InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Benefits ❯ Chapter 4
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
By: Cassial_Darkfox
I don't own any of the charactors in this story. If I do I'll let you know before hand.
Thoughts - '...'Speaking - "..."
Chapter 4
Sesshoumaru finished programing his new cell phone and flopped down on his bed. He didn't really want to go on this date. 'Maybe encouraging them isn't the best thing in the world.' He dialed Yura's number and when she answered said, "Sorry I have to cancel. Yeah, something important. Bye."
He looked down at his floor, normally he couldn't stand his room being a mess, but he didn't want to clean it up. His clothes from last night were still where he threw them when he came home.
Sesshoumaru took his shoes off and laid back on his bed. He just wanted to sleep for a while.
His door slammed open. Inuyasha stood in the doorway, murder in his eyes. "We need to have a talk."
"Go away, I'm not in the mood to fight with you." Sesshoumaru laid his arm over his eyes.
"What is going on between you and Kagome?"
He shot up in his bed, "What?!"
"You heard me! Are you sleeping with Kagome?"
"What the hell gave you that idea?!"
Inuyasha stepped back one step, Sesshoumaru never yelled or cussed. He must have hit a nerve. "You are, aren't you?! I can't believe this! When I saw what you gave her I knew something was going on."
Sesshoumaru stood up and walked to his brother. He fisted his hand in Inuyasha's shirt and lifted him up, "Just because I gave her something for her birthday you assume that I am having sex with her?! You have reached a new low." Sesshoumaru slammed him against the wall and closed his door. He didn't need Inuyasha's mother to hear this.
"Let me go Sesshoumaru. Just because I caught you-"
"Caught me? You have nothing to go on. I have never done anything in the least bit sexual with her."
"Then what about her present?"
"You bastard, I gave that to her as a friend! What the hell is wrong with you?!"
Inuyasha took out the dice, "Explain how these are from a friend."
Sesshoumaru looked down at the dice and glared back up at his brother. "You think I have such a sick mind? If I were sleeping with Kagome we would be going out. I would have taken her to a resturant for dinner, ass!" He drooped Inuyasha, "These are from Miroku. I took them from her last night while we were in the closet."
Inuyasha was speechless.
"Now get out!"
He got up to his feet and ran out the door. The door slammed behind him and locked, keeping him out. Inuyasha returned to his room, then noticed that Sesshoumaru took the dice from him.
Sesshoumaru tossed the dice onto his dresser next to his cell phone. 'On second thought.' He picked up his cell and dialed Kagome's number. It rang twice before someone answered.
"Is Kagome there? Sesshoumaru." There was a second of silence then someone got on.
"Hello? Sesshoumaru?"
"What's up I thought you were date man."
"No, I didn't feel like it. I need to talk to you."
"Inuyasha came in here asking me if I was sleeping with you."
"He did what! I am so going to kill him. Why did he think we were sleeping together?"
"He saw me give you your dice, then I suppose he stole them. He thought I gave them to you, for us."
"Oh my god, he is so dead. You didn't kill him yet did you?"
"Good 'cause his ass is mine."
"Does anyone else know you cuss?"
"No just you Sesshoumaru. I'm sorry about this, he is so stupid sometimes. You didn't cancel because of this did you?"
"No, I didn't feel like going out today. I have your dice, when would you like them back?"
She groaned on the other end, "Can't you just keep them. As a favor? Please, I will love you forever if you do."
"Fine, I will keep them for now, but you get them back eventually."
"Thanks Sesshoumaru. I gotta go. See you Monday."
"Bye." He hung up and set his phone on the floor next to his bed. There was a knock a this door. "Inuyasha I swear if you even step foot in here I will kill you."
"Sesshoumaru, it's me."
Sesshoumaru sat up on his bed and cursed under his breath, he didn't want Inuyasha's mother to know they were fighting again. He walked to the door and opened it.
"Are you and Inuyasha already fighting?"
"A misunderstanding on his part nothing more. What do you need?"
"I am heading into town for a few days and I need for you and Inuyasha to watch the house. Can there be a little civility until I return?"
"So I can kill him after you get back?"
"Yes, you can go wild."
"Alright, deal. I'll make sure the house is here when you get back."
