matters to me right now, you have been arranged to marry Lora and produce an heir, I love you my son, grow strong and honorable…”
And with that Ken’s soul left his body the energy sphere that was now the manifestation of his soul circled Toga once assuring him with its remaining youki and disappeared through the open window.
Toga briefly encountered self denial, his father couldn’t be dead, when he left him, he was so full of life, or that was how it seemed, now he lay here clutching his father’s lifeless body in a death grip, wishing he would revive, but no such luck, Ken Inu no Taisho was dead, gone forever, tears pricked Toga’s eyes as he dropped his head back and gave into his instincts howling for the loss of his Alpha and father, that night the moon bleed red.
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Next morning Emi walked into the Taisho Estate, having spent all night cleaning and dressing the wounds that covered all of Lora’s body, she was exhausted, when she left her Lord Taisho was going through simple katas in the Armory, telling her to go along and have fun while he worked on his rusty technique.
Emi giggled but was soon engulfed by Lord Takisho’s youki, and was transported to the Takisho Mansion, where she then played along as nurse for the youkai healer.
She took off her geta sandals and stored them in a cubbyhole, the servants were still not awake, so she quietly walked passed their sleeping quarters, the Taisho of late was a late riser after his twelfth century walking this earth, `of course, nobody in their right mind being 1,200 years old would rise early to do nothing really?´
After the world and consequentially Japan started acquiring a more civilized life pattern where children went to school everyday and adults signed peace treaties there was nothing of importance for the Inu no Taisho to do, but his office still existed as the head of the United Nations Office in Japan for the ONU. He also had his own companies to manage, which now were dealt with by his son, and heir Lord Toga, who should have arrived last night from a business meeting in Abu Dhabi, and the most trustworthy lawyers the Taisho employed.
Emi looked at her watch, `nine thirty, he will wake soon…´
Then she pulled a rope making bells clink setting off the movement in the servants quarters like any other day, fellow youkai and people alike came out of their rooms, brushing their teeth and fangs, men were shrugging into their work linens, and women tied their hair up in a neat bun, kids were sent off to school, and cook-aids readied the coals for the morning meal. Yes everything ran smoothly, like a well oiled machine, Emi at the head of it, as housekeeper. She smiled as the donned her apron and tabi socks.
She checked the supplies for the day’s meals, nothing was missing and she gave approval for the Lords breakfast to be started with. Emi then exited the servants wing, and traveled up into the common area of the Estate, a tranquil morning chamber, where the sun shone bright but not blinding, this place was the Lords favorite room, he was accustomed to have his morning ocha here every day. Emi busied herself with her tasks, putting water to boil for the leaves, and heating some dried fish to eat with soda crackers.
`Talk about weird, the Taisho sure has exceptional taste, who in their right mind has Japanese green tea with English tea crackers and dried fish? ´
The water started to boil signaling the usual time the Taisho choose to appear in the morning chamber, the figure with which Emi was graced was one of a very depressed and grieving Toga, she bowed her respect and asked to be of use,
“may I serve you your tea Lord Toga?”
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Tog a was a shell of a person right now, he was there physically but not mentally, he proceeded to get up from the floor next to his fathers unmoving and lifeless body and walked down the corridor and into the morning chamber just like he used to everyday to have breakfast with his father, he found Emi poking the coals with a stake, Emi was talking to him, `wait Emi, talking, to me…´
Coordinate and uncoordinated thoughts plagued his mind, and Toga was snapped out of his revere when Emi set the blue porcelain cup down in front of him.
“may I serve you your tea Lord Toga?”
Toga blinked as he saw Emi’s face for the first time in almost a month, he reached over and took the cup full of tea, and just as anybody that conversed about usual things in life, he informed her that his father was dead.
“Lord Toga, is something the matter?” Emi asked, staring at the monotone and stoic mask her Lord had assumed once he sat down.
“He is dead Emi, would you mind getting Lord Takisho on the phone? I desperately need to speak to him” He said, the words never seemed to have come from his mouth, it was so surreal, Emi leaped half her short height off the tatami mat into a horridly shocked position, holding her hand to her chest.
“Who is dead Toga? Is it your father?! Holy shit!”
That sent Emi running into the corridor almost yanking the phone off the wall in her anxiety to inform the First in Command of his Lords death. The phone was one of those cream-colored late model ones, that you clicked the receiver closed on top of.
