InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ At first glance ❯ Chapter 2
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I do not own Inuyasha! I will update this story every three days hopefully so I hope you will enjoy.
Chapter 2
It had been 10 days since the start of his mission, and now he was finally done. It was a tedious job, for it required him to take back an item that was stolen without killing anyone. Lately he found himself losing his patience when dealing with others. ‘I’m losing control.’ He thought to himself as he looked down at his claws. He noticed that they had grown longer sharper. ‘ I don’t have much time.’ The Hanyou thought.
All he had to do was get to Sesshomaru. “Wait until the bastard sees what I got.” He smirked at himself thinking of the possible reactions his half-brother would give him. Inuyasha stopped running when he felt the presence of a Yokai. He felt that is was someone familiar but he still kept his guard up. He was always ready to defend himself, and he actually now enjoyed a good fight. The problem was, the presence wasn’t strong enough to even break a sweat.
“Would you state your business here? Why are you in Lord Sesshomauru’s territory Half-bread.” The Giant Dog roared. Inuyasha flinched, and ears flattened on his head at the loudness of the beast. “ Do you have to be so loud Nero? And me being here is none of your damn business you old fool! Let me pass I need to talk to Sesshomaru.” The ancient beast wouldn’t waiver as it prepared for battle.
“Silence? Is that all I get from you? Are you too afraid to answer me pup? I fear I will have to kill you if you continue. Un-named Hanyou or Yokai are not permitted in the Western lands pup. Since you don’t smell familiar, you don’t belong” The Old dog stated
“Don’t you recognize me Nero? Open up those eyes you idiot. It’s me Inuyasha I am here to see my brother.” Inuyasha said trying to keep his patients in check. He had no clue how old the Old dog was, but the poor creature had lost his sense of smell over 300 years ago. And his hearing wasn’t much better. ‘The old man’s lost it.” Inuyasha thought to himself as he regarded his elder. He knew that Nero Served both his grandfather and his father for centuries, and heard tales of bravery and loyalty. However, Inuyasha had yet in his 213 years of life even seen anything close to heroism.
“I don’t have all day pup. Are you a mute pup? Is that why you don’t speak? I can’t read lips too well, but I need to warn you, I’ll have to kill you if you try to pass me.” Nero replied again.
Inuyasha growled getting irritated by the creature before him. “Damn it, Hey, didn’t you hear me? I said I need to talk to Sesshomaru. You know, my half-brother? This time yelling at the Inu-Yokai.
“What? You want to Walk Lord Sesshomaru’s Half-brother? Oh no you can’t do that he’s not an actual dog like me, and frankly I am offended that someone of our kind would even offer to walk Yokai. We’re not pets! I have you know that I have been working for the Great Lord for centuries and been in battle longer then you have been a live pup.” Nero gruffly replied showing that he was truly offended by the statement. Inuyasha rolled his eyes and gave up trying to talk to the near deaf creature.
The Inu-Yokai charged at him, with great force, but hardly any speed. Inuyasha maneuvered past the Beast with ease and ran off. ‘He was really getting on my nerves.’ Inuyasha thought as he hurried on, knowing didn’t have to go far before he caught his brother’s scent
“Wait...(gasp) you can’t get passed me pup with out reason. You need to state your business with my great lord and his brother!” The dog bellowed, but no longer attempting to pursue the half-demon before him. “I am too old for this.” The dog muttered as he laid back down on the premise of keeping guard.
“You wanted to talk to me Little brother?” Moments later Inuyasha caught up with his brother. Both stood together and you could instantly tell that they were siblings. Both brothers inherited golden eyes and long silver white hair from their father Inu-no-Taisho. Both traits were signs of being of royal blood, and because of those traits none of the other Inu-yokai doubted the brother’s authority. With the similarities came the differences both physical and in personality.
Inuyasha was a hanyou and that was marked by the puppy dog ears that laid on top of his head. Because of being a hanyou made him grow thicker skin. Humans and Yokai alike disliked the union. Even his brother at first hated him and on several occasions fought. Life at first was a constant fighting, and distrust in anyone but his parents. But now he made a name for himself in both the Human and the Yokai world.
