InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Being Blind ❯ Chapter5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Goal: 100 reviews
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha and company. Ok? ok. I also don't own Pepsi.

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"So how was the ramen?" Kagome asked innocently as they were driving back. Inuyasha blushed a little at the memory of Kagome feeding him.

"Feh. Too much garlic." He said arrogantly.

"Garlic? But why would they put garlic in it?" Kagome asked curiously.

"How should I know?!"


"Ne, Inuyasha?"


"Do you want any ice cream or anything?" She asked as she took out a tub of Strawberry Cheesecake ice cream.

"Feh. Fine." He replied, vaguely wondering if Kagome was going to feed him again.

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Inuyasha woke up early that morning to the scent of eggs, bacon, sausage, and rice. He sniffed a little more, enjoying all of the scents mixed together. He could get used to living with the wench.

(quick A/N: keep in mind that Inuyasha is still in his PJ's… if you would call them that. ::evil laugh:: )

Inuyasha followed his nose, and found himself in the kitchen (duh), and sat down at the table.

"Ohayo, Inuyasha." Kagome said with a smile. "Is Miroku-sama up yet?" She asked. Inuyasha's ears perked up at the 'sama'.

"How would I know wench? And what's with the 'sama' ?" He replied. Kagome just shrugged, forgetting that Inuyasha couldn't see her shrug.

"I don't know. It just seems I should call him that." She replied. "Anyway, how do you want your eggs cooked?" She asked cheerily.

"Sunnyside up." He replied shortly.

"I'll have the same." Came a voice from the hall. The 'voice' soon emerged.

"Ah! Miroku-sama! Are you alright?" She asked.

"Yeah, fine." He replied smiling.


"Inuyasha? Don't you have work or anything?" Kagome asked as they were eating.

"Don't need to." he replied shortly, while stuffing his face with rice and egg.

"Well looks like you could feed yourself now." Kagome said sarcastically. Miroku looked up from his meal.

"What?" He asked, trying to sound innocent. Kagome gave him a skeptical stare.

"Nothing." She replied, taking her plate to the sink and washing it. "Inuyasha, do you have _anything_ to do today?" Kagome asked.

"I don't think so…" he replied, still thinking.

"What do you usually do?" She asked. Didn't he do _anything_ at all?

"I usually go to the gym, but I can't go if I'm blind." He said thoughtfully.

"Is that _all_?" she asked.

"Well I don't have a job because I don't need it, and I don't go to college or anything…"

"You don't do _anything_ besides go to the gym?" Kagome asked, thinking about how well toned he must be.

"Well, it's not like I _need_ to anyway…" Inuyasha continued smugly.

"Oi Inuyasha," Miroku said. "Why not have Kouga come over? We haven't seen him in a few months."

"Feh. That wimpy wolf?" Inuyasha asked.

"Aw, come on! You two used to be best buds before Kikyou," Miroku replied.

"It's not my fault that he didn't like her."

"Well you have to admit Inuyasha, she was rather emotionless."

"Feh. Whatever." Inuyasha said crossing his arms, and trying to 'look' the other way.

"Ummm… my friend, Sango-chan, is coming over today at 5:00…" Kagome said a little uncomfortably. She wasn't sure that if they had a friend over meant that Sango couldn't come.

"Really now?" Miroku asked with interest. Kagome giggled a little, then her face became serious.

"I wouldn't try anything with her Miroku, or me for that matter. Last time someone tried something on her, he landed in the hospital with a broken arm, leg, and nose. Luckily, she got off with self defense." She said seriously.

"I like them feisty though…" Miroku said with a glazed expression. Inuyasha just chuckled.

"She's pretty protective of anyone close to her…" Kagome said thoughtfully. Ever since Sango's family had died, except Kohaku, who was still in critical condition, (it happened recently, sort of,) Sango had become extremely overprotective of all of her close friends.

"Really now?" Miroku said with a still glazed expression.

"Miroku," Kagome said sternly.