The phone rang in Takumi’s private study, he picked up after the first ring, “Good morning?”
“Lord Takumi come quick, fly if you have to, Toga has just informed me of his father’s death!”
Takumi almost fell out of his office chair, yes he knew his friend was close to death, but he never said he was on deaths’ door!
“Damn that old lying dog! Emi when did it happen? Who killed him?”
“Lord Takisho I do not know, Toga just said it, and I ran to inform you, he requires our presence immediately, please Lord Takisho, he needs somebody and it certainly isn’t me right now!”
“Alright Emi I will be their shortly…” And with that said the line went dead on the other side, Emi started at the receiver and hung up shortly after, she wiped the tears she felt running down her cheeks with her apron and walked toward the sleeping quarters assigned to her at the estate, she needed sometime to mull this over, to accept her long ruling Lord Inu no Taisho was dead.
Toga felt a familiar youki reach out and caress his own in a soothing motion, his God father soon appeared after that, Lord Takumi in all his regalia, bearing a parchment, the ones used to seal a blood contract between youkai, the parchment carried the agreement of marriage between Toga and Lora to produce an heir to be held on Sunday, maybe it would be better to have things done and over with, the sooner the better, is what he thought.
Takumi placed the parchment to his right atop the low table, and sat next to his god son, he nodded brief reverence, and spoke,
“So it is true my ever honest friend has passed away…” It was not a question but a affirmation of sorts, Toga nodded and nodded toward the parchment sitting atop the table,
“Is that what I think it is? Is it the contract of arranged marriage between our houses Lord Takisho?”
Takumi spared a glance at the scrolled parchment, and nodded briefly, Toga extended his hand and grabbed the scroll off the table, bringing it near he unrolled it and read it thoroughly; he snorted and threw the scroll on the table;
“When will it take place?” Lord Takisho blinked and observed Toga’s grieving and careless appearance, “on Sunday, that gives you a few days to regain composure, we will arrive in the morning to have the parchment signed, then I must be present when you take Lora as your wife, making sure you do not mark her, since she is not to be your mate, you do not consider her to be such and I will not force you to take her that way. You must impregnate her and if she is successfully with child, after your first time together, it will be the only time you will have to touch her.”
Toga nodded and looked out onto the garden, “Lord Takisho I will arrange a private ceremony for my fathers burial tonight, I would be honored for you to attend, if you do not, then we shall see each other again on Sunday then.”
Takumi sighed, “Toga I have always been by your father, and I would disgrace my family and myself if I did not attend my best friend’s funeral rights. I shall see you later; I must inform Kenichii and Kentaro of the happenings.”
Takumi stood and bowed, regally to the new Inu no Taisho, and disappeared through the window in his energy sphere form, leaving traces of youki in the room. Toga called for a messenger, he needed to inform the other ruling Lords of his father’s death and claim his title as Inu no Taisho before he took Lora as his wife, a short tanuki appeared soon after with his writing utensils, Toga wrote out a brief but respectful message in his own blood,
January 16th 1970,
Fellow Ruling Lords,
I Toga, son of Ken Inu no Taisho, have inherited what by birthright is rightfully mine, my father has passed away and I am the new ruling Inu no Taisho,
Best Regards,
Toga, Inu no Taisho
Toga sealed the parchment with his blood and ring emblem, handing it to the tanuki messenger he informed him of what to do, “take that and have all of the ruling Lords read it and sign it so they are aware of the happenings today, don’t come back until your mission is done, be off with you now.”
The tanuki bowed and scurried off in the direction of the gates, he would use a cloud to transport himself through out the Western Lands, just as the Lords did.
That taken care of, he called for breakfast and a bath to be drawn, he needed to be cleaned up and presentable if any of the Lords decided to drop by and make sure that the message was true,
“two days to Sunday, by next week I will be married, a father and Tai Youkai, not what I had planned exactly father, but I will assume my responsibility honorably in your memory beloved father…”
Please Read & Review, I would greatly appreciate anytype of feedback from you guys!
“Hello Hello!
I am so glad to be back, I have been working on this difficult chapter for a long time, I have dediced to post it now before i do anything else with it, and it doesn't look like anything i had planned for this chapter afterwards; and I also had a small issue here with Pedro, he decided to abandon ship, but I found him hog-tied him and brought him back!
