InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Mapped Life ❯ A Mapped Life: Chapter 17: E.W.H.I.T.F.P. Vol. 4: That's A Wrap... ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I DO NOT OWN Inuyasha or the Crew, Rumiko Takahashi does. But I do own my original characters.

“Hi! I’m back and come baring the last filler chapter of my story, I just wanted to tell you guys that I wrote these four chapters so you could have a better understanding of what I am thinking about when I write Lora, Kenichii, Kentaro, Takumi and Emi.”

I feel honored that I have received 640 pageviews for my 16 chapters, thank you for taking time and reading my fic.

If you would like to be
“Beta” for my story or just give me some ideas or pointers, you can go ahead and email me at: p i n k i t 8 4 @ y a h o o . c o m (without the spaces)or message me.


And without further a due, here goes chapter seventeen of a Mapped Life: E.W.H.I.T.F.P. That’s a Wrap…

Evening of January 16th 1970, Takisho Estate, Okinawa Japan:

`Sore, everything aches, everything hurts, why? What happened…?´

Her pale-hued beautiful face scrunched up in a frown, what had happened to her, and how did she end up in the medical station?

Jumbled thoughts floated lazily around in her head, she tried to move her limbs to secure she still had movement,
`Kami-sama! At least I know I can still walk, my whole body hurts, everything, not a single muscle or bone escaped this torture…´

Lora frowned again, swallowing a lump that had jumped up into her throat at the moment, her eyes danced behind her eyelids trying to remember it, trying to remember how she ended up in the Takisho Infirmatory in the first place, and why did she feel like she just fell out of a moving car?

`Torture, dungeon, leather mask, haunting evil crimson eyes that burned into her subconciousness…torture, whip, pain, the haunting feeling of being lost somewhere dark, something being screamed by somebody, pain, then pitch black silence…´

Suddenly Lora remembered what had happened, she had been tortured by the family executioner, to near death, for a little more than three days, no food no water just that grimy filth he called a weaponry and pain.

Lora sucked in a rasped breath as she sat up, as a moist cloth that had been placed on her forehead fell off, she felt for her ribs and chest, remembering the bone had been exposed in that place, the flesh was still new and puffy but at least it no longer stung. A brawny clawed hand was placed on her shoulder, she started, as she looked up, her eyes came to rest on that calm, measured, friendly face of the family healer, John, he had been hired by the Takisho Lord after a conquest expedition lead toward the Americas, when he fell from a high peaked canyon and was rescued by John’s people, after he had placed all of his broken bones, and nursed him back to health that is.

Lora blinked back some tears after John had unceremoniously brought a steaming cup of a strong concoction of some sort under her sensitive nose. She pushed his arm back as she swung her feet over the side of the medical station bed.

“Oh Kami! John that stuff smells awful nasty! Get it away from me please it’s going to make me retch!”

“So sorry Lady Lora, this is the only medication I am able to make for you on such short notice to trigger your regenerative capabilities to work quicker, since you are needed healthy and willing within the next few days. I had no time to brew it and strip the brew of such strong odor.”

“Do you mean I really have to drink it?”

“Yes ma’am you do, you do if you want to be in any fit shape for your marriage to Lord Toga.”

“Hn, very well then, the sooner the better, hand it over John…”

And she drunk the murky substance in one gulp, closely followed by a cold glass of water. Then John helped her back into a resting position and called for a servant to bring her dinner, it was already four days and that Lora had gone without food, after being informed this by Lord Takisho himself John resorted to modern medicine and put Lora on a constant drip of IV. Yes youkai were magical beings, immortal, eternal souls, that reincarnate once in a while after death, and yes their body practically healed itself, but if brutally marred, and poorly fed their essence could wilt away to nothing, and that was in the condition Lora had been brought to his immediate attention and care.

