InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Anrui ❯ Frightened Kitty ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

C.Y-K: I'm at a bit of a standstill on Steady Flow. Gomen! -.-; This idea just came to me, ☺ It has a kitty person in it! ♥
Kagome - 15 ½, Sango - 17, Miroku - 18, Inuyasha - Looks 17 (Acts like a spoiled brat), OC - Looks 16
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha; only this plot, story, and OCs
Frightened Kitty
A flock of birds chirped loudly as they were frightened off by an energetic kitsune kit. He had previously eaten candy from Kagome, who recently came back from her time. Forest green eyes looked over at the priestess, a smile on his face. The blue-eyed miko had a sweat drop formed on the back of her head, a small unsure smile on her face.
A cat-like screech was heard after the chirping faded away.
The ragtag group looked up at the sound. Their eyes met a neko youkai attached to a tree ways ahead by his unsheathed claws.
The neko looked sixteen.
His hair was white, except for the bangs that framed his face were black. The youkai's cat ears were white with black tips, and his tail was white with a ring of black near where it connected to the base of his spine and black on the tip of it. On his face, from his nose to his chin, was a white mask.
The neko youkai even had a symbol on his forehead. A blue snowflake with a purple tear drop in the center.
The youkai was clinging to the tree. His tail was flared, ears back, eyes wide, and cat-like hands and feet gripping the tree. Even his shoulder blade-length hair was bristled.
“I never knew a humanoid demon could be so frightened of birds,” commented Shippo.
“Keh. He's weak, and won't be a bother to us,” stated Inuyasha.
Sango and Miroku looked at Kagome, only for her to be oblivious to the statements. What caught her attention were his gold and blue eyes.
`He has watcheyes like normal cats do. Kawaii!' thought the young miko, `I like his clothes too!'
The neko was wearing a black haori whose sleeves faded to white and had blue snowflakes on it. His hakamas that were black, but faded to white with what looked to be splattered purple blood. The sash around his thin waist was a deep indigo with whit weaving through it.
On his feet were two toed socks and sandals.
Kagome grinned, before walking up to the startled demon attached to the tree.
His watcheyes looked at her suspiciously, he was never moving.
He blinked. Was she talking to him? His right gold eye and left blue eye narrowed at her, she was a priestess.
“I'm Kagome. Higurashi, Kagome. You?” questioned said priestess.
“Anrui. Munashii Anrui,” answered the clingy cat demon.
By now, the rest of the ragtag group approached the duo.
`Munashii?! He doesn't look like one to me!' Inuyasha mentally commented to himself. He knew the Munashii clan was royalty in the south, like he and Sesshoumaru were in the west.
“You look pathetic to me, teme,” insulted the inu hanyou.
Anrui got down from the tree and looked away. His tail was smooth, ears normal, hair straight.
“I know.”
“If you know, then why the hell are you so far north?” demanded Inuyasha.
The neko youkai refused to meet his gaze, his black bangs hiding his eyes.
“Inuyasha! If he doesn't want to tell, then Anrui doesn't have to tell us!” scolded Kagome. Her eyes were filled with determination to best Inuyasha in the verbal argument.
“Yea' he does! He's of royal blood! And weakest of it so far!” yelled Inuyasha.
Kagome gasped before glaring at the inu hanyou, “So what?! He's nicer than you so far!”
“I don't car-”
“Sit boy!!”
Inuyasha was pulled down into the ground, efficiently doing a face plant.
“So what if he's not strong Inuyasha?! He could be intelligent in the art of a tactician!” said Kagome.
The miko gasped for air, her chest heaving with the intakes of air.
Anrui looked back by now. He blinked at the back of the priestess' head. The only other person besides his deceased mother who believed he could make up for his lack of physical strength.
“What the hell was that for?!” shouted Inuyasha.
“For being a jerk!” responded Kagome.
Shippo and Kilala ignored the bickering duo. They walked up to Anrui, gazing at him curiously. The kit cocked his head and the fire neko mewed at the other neko.
Anrui blinked at them before crouching to their level, his tail slowly twitching from side to side.
“Are you really of royal blood? Inuyasha doesn't make it sound believable,” stated Shippo.
“I am. Though, I'm a disgrace to my father and my family,” commented the humanoid
“He's coming with us and that's final!” yelled the priestess, her face was getting red with fury, “So, sit boy!”
Inuyasha did another face plant. A groan of pain could be heard, although muffled by the earth.
The trio of demons looked up at Kagome.
`Is she serious? I'm…going to be…traveling with them?' Anrui questioned to himself mentally.
“A-are you sure priestess? I don't want to be any trouble!” the humanoid neko said, hastily standing up.
“We're positive. We trust Kagome-sama's decision, Anrui-sama,” said the monk in blue and black robes.