Jaja! Serves you right for trying to run away!
I would like to give thanks and a large Bouquet of lilies and roses to “[Precious]” who takes time out of her horribly hectic college life to encourage me to keep writing, Thank you! Thank you so very much girl, people like you keeps writers like me wanting to keep sharing our treasured stories with our small crowd of dedicated readers.
I must “WARN YOU” that this chapter contains torture and death of a character; explicit situations take place, which is why this fic is rated X – for explicit behavior and sexual content!
Well then all things settled I welcome you to read chapter sixteen of A Mapped Life: Tunnel Vision.”
Morning of January 13th 1970, Takisho Estate, Okinawa Japan:
Takumi marched down the polished wood corridors towards the Chief Wife living area, where he would meet with his wife to discuss an important matter, which she was not informed of yet.
Chiyo was a purebred royal; her pure bloodline one of the six ancient Inu Youkai bloodlines descending from Anubis himself, progenitor of the Inu Youkai species on earth and Lord Father to all Inu youkai, her father had set up an arraigned marriage with the First in Command for the Dog General Taisho. And she accepted her fate honorably, up taking her place a the left hand side of her husband at every social convention, and Ruling Bloodline Congress Meetings, but she had only one child, a daughter, that was her only fault.
The birthing of the first child was troublesome, almost costing her her own life, for Takumi’s bloodline was that of a poisonous Inu Youkai nature, which bore the seal of the turquoise crescent moon on the forehead in all forms, humanoid and True Inu, the child was born with poison claws which in Chiyo’s case tore open her inner walls and was declared forbidden to birth another, if she did, she would exchange her life for the newborn. Lora their daughter inherited this seal and both their pure bloodlines, which made her a treasure, and could be given in marriage for a stronger alliance.
In Inu youkai law the fathers got to raise and train the male children to be Lords and rulers, and the wives or mothers got to keep the female children, educating them to mannerisms they would have to employ if the were promised in marriage in exchange for a stronger bloodlines and alliance.
For this reason Takumi was left with a female heir, not being able to marry another or mate out of agreement for a male child to rise as heir, due to the contract signed by both of them before the mating to ensure that all of the clauses were complied with. He could not take a concubine to produce a male heir, for it would disgrace his honor and break the alliance with the Tanaka House, Chiyo’s Lord Father.
Later on Chiyo made a public petition at the Lora’s’ sixteenth birthday asking Takumi to not promise her only daughter in marriage, in exchange for alliance to another House, petition which he did not agree to, and thus causing Chiyo to move into a Wives’ living quarters on the other side of the Takisho Estate.
Area to which Takumi had just arrived at; a servant girl dressed in dark blue work linens bowed low and knelt opening the shoji screen allowing him to enter, also revealing Chiyo and Lora seated on large overstuffed cushions, dressed in the family colors and emblem the turquoise crescent moon, their hair pulled up in intricate hives with ornaments and beads protruding from it, holding the elaborate hairstyle in place; both of the women nodded delicately acknowledging his presence, as Takumi bowed slightly, then seated himself atop a vacant cushion meant for him to occupy.
Chiyo extended her hand and picked up a porcelain cup, setting it on the side of the low table Takumi occupied she then proceeded to fill it with ocha; serving Lora, and herself afterwards. All three of them took a first sip of the herbal tea, and then looked expectantly around the table at each other.
Takumi decided to break the dark silence, he looked at Chiyo directly, then at Lora, “My beloved wife, lady of this house, Chiyo-sama, The Taisho has spoken, he has given me direct orders and they involve our daughter Lora, she must learn to submit to a male in five days time, for she will be married to the Taisho’s only son Toga. She must be ready for the mating before the end of the week, the orders are final, your passports have been suspended temporarily Chiyo-sama, neither you nor Lora can exit the Estate before Sunday morning when we part for the Taisho Estate to attend the signing of the contract and the Mating.”