Now, a day later, everything was looking up for the young Lady, but John still held doubt for what could have caused such sever trauma and injuries to her delicate form, she was the heir and daughter to Lord Takisho himself, if he was not mistaken she had a constant vigil and guard that accompany here inside and out of the Takisho Estate, so what in Kami-sama’s green earth had caused her pain?

Anyway, she had awoken, and was now conscious and stable, now all she had to do was heal from her wounds and the skin to completely regenerate so he could give the word that she was fit for the Marriage at the end of the week.

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It was what his father would have wanted, a tranquil, breezy place, where Ken Inu no Taisho always arrived to make decisions and escape the real world for a while. A cliff overhanging the clear water and sandy beach, where the tide crashed into the rocks underneath and broke into fresh salty spray.

Toga had his fathers’ remains incinerated and stored them in a porcelain flask, he called the few people that he knew his father would like to say goodbye to personally and invited them to the private funeral right. No more than five people where present, including Emi, Lord Takisho and the family cousins and deed doers, Kentaro and Kenichii.

Each of them had their personal few moments with the Taishos’ remains, giving him their last farewell, after that Toga held the flask overhead and proclaimed amongst the present,

“Here lies Ken Inu no Taisho, legendary Lord, honorable ruler, esteemed friend, father and uncle, may Kami-sama accept you amongst his eternal garden of peace and tranquility, may your rest be peaceful father, for we will forever hold you in our hearts…”

Finishing his brief farewell Toga tilted the flask against the wind and let his fathers ashes scatter with the wind, free from all binding to the mortal world so his soul could rest peacefully. The wind picked up as the sun set in the horizon, taking Ken’s soul and ashes with it. The Inu that had attended the funeral rights started leaving one by one, leaving just Toga and Takumi at the cliff, Takumi pondered how to address him now, even though Toga was his godson, and centuries younger than him, he was now Inu no Taisho and such title demanded respect. Takumi turned slightly so his back was facing the direction from where the wind came from, to avoid being scalded, thus turning his back on Toga, such action did not go unnoticed by the Young Lord.

“Turning your back on me so soon, fellow ruler? I at least expected for you to wait until I had married Lora and my son was born for you to show your true colors, but looking at you now, your attitude shows me that you imply your ingratitude for all my father gave you and all he did for you, hear me now Takisho, when was it you stopped being loyal to your Inu no Taisho and started following your fancy for something so petty as pocket cash? Tell me, `godfather´ how much did you accept for my Lord father monetary-wise to have you so eager to have us married so soon, I do not recall the parchment stating a date for the marriage to take place, so it is only you I have to blame for such a rushed transaction. I must let you know that Toga Inu no Taisho is nothing compared to his late father, for I am not going to keep funding your little scheme, I back down to no one, not even you, and if I have to take Lora away from you while she is moon with child, then so be it. There will be not one more cent paid to your name from my pocket, for there is nobody to blackmail about keeping secrets, I hold no secrets, and so you must tell no lies.”

This being said, Toga flipped his hair over his shoulder and walked toward his GS400, he turned the key and revved the engine, speeding away from his honorable fathers’ resting place toward his Estate.

Leaving Takumi open mouthed in amazement, this young ruler now was going to be very difficult to con, and lie to that was for sure, he assumed his energy sphere form and flew back home.

Ken’s spirit that lingered until the funeral rights were over, was watching from above, he nodded in appreciation, he had raised his son well, Toga knew when not to take shitty excuses or lies from anybody, his work was done here, now he could rest. His aura slowly started to fade just as the sun’s last rays were extinguished by the sea under the horizon.

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A large bulky figure of not a man, but youkai rested in a leather chair, behind what once was a neatly arranged desk, the back of said chair turned towards the door, as the figure observed the horizon and lit a cigar in his meaty ring clad fingers.