`He speaks highly of the priestess. She must've done something great to get that type of respect…' though Anrui.
“Yeah. Besides, Kagome-chan hasn't done or caused anything wrong with her decisions,” said the taijia.
The neko prince looked skeptically at the two ningens.
“If you don't come along, she'll be sad,” the kit commented to the older demon.
Anrui's white eyebrow twitched before his shoulders slumped. He admitted defeat. There was no way of not feeling guilty at the last statement.
Kagome smiled at Anrui, though he couldn't see it.
“I have a cat where I live. His name's Buyo. Kind of the same color fur as your hair, but with a bit of brown in it as well,” said the priestess.
Inuyasha glared at the humans and full demon in his group. They were talking as if he weren't there!
“You have a cat?” asked the neko youkai.
“Yeah. When I was seven, my father gave him to me. Buyo was a birthday present. It was that last gift my father gave me before he died. … Anyway, Buyo's a bit lazy, but certainly lovable!” said Kagome, coming out of her momentary stupor of her father's death.
“I see. You must…care for your cat then.”
“Yeah. When ever I became sad, I'd have Buyo with me to make me happy.”
Anrui's watcheyes looked at her. Her father died. His last gift was a cat to his daughter.
`Father barely looks at me as is. The only relative that talks to me is my grandmother,' the neko prince thought dejectedly.
Kagome noticed the look in his eyes, something was bugging him.
“I still don't see why we have to bring him along with us!” said Inuyasha, now standing and brushing dirt off of his clothes.
“Inuyasha! He's coming with us! Besides, didn't we just have this argument?!” commented Kagome.
Furious blue eyes watched as the inu hanyou walked ahead of them, leaving no choice but to follow. Shippo jumped up onto Kagome's shoulder and Kilala to Sango's.
Anrui walked quietly next to the cheerful priestess. He noticed the monk next to the demon slayer.
“Is it common for cat demons to have two different colored eyes, or no?” questioned the miko.
The neko prince looked thoughtful, “It's not common, but not rare. More of uncommon, but possible.”
“Ah. Buyo has green eyes,” the priestess, Kagome, grinned at Anrui.
The neko demon looked surprised. Usually humans teased him and threw stones at him for never fighting back.
“So, is there any particular common eye color for neko youkai?”
“Hm? Usually green, blue, gold and amber. Red, black, and purple are usually uncommon. Sometimes a bit rare,” answered Anrui.
Kagome looked at his hands, before taking his left one in her right and examining it.
His hand was brown. He fingers resembled those on a cat's paw. A bit round and so-so in length. Anrui's claws didn't look retractable, though.
“Your hands are unique. I haven't seen a cat demon with this type of hand before.”
Inuyasha watched all of this. It nearly took all of his self-control to not attack the weak neko.
The neko had a soft alto voice. Nothing like his voice that could get people attention. Damn neko, his voice was too soft for a demon of his gender and status.
The teme had too much innocence for a demon! He was nearly one hundred and fifty years old, too!
Amber eyes narrowed dangerously and self-control going on thin ice.
`Hm? What's this? … It that damned wolf!!' Inuyasha thought irritably to himself.
“We've got company!”
Kagome looked up and put Anrui's hand back at his side.
Just as a tornado of wind stopped right in front of her.
Kouga appeared in his wolf-like glory. His pupil-less ice blue eyes noticed an extra straggler with his woman's group.
“Who the hell is this?! Don't tell me it's the pathetic disgrace of a demon!” he demanded in a rough voice.
Anrui looked at the wolf demon; he could see how his power was enhanced by the shikon jewel shards.
Especially his speed.
“Kouga! This is Anrui. Munashii, Anrui,” said Kagome.
“So it is the disgrace to the name demon!” Kouga barked a small laugh at this.
Watcheyes narrowed dangerously, “That was then, ookami.”
“So? The name for you still stays!”
All he had to do was keep his eyes on the wolf; he would be able to tell what he was going to do if he did.
Blue and gold eyes widened before he had to lean back to avoid the punch directed at his face.
Anrui's specialties were agility, his keen eye, and sharp mind.
Open your wings evil angel.
The neko's pupils dilated as he again anticipated the wolf's moves. In Anrui's eyes, the wolf was in slow motion.
“Knock this off Kouga! Anrui!” yelled the blue-eyed priestess.
She looked over at Inuyasha, only to see a smug expression, “Inuyasha! Get them to stop!”
“Keh. Why should I?”
Fly over my evil angel.
Cerulean eyes glared before she drew her bows and arrows. Stringing an arrow, Kagome got herself into a position to let it fly.
Now to find and opening to shoot at.
The two were separated from each other.
The miko let the arrow go, it becoming covered in a lavender glow.