With everything said he stood and bowed paying respect to his wife, which had a very sour look on her face, then exited Chiyo’s living quarters, his footsteps over the tatami mats were silent and quick, though he stopped altogether before reaching the shoji screen, he looked over his shoulder at his daughter and then his wife, “It has to be done this way Chiyo, the Taisho needs us right now, he needs to secure an heir to his bloodline, and he has honored us with that privilege, it will be an arraigned marriage, and they can divorce as soon as the child is weaned off the mothers milk, soon you will understand why it shall be done, there is no need to plot against me.”
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Lora was excited to hear the news, she would be marrying the son of the Taisho, she had always admired and cared for Toga secretly, although Kenichii said she was more than obvious sometimes, her dreams were soon to come true, she would be married and pregnant with Toga’s first child by next week, Lora smiled as her mother looked at her with sad eyes, which she didn’t understand, she was getting married to the man she had loved secretly since grade school, and her mother didn’t look happy about it at all,
`sometimes mother is so hard to comprehend…´
Both Lora and Chiyo watched as Takumi walked out of the room and down the hall, when Chiyo was sure that he was out of youkai hearing range, she spoke, “Lora, you will do as your father orders, I have made a mistake raising you as if you were human, you never learned to submit to a male Inu, and that has been my crime, now that you need this knowledge, I must show you how to be a proper Inu Bitch in less than a weeks time, come with me, we shall start immediately.”
Both women stood and walked down the hall towards the weapons chamber. Chiyo had always feared this day, and now thick tears ran down her impossibly long eyelashes, marring her porcelain white skin. The daughter she always raised to be perfect, and speak her minds worth would now be brainwashed to believe males were superior, and should do as told no questions asked. A somber expression adorned her face as they reached the door to the reformed dungeon; the door was opened by a tall regal Inu Youkai, known as Kira, the Takisho House pain giver, and executioner. His face was covered in a leather mask, and he wore black slacks and a grey t-shirt. His black hair was woven in a tall braid; his massive arms were almost bizarre with the amount of muscle they bulked.
Chiyo sat on a cement bench outside of the barred cell where Kira lead Lora into, Lora blinked confused as Kira produced a long star-tipped leather whip. What was able to be seen of Kira’s face was evil in every way as he stretched the whip over his head and growled out a command in Inu which Lora did not understand at all, “Submit!” since she did nothing after the command, Kira brought the whip down over Lora’s shoulder ripping her haori sleeve open.
Lora bared her fangs screaming in pain, she lashed out blindly with her poisoned claws at her attacker, as she claimed to her mother to help her, seeing that her feeble attack did nothing to fend off the brute she clung to the cell bars begging her mother to help her, “Mother…please help me i don’t deserve this, I know I don’t!” all Chiyo did was flick her wrist for Kira to continue the torture, they had to break Lora’s will in anyway possible before the mating, if they didn’t Toga’s youkai could kill her for not submitting in bed. “I’m sorry baby this is for your own good, Kira go ahead!”
Kira barked out the command again, Lora did nothing, he barked again and at the same time brought the whip down fast against her back twice, ripping the haori open, exposing Lora’s breast bindings, all she could think about as she feel to her knees on the cold grimy brick floor was, ‘why mother?’
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The command was issued for another day and a half, and was not answered, no food nor water was provided, she tried to escape by using her claws to melt the steel bars standing between her and her freedom from this retched place, which only made things worst for her, earning her the anger from her torturer, he cuffed her left arm and leg to the wall, and changed the star-tipped whip to a bull whip, by the end of the second day Lora’s voice was hoarse from screaming, she felt faint, never having to go this long without food or water, her blood pumped slower through her veins she felt her heart skip a beat more than twice as the whip cracked open uneven scars on her torso, and when she opened her eyes her mother was still seated in the cement bench, outside of her prison, but everything was a blur, as she closed her eyes she heard her mothers’ voice yell something like, “harder Kira!” as she whimpered and tried to curl up in a ball but the cuffs stopped her from doing so, that horrid command was issued again, Lora called out to her mother for knowledge.
“What does it mean mother?!”
She couldn’t do anything else than scream as the whip tore open the delicate flesh between her shoulder blades, Lora screamed bloody murder, she quivered in fear, shivered in disgust, her body completely covered in dirt, grime, blood and her own urine.