Today had been a prosperous day, a shipment of marihuana, and AK-47’s had been intercepted by his most trusted vessels, now the bounty was his and he already had a buyer; black market indeed, he never remained with anything hot in his hands for more than 48 hours, that was his lemma,

`Steal it and deal it as soon as you can and you will never be caught´

And to top it all off he had been informed by an insider that the Great Lord Inu no Taisho had deceased, Ryuukossei was a happy man, there was nothing else in this mortal world that would make him any greater than the good news he just received. For centuries it had been Ken Taisho against the Yakuza and the Yakuza against him, desperately hiding this power-crazed war from mortal humans sight, but only one could be the victor of this war, only one could stay with the Oiling District, and Ryuukossei wanted it for himself, now that the dog was dead he could just stroll in and claim ownership.

What a grand day it is…´ he thought has he took another drag of the Cuban cigar, a vile laugh echoing through out the office.

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Morning of January 19th 1970, Taisho Estate, Okinawa Japan:

The Estate was buzzing with activity, the ceremony would be private only the bride and groom, and attending family, no one else, but still it was a marriage amongst Lord and Lady and that required a lot of preparation and catering, which still was being finished by Emi and the kitchen staff, the meal was light since it was breakfast, but still she had to send a messenger to the Takisho Estate to find out about their eating habits and preferences.

The hall where the contract would be signed was the same as the one used for the early meal, where Lord Takumi, Lady Chiyo, Lady Lora, Lord Toga, Lord Kenichii and Lord Kentaro would be eating, then one of the guest rooms would be used as the Wife General’s room to complete the mating, where Takumi would be present.

Emi wiped the sweat from her forehead and proceeded to finished wiping off the silverware platters that would be used.

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A few hours later the Estate was cranked into action as soon as three cars arrived at the Taisho Estate gates, bringing with them the Takisho family, and the cousins. They were lead into the morning room, which was already set for the group to occupy.

Toga made his appearance minutes after their arrival; he sniffed the air around the door and realized why Takumi had stressed the point to have the marriage held today, for Lora went into heat today.

`Wise old dog…´

Thought Toga as he sat at the low table and re-read everything written on the parchment. After reading it he nodded towards Lora and let her read through it, then cutting open the tip of his index finger he signed it in blood, nodding for Lora to mimic him, shortly followed by all those present, to bare witness of the marriage not mating bond.

The parchment was stored away in a cubby while the food was served, and all was quiet, various expressions made their appearance on the faces of those attending the brunch, happiness, satisfaction, jealousy, joy, anger, sorrow.

The plates and platters were cleaned up and Lord Takisho stood bringing Lora up with him by the arm, motioning to the door, Toga stood also and asked for them to follow. Takumi wanted things to be done with so he could complete his part of the deal.

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As they approached the door to the Wife General’s room, anxiety and nervousness radiated off Lora in waves her youkai going bezerk under her pale skin.

This part of the Estate had been remodeled a few days ago to a Western style, not using shoji screens nor tatami mats and futons; the room was now decorated like something out of a Times magazine, with a canopy bed, carpets, drapes and renaissance paintings hanging off the walls.

Toga turned the handle and clicked open the door, leading the way for Takumi and Lora, after they were all inside and the door was shut Takumi stripped Lora of all her dress garments, leaving her in a thin sleeping yukata and placed a collar around Lora’s throat and neck that also covered the shoulders, this necklace had a resemblance to the head pieces worn in ancient Egypt. Made of gold and turquoise the Takisho family Emblem color, and said item was used in this type of case in which there would be a mating but no a bonding ritual, and for this reason the females neck, throat and shoulders had to be covered to avoid the risk that she were marked in mistake, or stricken down once the youkai did not recognize the female as it’s mate.

The dark turquoise yukata was pulled down to her chest so her father could secure the collar to a link belt around her thin waist which was protected by her father’s youki. Once Takumi finished securing the collar to the energy belt, he gave her a pat on the head and disappeared behind a warded door, thus leaving Toga and Lora alone to complete their part of the ritual.

Toga walked behind a shoji screen on the far end of the room, and changed into a sleeping yukata with the Taisho House emblem on it, riding himself of all other binding clothes at the time, for the yukata was soon to come off also.

