InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A True Love Story ❯ What Love Can Do To You Part Two ( Chapter 2 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter One
What love can do to you!!!
Part Two
Inuyasha had no choice the minute he rose his head up from the dirt his face was slammed back down again instantaneously, eventually he gave up even trying to get up he just dragged his body along the ground in between her commands, hopelessly trying to go after her.
Kagome ran and ran still shouting “Sit” and she continued to do so until she reached the sacred tree where here eyes detected none other than Kikyo. Kagome could see her body was weak and frail as she lay under the tree, seemingly sleeping as her soul collectors filled her clay body with the souls of the dead. Kagome edged closer to her no matter how much she should, she couldn't hate Kikyo, she couldn't just leave her there she had too help her. So Kagome slowly approached Kikyo so she didn't startle the poor woman. Kagome knelt down beside her and rubbed Kikyo's face with her soft hands trying to wake her gently.
“Kikyo can you here me? It's me Kagome please wake up, your not well let me help you” she pleaded her eyes full of great concern for the weakened priestess.
Kikyo's eyes snapped open and startled Kagome into allowing herself to scream.
“Why have you come what is it that you seek from me” Kikyo asked in her cold tongue.
“I do not seek anything from you, I was just passing and I saw you here that's all I just wanted to help you” Kagome answered.
“Oh I see but I do not need any help from you” she answered in an even colder tone than before.
“However I am growing quite tiresome of this body, so I shall have yours, then I will no longer have to rely on the souls of the dead in order to live” she said with a twisted smile on her face as she reached out for Kagome's hands pulling her up as she herself rose from the ground.
Kagome's body had become stiff and she found herself unable to move she was paralysed. Kikyo wasted no time in tying her to the sacred tree, binding her tightly before her spell wore off and Kagome was able to move again because even though she hated too admit it the girls power was almost equal to her own.
Inuyasha wasn't far away now that Kagome had finished with the sitting he was chasing after her as fast as he could, he knew he couldn't let her get back to the well because hers powers had grown immensely, she could definitely seal the well to stop him coming after her, but he refused to let that happen he couldn't live if she left him for good it was bad enough when she went home for a couple of days let alone forever. Why did he always have to be such an asshole he'd brought this on himself, if only he had just told her the truth about just how much she meant to him, why did his cursed pride always have to get in the way.
Meanwhile Kagome was tied to the sacred tree, she was paralysed but she could still speak even if her body refused to move. Even if she could move she doubted the ability would be much use because the rope was so tight.
“So Kagome are you ready to trade places with me? at least this way part of you can have Inuyasha” she remarked in her cruel tone.
“I don't care anymore do what you will with me Kikyo, I have no desire to live, it's taken me a long time but I've finally realised it, I know now that Inuyasha's heart truly does belong to you, I give up I can't compete, you win” she mumbled sadly tears streaming down her face.
“Your right you are just a poor copy, of course you cant compete with me, you were foolish to think you could” she replied with a smirk.
Inuyasha was really close now but he'd been so lost in his thoughts that he neglected his senses most of the way only now did he realise he could smell both Kikyo and Kagome. Just what was happening? he could smell Kagome's salty tears again. He came to a halt just metres away, he blinked a couple of times too make sure what he was seeing was real then he ran full pelt towards Kagome.
“Ah he's come at last” Kikyo whispered to Kagome before she turned and shot him with one of her sacred arrows as he ran towards them. The arrow pierced right through his chest and as if he was running in slow motion he slowly fell to the ground until he collapsed onto his knees at Kikyo's feet.
Her arrow was not a sealing arrow like last time, this time it was a paralysing arrow his body became stiff and he was unable too move.
“Now Kagome we shall proceed” Kikyo laughed as she placed her hands together in a prayer like position readying herself to begin the incantation.
“Now Inuyasha I will return to you, you will no longer have to put up with this pathetic excuse for my reincarnation” she smiled coldly.
“Kikyo do what you want with me just let Kagome go” he pleaded with her.
“Sorry I'm afraid I cant do that I need her body, I will not remain in this clay form forever” she stated coolly amazed at the fact that he was still able to speak.
“What your going to take Kagome's body, how could you Kikyo she saved your life why would you want to do this to her, she doesn't deserve it, I wont let you do this to her” he yelled more angrily than ever.
“Oh Inuyasha it's not like she's going to die or anything she can have my clay form and besides what are you so upset about you can have me, you know you want me. Now hush if you want to be with me, I must complete the soul swapping incantation” she replied closing her eyes and beginning to chant. Kagome had remained silent ever since Inuyasha's appearance she couldn't even bare to look at him but now she could feel herself leaving her body as she listened to the strange words the priestess was chanting, she had no desire to even try to resist Kikyo's will, nothing mattered anymore Inuyasha didn`t and would never love her, she had no reason to live, if she could trade places with Kikyo at least he`d be happy, he would have the woman he had always desired.
The remainder of her soul finally released her body allowing Kikyo's soul to inhabit it while her soul now resided in Kikyo's clay body. Her vision was blurry to begin with but then her eyes began to focus. Her first image through Kikyo's eyes was her love knelt at her feet, then she turned her eyes away from him and headed towards the tree to free Kikyo from the rope that bound her to the tree. Then she returned to Inuyasha kneeling down so she could look into his beautiful golden eyes one last time.
“Kagome why didn't you fight back” he asked her tears filling his eyes.
“Shush it's ok I want you to be happy, please forgive me for this, but I want to kiss you, just this once” she whispered tears now flowing freely down her face as she leaned down to kiss him. The kiss was short and sweet and when it ended Kagome destroyed the soul collectors that were animating her body for her and released the souls of the dead until only her own soul was inhabiting Kikyo's clay form. With nothing to sustain her Kagome fell to the ground before Inuyasha, completely still her eyes still leaking with tears.
Kikyo moved over to Inuyasha and pulled the arrow from his chest allowing him to move once more. The second he was free he dove for Kikyo's body and cradled her head in his arms as he began to cry.
“Why Kagome why didn't you fight back, please just open your eyes don't leave me Kagomeeeeeeeeeeee!!”he howled into the night.