She coughed, and pulled on the cuffs that held her captive, her torturer laughed gleefully seeing that she was still active, no one had lasted this long in his dungeon and under his Spanish bull whip, she was a feisty one this Lora Takisho, Kira punched the air out of her just for the fun of it, causing her to empty the contents of her stomach, which was no more than thick bile, Lora supported herself with an arm as she called out to her mother;
“Mother, father, Toga, Kenichii, anybody! Help me, please help me, why mother why? What does it mean? Why am I here?”
Lora broke out into a desperate river of tears, Kira barked out the command again. She did not understand, she did nothing she lay still to see if that buffered the anger of her torturer, it had the opposite effect, the whip came down hard over her back, baring her once delicate skin which was now puffy and bleeding from the deep cuts the bull whip produced, her ribs where starting to show, and the bruises were a colorful gamma of blue, yellow and purple.
Kira stepped over her and tore the remains of her clothes from her body, exposing her broken naked body to his lustful eyes, he barked the command again, Lora crawled backwards and pushed her back into the wall trying to disappear from this horrid place, she felt faint from the lack of food and water, weakly she leaned her head back against the brick wall, screwing her eyes closed waiting for the crack of the whip and a new cut to mark her skin, and maybe just maybe end this torture that her life had become, for this hell to come to an end once and for all.
Then whip cracked against the wall, for a moment she thought that maybe he had missed his aim, but when she leaned her head back against the wall she had consequentially bared her neck to him, submitting in the Inu youkai form.
`That’s it! This is what mother does when father looks at her that way, she gives him reason, raising her chin to him, or is it baring her neck? This is what they are trying to teach me! ´
Kira’s thunderous laugh echoed through out the dungeon, celebrating that he broke the will of another willful and witty Inu youkai bitch, again, it was a task he took much pleasure in, and this time, he had the honor to break the Lord’s daughter, she was fit for an arranged marriage now, his task was done, he repeated the command numerous times more, Lora responded baring her neck every time, but when she took too long responding he would bring the whip down again.
By morning on the third day, the Lord Takumi himself came down to the dungeon, his youki crackling over the bricked walls, fighting to be released to free his daughter from the tiresome torture he had thrust upon her to break her will.
He reached the cell where she lay prostrate on the floor her once silvery-blue hair, was now a dull shade of copper, matted with her own blood and bodily excretions, her once creamy white skin was an unhealthy shade of purple, the scabs where the whip met the skin crisscrossed in every direction, showing that she had tried to avoid being hit, death was slowly starting to creep over his once beautiful daughter, Kira issued the command again, but Lora was too weak to move anymore, he called out the command as he raised the bullwhip overhead to punish her again, but his hand was paused by a strong clawed grip.
Takumi’s eyes were a fierce crimson with green pupils; his claws punctured Kira’s skin like a knife through butter as he barked out “Enough Kira!” Kira dropped the whip and bared his neck to his Lord; Takumi grabbed him by the neck cutting through his skin and slammed him into the nearest wall. Then he yanked the cuffs off the wall and then slid them off Lora’s’ delicate hand and foot, he removed his outer haori and wrapped it around her frail form, picking her up and carrying her bridal style out of the dungeon he ran toward the healers’ quarters in the Estate, Lora had lost consciousness. Lord Takumi left Chiyo in the dungeon, sulking in her own thoughts.
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Takumi arrived at the healer’s living quarters brief minutes after; the healer was a Hawk youkai, tall with a head covered in long feathers, brawny upper torso and arms, his eyes a piercing yellow. He was currently drinking his morning ocha, but soon had the cup knocked from his hand by an angered Lord, who was about to turn primal, he held another being possibly youkai bundled in his dirty outer haori.
The hawk’s beaklike nose twitched in disgust, “what is that horrid decaying smell my Lord?”
His lord bared his fangs and growled low in warning, the hawk nodded and pointed to his examination table, Takumi walked over to it and lowered Lora gently on to it, the healer made quick work of unwrapping her from the cloth, and examining her wounds, his eyes widened as he realized of who the person that his lord brought in was, the feathers on the back of his neck bristled as he looked up at his lord,
“Lord Takisho, I need to call Emi to have her help me cure Lady Lora immediately!”
Takumi nodded and disappeared down the hall, transforming into his energy sphere form, he reappeared shortly after with Emi in his wake, the healer signaled for her to come closer and bring tonics and cotton gauze, they first had to clean the wounds out, then Emi would give her a sponge bath, after that he could then look at the damage closely and apply treatment.
