InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood of the Tainted ❯ Welcome Back ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

As I push back the thick low hanging branches to the clearing I can finally hear them, like pushing aside the barriers that held their words from me the sounds rush at me, the sight of them gathered around the fire chatting, laughing, not looking worried at all.
“Inuyasha was so worried; I can't wait until tomorrow when he sees you Kouga-kun! He'll be so relieved, though he probably won't show it.” Kagome was saying, but Kouga was no longer watching her, he was staring straight ahead, his enticing blue eyes locked intently with mine.
My heart leapt up and my breath hitched. This strange rush filled my abdomen and I had to restrain myself from lunging at him. I didn't know what I wanted more, to hug him or rip his throat out. It scared me.
By now everybody had gone quiet, staring at me, holding Shippo who for some reason decided to pretend to be asleep. Kouga's eyes narrowed dangerously at him and I couldn't help but hold him a little closer to me, a protective reflex.
“Inuyasha! Um…Kouga's back, we didn't know where you went so we… When did Shippo leave? I thought he was here?” Kagome stumbles, obviously uncertain about the two of us.
“He was with me.” I say, walking casually up to her and settling him into her arms. He shifted and cuddled into her, looking very much asleep, but I could tell he wasn't. I turned to Kouga, watching his eyes darken as he gazed at me.
“Glad you're okay mutt,” He said. “Don't know what I'd do if you didn't survive.” Those words had so many meanings behind them, but only one was heard by the group and for that I was thankful.
I nodded, hesitating for a moment before sitting beside him, turning my gaze to the fire. We were silent for a moment and I knew the others were waiting for what I'd say. Swallowing the lump in my throat I forced a snort and smirked at him.
“What took ya so long wolf couldn't have been that hard to kill the bastard?” He snickered and the thick tension that hung in the air dissipated as the humans sighed. Even Shippo seamed a bit more comfortable in Kagome's arms.
“Well, you'll be pleased to know I took extra care to make sure he suffered.” I felt my gaze pulled to him, his eyes darkened with wicked humor and I knew he had heard my lies. I wondered idly who told him, but Kagome's loud yawn broke into my thoughts.
“Get some rest.” I snapped at everyone. “We're continuing our search in the morning; we've wasted enough time trying to find the wolf.” Smiles greeted that comment and I could tell everybody was glad I was back to my old self, on the outside at least.
The fire was left to slowly die as everyone prepared for sleep. Kouga stood, nodding to me.
“I think, maybe we should talk.” He said softly and I nodded. The others watched us sadly.
“Want me to keep the fire going for you guys?” Miroku asked.
“No, we'll probably be a while.” I said softly, not bothering to meet their eyes. They accepted this. We probably had a lot to talk about.
Talking, heh, I doubt anything the two of us might say tonight will resemble coherent sentences, but they don't need to know that.
Wearily we I followed Kouga of into the darkening trees.
Glad that's over. The first person, present tense thing was really killing me. Blood that Binds is the last part of this story and will be up tomorrow, so keep an eye out for it! Everybody say YAY!