"Thank you Sesshoumaru. I will be gone for a week in Kyoto. The number is on the fridge." She walked down the hall.
He shut his door and picked up his phone. He punched Kagome's number back in, "Hey Kagome? Are you free this next weekend? Yes? Alright I'm inviting you and all of your close friends to a party at Hojo's."
"Hojo? You know he has a crush on me and will be following me around like a lost puppy."
"It's this or nothing. How many upper classmen parties have you gone to?"
"Like ten this year. Remember Sango is older than me. Are you sure this is cool with him. I mean he hates Inuyasha with a passion."
"That's only because he knows you have a killer crush on Inuyasha. He's not going to care as long as you are there. Bring Sango, Miroku, and the bastard. Hojo won't care."
"Alright, does Inuyasha know about this yet?"
"No you will invite him at school. Do not let this party get around, alright?"
"Fine, but as soon as Miroku finds out he will talk."
"Then only tell Inuyasha and Sango. I'll pick Miroku up before the party and we will meet up at the party."
"Alright, sounds like a plan. See ya Monday Sesshoumaru."
Inuyasha laid on his bed, he thought he was so stupid. To accuse Sesshoumaru of sleeping with Kagome of all people. Sesshoumaru acts more like a brother to Kagome than anything.
He stuffed his face in the pillow, "She is going to kill me when she finds out what I did."
Kagome walked up to Inuyasha in the hall, he was at his locker getting his math book. "Hey Inuyasha. What's up?" She wanted to see if he would admit to being stupid.
"Oh, hey Kagome." Inuyasha put his english book in his locker and closed his backpack.
"Where is Sesshoumaru?" Now she would try to bait him.
"At school where else would he be?"
'That's it.' "I don't know, maybe having sex with me?"
Inuyasha winced, "Oh, that."
Kagome slapped him across the face, "How dare you Inuyasha!? How could you?" She turned away from him. "You are coming with me to a party on Saturday. Okay?"
Inuyasha held his offended cheek, "Okay."
She walked away without saying one more word to him.
He watched her go, "What the hell, that hurt." Then he remembered something he had missed before, Kagome was wearing a new necklace. 'That's what Sesshoumaru got her.'
"Hey Inuyasha, nice handprint."
Inuyasha turned to Miroku, "Go to hell."
"No thank you, I have been and they didn't agree with my rules. What did you do to earn that?"
"I was an ass. Come on let's head to class, we're already late."
For the rest of the week Inuyasha was as nice as could be to Kagome and avoided Sesshoumaru more than usual. He found out that the party they were going to was hosted by Hojo, whom Inuyasha hated more than Sesshoumaru. Kagome convinced him to go and told him Sango and Miroku would also be there.
The day of the party Sango picked Kagome and Inuyasha up and drove to the party. Sesshoumaru had left before Inuyasha to pick Miroku up and then to the party. He arrived just before Inuyasha did.
Miroku got out of the car, "A party? Where is Sango and Kagome?"
"They are coming." Sesshoumaru locked his car up and went inside.
When Inuyasha pulled up he saw Sesshoumaru's car and Miroku sitting by it. "You didn't tell me Sesshoumaru would be here."
Kagome glared at him, "What, still jelous?" She got out of the car and walked over to Miroku. None of them knew about the trouble Miroku's gift caused and Inuyasha wanted it kept that way.
Sango and Inuyasha got out, together they all went inside.
Hojo smiled when he spotted Kagome. She may have been there with Inuyasha, but they weren't going out, so she was free game. He had also seen Sesshoumaru walk in before and figured he invited them. With a wide smile he walked over to Kagome, "Hey Kagome, I'm glad you could come."
"Yeah, wouldn't miss it. Thanks for the invite Hojo." She smiled and followed Inuyasha.
He frowned, "You don't have to incourage him you know."
"Inuyasha you are an idiot. I'm going to get something to eat." She left his side and went after the food.
The night was over quite fast to Kagome. She wasn't hungry, but all of the loud music gave her a headache. Inuyasha was MIA. After she had gone for food she hadn't seen him all night. Sango and Miroku were in the corner, drunk and making out. Their night had gone pretty good.
'Too bad they won't remember in the morning.' Kagome smiled and set off in search of Inuyasha. On her way she saw Sesshoumaru walk outside. 'I wondered if he's leaving?'