Lora pulled on the collar that now was secured around her delicate neck, the thing was heavy and uncomfortable, she was rapidly falling into a state of uneasiness, having Toga in the same room and knowing he would soon be taking her clothes off and having sex with her not having any tranquilizing effect on her either.

She was a mess of emotions, joy, shyness, curiosity, sorrow; all vibrating centimeters bellow her skin, waiting to be unleashed. Her giddiness increasing as she sat down on the foot of the canopy bed and saw Toga emerging from behind the screen with a lot less clothes on making her eyes wonder over his lean muscular chest which peaked out from between the folds of the yukata he now wore.

Toga eyed Lora, now sitting on the edge of the bed, her heat scent doing little to calm the beast that now raged underneath his skin, desperately clawing at his shell to break loose and impregnate the bitch that he smelled earlier and relieve himself. But Toga had mastered his inner beast years before, and took his time measuring the emotions as the played one by one on Lora’s face, her desire getting the best of her and she eyed his exposed chest greedily.

Lora clutched the thin edges of his yukata in her fists as he slowly approached her, holding on to the last bits of levelheadedness remembering the brutal lesson she had been taught barely days before, she lifted her chin and tilted her head to the side, baring her neck to her lord now, letting him know he was willing to let him have his way.

Toga reached the edge of the bed and pulled Lora to her feet, looping his left hand around her back bringing her even closer to him, she smelled so good, so sweet, so tender, and right now he would give anything to have her, anything to ease the craving for such a temptation. His once honey amber eyes now rimmed in a deep crimson, as he held her steady and close to sniff her intoxicating scent, he growled in appreciation as he felt her loose her nervousness, Toga allowed his youkai to free himself, but still held control, he tangled his sharp deadly claws in the knotted obi that held her yukata closed, loosening her robe, it slowly slide down her thin shoulders, baring her nude form to him he drank it all in and let loose a blood curling howl, signaling to all other Inu in the immediate area that he would engage this bitch in heat and impregnate her. Temporarily marking her as his and the mark would be passed on to the child, which was soon to be conceived.

He palmed Lora’s breasts as he slowly rubbed his engorged member against her wet apex of curls, making sure she was ready for him, taking a first male was painful and even more if he was well endowed, and not wanting to make the experience traumatizing for Lora, he decided she should enjoy it to. Lora moaned as he managed to position himself between her legs and rub her pearl, it only took a few strokes to have her knees buckle beneath her and have her fall backwards on the bed, Toga quickly lifted her legs up onto the bed and knelt before her exposed nest of curls that were now drenched in liquid heat and ready to take him. But Toga wanted her to remember him, to remember this night and he didn’t mind bringing her to completion before he took her.

He nipped her creamy thighs with his enlarged pearly white fangs as she mewed in appreciation, he licked and nipped his was down to the apex slowly as he used a clawed finger to rub circular motions on her hot wet slit, dipping just the tip of his finger inside her, stretching her just for him. Lora lifted her hips off the bed trying to make him get closer, but when she did he pushed her down and sucked her pearl greedily. It only took a few seconds before Lora was moaning and growling in ecstasy, and Toga licked off her juices from his chin, peaking over her mound of curls directly at her crimson eyes, he realized that she had also released her beast and now he would take her as his.

Toga let forth an animalistic primal growl ordering her to submit, and Lora bared her throat, he licked her chin and pushed her face down onto the mattress, tracing her delicate back with his deadly claws, he rested his large hands on her minimal waist and climbed onto the bed behind her, pressing his erection into the fold of her thigh. She whimpered in submission as he dug his claws into her hips, his movements were then quick; he pulled back and thrust fully into her, seating himself deep inside her, while she moaned and growled her youkai searching to be marked as mated clawed at the covers that still dressed the mattress, shredding the delicate material.

