InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Series of Crazy InuYasha Events ❯ Anger Management ( Chapter 11 )
Welcome back! Kitkat2919, I'm using your idea this chapter. So stop yelling at me to use your idea. I just kept on forgetting. Sorry. But I'll make this funny! R+R!
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha!
Anger Management!
One day, in feudal Japan, InuYasha was sitting in a tree. Just then, Sesshomaru and Kikyo show up. "InuYasha, give me the Tetsusaiga!" Sesshomaru screams.
"InuYasha, come to hell with me!" Kikyo screams. InuYasha gets mad.
"Will you two shut up?" He screams as he slams his fist into the tree, shaking it. Sesshomaru and Kikyo get shaken up. They then look up at InuYasha.
"NO!" They both scream as they kick the tree, knocking it over. InuYasha falls on his head. He jumps up.
"YOU BAKAS'!" He screams. He then kicks Sesshomaru in the nuts and Kikyo in the chest. They both scream in pain. Kikyo then kicks InuYasha in the nuts and he screams in pain. Kagome then walks over.
"WHAT'S THIS ABOUT?" She screams. Everyone burst into story. Kagome gets confused from all the different stories she's hearing. "QUIET!" She screams. She then lays all three of them down. She then sits down on a tree stump and takes a note pad and pen out. "Now InuYasha, tell your story." She says.
InuYasha begins, "Well I was sitting in my tree then these clowns arrive. He asks me to give him the Tetsusaiga and she asks me to go to hell with her. Then when I refuse, they beat me up." Kagome writes this down.
"Sesshomaru, your story." She says.
"Well I just asked for the Tetsusaiga and he kicked me in the nuts for no reason." He says.
"I HAD A DAMN GOOD REASON!" InuYasha screams.
"Quiet!" Kagome says, "No interrupting. She writes this down. "Kikyo, your story."
"I just asked InuYasha to come to hell with me and he got all mad and attacked me." She says. Kagome writes this down. She studies all three stories and comes to one conclusion.
"You're all crazy!" She says. InuYasha, Sesshomaru, and Kikyo all gasp.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M CRAZY?!?!" InuYasha screams.
"I'M NOT CRAZY, I'M SESSHOMARU-SAMA!" Sesshomaru screams.
"YOU'D BE CRAZY TOO IF YOU DIED!" Screamed Kikyo. Three guys then come out, put InuYasha, Sesshomaru, and Kikyo in straight jackets, and take them to 'Feudal Japan's Nut House'!
The End of this chapter! A Series of Crazy InuYasha Events, TBC…
LOL, that was unexpected! Kitkat2919, did you like this? Please R+R! Sorry it was short!