Kagome searched all of the rooms downstairs and didn't find him. She walked upstairs and looked in most of the rooms. At the last door she stopped and listened, Inuyasha was in there. She could hear his voice.
She slowly opened the door slowly and gaped at what she saw. Inuyasha was having sex on the floor with some girl. "No." Neither of the two on the floor looked up at her. Kagome shook her head and slammed the door.
'I need to get out of here.' She ran down the stair, ignoring Hojo and went outside. Her stomach hurt, but not as much as her heart. 'I loved him.' Tears streamed down her cheeks and fell to the ground.
Kagome spotted Sesshoumaru getting into his car and ran up to his car. She stood on the driver's side until he rolled down the window.
Sesshoumaru took in the tears and the pained look in her eyes, "Kagome? What happened?"
"Please take me away from here."
He unlocked the passenger door. "Get in."
Kagome got in and buckled up.
"I'll take you home."
She shook her head, "No, not home, he'll find me there. Take me to your house, he will never look there."
"Kagome what happened?"
"Please just drive. I will tell you when we get to your house, I don't want to talk about it while your driving."
With that Sesshoumaru sped up, 'This must be serious if she has to wait until I'm not driving.'
When they got to Sesshoumaru's house he pulled into the driveway, not bothering with the carport. He got out and took Kagome to his room. He shut and locked the door. "What happened?"
She didn't answer at first, this was her first time in his room. Kagome sat on the bed and looked at the floor. "I went to find Inuyasha so he could take me home. I looked down stairs and couldn't find him. So I went up stairs and I did find him. He was in one of the rooms having sex with some girl from our school." Her body shook with her effort to not break down.
Sesshoumaru sat next to her and pulled her into his lap, "I'm so sorry Kagome." He hugged her.
"What did I ever do to him? All I ever did is love him and he breaks my heart." Her grip on his shirt tightened, "I don't want to hurt anymore."
He pulled her tighter to his body, "I know Kagome. He's a bastard."
Kagome laughed, "Yeah, he is." She turned against his neck and hugged him. "Thank you Sesshoumaru."
"Anytime Kagome." He held her as he felt her tears on his neck.
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By: Cassial_Darkfox
I don't own any of the charactors in this story. If I do I'll let you know before hand.
Thoughts - '...'Speaking - "..."
Chapter 4
Sesshoumaru finished programing his new cell phone and flopped down on his bed. He didn't really want to go on this date. 'Maybe encouraging them isn't the best thing in the world.' He dialed Yura's number and when she answered said, "Sorry I have to cancel. Yeah, something important. Bye."
He looked down at his floor, normally he couldn't stand his room being a mess, but he didn't want to clean it up. His clothes from last night were still where he threw them when he came home.
Sesshoumaru took his shoes off and laid back on his bed. He just wanted to sleep for a while.
His door slammed open. Inuyasha stood in the doorway, murder in his eyes. "We need to have a talk."
"Go away, I'm not in the mood to fight with you." Sesshoumaru laid his arm over his eyes.
"What is going on between you and Kagome?"
He shot up in his bed, "What?!"
"You heard me! Are you sleeping with Kagome?"
"What the hell gave you that idea?!"
Inuyasha stepped back one step, Sesshoumaru never yelled or cussed. He must have hit a nerve. "You are, aren't you?! I can't believe this! When I saw what you gave her I knew something was going on."
Sesshoumaru stood up and walked to his brother. He fisted his hand in Inuyasha's shirt and lifted him up, "Just because I gave her something for her birthday you assume that I am having sex with her?! You have reached a new low." Sesshoumaru slammed him against the wall and closed his door. He didn't need Inuyasha's mother to hear this.
"Let me go Sesshoumaru. Just because I caught you-"
"Caught me? You have nothing to go on. I have never done anything in the least bit sexual with her."
"Then what about her present?"
"You bastard, I gave that to her as a friend! What the hell is wrong with you?!"
Inuyasha took out the dice, "Explain how these are from a friend."
Sesshoumaru looked down at the dice and glared back up at his brother. "You think I have such a sick mind? If I were sleeping with Kagome we would be going out. I would have taken her to a resturant for dinner, ass!" He drooped Inuyasha, "These are from Miroku. I took them from her last night while we were in the closet."