He kept still for few minutes letting her adjust to his size but then the feelings were to overwhelming and he started moving slower at first but then picked up the pace when he heard her sigh in relief. Soon their bodies where vibrating and energy surrounded them, as the soul of their offspring started forming itself, mending her traits with his, her body started trembling preparing itself for what was to come, he fisted his claws into her hair and pulled her head back, to scent her and mark her as his, he bit into the collar but didn’t pierce her skin as she came hard and fast, bringing him along with her. He dislodged his fangs from the iron mesh of the collar let loose a howl of satisfaction, coming inside her. Their auras flared against themselves, violently rejecting one another, and Toga quickly dislodged himself from above her and paced the rugged floor. He managed to growl out something which Lora understood to be, “not mine…not mate…” as sorrow filled tears pooled in her eyes. She curled up into a ball on the mattress and hid her face in a pillow wishing him to go away, as the after fluids and her first blood pooled on the sheets. The ritual was complete she was pregnant with Toga’s child and they no longer had to repeat this action, for it was not needed.

Toga stormed out of the room locking himself in the bathroom opposite to the bedroom as Lora whimpered in pain, not only physically, but also sentimentally, `Toga really doesn’t see me as his mate…he doesn’t want me as his…oh Toga…´

Finding it safe to now emerge from his waiting place Takumi emerged from his hiding place and sat on the bed next to his daughter, trying to sooth her broken heart and spirit. `I knew this would happen…´

He then pulled the cover sheet around her, wrapping her just like a baby in a swaddling cloth and carried her out of the room, away from the dangerously powerful beast that he could still feel roamed free just behind the bathroom door.

Takumi burst into the morning room where the others waited patiently, and motioned for Kenichii and Kentaro to assume their positions, Kenichii would accompany the Takisho’s back home, while Kentaro stayed to keep Toga from going after her.

They made quick work of getting Lora and her family into the car and out of the estate, then Kentaro proceeded to take all of the sheets off the bed, and spray it with an unscenting chemical produced by John the Takisho family healer, so no scent of Lora was left on the mattress, he then called Emi, to have new fresh sheets delivered to the suite, she started dressing the bed as then they both heard water running in the bathroom, they both realized Toga was trying to wash off her scent. Emi finished dressing the bed in new sheets and a new cover, as Kentaro opened the windows to air out the place, soon there would be nothing that smelled of Lora Takisho inside the Taisho Estate.

Kentaro led Emi out of the room and out of this hall, leaving Toga alone with his thoughts. Once they were out of Toga’s hearing range he managed to find the room assigned to Emi and quickly pulled her inside, pushing her up against the wall as he shed his vest and weapon belts, he touched her greedily, as she moaned in appreciation, he was loosing control to his inner beast, and Emi knew it, she submitted baring her neck to him and he growled in acceptance, he cut through the French maid dress she wore with his agile clawed fingers, making her gasp in surprise, he reached for her nest of curls to test how ready she was, she moaned heatedly as he started rubbing her hard and fast, he turned her around to face the wall, they had never gone this far before, sure they had seen each other naked and had pleasured each other in other ways, but Kentaro never made a move to mate with Emi, nor mark her as his mate, maybe today would be the day, that that would happen.

He pressed himself against her, rubbing his erection into the space between her thighs, her body started trembling, that was a clear signal for him to know that she was very close to completion, he stopped touching her earning him a cry of protest, but he then looped his arms around her waist and chest and carried her over to the futon, he pushed her down to kneel in front of him she dropped down on all fours and folded her arms so only her butt remained up, inviting him to take her once and for all.

He finished undressing himself, kneeling behind her, he dipped two fingers into her hot seeping slit, then three stretching her just enough to not make it to painful for her, he loved Emi and now was the time to show her just how much he did in fact love her, marking her as his mate for life.

Kentaro pumped his fingers in and out of her making her liquid heat drip down her thighs bringer her close to completion again and then retracting his hand before she reached it, she growled in frustration, as he chuckled, “feisty little bitch you are Emi, tell me what is it you want, I want to her you beg me…”

Emi replied between moans and growls as he now was rubbing his engorged member against her slit but stopped once she started panting again, “damn it Taro, please….”

