InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bliss Of Another Kind ❯ All around deception ( Chapter 3 )
"Pardon?", Kagome asked in confusion.
She turned her head thinking maybe the person he was talking to was behind her. Seeing there was no one but the retreating waitress she brought her attention back to him.
"Um, no. My name is Kagome. Kagome Higarashi.", She stated extending her hand to him.
"Oh, yeah. Sorry.", He said sounding more disappointed than sorry.
He had been so sure for a minuet that she was Kikyou. The resemblance was scary.
"Unholy would be a better word.", Inuyasha thought to himself., "One Kikyou is all the world needs."
Still, this girl could have been her twin. The same eyes, bone structure, curves in all the right places. He knew he was being rude, but he couldn't help staring at her.
"I'm really sorry for making such an idiot of myself.", Kagome apologized again.
"Not a problem.", Said the other man at the table taking the extended hand Inuyasha had ignored., "I'm Miroku and the silent one here is Inuyasha."
"As in Inuyasha Ishamaru?", She innocently inquired.
"The very same.", Said Miroku.
Inuyasha didn't even acknowledge that his name had been said. He simply kept an intent gaze on Kagome. She wished he'd stop, those ember eyes seemed very soul searching to her. She was sure that he knew the game she was playing. Knew what a terrible person she was.
"It's nice to meet you both.", She said shrinking a bit under his watch.
"You should join us.", Inuyasha said suddenly. "I'll buy you a drink. Just promise to stay away from the waitress. Move down."
The blonde girl next to him threw Kagome a very nasty look as she was forced to make room. Kagome sat down tentatively next to Inuyasha as he signaled for a new waitress.
"I'll have bourbon chaser." He told the woman with the tray, " And the young lady will have..."
"Um, I'll take Martini."
With that the waitress left them. Kagome took a moment to look at her surroundings. From the view she had it looked like the rumor that Inuyasha liked a lot of women was true. At the table it was just her, Inuyasha, Miroku, and four other women including the blonde one. None of the girls really looked like they had a thought in their perfectly prepared heads.
"So, Kagome was it? How is it you know me? Have we met?", Inuyasha asked even though he already knew that they hadn't. He wouldn't have forgotten someone like her.
"No, we haven't. I don't really know you personally. Just your name and your company. There aren't exactly a lot of Inuyasha's walking around."
"No, there aren't. But enough about me.", He said in a commanding voice., "Tell me about yourself."
"Well, I was raised just outside of Tokyo on a small Shinto shrine with my mother, grandfather, and brother.", She stopped not wanting to bore him.
"You know I grew up in London, Inu", Said the voluptuous blonde in a desperate attempt to regain his attention.
"That's nice." Inuyasha replied not looking away from Kagome., "Did you go to school Kagome?"
"Um, yeah. I have a degree in international business.", She lied.
"Really? You said that you knew me from my family's business. Would you be interested in job there?", He asked.
"W-what? You're offering me a job?"
"Unofficially. You obviously know of my brother Sesshomaru right?"
"Of course."
"He and his mate, Rin, are celebrating their second anniversary tomorrow night. Why don't you come and we'll talk about it some more, for the time being however, we have to go.", Inuyasha said signaling to Miroku.
"Oh, okay. I-I guess I'll see you tomorrow then. Thank you.", Kagome managed to stutter while getting up to allow him to leave.
"Seven o'clock.", He said exiting with Miroku and the entourage of girls following him.
"Good bye Kagome-san.", Miroku said with a smile shaking her hand one last time.
With that they were gone, leaving Kagome all alone at the table. Taking a long sip of her drink she held her head in her hands. What had she gotten herself into? She told him she had a degree in international business! She had gone to college, but she was a music major. She didn't know the first thing about business. It seemed like a good idea at the time. She needed to get to know him. So tell the business owner you know business. She never imagined he'd offer her a job!
"Maybe this isn't all bad.", She thought to herself encouragingly., "What better way to be around him than to work with him. Maybe I can even get close to the syrum without having to hurt anyone too badly."
She knew she shouldn't tell Naraku about her little white lie though. He would definitely see it as a screw up and he would definitely be mad. She shuddered at the thought of him mad. Anything to save herself the bruises and the yelling.
She sat and ordered herself another drink. She didn't want to go home yet.
Inuyasha got into the limo ignoring the glares Miroku had been shooting at him since they left the club.
"I can't believe that you could be such an insensitive prick.", Miroku said once inside.
"And just what the fuck is your problem?", asked the irritated hanyou.
"Don't think that I don't know why you invited Kagome to the party tomorrow night."
"I thought she'd like the job opportunity.", said Inuyasha simply.
"Bullshit.", snorted Miroku, "And I suppose the fact that she looks exactly like Kikyou is completely lost on you."
"You think they look alike? I hadn't really noticed."
"Whatever. The point is that using an innocent girl to get back at Kikyou is wrong. You two should keep your highly dysfunctional relationship to yourselves."
"The thought hadn't even crossed my mind. But if Kikyou were to to see us say, dancing to together it would serve her right. Maybe it would knock come sense into that cheating bitch.", Inuyasha said with some bitterness in his voice.
"Fine Inuyasha, fine. You're a big boy, I can't talk you out of anything. I just thought I'd give you my opinion."
A/N: Well, here's chapter three. I know, it's so cynical. Everyone is using everyone else. I still consider Kagome to be the most innocent though. After all, she's really just a stringless puppet. Thank you all for your reviews, they mean so much to me. I've really worked hard to push these first three chapters out but please keep in mind that I do have school and full schedule outside of that, so don't expect daily updates. Please keep the feedback coming I love hearing from you! P.S. I'm sorry about all the formating problems I've been having lately. If anyone knows what I'm doing wrong let me know.