Takumi sat in the corner of the room, his head bowed in deep thought, he soon feel asleep for the time his daughter had spent in the dungeon he did not rest, her screams reaching his delicate hearing racking his brain and were slowly driving him crazy.
The healer’s only thought as they worked to clean the scabbed blood from the cuts so her skin wouldn’t scar was, ‘what exactly happened to you Lady Lora…?’
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Toga arrived back at the Taisho estate, late in the afternoon, his flight was back from the office Taisho Enterprises held in Abu Dhabi, since their primary product was oil, it was only right for them to own lands and oil extracting bases in that country. He was sent to the general oiling base in replacement of his father to go in and conduct the yearly revision and make sure that everything was running smoothly.
As Toga set foot in the Estate he felt his father’s youki permeate the air, it was stale and somber, almost sickening,
“Father? Where are you?”
Toga quickly assumed his energy sphere form and searched the Estate for his father, only to find him in the Armory, sitting, almost slouching over a wooden bench, So’unga in his grasp, with some sort of red feelers protruding from the hilt of the sword feeding freely off his immortal blood sucking the life out of him.
Toga knelt next to his father, shaking his shoulder gently to awaken him, Ken mumbled and groaned in protest, how come his father was going through this alone, the feelers protruding from the swords grip were feeding from the space that was almost always dressed in leather cuffs that covered his whole forearms, but the spaces where the skin was not covered by the feelers was marred with dark brown scars.
Toga felt a knot rise in his throat, as he started tearing through the evil things, which made the sword cry in protest, its source of nourishment was being yanked away from him. The sword that once helped his father forge his empire in the times before the kings started to claim the earth was now sucking his father dry, the smell of death slowly lingered amongst his regal fresh mountain musk, his father was at death’s door, and he had not been aware of it, by the smell of it, there was nothing he could do now, it was eating his father slowly from the inside, and it would soon reach his heart.
Ken awoke as the sword was yanked from his grasp, his eyesight was shot to hell but his nose was perfectly functional, his son, his only son had come to his rescue, he had been in the Armory the last three days producing fangs for a sword to be made for Toga, thus letting So’unga feed freely off him, but he lost consciousness on the third day and that was how he was found, unconscious and being bleed out by a demon sword.
Toga hefted his father over his shoulder, it was incredible that now at the age of two hundred fifty five he could carry his bulky father, but two years prior he had been in bed for a few days after trying to lift him. Ken was not fat; no fat was the word that would least describe his wide brawny and strong presence. His muscled perfection constituted the majority of his weight, which now had considerably dropped, but neither Takumi nor Toga were able to find out, since he had long ago started replacing the weight and mass he lost with layers under his haori and hakama. Since nobody else came into close physical contact with him, everybody assumed he remained the same.
Toga laid his father down on a futon in his sleeping quarters. Accommodating his head with a pillow, he brushed the sweaty bangs out his eyes, his dark amber eyes unfocused, clearly showing loss of sight and early stage of decomposition of the physical body, it was true, his father was dying, and it was too late for Toga to try and do anything.
His father stirred, grunted, whined almost when he tried to sit up, Toga place a gentle hand on his chest to stop him,
“Father, I am finally back you are no longer alone, tell me father why did you keep this from me? Why did you give yourself to So’unga? What was so important you would decide to give your soul to a bloodlust crazed demon imprisoned inside a Sword?”
Ken, coughed and lifted his hand to grip his sons’ arm, “Toga, I am sorry I kept this important knowledge from you, but if I did tell you, you would have told me to stop and be rid of So’unga, that sword helped me build my empire, it helped me be who I am now, and I do not regret losing myself to it, for it is for a better future for you my son, I do not want you to inherit So’unga, I do not want you to suffer the same I have suffered to keep the demon inside the sword at bay. Toga I let the sword feed freely off me to be able to regenerate my fangs quicker, so Takumi could have a sword forged from my fangs for you.”
Ken was having a difficult time breathing, he coughed up blood and phlegm, Toga rushed to help him into a more comfortable sitting position, Ken pulled a gold necklace out of his haori, from it hanged about a dozen of ivory Inu Fangs, fangs his father sacrificed his life for, in that moment they seemed so meaningless to him.