Two pairs of eyes watched the arrow imbed itself into a tree. The two demons followed the arrow to a displeased miko.
“What are you doing Kagome?! He's a threat to me by being here, along with dog turd over there!”
“He's my friend Kouga! Anrui hasn't done anything wrong! I told you to know it off, but you didn't listen! Think before you act!” yelled the now-furious priestess.
Aforementioned neko blinked owlishly. He was already her friend?
This priestess, Kagome, was strange and unique.
Put me to sleep evil angel.
He felt his cheeks warm up at the thought of her being his friend.
The neko prince was glad for his white mask, for once.
“Sister Kagome!”
The ragtag group and wolf prince looked over at the arriving wolves and two wolf demons.
Ginta and Hakaku put their hands on their knees panting for breath. Kouga was too fast for them.
The wolves whined, looking at the two lower wolf demons. They wanted to know if they would be all right.
Kouga growled, “We're leaving. If this-this disgrace gives you any trouble; you know where to find me Kagome!”
He sped off in a tornado of wind, with Ginta and Hakaku slowly jogging after him.
Kagome waved bye to the two more amicable wolf demons.
She looked back over to the unmoving Anrui, “You're not hurt are you?”
Cerulean eyes wide with worry and concern gazed into his very soul.
Why can't I breathe evil angel?
Why was he feeling like this? Surely his father would reprimand that he act more like a demon of his status.
Never fall for humans. Especially priestesses.
Anrui never understood why he had to detest humans. Not all were bad once you got to know them. Like this priestess, Kagome.
`I'm going against everything my father tried to drill into my head,' thought the cat prince.
“I'm fine. No harm was done.”
“You sure, Anrui?”
“If you say so,” said Kagome, though she didn't look convinced. But she let it drop.
Inuyasha quietly to himself, why could the two just kill each other off so he could have Kikyo and Kagome?!
Fate was being outright cruel to him.
Sango and Miroku breathed a sigh of relief the fighting was over. But one look at Inuyasha told them he was pissed it was ended.
Shippo warily kept his eye on Inuyasha. Something was off.
Kilala mewed before jumping off of her mistress' shoulder and bounded over to Anrui.
Looking down, the humanoid cat picked up the two-tailed one.
The fire neko purred contently, before hopping onto the humanoid's shoulder.
“Let's go you lazy asses!”
Kagome sighed, her eyebrow twitched at Inuyasha's choice of words.
“What the hell do you mean you can't find him?!?!” shouted a furious neko youkai. His son goes missing and the other lands were demanding that the disgrace of a youkai find a mate!
Blinking back red, Anrui's father, clenched his hands into fists.
He was rewarded with the metallic smell of his blood swelling from where his claws pierced his palms.
The humanoid neko's jet black, messy chin-length hair bristled.
Anrui just had to leave.
His mate had always pampered their only child. Now look at him!
He had no physical strength whatsoever!! Furui clenched his teeth together.
Nothing was working on calming his anger down. Deep blue eyes flashed into his mind.
Riou, his mate's face appeared. Her hair as white as snow framed her face. She was a master tactician. Beautiful, stunning, and fiery.
Maybe, just maybe, their disgrace of a son had inherited something from his mother.
“You need to keep your anger under control, Furui,” and old voice criticized.
Gold eyes met deep green.
“I don't need your advice old woman!” shouted Furui.
Ran narrowed her eyes at her deceased daughter's mate. He needed to reign in his temper if he wanted to find his son.
`Anrui. I hope you're safe. You're mother wouldn't like this is she were still here,' thought the elder humanoid neko before she turned and walked out of the audience chamber. Deep green orbs narrowed, how could her daughter choose such a pompous ass as a mate?!
Dark gray-brown strands whipped around her face as she shook her head. She knew she should've chosen the mate for her daughter. Not let the heart guide.
Black cat ears and tail twitched. She left.
`Would've killed her if she hadn't. Damn old woman. She hated me ever since I mated her daughter,' Furui thought aimlessly to himself.
Laughter filled the air. A neko youkai stood in the gardens. Snow white hair framing her face, deep ocean eyes.
A child with white and black hair ran in the gardens. He was a mix of both his parents.
He had potential when he was young. So much that went down the drain.
As soon as his mother found out what he had in store for their son.
“No!! I won't let you use him as a weapon!! He's our SON!!”
Gold eyes narrowed dangerously at his mate. She could be too fiery at the wrong time.
That's what got her killed.
Ever since then, his son would only speak to him when necessary.
Spending the most time by himself or with his grandmother.
Now, does he truly see the mistake he had made…
C.Y-K: Here's the prologue. I ♥ Anrui! X3 R&R. I'll try and post the next chapter for this and Steady Flow by Wednesday at latest.