Unlike Inuyasha who was half-demon, a, Sesshomaru had elf-like ears on the sides of his head. He also bared the mark of the lord, for on his forehead laid a cresent moon shape the family symbol.
“Yeah , two things, first off why don’t you put Nero out of his misery? He didn’t even recognize me. He is easy prey Sesshomaru. If you have him still alive at least have him not guarding the borders. He’s easy prey. A regular squirrel could kill him. He was a pain in my…” Inuyasha started but was interrupted by his brother.
“I know you didn’t come all the way here to talk to me about one of your vassals.” Sesshomaru stated showing that he was slightly amused by his brother’s rant. Though to the human eye Sesshomaru facial expression and voice didn’t change from its icy countenance, Inuyasha knew better. All the guards that guarded the territories were his responsibility or more so that was the idea. He was hardly home, and when he was, he was too into looking for ways to leave then to do anything else. He hated staying in one place.
“Fine, I found the fan that you wanted. Believe me, it wasn’t easy. I hope Kagura appreciates what I did for her.” Inuyasha commented as he reached into the folds of his Haori. He pulled the fan out and gave it to his brother. Sesshomaru grunted a replied and took the fan.
“Thank you, I am sure she would be most, appreciative once I give it to her.” He placed inside his own jacket. “When are you going to find yourself a mate? I can’t keep on having you run these missions just to keep you busy. The longer you are without one the easier it will for you to be consumed with in. You don’t have much time little brother.” Sesshomaru stated.
“Just because I don’t have one yet doesn’t mean I’m not looking.” He replied blushing.
Inuyasha regarded his brother. He knew he didn’t have much longer before his inner demon comes out, and kills everything including himself. He knew that would be his fate. He was close in finding love, but that was 50 years ago. Almost another lifetime ago. He didn’t know what possessed him in falling for a Miko, but it almost cost him his own life. He was glad to see her grow old and happy with someone else. Not wanting to think of the past he looked at his brother again.
“Well I’m done here. If you have any other work for me you know when to find me. Tell Kagura and Rin I said hello.” With that Inuyasha left leaving his brother alone to ponder of what to do.
Later on that evening in Sesshomaru was trying to find sleep. For the first time in decades, he was tossing and turning in his bed. Inuyasha was a walking time bomb. He knew if he didn’t find a mate, what he would become. The question was, would he have to kill his own brother. Ask him that a century ago, and he would have with no remorse, but that was then, and now killing his kin wasn’t even something he wanted to think of.
“Dearest, is that you tossing and turning? Is something wrong?” replied a groggy Rin. Sitting up looking at her husband. She was quite a beautiful Human woman, with long dark hair, and deep dark eyes that match. Even with her beauty her personality was what made Sesshomaru fall in love with her. She wasn’t the most serious of women, she was as loyal and loving as they come.
“ Well, It wasn’t me.” Replied and equally tired Kagura also getting up but unlike the worry that Rin had, she gave Sesshomaru a glare. While she too was beautiful, she was also very graceful, and as deadly as she was beautiful. She was a wind yokai that had great power, dispite the power, she still had a big heart that needed filled. Her courage, strength and heart that caused Sesshomaru to choose her as his wife.
Yes both women became his wife/mate, and they were bound to him like he is to them. The three of them share a bond that could not be broken, even in death. Both women were lying either side of the lord and both were not too happy. Both looked delicious to him, with their hair tosseled eyes not focused, and equally nude.
“Just go to sleep.” He told them as he closed his eyes trying to hide his emotions from the two women in his life.
“Sesshomaru, what’s wrong? It’s Inuyasha isn’t it?” Kagura then asked him, looking over at her prized magical fan that was hanging on the wall. She knew that the brothers talked earlier that day, and she could tell that Sesshomaru was concerned for Inuyasha’s predicament.
“How much time do we have?” Rin asked then understanding the situation. She too understood, but unlike the two of them she had a more positive outlook. ‘If we need to find a mate for him, we can save him. Then he and his mate can live here. It’s more simple than they think.’
Sesshomaru opened his eyes and stared at the wall. “ I don’t know. Not long though.” Both women looked at each other and sighed. They laid back down both embracing their love tying to silently comfort him. All in the room had one thought.
