InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Be Careful What Wish For ❯ Q&A (FAQ) ( EndNotes )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Okay I've gotten a few questions, and I guess if I were reading this story I'd have half a million questions too, so I made this Q&A or FAQ or whatever you wanna call it.

Q: Why is Kagome trying to kill everyone?
A: Sorry, you'll figure that out later. Just think outside of the box... That's all I can say. Ponder it.

Q: Why is Kagome even alive? Shouldn't she be dead then? I mean, it's pointed out tons of times that she's dead.
A: She is alive, but she isn't. Okay? Can't say more. Sorry again!!

Q: Okay, so why is Naraku alive?
A: For one, when I wrote this, I had not yet read the manga, which I still, sad to say haven't finished (shame I know), and two, in the manga, yes Naraku is trapped in the jewel, but (correct me if I am misunderstanding this) Naraku is supposed to reawaken so he and Kagome can fight a never-ending battle inside the jewel. So (may I remind you that this is just occuring to me as I write this), if Naraku has no one to fight, maybe he could get out of the jewel. I don't know, but that would be my new reason. Mwahahaha. (What? Authors can be evil somethimes, can't they?I mean, we don't always have to end it the way you readers want it to end.)

Q: Is InuYasha Etsuko's father? If so, why doesn't she have puppy ears?
A: This is me being the evil author that I am, again. I should probably consider typing out the full story, then posting it on here if I can't commit considering the fact that this question is from April 21, 2008. Anyway, is InuYasha Etsuko's father? Can't answer that, but if he isn't, that would be a good reason as to why she doesn't have dog ears, but also now that I think of it, couldn't her half-demon self be lying dormant inside of her, like InuYasha's full-demon self? Just an idea!

Q: You bleeped...
A: You're excused. Yes, I know I replaced the bad word with a bleep, but I'm not supposed to say or even type bad words. I'm a goody two shoes kind of girl.

Q:Then why is it rated teen?
A: I have a little brother and sister, and I don't think I'd want them to read this because of the whole dying while giving birth thing. That's just me, so you can let your siblings or kids read this. You're choice.

Q: The summaries-?
A: (interrupts) You are suggested to read, but you do not have to. I am planning on maiking a second story from when Etsuko was a toddler, but I might not. When I wrote this story I was obsessed with InuYasha.

Q: Why are you taking so long to finish this story?
A: Now I find that question obvious, not stupid because there is no such thing as a stupid question. Point blank. I'm busy. I have a life. I'm now in high school, and sadly enouhg, falling behind. Also, there are some troubles going on (which I will not metion of) that are very difficult to deal with, so if you could just bear with, and be patient that would be awesome.

Q: So... are you going to finish the story?
A: Yes, the wonderful gift of comments have pushed me to strive toward the end. I will prevail! and I will finish this story! and the other one that I'm working on! and the one that's fillling part of my notebook!