Inuyasha was speechless.
"Now get out!"
He got up to his feet and ran out the door. The door slammed behind him and locked, keeping him out. Inuyasha returned to his room, then noticed that Sesshoumaru took the dice from him.
Sesshoumaru tossed the dice onto his dresser next to his cell phone. 'On second thought.' He picked up his cell and dialed Kagome's number. It rang twice before someone answered.
"Is Kagome there? Sesshoumaru." There was a second of silence then someone got on.
"Hello? Sesshoumaru?"
"What's up I thought you were date man."
"No, I didn't feel like it. I need to talk to you."
"Inuyasha came in here asking me if I was sleeping with you."
"He did what! I am so going to kill him. Why did he think we were sleeping together?"
"He saw me give you your dice, then I suppose he stole them. He thought I gave them to you, for us."
"Oh my god, he is so dead. You didn't kill him yet did you?"
"Good 'cause his ass is mine."
"Does anyone else know you cuss?"
"No just you Sesshoumaru. I'm sorry about this, he is so stupid sometimes. You didn't cancel because of this did you?"
"No, I didn't feel like going out today. I have your dice, when would you like them back?"
She groaned on the other end, "Can't you just keep them. As a favor? Please, I will love you forever if you do."
"Fine, I will keep them for now, but you get them back eventually."
"Thanks Sesshoumaru. I gotta go. See you Monday."
"Bye." He hung up and set his phone on the floor next to his bed. There was a knock a this door. "Inuyasha I swear if you even step foot in here I will kill you."
"Sesshoumaru, it's me."
Sesshoumaru sat up on his bed and cursed under his breath, he didn't want Inuyasha's mother to know they were fighting again. He walked to the door and opened it.
"Are you and Inuyasha already fighting?"
"A misunderstanding on his part nothing more. What do you need?"
"I am heading into town for a few days and I need for you and Inuyasha to watch the house. Can there be a little civility until I return?"
"So I can kill him after you get back?"
"Yes, you can go wild."
"Alright, deal. I'll make sure the house is here when you get back."
"Thank you Sesshoumaru. I will be gone for a week in Kyoto. The number is on the fridge." She walked down the hall.
He shut his door and picked up his phone. He punched Kagome's number back in, "Hey Kagome? Are you free this next weekend? Yes? Alright I'm inviting you and all of your close friends to a party at Hojo's."
"Hojo? You know he has a crush on me and will be following me around like a lost puppy."
"It's this or nothing. How many upper classmen parties have you gone to?"
"Like ten this year. Remember Sango is older than me. Are you sure this is cool with him. I mean he hates Inuyasha with a passion."
"That's only because he knows you have a killer crush on Inuyasha. He's not going to care as long as you are there. Bring Sango, Miroku, and the bastard. Hojo won't care."
"Alright, does Inuyasha know about this yet?"
"No you will invite him at school. Do not let this party get around, alright?"
"Fine, but as soon as Miroku finds out he will talk."
"Then only tell Inuyasha and Sango. I'll pick Miroku up before the party and we will meet up at the party."
"Alright, sounds like a plan. See ya Monday Sesshoumaru."
Inuyasha laid on his bed, he thought he was so stupid. To accuse Sesshoumaru of sleeping with Kagome of all people. Sesshoumaru acts more like a brother to Kagome than anything.
He stuffed his face in the pillow, "She is going to kill me when she finds out what I did."
Kagome walked up to Inuyasha in the hall, he was at his locker getting his math book. "Hey Inuyasha. What's up?" She wanted to see if he would admit to being stupid.
"Oh, hey Kagome." Inuyasha put his english book in his locker and closed his backpack.
"Where is Sesshoumaru?" Now she would try to bait him.
"At school where else would he be?"
'That's it.' "I don't know, maybe having sex with me?"
Inuyasha winced, "Oh, that."
Kagome slapped him across the face, "How dare you Inuyasha!? How could you?" She turned away from him. "You are coming with me to a party on Saturday. Okay?"
Inuyasha held his offended cheek, "Okay."
She walked away without saying one more word to him.
He watched her go, "What the hell, that hurt." Then he remembered something he had missed before, Kagome was wearing a new necklace. 'That's what Sesshoumaru got her.'
"Hey Inuyasha, nice handprint."