“ We have to help him.”
Author’s note:
Hope you enjoyed this one.
Chapter 2
It had been 10 days since the start of his mission, and now he was finally done. It was a tedious job, for it required him to take back an item that was stolen without killing anyone. Lately he found himself losing his patience when dealing with others. ‘I’m losing control.’ He thought to himself as he looked down at his claws. He noticed that they had grown longer sharper. ‘ I don’t have much time.’ The Hanyou thought.
All he had to do was get to Sesshomaru. “Wait until the bastard sees what I got.” He smirked at himself thinking of the possible reactions his half-brother would give him. Inuyasha stopped running when he felt the presence of a Yokai. He felt that is was someone familiar but he still kept his guard up. He was always ready to defend himself, and he actually now enjoyed a good fight. The problem was, the presence wasn’t strong enough to even break a sweat.
“Would you state your business here? Why are you in Lord Sesshomauru’s territory Half-bread.” The Giant Dog roared. Inuyasha flinched, and ears flattened on his head at the loudness of the beast. “ Do you have to be so loud Nero? And me being here is none of your damn business you old fool! Let me pass I need to talk to Sesshomaru.” The ancient beast wouldn’t waiver as it prepared for battle.
“Silence? Is that all I get from you? Are you too afraid to answer me pup? I fear I will have to kill you if you continue. Un-named Hanyou or Yokai are not permitted in the Western lands pup. Since you don’t smell familiar, you don’t belong” The Old dog stated
“Don’t you recognize me Nero? Open up those eyes you idiot. It’s me Inuyasha I am here to see my brother.” Inuyasha said trying to keep his patients in check. He had no clue how old the Old dog was, but the poor creature had lost his sense of smell over 300 years ago. And his hearing wasn’t much better. ‘The old man’s lost it.” Inuyasha thought to himself as he regarded his elder. He knew that Nero Served both his grandfather and his father for centuries, and heard tales of bravery and loyalty. However, Inuyasha had yet in his 213 years of life even seen anything close to heroism.
“I don’t have all day pup. Are you a mute pup? Is that why you don’t speak? I can’t read lips too well, but I need to warn you, I’ll have to kill you if you try to pass me.” Nero replied again.
Inuyasha growled getting irritated by the creature before him. “Damn it, Hey, didn’t you hear me? I said I need to talk to Sesshomaru. You know, my half-brother? This time yelling at the Inu-Yokai.
“What? You want to Walk Lord Sesshomaru’s Half-brother? Oh no you can’t do that he’s not an actual dog like me, and frankly I am offended that someone of our kind would even offer to walk Yokai. We’re not pets! I have you know that I have been working for the Great Lord for centuries and been in battle longer then you have been a live pup.” Nero gruffly replied showing that he was truly offended by the statement. Inuyasha rolled his eyes and gave up trying to talk to the near deaf creature.
The Inu-Yokai charged at him, with great force, but hardly any speed. Inuyasha maneuvered past the Beast with ease and ran off. ‘He was really getting on my nerves.’ Inuyasha thought as he hurried on, knowing didn’t have to go far before he caught his brother’s scent
“Wait...(gasp) you can’t get passed me pup with out reason. You need to state your business with my great lord and his brother!” The dog bellowed, but no longer attempting to pursue the half-demon before him. “I am too old for this.” The dog muttered as he laid back down on the premise of keeping guard.
“You wanted to talk to me Little brother?” Moments later Inuyasha caught up with his brother. Both stood together and you could instantly tell that they were siblings. Both brothers inherited golden eyes and long silver white hair from their father Inu-no-Taisho. Both traits were signs of being of royal blood, and because of those traits none of the other Inu-yokai doubted the brother’s authority. With the similarities came the differences both physical and in personality.
Inuyasha was a hanyou and that was marked by the puppy dog ears that laid on top of his head. Because of being a hanyou made him grow thicker skin. Humans and Yokai alike disliked the union. Even his brother at first hated him and on several occasions fought. Life at first was a constant fighting, and distrust in anyone but his parents. But now he made a name for himself in both the Human and the Yokai world.
Unlike Inuyasha who was half-demon, a, Sesshomaru had elf-like ears on the sides of his head. He also bared the mark of the lord, for on his forehead laid a cresent moon shape the family symbol.