“Take these and keep them safe, don’t give them to anybody else than Takumi he will know what they are for, I have already told him, my essence grows short my son, it is a shame I can no longer see you, but at least I know you are here with me and that is all that matters to me right now, you have been arranged to marry Lora and produce an heir, I love you my son, grow strong and honorable…”
And with that Ken’s soul left his body the energy sphere that was now the manifestation of his soul circled Toga once assuring him with its remaining youki and disappeared through the open window.
Toga briefly encountered self denial, his father couldn’t be dead, when he left him, he was so full of life, or that was how it seemed, now he lay here clutching his father’s lifeless body in a death grip, wishing he would revive, but no such luck, Ken Inu no Taisho was dead, gone forever, tears pricked Toga’s eyes as he dropped his head back and gave into his instincts howling for the loss of his Alpha and father, that night the moon bleed red.
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Next morning Emi walked into the Taisho Estate, having spent all night cleaning and dressing the wounds that covered all of Lora’s body, she was exhausted, when she left her Lord Taisho was going through simple katas in the Armory, telling her to go along and have fun while he worked on his rusty technique.
Emi giggled but was soon engulfed by Lord Takisho’s youki, and was transported to the Takisho Mansion, where she then played along as nurse for the youkai healer.
She took off her geta sandals and stored them in a cubbyhole, the servants were still not awake, so she quietly walked passed their sleeping quarters, the Taisho of late was a late riser after his twelfth century walking this earth, `of course, nobody in their right mind being 1,200 years old would rise early to do nothing really?´
After the world and consequentially Japan started acquiring a more civilized life pattern where children went to school everyday and adults signed peace treaties there was nothing of importance for the Inu no Taisho to do, but his office still existed as the head of the United Nations Office in Japan for the ONU. He also had his own companies to manage, which now were dealt with by his son, and heir Lord Toga, who should have arrived last night from a business meeting in Abu Dhabi, and the most trustworthy lawyers the Taisho employed.
Emi looked at her watch, `nine thirty, he will wake soon…´
Then she pulled a rope making bells clink setting off the movement in the servants quarters like any other day, fellow youkai and people alike came out of their rooms, brushing their teeth and fangs, men were shrugging into their work linens, and women tied their hair up in a neat bun, kids were sent off to school, and cook-aids readied the coals for the morning meal. Yes everything ran smoothly, like a well oiled machine, Emi at the head of it, as housekeeper. She smiled as the donned her apron and tabi socks.
She checked the supplies for the day’s meals, nothing was missing and she gave approval for the Lords breakfast to be started with. Emi then exited the servants wing, and traveled up into the common area of the Estate, a tranquil morning chamber, where the sun shone bright but not blinding, this place was the Lords favorite room, he was accustomed to have his morning ocha here every day. Emi busied herself with her tasks, putting water to boil for the leaves, and heating some dried fish to eat with soda crackers.
`Talk about weird, the Taisho sure has exceptional taste, who in their right mind has Japanese green tea with English tea crackers and dried fish? ´
The water started to boil signaling the usual time the Taisho choose to appear in the morning chamber, the figure with which Emi was graced was one of a very depressed and grieving Toga, she bowed her respect and asked to be of use,
“may I serve you your tea Lord Toga?”
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Tog a was a shell of a person right now, he was there physically but not mentally, he proceeded to get up from the floor next to his fathers unmoving and lifeless body and walked down the corridor and into the morning chamber just like he used to everyday to have breakfast with his father, he found Emi poking the coals with a stake, Emi was talking to him, `wait Emi, talking, to me…´
Coordinate and uncoordinated thoughts plagued his mind, and Toga was snapped out of his revere when Emi set the blue porcelain cup down in front of him.
“may I serve you your tea Lord Toga?”
Toga blinked as he saw Emi’s face for the first time in almost a month, he reached over and took the cup full of tea, and just as anybody that conversed about usual things in life, he informed her that his father was dead.
“Lord Toga, is something the matter?” Emi asked, staring at the monotone and stoic mask her Lord had assumed once he sat down.
“He is dead Emi, would you mind getting Lord Takisho on the phone? I desperately need to speak to him” He said, the words never seemed to have come from his mouth, it was so surreal, Emi leaped half her short height off the tatami mat into a horridly shocked position, holding her hand to her chest.