“Please? Please what Emi? Say it; tell me what you want me to do….”

“Oh Kami, please Taro take me now, make me yours, make me your mate…I need you…please”

Nothing else need to be said between the two as Taro held her still and positioned himself at her entrance, Emi was pure and that he made sure, he did not touch her this way until he new she would be ready to be his mate, Inu youkai mated for life, and he didn’t want to be stuck with somebody that didn’t love him, so he made sure Emi wanted him as much as he wanted her.

Kentaro pushed just the tip of his engorged erection inside her, moving slowly pushing himself deeper every thrust, their auras made themselves visible to them, pulsing in rhythm to Taro’s thrusts into her, but she wanted him now so she pushed her weight up into her arms and slammed herself back onto him, making him thrust deep inside her breaking through her maiden barrier and filling her to the hilt, making their auras flare instantly, into vivid colors of purple and orange that mixed and winded themselves against each other.

Taro growled as he unleashed his beast and started thrusting and pounding hard and fast into her, while he caressed her neck and pulled her hair away from it, holding onto her golden locks while he caressed her breasts and back with his free hand he kept a steady rhythm. The only sound that could be heard over their moans and growls was their skin slapping against each other. He then used his free hand to toy with her pearl and kept thrusting hard and fast into her, that was all it took to have her bucking beneath him, her walls vibrating around him, as he picked up the pace a notch she was growling and baring her neck to him, he brought himself up and over her back still holding her hair back and looped his arm around her hips to keep her still when he would bite her to mark her as his.

Taro’s breath was coming in short pants just behind Emi’s ear, he whispered sweet nothings to her as he kept on thrusting into her, it was only a matter of seconds before fireworks exploded behind Emi’s eyes and was sent reeling over the edge, clamping her inner muscles on his member, moaning and howling in satisfaction, Taro followed her with a few more thrusts he nipped her ear and trailed down her neck to the junction between her neck and her shoulder, sinking his fangs into her creamy skin his youki accepting hers and hers accepting his, he drank from her blood hungrily, as she managed to sink her own female fangs into his bicep marking him as hers also, she also drank from his blood and licked it clean so it would heal sooner.

Kentaro tried to pull out from her, but he found that their were joined and still would be for a long time, so he managed to pull her with him onto their sides on her futon, so they could rest together, his Emi, now his mate. His eternal love.

Kentaro nosed her neck playfully and kissed her cheek as he growled out “my love, my mate…”

As Emi pulled his arms closer around her, as she too growled out “my Kentaro, my mate…”

And they both drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

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Morning of January 20th 1970, Taisho Estate, Okinawa Japan:

Kentaro awoke feeling somebody close to him on his futon; he groped to see who it was, earning himself a surprised gasp and a sexy moan, `sexy moan? Who? What? Where did it come from? ´

He sat up instantly earning himself a cry of protest, when he looked down his icy blue eyes came in contact with lush caramel, `Emi?! Emi…that’s right we mated last night, so I finally had the guts to do it…´

Emi saw the surprised look on his face, and she couldn’t blame him, she had also freaked out when she awoke finding him beneath her. She had always wanted to be with him and be his mate, but only when he would take the lead and ask her. Now they belonged to each other. She crawled over the futon to him, caressing his chest and kissing his neck, he held her close and smiled as he enjoyed the sensations, being glad that she had not regretted the night before.

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Toga sat on the edge of the bed, last night he had not slept thinking about the commitment he had acquired to Lora in honor to his father’s bidding to produce an heir. He would have marked her if it weren’t for the collar Lord Takisho placed on her. He had to lock himself in the opposite room for Kami’s sake, before he dug his claws into her for rutting with him and not being his mate.

