InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Addiction ❯ test-part2-prophecy ( Chapter 15 )
Chapter 15 Test- Part2- The Prophecy
Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long , I hope you can enjoy the chapter.
I'm really sorry, but it was my proom week, so you guys kind of get that writing was not so much on my agenda.
Fear was making its way into her body, while looking at the man, her mind registring his words.
Youkai ... Sesshoumaru ... enemies ... fate .
She couldn't help but glance at her loves back, wondering if what the man had said was true. If they truly were destined to be apart.
,,Haven't told her , have you Lord Sesshoumaru?"
the man chuckled, his brow rising suggestively at his oponent.
,,What is it to you? Leave now , as long as you are just one part, and not thousands." Sesshoumaru answered darkly.
,,How very funny! But now seriously, I think we left our little Kagome in the dark for too long , let's clear things up for her. But having you there , in front of her, simply won't do."
Before Sesshoumaru could even blink , he felt the winds shift moving him to the side, pinning him to a wall with magic bonds.
,,Now my dear Kagome the time has come.
It's time for you to find out why Sesshoumaru truly claimed to love, why your dear daddy had to go bye-bye."
Kagome heard him, heard him well, could make out each of his words, but yet they flew by her, scaring her.
,,You my sweet angel are destined to die. To die of pain, of hurt, suffering. Personally I don't care as long as your death is painful enough."
Pain ... four letters, four sounds, and yet thousand meanings ... she heard the guy continue to speak about pain, about deceit, anger . . . and prophecys.
Falling to her knees, she kept hearing him, registring his words, but never once giving them a second thought.
,,A black flower
Among shadowy mists
Growing with thorns
Captivating christs.
A black flower
Growing in the dark
Bewitching even the star and its spark.
A black flower
Growing among sin
Enchanting the night, when darkest it is,
And then turning white,
Its power more than even daylight . . ."
,,Sweet poem isn't it ?"
Had her own father betrayed her? How? And Sesshoumaru why not tell her the truth ?
He knew, he knew she was a miko, so why?
Why not tell her he was
Tears started brimming in her eyes . . .
He didn't trust . . . didn't love . . . only for . . .
,,You see my sweet, Sesshoumaru is a lot nicer than me, so he would have waited a little longer to get your power . . . but me, no sweety, I want the power now."
. . . power , that's it? The feeling of love and security he gave her . . . fake, fake , nothing but fake . Tears rolled down her cheeks, burning her .
,, You see the other way of activating your power, without the attributes of age and experience, would be . . . to quote Darwin . . .
the cruelty of fate . . ."
Damn this! The bastard had tied him to this wall with magic bonds, even though his youkai atacked the bonds, it would still last ...
Kagome wasn't even looking around, because if not she would have surely seen the grey amounts of cold rising everywhere , enveloping her in a shuddering embrace.
His voice couldn't get to her, his youkai was trapped, everything he could do was fight off the dark ghosts the asshole sent to brake him.
Just a little longer Kagome, don't believe him, don't . . .
The one I love ,
The one who will kill me
The one I adore,
The one who will slay me
The one I trust,
The one who will betray me.
But even dead, even hurt, even betrayed,
He will still be the one I love.
She knew . Understood what the prophecy fully ment, and then she felt.
Felt the sting of the blow he had crafted upon her. But she kept her eyes down, never once looked up.
She felt and heard Sesshoumaru break free, felt the power with which he slammed Naraku into one of the nearby walls.
She felt Kagura, coming towards her, grinning devilishly but yet she couldn't care less.
She finaly understood. . .
. . .the only way to fight one's fate is to resign yourself . . .
,,Don't you see? Only if you suffer will the power be unleashed , only if you hurt , will the power come to me , and that's why your father had to die, and why even Sesshoumaru has to die!" Kagura screamed at her, watching the battle between Sesshoumaru and Naraku.
They were both equal although both seemed to hold back with their blows . Their auras clashed, fought another, never once resting . . .
,,No. I choose who dies, and I choose Naraku and you."