InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Staind Lies ❯ Awakening ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: i do not Inu Yasha, nor trilogy Kushiel's (it's only mentioned), nor the lyrics to I Miss You by Blink 182.

thank you biteswhenprovoked, osaka rose, and Zackzman for reviewing, sorry it took soo long to update but with the start of school I've been really busy.


Chapter Three: Awakening
By: Hells_Angel89

~ Hello there,
Angel from my nightmares,
Shadow int the back of the morgue.

Sango's head shot up at the sound of the girl's whisper. "She's waking up," she stated dumbly as she left the room to go call Miroku to let him know.

Kagome slowly slid her eyes open. The sunlight that streamed through the window blinded her, causing her to jerk her right arm up to shield her eyes. It too the exhausted girl a few minuets to realize the shearing pain running down her arm. Crying out slightly, she threw herself into a sitting position. The action, however, caused the blood to rush from her head, in turn making her dizzy and slump slightly forward. Regaining her senses, Kagome glared down to see what was causing her arm to hurt. Her world came to a sudden halt as her eyes focused on the I.V. in her arm. She shood her head, trying hard to figure out why she was in a hospital.

~ The unsuspectin victim,
Of the darkness in the valley,
We can live like Jack and Sally,
If we want. ~

The last thing Kagome could remember was taking her medication. There was something she was suppose to remember, but hte harder she tried, the worse her head hurt. It was as if her mind was setting up a barrier to keep her from remembering.

"What happened," she screamed in her head. "Why can't I remember?"

It wasn't until htat moment she realized that here were bandages around her wrists. The ralization of what must of happened hit her like a brick wall. Images flooded her senses faster than she could comprehend them.

~ We'll have Halloween on Christmas,
And in the night we'll wish this never ends.
We'll wish this never ends. ~

Kagome's eyes brimmed with tears as Sango walked in through the door. Her friend just stood there and stared. There were soo many emotions in the woman's face, Kagome had a hard time naming them all; sadness, worry, happiness, exhaustion, and even some (was it really?) anger.

"Sango. I-," Kagome began.

"Shut up!" Seeing her anger, Kagome quickly shut her mouth. Sango walked over to her, each step landing with a loud thump on the tile. Her shadow fell across Kagome's face as she stopped at the side of her bed. Bangs were hiding her face from the girl on the bed. Kagome closed her eyes and began to braceherself for a huge let down lecture. But it never came.

~ (I miss you, I miss you)
(I miss you, I miss you) ~

Instead, she found herself in Sango's arms. Kagome could feel her tears soaking her shoulder as the woman she knew as her bestfriend hid her face from her.

~ Where are you,
And I'm so sorry.
I cannot sleep,
I cannot dream tonight. ~

Kagome ran her fingers through her friends hair to try and calm her down. Instead, it had the oppisite effect, causing Sango to go into hystarics. Knowing that it was her that caused Sango soo much pain made her hate herself at that moment.

~ I need somebody and always,
This sick strange darkness,
Comes creepingon so haunting everytime. ~

One crystal tear slid down her face, leading a whole bergade behinde it. Returning the embrace, Kagome burried her face in the crook of Sango's neck. She tried to stop crying, but every time she got close another another onslot of tears took over.

~ And as I stared and counted,
Webs from all the spiders,
Catching things and eating their insides. ~

"I'm so sorry. I never ment to hurt you." Kagome whispered into Sango's ear.

"It's ok,," she choked out.

"No it's not!" The young woman cried out. "I'm sick Sango." Kagome's face fell as she stared out into space.

~ Like indecision to call you,
And hear your voice of treason.
Will you come home and stop this pain tonight.
Stop this pain tonight. ~

"I need help Sango. I tried to kill myself and I don't even remember why."

"That's ok. You can get through this. Me and Miroku will be right by your side every step."

"Sango, maybe i just ne-" The rest of her sentence was cut off by a knock on the door.

~ Don't waste your time on me you're already a voice inside my head,
(I miss you, miss you)
Don't waste your time on me you're already a voice inside my head,
(I miss you, miss you). ~

"Hello Ms. Higirashi," chirped a young female doctor. "How are you feeling?"

"Mad dazed, confused, frustrated and all of the abouve."

"Well it's nice to see that you have your sense of humor." She walked over to the bed and pulled up the doctor's stool. "I'm sorry miss, but I'm going to have you sit in one of those chairs."

"Oh! Yes of course Doctor."

"No need to be so formal. Just call me Rin." Turning on the stool, Rin directed her attentions back towards Kagome. "Is it ok if I call you Kagome?"

"Yeah, that's fine," she mumbled numbly.

"Ok Kagome, before we get started I want you to know that I'm not here to judge you. I'm here to help you get better. If you would like, I can send in a counsler. But that is totaly up to you. Now then, let's take a look at those injuries." Rin leaned foward and carefully opened up her bandages. She was patient as she explained what the surgeons had done.

"When you cut yor lift wrist, Kagome, you cut a tendon. Luckily for you though, it was an easy fix. But you will have to come in at least once a week for therapy on your hand."

The phone in the corner of the room rang. Rin scooted over and began talking. Kagome couldn't make out what was being said.

"Ms. Hirakitos?" Sango's head shot up at the sound of her name. "There's a gentleman waiting for you out in the lobby.

Kagome noticed a look that she couldn't quite put a finger on in Rin's eyes as she watched Sango leave the room. The young doctor drpped her act of happiness as she turned to Kagome.

This is totally against the rules, but I have a message to relay to you. But I can't do it here. I'm going to leave my address on the counter for you. The moment you're released, I need you to come over."

"Why can't you tell me here?" Kagome questioned as panic began to set in.

"Because this message wants to see you face to face."

~ Don't waste your time on me you're already a voice inside my head,
(I miss you, miss you)
Don't waste your time on me you're already a voice inside my head,
(I miss you, miss you) ~