"Fine, fine" Miroku said, waving his hands in the air, but he still had a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Yo, Miroku, I don't want Kouga over today, maybe tomorrow." Inuyasha said, changing the subject.

~~~~~ 5:00pm~~~~~


Kagome rushed to the door and let Sango in.

"Hey!" They said in unison.

"Wow, this sure is a nice place…" Sango commented as she looked around appreciatively.


"You'll probably be able to pay off the bank within a month!" Sango chirped happily.

"Actually… no. It's going to take 6 months at the least…" Kagome replied looking at the floor.

"How much do you owe?" Sango asked.

"A whole lot." Kagome replied. Even though Sango was her best friend, Kagome didn't want her to be caught up in this. She knew that if Sango knew how much, she would be emptying out her savings account for her.

"So….where's your room?" Sango asked.

"Huh?" Was her Oh-so-intelligent reply.

"Remember? I was going to help you move in?" Sango asked waving a hand in front of her face.

"Oh! Yeah!" Kagome replied, blushing from embarrassment and leading her friend to her room. Unbeknownst to the two girls, Inuyasha was listening from around the corner.

<>><<>>to Inuyasha<<>><<>

~So she owes a lot of money? I wonder why?~ Inuyasha thought as rounding the corner to go to his room (which was right across from Kagome's). The perverted houshi had gone to the market earlier to get some forgotten sodas. Kagome had practically pushed him out of the door and told him to get Strawberry soda for her and Sango, Pepsi for Inuyasha, and a bottle of whatever he liked. Inuyasha could tell that she had wanted Miroku out of the house when her friend came, but Miroku hadn't given in without a fight.

Inuyasha entered his room, and to his annoyance, he could hear Kagome and her friend talking across the hall.

<>><to the girls<>><

"So Kagome-chan, where's your patient?" Sango asked, as she took a shirt and hung it in the closet.

"Oh! I completely forgot about him when you came! He's probably in his room." Kagome replied, putting her 'personal care' products in a drawer.

"Oh…" Sango said a little disappointedly, taking some more shirts and hanging them up.

"What do you mean 'oh..'?" Kagome asked laughing a little.

"Well I kind of wanted to meet him, and see how he treats you." Sango replied seriously. Kagome sighed.

"Don't worry Sango, he's not that bad." Kagome said.

"'That bad'?" Sango asked.

"Don't worry, he's just a bit arrogant, and a little jerkish, but other than that I think he's a pretty ok person. It was sort of my fault anyways that we started off so bad…" Kagome trailed off.

"Really? What happened?" Sango asked curiously. Kagome blushed a little at the memory. She knew that Sango could keep a secret, but it was Inuyasha's personal business.

"Oh nothing much!" Kagome replied. She then looked at her clock that said: 5:46pm. "I wonder what's taking Miroku so long?" She thought aloud.

"Miroku? The one you said collapsed?" Sango asked with innocent curiosity.

"Yeah. I sent him out to buy some soda. He's somewhat of a lecher, but his aura's nice." Kagome replied, then she gave a smirk. "Though you'll have to watch out for his 'Cursed Hand'."

"Cursed Hand?"

"Yeah, but first he'll take your hands, say a cheesy pick-up line, and ask you to bear his child-"

"WHAT?!?!" Sango yelled in horror.

Across the hall, Inuyasha had to cover his head with a pillow to try to block out Sango's scream.

"Calm down!" Kagome said, across the hall, Inuyasha cautiously removed the pillow.

"Kagome," Sango said seriously, "Did he ask you that?" She asked, taking on the 'Mother Tone' as Kagome liked to call it whenever Sango got protective.

"Yes, but-"

"I'm home!" They heard a masculine voice come from the door.

"Is that him?!" Sango asked in the 'Mother Tone'.

"Yeah, but Sango, listen-"

"I'll send him to the hospital too!!" Sango yelled as she ran out of the door. Kagome ran after her friend, a little surprised to see Inuyasha come out of his room too, a look of amusement on his face.

"What are you doing?!" Kagome asked, while speeding to the front door.

"I came to 'hear' Miroku get landed in the hospital." He replied simply.

Sango made it to the front door (surprised she found her way back), and saw a fairly attractive man setting down a few bottles of soda. He looked up at the seething woman before him, and his eyes lit up.

"Ah! You must be Lady Sango!" Miroku said, light dancing in his eyes. As he rushed to meet her.

Sango blinked. Kagome had described him as a lecher, not a polite gentleman. Anger vanishing, she replied, "Uh… hi…" , as Miroku took her hands in his, at that same moment, Kagome burst into the room, followed by a (hanyou) Inuyasha.

"Miroku-sama! DON'T-!!"

"Will you bear my child?" Miroku asked seriously. Sango's face turned from 'Are you joking?' to 'WHAT.THE.FUCK.?' For a millisecond the entire entryway was completely silent. Then was followed by:




::CRACK: :

"Oww….@.@" Miroku was promptly on the floor twitching with a red mark on his cheek, a soon-to-be-black-eye, and a lump on his head from being flipped (for those who were wondering the 'crack' was, it was his spine, nothing was too badly hurt though. (don't worry, he didn't break it)). Sango was currently wiping her hands of imaginary dirt.

"He reminds me of the jackass that once tried to pick you up Kagome-chan." Sango said before turning around and gasping. "Oh…my…God…" Sango said.

"Nani?" Kagome asked turning around to see what she was looking at. Inuyasha. Hanyou Inuyasha. Not the concealed Inuyasha. "I-uhh….this is just a dream?" Kagome said lamely, as Inuyasha quickly tried to cover his ears, but the damage was done.

"Uhhhh………." was all Inuyasha could muster.


"So you're a hanyou?" Sango asked sipping some tea.

"Uh… yeah." Inuyasha replied.


"Uhhhh……….." was all Inuyasha could muster. Sango looked at him for a moment, then looked at Kagome who was looking slightly guilty, Inuyasha to Kagome. Then in 5 long strides she was facing Inuyasha, and attempted to do what Kagome had done; touch his ears. Inuyasha caught her wrist.

"'re.doing?" He asked in a deadly tone. Sango frowned.

"Uhh… Inuyasha? Sango?" Kagome asked. "Inuyasha, she would never tell anyone! And-and look- I mean hear- I mean, you know what I mean, she's not screaming!" Kagome said helpfully.

~end flashback~

It had helped that Sango hadn't tried to 'kill' Inuyasha, and vice versa. Kagome had decided not to tell Inuyasha that Sango's ancestors were youkai exterminators.

"So what've you done to other people who had found out?" Sango asked Inuyasha. He shrugged.

"Usually my Dad got them to uh… 'disappear'." He said. Kagome and Sango had just blinked.

"O…k…." They said in unison.


Sango had decided to stay the night, and the girls stayed up all night
talking like the teenage girls they were.

"So, what happened when you met him?" Sango asked again. Kagome blushed again, and told her from him yelling at the nurse, to touching his ears. "Hnmmm…. I wonder why he let you touch his ears and not me?" Sango asked thoughtfully.
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A/N: Phew…. A good 12pgs with 1.5 spacing…. I now have to do something called 'Personal Hygiene'. Anyway, PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!!!! ::takes out hypnotic device:: review…….review……review……