“Who is dead Toga? Is it your father?! Holy shit!”
That sent Emi running into the corridor almost yanking the phone off the wall in her anxiety to inform the First in Command of his Lords death. The phone was one of those cream-colored late model ones, that you clicked the receiver closed on top of.
The phone rang in Takumi’s private study, he picked up after the first ring, “Good morning?”
“Lord Takumi come quick, fly if you have to, Toga has just informed me of his father’s death!”
Takumi almost fell out of his office chair, yes he knew his friend was close to death, but he never said he was on deaths’ door!
“Damn that old lying dog! Emi when did it happen? Who killed him?”
“Lord Takisho I do not know, Toga just said it, and I ran to inform you, he requires our presence immediately, please Lord Takisho, he needs somebody and it certainly isn’t me right now!”
“Alright Emi I will be their shortly…” And with that said the line went dead on the other side, Emi started at the receiver and hung up shortly after, she wiped the tears she felt running down her cheeks with her apron and walked toward the sleeping quarters assigned to her at the estate, she needed sometime to mull this over, to accept her long ruling Lord Inu no Taisho was dead.
Toga felt a familiar youki reach out and caress his own in a soothing motion, his God father soon appeared after that, Lord Takumi in all his regalia, bearing a parchment, the ones used to seal a blood contract between youkai, the parchment carried the agreement of marriage between Toga and Lora to produce an heir to be held on Sunday, maybe it would be better to have things done and over with, the sooner the better, is what he thought.
Takumi placed the parchment to his right atop the low table, and sat next to his god son, he nodded brief reverence, and spoke,
“So it is true my ever honest friend has passed away…” It was not a question but a affirmation of sorts, Toga nodded and nodded toward the parchment sitting atop the table,
“Is that what I think it is? Is it the contract of arranged marriage between our houses Lord Takisho?”
Takumi spared a glance at the scrolled parchment, and nodded briefly, Toga extended his hand and grabbed the scroll off the table, bringing it near he unrolled it and read it thoroughly; he snorted and threw the scroll on the table;
“When will it take place?” Lord Takisho blinked and observed Toga’s grieving and careless appearance, “on Sunday, that gives you a few days to regain composure, we will arrive in the morning to have the parchment signed, then I must be present when you take Lora as your wife, making sure you do not mark her, since she is not to be your mate, you do not consider her to be such and I will not force you to take her that way. You must impregnate her and if she is successfully with child, after your first time together, it will be the only time you will have to touch her.”
Toga nodded and looked out onto the garden, “Lord Takisho I will arrange a private ceremony for my fathers burial tonight, I would be honored for you to attend, if you do not, then we shall see each other again on Sunday then.”
Takumi sighed, “Toga I have always been by your father, and I would disgrace my family and myself if I did not attend my best friend’s funeral rights. I shall see you later; I must inform Kenichii and Kentaro of the happenings.”
Takumi stood and bowed, regally to the new Inu no Taisho, and disappeared through the window in his energy sphere form, leaving traces of youki in the room. Toga called for a messenger, he needed to inform the other ruling Lords of his father’s death and claim his title as Inu no Taisho before he took Lora as his wife, a short tanuki appeared soon after with his writing utensils, Toga wrote out a brief but respectful message in his own blood,
January 16th 1970,
Fellow Ruling Lords,
I Toga, son of Ken Inu no Taisho, have inherited what by birthright is rightfully mine, my father has passed away and I am the new ruling Inu no Taisho,
Best Regards,
Toga, Inu no Taisho
Toga sealed the parchment with his blood and ring emblem, handing it to the tanuki messenger he informed him of what to do, “take that and have all of the ruling Lords read it and sign it so they are aware of the happenings today, don’t come back until your mission is done, be off with you now.”
The tanuki bowed and scurried off in the direction of the gates, he would use a cloud to transport himself through out the Western Lands, just as the Lords did.
That taken care of, he called for breakfast and a bath to be drawn, he needed to be cleaned up and presentable if any of the Lords decided to drop by and make sure that the message was true,
“two days to Sunday, by next week I will be married, a father and Tai Youkai, not what I had planned exactly father, but I will assume my responsibility honorably in your memory beloved father…”
Please Read & Review, I would greatly appreciate anytype of feedback from you guys!