InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Being Blind ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.


Miroku was wide awake in his bed. He checked the clock, it was 4:45pm. Kagome and Inuyasha had suggested that maybe he should stay in bed and rest. He just couldn't get out of his head that Kagome may be, or become and angel. He couldn't get the image of her out of his head. Maybe it had a been an insane dream? No it couldn't have been… though it did have the feeling of reality, it somehow felt whimsical. As if bordering on the brink of reality and fantasy. He knew he had to see it again…


"Sango-chan?" Kagome asked into the phone.

"Yeah?" Came Sango's voice from the receiver.

"Can you come over tomorrow instead of today?" She asked.

"Umm… I guess. Any reason why?"

"Well, Inuyasha's friend Miroku, sort of collapsed today, and I thought maybe company might stress him a bit. He seemed fine when he woke up, or so Inuyasha said, but we still think he should get some rest. He should be fine tomorrow."

"'We'?" Sango asked inquisitively over the phone.

"Inuyasha and I." Kagome replied, not sure what her friend was getting at.

"Mm-hmm… I see…" Sango replied. "Well I'll see you tomorrow then. What time?"

" Umm…. 5:00 again I guess."




"Bye." and with that, Kagome hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" a masculine voice asked from behind her. Kagome 'eep'ed and turned around to see Inuyasha.

"Oh… Inuyasha, you scared me… that was just Sango, she's coming tomorrow. Do you want anything?" She asked. She wanted to try and make amends for her rude introduction.

"Dinner." He relied impatiently.

"Ok." Kagome replied. "Umm… where's your kitchen?" She asked sweat dropping a little. Inuyasha sighed and told her to follow him. It surprised her that Inuyasha didn't run into a door or anything. Maybe it was because he lived here? She was lead into a large, but messy kitchen, that was twice the size as her own. Her mouth opened a little at the sheer size of it.

"Well? What are you waiting for wench?!" Inuyasha asked.

"My name is not 'wench'. it's Kagome." She replied curtly. She mentally sighed. Not once did he use her name.

"Whatever! I'm HUNGRY!" He yelled impatiently. Inuyasha didn't want to keep this BITCH as an aid, not to mention that she almost was an angel. She could 'accidentally kill him.

"ALRIGHT ALREADY!" Kagome yelled back as she went to the refrigerator to see what they had. She opened it, to find….nothing. ~ok…..~ She thought as she headed to the pantry. Nothing. Cupboards, nothing. WHERE WAS EVERYTHING?!?! She turned to Inuyasha, frustrated. "Where. Is. The. Food." she commanded. Inuyasha faced her, then scratched his head.

"Damn son of a bitch…. Miroku must've eaten it all…" He said thoughtfully, rubbing his chin.

"Well, then where do we get the food?" Kagome asked, taking deep breaths, trying to relieve her frustration.

"I guess you have to go shopping!" He replied smirking.

"Fine. But you have to come with me." She retorted.

"Why?" he asked trying his best to 'glare'.

"Your glaring at the sink." She said, starting to giggle.


"You have to come with me because I'm your aid. I have to go everywhere you go, and you have to go everywhere I go, with the exceptions of the bathroom and stuff." She said as if it where the most obvious thing in the world.

"huh?" was his intelligent reply.

" End of discussion."



"You like shrimp ramen right?" Kagome asked a black haired Inuyasha. He had used his concealing spell to hide his youkai side, and Kagome had to agree with herself that he _was_ kind of cute that way. She shook her head. She wasn't supposed to think about those things.

"Feh." She took that as a yes, and put it in her cart. She got other necessities before going to pay.

"That will be 7,500 yen please." The clerk said as kagome dug through her purse.

"Thank You. Come again." The clerk said. Kagome looked up. She didn't give the clerk any money yet. She then looked at Inuyasha, who was blindly trying to put his wallet back into his pocket.

"Stupid…damn wallet!" He mumbled. Kagome smiled.

"Thank you Inuyasha." She said as she grabbed the bags and headed towards the car.

"For what?" He asked.

"never mind." she replied sighing. He still didn't seem to grasp the fact that 'wench' wasn't her name. "Hey, why don't we go out to eat after we drop off the groceries?"

"Why?" he demanded.

"Because I don't want to cook. We can go to a ramen house I know." She replied.

"Feh. Whatever."


After dropping off the groceries, Kagome drove to the little ramen house she knew.

"Hey Inuyasha?" She asked after they ordered.


"How…how come you don't go to college?" Inuyasha was surprised by her question, but answered anyway.

"Feh. Waste of my time." He replied simply. "I don't need an education. I have all I could ever want, and more with the exception of being blind."

"But you have the money you need. I can tell that your smarter than you lead on. Why-?"

"Because I don't want too!" He all but yelled, earning a few stares from other customers in the restaurant.


"Listen wench! I don't want to and that's tha-"

"INUYASHA!" Kagome yelled in rage and standing up, making everyone stare at her. "I know I'm not your mother or anything of the sort, but you have the chance to learn more and you should take it! Other people _want to learn more, but don't have the money! You have an opportunity that other people don't! TAKE IT!" She screamed. How could he be so stupid? He has a chance to become great, and he's passing it up. Kagome was broken out of her thoughts when she heard a small applause. She looked around to see that everyone was clapping. She blushed a bright red color and sat back down. Inuyasha had been shocked into silence.

"I'm sorry…" She said to him as their food was set in front of them. "It's just that…never mind. Let's just eat." Inuyasha was still in shocked silence as he groped around for his chopsticks. When he found them, he blindly picked at his food until he picked up a noodle. He stuck it in his mouth and spit it out, only to find that his so called 'noodle' was a clove of garlic. What kind of demented chef would put garlic in ramen?! He heard the faint sound of Kagome's giggling, and was about to ask what was so funny, when he felt something that felt like noodles and chopsticks poking at his lips.

"Here." Kagome said. "People are starting to stare again with all of your hacking noises." Inuyasha hesitantly opened his mouth, fully aware that his face was probably bright red. He heard Kagome sigh.

"Damn Inuyasha, you're a sloppy eater." He heard, then he felt a napkin wiping off his previous garlic from his face.

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A/N: Fluff!!! ^.~ well how'd you like it? This was just a filler, but a lil bit of harmless fluff never hurt anybody right? Right. Anyway REVIEW PLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!