InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Time to Heal ❯ Promises ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer - I would love to own it but I don't know if I could handle the responsibility.

Chapter Two - Promises

"Inuyasha… SIT!" Kagome screamed.

"What was that for wench?!"

"Where are you going?"

"I have a promise to keep. Now if you'll excuse me I need to leave to make it there in time." Growled the hanyou as the subduing spell wore off.

"I'm coming with you."

"No, you're not. It's too dangerous."

"Where are you going that's more dangerous then hunting for shards?"

"Sesshoumaru's palace." `There, now tell me you want to go, wench.'

"Why would you want to go there? Sesshoumaru will kill you, baka! I'm going with you whether you like it or not!" Kagome demanded. "Then you will at least have someone to watch your back."

"He won't touch me."

"Inuyasha, what makes you think that Sesshoumaru will just let you walk into his palace and not attack you?" Kagome finished in tears.

"Kagome, listen to me. Sesshoumaru would not dare attack me on the day I will be there. He knows why I'll be there. Kagome…Kagome, please stop crying." He embraces her. "I can't stand when you cry. Kagome, I will let you come, but you must stay close to me at all times. Do you understand?"

"I will stay close to you, I promise. Inuyasha?"

"Yes, Kagome?" `Kami, she's beautiful.'

"I… Are you sure you want me to come with you? I could be a distraction to you. What would happen if you're…?"

Inuyasha cut Kagome off by placing a clawed finger against her lips. "Woman, Trust me for once would you. I won't let anything happen of either of us."


"I swear to you, both of us will leave that place together." He drew her even closer to him. "I would never let anything happen to you. You know that don't you?"

"What about Kikyo?"

"What about her? I must still keep my pledge to her, but she no longer holds my heart."

"Inuyasha, are you saying what I think your saying?"

"I love you Kagome. It's not fair to you though. If I could I would stay with you forever."

"Inuyasha, can't we… Can't we just make the most of what time we have?"

"Kagome, I'll just end up breaking your heart. If we go past our friendship, I may not be able to leave you. I've seen first hand what can happen when one lover dies and leaves the other behind. I don't want that to happen to you." Inuyasha looked away sadly.

"Inuyasha, I love you." Kagome suddenly leaned up and kissed him. As suddenly as she had started the kiss, she broke it. "You said we have to hurry to make it," she said blushing.

"You're right. But, Kagome, we aren't done with this discussion yet, but it can wait. We can't carry much so you'll have to leave your pack behind, ok?"


"Hop on, we need to move quickly."

"Let's go."

He was coming. Sesshoumaru knew he would. He had faithfully come every year on that day. Except for his imprisonment, he never failed to show. What was not expected was that he was bringing the miko with him. The dirty hanyou was either very brave or extremely stupid. Sesshoumaru would use this to his advantage. He had yet to form a plan, but he would make the hanyou pay for the pain he had caused.

The Lord of the West approached the plum tree, which seemed to shy away from him.

"You have no right to say anything! If it were not for him, you would be alive and ruling at my side. He as good as killed you yet it is me you haunt. Why? Why are you doing this, Ume?"