InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Anime Psychiatrist ❯ Kagome's Story ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Shashomiru: ^^ Next appointment is in session!!!


Hack: Next customer, please enter.

(Kagome enters.)

Hack: Yes, please take a seat in the "Happy Couch o' Fun"…

Kagome: *sits*

Hack: Now… *leans back in chair* -_-;; What's yer deelio…

Kagome: PEOPLE!!!

Hack: You and me both.

Kagome: People like my Grandpa and InuYasha!!!

Hack: Do tell the story… *looks at his pencil*

Kagome: GREAT, I SHALL!!! Thanks to my grandpa EVERYONE in school thinks I'm a walking miracle that is fortunate to be breathing!!!!! And ALSO because of him, I'm doing everything I can to catch up on any of my study!!!!!!!!

Hack: …eeeehhh…

Kagome: GOSH, I'm supposed to be a normal teenage girl!!!! I just want to live, study and pass school!!! But can I??! I'm always stuck going to the bone eaters well...--

Hack: *thinks* Geez, what is she talking about, per se.... Japan sounds fascinating... weird... and what's with the tentacle thing...

Kagome: And he COULD care about MY feelings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hack: …..Kagome.

Kagome: YES?!?!?!

Hack: ……how is your English?

Kagome: o.O;; ??

Hack: .....You're from Japan?

Kagome: <.<

Hack: Now, what seems to be your main problem here?

Kagome: *sighs* I just want… a nice guy.

Hack: And you can't find that?

Kagome: I CAN it's just InuYasha--

Hack: Does everything have to be about him? He's a jackass.

Kagome: Well… I still need a guy. *looks up at Hack and smirks* You look like a nice guy… *draws ankle up his ankle*

Hack: o.O; *gasps and sits up* Okay, your session is complete.

Kagome: It doesn't have to be…


Kagome: Heh heh, he's getting all riled up now. 

Hack: O_________o;; *quickly stands up* Okay, maybe InuYasha is great for you!

Kagome: *giggles while she approaches him*

Shashomiru: *walks in* What is the timestamp for the-- *sees Kagome*

Kagome: *looks at her*

Shashomiru: *nods head a few times* ….I see what's going on here. 

Hack: o0o0o0o0o0o

Kagome: HUAHHH *leaps forward*

Shashomiru: *steps to the right*

Kagome: *goes through window* @_@

Marik: *finds her* what in the...

Hack: o.O;; That…was pretty entertaining, actually.

Shashomiru: *grabs him* Nobody messes with you. 

Hack: <___<;;; Um… ok…


Hack: -.-;; Ehhhh…

Shashomiru: ^-^ Please review!!!