Now he was sure she was pregnant and he would soon be a father, within a mere eight months, which is full term for an Inu youkai. He slinked off to the bathroom again to soak in hot water, lavender and mineral salts to sooth his frayed nerves, this week had to be the most taxing of his entire lifetime.

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Morning of January 20th 1970, Takisho Estate, Okinawa Japan:

Lora had spent the night crying for her shattered dream, now she was married to someone that didn’t love her, pregnant, and bound to a contract to give over the last piece of what ever fairytale love she once held for Toga Inu no Taisho, her child. She was not happy, not happy at all, and so she now realized that this was why her mother was crying for her in the weaponry, her mother was crying for the fate she would now have to accept and live with, for this was the way things had been planned out for her, this was the way her life had been mapped out for her, and the worst thing is that she couldn’t do anything about it, because if she did, she would be punished or even worst, she could be executed for disobeying a direct order and claused contract with the Inu no Taisho.

John had been allowed into her sleeping quarters to check her over, after her maids in waiting had cleaned her up and dressed her in a sky blue silk yukata, with the Taisho House emblem on it, she was now married to the Inu no Taisho, and her station had to be worn with pride at all times. John had managed to cauterize the puncture wounds on her hips so they wouldn’t scar. He also assured Lora that she was pregnant, and that within a few months they would know the gender of the child.

While John finished tending to her, Lora realized that Toga had used her for his own advantage, so now it was her turn to take something in return. She couldn’t flee with her child, because that would cost her her own life, but she could make his life a living hell for making her unhappy.

`yes that is what I shall do, I will make you miserable and complain about everything so you will not have a moments peace Toga Inu no Taisho you will pay for not loving me in return…´

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Morning of August 19th 1970, Takisho Estate, Okinawa Japan:

Lora was almost full term, at seven months pregnant her growing child craved everything and anything that enticed her sharp sense of smell, but some odors were just too strong and made her retch which she was doing right now. The estate chef decided to cater her with western food this month and the `chili con carne´ as he called it was too spicy and too hot for her abused taste buds, sending her running for the nearest toilet.

Her father left all of her doings supervised by her maids in waiting so he could have all of his time to plan out how he was going to put to use the money the late Inu no Taisho had granted him in return for Lora’s and Toga’s marriage. Takumi also had the issue with Lady Chiyo’s mental health, for she had fallen into grief and great depression after they returned from the Taisho Estate and she saw her daughter raw and bloody, she threw stuff around and made a wreck of the porcelain in the dinning area, thus making Lord Takisho order John to subdue her with tranquilizing herbs.

Lord Takisho didn’t realize he was sole responsible for the separation of his family, but little did he care, he now had all the money he ever wanted to spend. They never realized they had a spy inside the Estate, and soon the Yukuza knew of the marriage and pregnancy of the new Inu no Taisho and his daughter Lora.

The planning for her execution was on, Ryuukossei had ordered the spy to introduce sleeping herbs into her evening tea and kidnap her, and then bring her to the headquarters to let the leader himself deal with her.

But their plan was soon thwarted when Kenichii who was standing guard behind the Estate saw the spy trying to leave with Lora over his shoulder, killed the spy and ran with Lora to the Taisho Estate, where he soon informed Toga of the happenings and they made planned reservations to leave the country as soon as possible, not informing anybody where they would be heading, so nobody knew where to follow them to.

Soon Toga, Lora, Kenichii and Kentaro were boarding the S.S. Faithful leaving behind a pregnant Emi and a dazed Lord Takisho, so they wouldn’t draw suspicions as to why the whole Taisho family was leaving the country undercover. Takumi never knew what really happened, but he did hold off the Yakuza ninja that were sent to intercept them, killing each and every one of them. If his grandson was the next ruler inline for Toga then he couldn’t let him get harmed.

Soon, very soon he would have someone to rightfully occupy the position of ruling Inu no Taisho and control. His thoughts were cut short when a ninja scored a killing blow digging his spear through Takumi’s heart.

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