Inuyasha turned to Miroku, "Go to hell."
"No thank you, I have been and they didn't agree with my rules. What did you do to earn that?"
"I was an ass. Come on let's head to class, we're already late."
For the rest of the week Inuyasha was as nice as could be to Kagome and avoided Sesshoumaru more than usual. He found out that the party they were going to was hosted by Hojo, whom Inuyasha hated more than Sesshoumaru. Kagome convinced him to go and told him Sango and Miroku would also be there.
The day of the party Sango picked Kagome and Inuyasha up and drove to the party. Sesshoumaru had left before Inuyasha to pick Miroku up and then to the party. He arrived just before Inuyasha did.
Miroku got out of the car, "A party? Where is Sango and Kagome?"
"They are coming." Sesshoumaru locked his car up and went inside.
When Inuyasha pulled up he saw Sesshoumaru's car and Miroku sitting by it. "You didn't tell me Sesshoumaru would be here."
Kagome glared at him, "What, still jelous?" She got out of the car and walked over to Miroku. None of them knew about the trouble Miroku's gift caused and Inuyasha wanted it kept that way.
Sango and Inuyasha got out, together they all went inside.
Hojo smiled when he spotted Kagome. She may have been there with Inuyasha, but they weren't going out, so she was free game. He had also seen Sesshoumaru walk in before and figured he invited them. With a wide smile he walked over to Kagome, "Hey Kagome, I'm glad you could come."
"Yeah, wouldn't miss it. Thanks for the invite Hojo." She smiled and followed Inuyasha.
He frowned, "You don't have to incourage him you know."
"Inuyasha you are an idiot. I'm going to get something to eat." She left his side and went after the food.
The night was over quite fast to Kagome. She wasn't hungry, but all of the loud music gave her a headache. Inuyasha was MIA. After she had gone for food she hadn't seen him all night. Sango and Miroku were in the corner, drunk and making out. Their night had gone pretty good.
'Too bad they won't remember in the morning.' Kagome smiled and set off in search of Inuyasha. On her way she saw Sesshoumaru walk outside. 'I wondered if he's leaving?'
Kagome searched all of the rooms downstairs and didn't find him. She walked upstairs and looked in most of the rooms. At the last door she stopped and listened, Inuyasha was in there. She could hear his voice.
She slowly opened the door slowly and gaped at what she saw. Inuyasha was having sex on the floor with some girl. "No." Neither of the two on the floor looked up at her. Kagome shook her head and slammed the door.
'I need to get out of here.' She ran down the stair, ignoring Hojo and went outside. Her stomach hurt, but not as much as her heart. 'I loved him.' Tears streamed down her cheeks and fell to the ground.
Kagome spotted Sesshoumaru getting into his car and ran up to his car. She stood on the driver's side until he rolled down the window.
Sesshoumaru took in the tears and the pained look in her eyes, "Kagome? What happened?"
"Please take me away from here."
He unlocked the passenger door. "Get in."
Kagome got in and buckled up.
"I'll take you home."
She shook her head, "No, not home, he'll find me there. Take me to your house, he will never look there."
"Kagome what happened?"
"Please just drive. I will tell you when we get to your house, I don't want to talk about it while your driving."
With that Sesshoumaru sped up, 'This must be serious if she has to wait until I'm not driving.'
When they got to Sesshoumaru's house he pulled into the driveway, not bothering with the carport. He got out and took Kagome to his room. He shut and locked the door. "What happened?"
She didn't answer at first, this was her first time in his room. Kagome sat on the bed and looked at the floor. "I went to find Inuyasha so he could take me home. I looked down stairs and couldn't find him. So I went up stairs and I did find him. He was in one of the rooms having sex with some girl from our school." Her body shook with her effort to not break down.
Sesshoumaru sat next to her and pulled her into his lap, "I'm so sorry Kagome." He hugged her.
"What did I ever do to him? All I ever did is love him and he breaks my heart." Her grip on his shirt tightened, "I don't want to hurt anymore."
He pulled her tighter to his body, "I know Kagome. He's a bastard."
Kagome laughed, "Yeah, he is." She turned against his neck and hugged him. "Thank you Sesshoumaru."
"Anytime Kagome." He held her as he felt her tears on his neck.
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