InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Absolution: The Collected Chronicles of Miroku and Sango ❯ Darkness ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“So, do you still love her?”
The question hung in the late evening air. Falling cherry blossoms were hailing the end of spring and the arrival of summer. To Sango, they reminded her of floating pink clouds, blowing away in the wind. Spending the afternoon with Miroku had been their first official `date' and after several hours together, the conversation had turned to past relationships. The question fell from Sango's lips before she even realized it and now looking at the silent man, she couldn't help but wonder had she somehow offended him.
“I'm sorry, Miroku. Maybe it's too soon to even discuss this with me.”
Miroku continued to watch the birds flocking on Cormorant Pond. As birds took flight and cast shadows on the Bentendo temple, Miroku found his voice.
“Don't apologize for the question. You actually caused me to really think before I answered it.”
Sango plucked a fallen blossom from the ground. Twirling it in her fingers, Sango regarded the now silent man. One of the things she really liked about Miroku was how his eyes changed to reflect his emotions. They were now the same stormy blue she remembered the first night they met. Never before that moment had Sango ever wished ill on another person. She just wanted to meet the bitch that had practically destroyed this man.
“I didn't mean to dredge up the hurt. I just wanted to know how you really felt.”
Miroku looked at the beauty sitting beside him. The concern in her dark eyes was apparent. He suddenly felt the urge to pull her close and just hold her. He realized Sango at least deserved an answer to her question.
“At one time, I would have said yes, wholeheartedly. But after what happened, I know there is a part of me that hates her very soul. I try to keep the blackness of it from eating my soul because then I'll be lost.”
Sango reached over and held Miroku's hand. Moving closer to him, she placed her head on his shoulder. Miroku looked at the top of her dark head, grateful for the support and care she was showing with the simple gestures.
“I know it's that black part of me that keeps me from releasing her from the guilt she carries. I know it's that part keeping me from speaking to my former friend and at least accepting his apology. But I can't help it, I hate that bitch right now.”
The couple sat in silence for a while, each lost in their own thoughts. Miroku had never admitted to anyone, even himself, how he had felt. Everyone just assumed it was all hurt and sorrow. Miroku finally understood, deeper than the hurt and the sorrow, lay the rage and hate for the two people he felt had broken him into tiny pieces.
Sango knew instinctively nothing could be said to remove or placate Miroku's feelings. She understood all too well the pain of betrayal and the things you may never let go. She was holding on to the hope that Miroku could find his heart again.
The sun was shining its last light on the horizon. The first stars were starting to twinkle in the night sky. Miroku had a sudden urge to go dancing. Sitting there actually thinking about how he really felt, instead of drowning everything in sake, permitted him to lighten his emotional burden. Maybe the kamis were trying to show him the light by allowing him to meet Sango.
“Let's go dancing! The night is still young and I can buy you dinner before we hit a night spot.”
Sango was shocked at the sudden turn. She felt maybe Miroku would be ready for the day to be over. Sango feared that he wouldn't call her any more after today because she pushed the issue about his ex. A happy shiver went through her at the idea of continuing this date. Before he could change his mind, Sango pounced.
“Yes! I'd love to. Where did you have in mind?”
Miroku stood and help Sango to her feet. As they walked out of the park planning the remainder of the night, Miroku could finally appreciate the beauty of the night. He gave a fleeting thought to maybe; just maybe, a little light was shining on the dark spot in his soul.