InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A New Story Begins ❯ chapter 3 the search is on ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The day after Kagome had awoken back inside Kaede’s Village inuyasha had walked up to Kagome and shippo’s hut. Expecting the duo to be home just as always he began to walk into the abandoned home “Kago….” he stopped, he sniffed the air and looked around. “Kagome. Shippo?'' Much to his aggravation and disappointment the air was cold, her and the kitsunes scents long gone, without much thought he left the hut and began towards Priestess Kaede. 


He pulled back the curtain that stood as a door, he spotted the three sitting around the fire all with tee cups in their hands, steam rolling out. They stared back at him with annoyance in their expressions ``Sango, you and Miroku go get Kirara and meet me back here, I've got to go get Kyiko. Kagome is missing!” the Trio looked at him with shared annoyance, all three dumbfounded at their friend. Kaede spoke softly and slowly “inuyasha. Ye know Kagome has been gone for a while now?” Inuyasha stood there just staring at the old priestess. “Priestess kaede is right inuyasha, she’s been gone for a few months now.” Sango lifted her cup to her face “we assumed she went back to her time because she’s had enough of you, not that i can much blame her.” infuriated the hanyou gripped the curtain “get kirara, i’ll be back with kyiko. Don’t argue with me, she would have told me if she was going home.” no one else got another word before inuyasha left the hut to retrieve his mate. 


Koga placed Kagome down on the cave floor near a fire roaring in the far end of the large cavern. “Koga?” Kagome looked up innocently and full of curiosity, he smiled and looked at her. She spoke softly a blush coming to her face. “I’ve got so many questions but I” she looked away embarrassed “i just don’t know how to ask any of them.” he softly placed his hand onto her cheek, her breath was caught inside her throat, her chest heaved while her mind raced with thoughts that she shouldn’t of been having. What is this? This feeling, it’s new. Could it be love? How, she felt love when she was in love with inuyasha but it didn’t even pale in comparison to what she felt now. Koga could smell her scent change and this frustrated his inner demon, he wanted her so badly every part of him throbed to touch her in a way no other has, to taste her juices. He smiled at her frazzled look and spoke softly, kindly. “Just try. There is no judgement here, you know that.” kagome looked up at him. “When did you recuse me...why did you recuse me” her face dropped as memories flooded her head of inuyasha, they showed all the times he chose kikyo. Koga let out a deep and threatening growl drip out of his throat he knew who she was thinking of. It pissed him off how the filthy half breed treated her. “Your scent filled my nose, I couldn't pass up the chance to see you no matter what time of night it was, even if all I could do was watch you sleep that was enough. But when I saw how blue you were. How close to death you were getting i didn’t even think about it i knew i had to save you. I knew I had to show you the kind of life you could have if you stayed here. But in a way I guess it was selfish of me. I couldn’t think of a day when you're not alive, I wouldn't want to be in that kind of world.” kagome watched him as he spoke. So truthfully, so full of feeling. Her heart raced as he continued to speak from the heart until her eyes landed and stayed glued to his lips, as they formed each and every word. Her concentration was broken when Shippo jumped into her lap, she looked down and smiled as she held him close. “How long was I asleep” Koga looked away, he knew she would eventually ask but he dreaded the day. Almost three months.” 


Inuyasha, Kikyo, Sango, Muiroku and Kirara had searched all day, when nightfall finally fell the group set up camp and headed to bed for the night, while back with the wolf tribe things were just getting started. The fire that roared earlier in the day only got bigger, the males drank and prepared their kill, while the women chattered, laughed and prepared dinner. The wolf pups and shippo all played together. Kagome sat by herself in Koga’s room, hearing the laughter she urged to go out and watch everyone but her legs still wouldn’t work. How much longer until she will be able to stand, to walk. Her face fell but before she could dwell too far into the matter a female wolf demon came in. “sister?” a beautiful young woman came in. She wore her long rose colored hair up in a complicated braid that adorned her wolf ears. She had on traditional wolf tribe clothes just like Koga. “my name is Hasely, Koga sent me in here to help bring you out” she smiled brightly. “But why don’t we get you into some clean clothes first.” kagome nodded her head watching the young wolf. Hasley picked the young miko up and carried her into the main den to join the party. She carried kagome towards koga who sat beside the fire. Koga’s eyes spotted kagome and instantly his jaw dropped. Kagome wore the traditional wolf tribe clothes, her hair was curled in tiny spiral ringlets that bounced with every move, she was absolutely, Koga shut his mouth and stood up to get kagome. “How are you feeling?” she looked up at him and smiled “this is huge, what are you celebrating?” he stared at her, his eyes couldn’t leave her. “We're not celebrating, we do this every night, after a long day the whole pack comes home, prepares dinner, and enjoys others company.” They sat down and enjoyed the night as it slowly started to become quieter and calmer until finally every last wolf was in bed asleep. 


The next morning kagome awoke, she looked down to see shippo snuggled tightly against kagome's stomach, she started to move before noticing a weight on her waist, she looked behind her as saw koga sleeping, his arm resting on her waist. She smiled softly, she laid there for a little bit before koga woke up. He sat up and stretched, his long hair was let loose and laid lazily and messy against his back he rubbed his eyes while yawning, kagome giggled softly she had never seen this side of him before. He smiled as he looked at her “morning kagome, did you sleep ok?” she smiled happily “i haven’t slept that good in a long time.” he got up, to kagome's disappointment still fully dressed, he walked over to her and picked her up “why don’t we go up to the falls? Get some fresh air?” she nodded, she picked up her sleeping kit and rubbed their noses together “wakey wakey shippo, it’s time to get up” Koga smiled watching how brightly her mothering instincts got. After all the times he has seen his love mother this orphan who was in no way any relation to her, it helped him decide that she was the only woman he wanted to bear and mother his pups. Soon shippo awoke, a sleepy smile on his face while he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes “good morning momma.” kagome laid him down smiling “good morning sweetheart. Why don’t we go get you some fresh air before breakfast, ok?``Shippo nodded and started out of the room, koga lifted up kagome and followed shippo to the falls on the far end of the territory.  


Later that morning the group started stirring, and sango sat with miroku around what was left of their dying fire, kirara lying by their feet. Kikyo came out to join the group, she wore disgust on her face like royalty would wear a crown on their heads. Not much longer after kikyo left her tent, inuyasha too, left the tent to join the group, as soon as he lifted his head to walk towards his beloved a breeze blew past which carried kagome's scent. Without a word to the other inuyasha leaped into the trees so he could better follow Kagome's scent. “Inuyasha, where are you going?” kikyo screamed, she tried to follow him but before she could even grab the bow that laid beside her he was gone. Without much choice she climbed onto kirara behind sango and miroku and off they went, to where they didn’t know, they didn’t know what laid in wait for them or what kind of danger their companion was leading them too.