“Yeah , two things, first off why don’t you put Nero out of his misery? He didn’t even recognize me. He is easy prey Sesshomaru. If you have him still alive at least have him not guarding the borders. He’s easy prey. A regular squirrel could kill him. He was a pain in my…” Inuyasha started but was interrupted by his brother.
“I know you didn’t come all the way here to talk to me about one of your vassals.” Sesshomaru stated showing that he was slightly amused by his brother’s rant. Though to the human eye Sesshomaru facial expression and voice didn’t change from its icy countenance, Inuyasha knew better. All the guards that guarded the territories were his responsibility or more so that was the idea. He was hardly home, and when he was, he was too into looking for ways to leave then to do anything else. He hated staying in one place.
“Fine, I found the fan that you wanted. Believe me, it wasn’t easy. I hope Kagura appreciates what I did for her.” Inuyasha commented as he reached into the folds of his Haori. He pulled the fan out and gave it to his brother. Sesshomaru grunted a replied and took the fan.
“Thank you, I am sure she would be most, appreciative once I give it to her.” He placed inside his own jacket. “When are you going to find yourself a mate? I can’t keep on having you run these missions just to keep you busy. The longer you are without one the easier it will for you to be consumed with in. You don’t have much time little brother.” Sesshomaru stated.
“Just because I don’t have one yet doesn’t mean I’m not looking.” He replied blushing.
Inuyasha regarded his brother. He knew he didn’t have much longer before his inner demon comes out, and kills everything including himself. He knew that would be his fate. He was close in finding love, but that was 50 years ago. Almost another lifetime ago. He didn’t know what possessed him in falling for a Miko, but it almost cost him his own life. He was glad to see her grow old and happy with someone else. Not wanting to think of the past he looked at his brother again.
“Well I’m done here. If you have any other work for me you know when to find me. Tell Kagura and Rin I said hello.” With that Inuyasha left leaving his brother alone to ponder of what to do.
Later on that evening in Sesshomaru was trying to find sleep. For the first time in decades, he was tossing and turning in his bed. Inuyasha was a walking time bomb. He knew if he didn’t find a mate, what he would become. The question was, would he have to kill his own brother. Ask him that a century ago, and he would have with no remorse, but that was then, and now killing his kin wasn’t even something he wanted to think of.
“Dearest, is that you tossing and turning? Is something wrong?” replied a groggy Rin. Sitting up looking at her husband. She was quite a beautiful Human woman, with long dark hair, and deep dark eyes that match. Even with her beauty her personality was what made Sesshomaru fall in love with her. She wasn’t the most serious of women, she was as loyal and loving as they come.
“ Well, It wasn’t me.” Replied and equally tired Kagura also getting up but unlike the worry that Rin had, she gave Sesshomaru a glare. While she too was beautiful, she was also very graceful, and as deadly as she was beautiful. She was a wind yokai that had great power, dispite the power, she still had a big heart that needed filled. Her courage, strength and heart that caused Sesshomaru to choose her as his wife.
Yes both women became his wife/mate, and they were bound to him like he is to them. The three of them share a bond that could not be broken, even in death. Both women were lying either side of the lord and both were not too happy. Both looked delicious to him, with their hair tosseled eyes not focused, and equally nude.
“Just go to sleep.” He told them as he closed his eyes trying to hide his emotions from the two women in his life.
“Sesshomaru, what’s wrong? It’s Inuyasha isn’t it?” Kagura then asked him, looking over at her prized magical fan that was hanging on the wall. She knew that the brothers talked earlier that day, and she could tell that Sesshomaru was concerned for Inuyasha’s predicament.
“How much time do we have?” Rin asked then understanding the situation. She too understood, but unlike the two of them she had a more positive outlook. ‘If we need to find a mate for him, we can save him. Then he and his mate can live here. It’s more simple than they think.’
Sesshomaru opened his eyes and stared at the wall. “ I don’t know. Not long though.” Both women looked at each other and sighed. They laid back down both embracing their love tying to silently comfort him. All in the room had one thought.
“ We have to help him.”
Author’s note:
Hope you enjoyed this one.