InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Anime Psychiatrist ❯ InuYasha's Story ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Shashomiru: ^-^ Hello, and welcome to Anime psychiatrist.


Hack: ^.^ This is the place where we take care of all your personal problems and needs!! -_-


Shashomiru: o.O; Yes… well…uuhhh ^^;; The doctor is in!!!!!!!!!!




Shashomiru: ^.^ And now, our first customer may enter.


(InuYasha enters.)


Shashomiru: Hello, InuYasha. It's wonderful for you to be here. Please, won't you take a seat on the "Happy Couch of Fun?"


InuYasha: Happy couch of fun?!


Shashomiru: Ah-ah. Mind your mood.


InuYasha: -.-;; *grumbles and takes his seat*


Shashomiru: Now… what seems to be your need?




Shashomiru: Mood?


InuYasha: ……Yes… My….NEED…. Is more of my…. 


Shashomiru: *crosses legs* Well, please go on.


Yasha: Fine! I met all kinds of unusual people, the Shikon Jewel is everywhere, EVERYONE has a thing for me and-- Hey, what are you writing about me?


Shashomiru: *grasps her clipboard close* o_________o Nothing.


InuYasha: You're writing stuff about me!!


Shashomiru: o.O Am not.


InuYasha: YOU ARE TOO!!!!


Shashomiru: *stands up* …you… can't…prove it.


InuYasha: *takes in deep breath* ……o___o ._. *looks down*


Shashomiru: *takes her seat* ^-^ Now please continue.


InuYasha: *growls* As I was saying; the Shikon Jewel is everywhere, people keep following me around, and my brother Sesshoumaru has a GIANT fluffy!

Shashomiru: Fluffy... brother… *writes stuff down* Since this seems to go far back, we'll start there. Do tell the story.


InuYasha: Well, ever since I was younger he would always pick on me!!


Shashomiru: *nods*


InuYasha: I think he's just jealous, because I got the cooler sword.


Shashomiru: Aww… Do you love your brother at all?


InuYasha: *tilts his head* Sesshoumaru is a…. giant transformative creature. >_< It's that fluffy of his!!!!!!


Shashomiru: o.O …. Excuse me..?


InuYasha: You heard me!! ;__;


Shashomiru: It sounds kind of like you're more jealous of his fluffy.


InuYasha: But I have the cooler sword!! 

Shashomiru: Are you sure this isn't about his fluffy?
InuYasha: Yeah!
Shashomiru: Maybe he would be interested with trading.
InuYasha: What?! I'm keeping my Tetsusaiga! It's way better than the Tenseiga. 
Shashomiru: I meant for his fluffy.
InuYasha: Hmm... *he actually considers this briefly*
Shashomiru: I knew it. This IS about his fluffy.
InuYasha: What?! What I can transform into is way cooler than him! Everything about me is cooler than him!! Arrrgrhrhg! *tugs on a pillow*

Shashomiru: Oo;;;; Uhh… *looks at wrist (which nothing is there.)* ^^;; Would you you look at the time!! Our session is complete!! o____o You can go home now.


InuYasha: o.o Really? YES!!!!! 


Shashomiru: *sits motionless* o____o *writes down* .____. Must… find… new… entertainment...




Hack: ………


Shashomiru: <.<……….


Hack: …….


Shashomiru: >___>……


Hack: …..Please review.