InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Staind Lies ❯ Time to Forget ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha, nor the lyrics to Probably Wouldn't Be This Way by LeAnn Rhymes. All I own is this Taco...

Blood Stained Lies
Chaper 4: Time to forget
By Hells_Angel89

Sango sat at the end of the bed, staring at her friend in disbelief. There stood Kagome, laughing and joking as if nothing had ever happened. For a spilt moment, she almost thought it had all been a dream. But she knew better. Even though the girl was acting like nothing had happened, the sparkel that used to inhabit her eyes was long gone. For the longest ime, her eyes had been black holes that could only show fear. Raw fear. Fear for herlife, for the people around her, and fear of him. However, there was an emotion (now) that Sango hadn't seen in a long time. Well, not since Inu Yasha had left. It was Hope.

She spent a moment wondering what could have made her friend hope again. But she brushed it aside, deciding that it didn't matter. All that mattered at the moment was that Kagome was getting better and would be released tomarro.


Miroku glared at the man infront of him. In the past he might of concidered him a friend, but if he had truly been a friend, he wouldn't have left them without any notice. Kaede had told Miroku to go easy on Inu Yasha; that he didn't know the whole story. And for a while, he had agreed with her. But the moment he had seen the hanyou's face, all reason sliped away as anger took it's place.

Miroku marched though the parking lot, his feet thundering on the pavement. He knew Inu Yasha could sense him. Otherwise the ingreat wouldn't have truned to face hom. As he drew closer, he began to raise his right fist. The moment he was within an arms length, Miroku sucker punched Inu Yasha in the jaw.

"Ok. I deserved that." Inu Yasha broke out into a smile and thumped Miroku on the back. Miroku couldn't help it, he smiled back. All the anger he had felt towards the man seemed to disipate through the punch. Dispite Inu Yasha's protest, Miroku pulled him into a hug.

"So, why now?" He dropped all signs of friendlyness as he looked the hanyou in the eyes.

"What do you mean?" Inu Yasha was still smiling, but was clearly confused.

"I mean, why have you waited, after soo long, to come back and visit?"

"Miroku I-"

"Did Kaede tell you what's been going on?"

"No, she-"

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not-"

"Because if you think that you can swoop back in just when she starts to get better, you're wrong!"

"Will you jus-"

"Sango and I have stood by her for th-"

"Miroku!!" Inu Yasha screamed the lech's name at the top of her lungs. If the moment hadn't been so tense, he would have laughed at the look on Miroku's face. "Will you just listen to me for a minuet!"

Slowly he shook his head yes.

"Ok then." Inu Yasha looked towards the strip mall. "Why don't we go discuss this over some food?"


~Got a date a week from Friday with the preacher's son,
Everybody says he's crazy,
I'll have to wait and see.~

"He's back!" Sango was surprized at her own outburst. She had ment to ease into the subject. Kagome was facing away from her so she couldn't see her face. But her back was straight and tense.

~I finally moved to Jackson when the summer came,
I won't have to pay that boy to rake my leaves.~

"I know." Kagome's voice had a certain sad happiness to it.

"Well... Doesn't that make you mad," questioned Sango, who was clearly mad on her part.

"Why would I be mad?"

Sango stood up. "The fact that he's waited this long to come see everyone. That would be reason enough. Why shouldn't you be angry?"

"Because it gives me a chance to see him one last time."

~I'm probably going on and on,
It seems I'm doing more of that these days.~

Sango felt her heart drop to her stomach. "Kagome," she spoke the girl's name as if she were speaking to someone who didn't understand anything. "What are you talking about?"

"I tried to toell you earlier, but the doctor came in."

"Kagome, just tell me." Slowly the girl turned to face her.

"I'm leaving town in two days."

~I probably wouldn't be this way,
I probably wouldn't hurt this bad.
I never pictured every minuet without you in it,
Oh you left so fast.
Sometimes I see you standing there,~

An empty void was making itself known in Sango's heart. "Wh-Why?"

Kagome was biting her cheek to keep herself form crying at the look on Sango's face.

"Because I need to start a new life, and in order to do that, I have to sever all ties with everyone I know."

~Sometimes it's like I'm losing touch,
Sometimes I feel i'm so lucky to have had the chance to love this much.
God gave me a moments grace,
'Cause if I'd never seen your face,
I probably wouldn't be this way.~


~Mama says that I just shouldn't talk to you,
Susan says that I should just move on.~

"Would you believe me if I told you that the moment I stepped onto that plane, I regreted it?"

Miroku glared at the hanyou who was sitting across the table from him. He was about to tell Inu Yasha off, but there was something in his eyes. It wan't something Miroku saw often in those pools of amber. Desperation. For the first time since he saw him, Miroku really looked to Inu Yasha.

~You oughta see the way these people look at me.
When they see me 'round here talking to this stone.~

He was a mess, and that was putting it nicely. His shirt was stained with coffee and wrinkled. His khaki pants were wrinkled and and dirty. His normaly beautiful silver hair was matted and looked as though it hadn't been washed in weeks. The stench of B.O. covered up by colone was wafting off of him. Miroku subconsisously leaned away.

Slowly his face relaxed and he nodded. "Yes. I believe you." His voice was barley above a whisper.

~Everybody thinks I've lost my mind,
But I just take it day by day.~

"I miss her Miroku. I can't fall asleep at night, and when I do, I wake up form dreaming about her. I can't concitrate on my studies, my work, when I'm driving. Hell, I can't even concitrate when i gotta take a shit!" Inu Yasha folded his arms and turned to stare out the window.

"That still doesn't explain why you've come back."

Inu Yasha looked back and glared at Miroku. "Because things weren't the way they were suppose to be! Kagome was suppose to be there to calm me down when I've had a bad day at work. She's suppose to be the one who eats dinner with me. To be the one who's spot is next to me."

"But why Kagome? Why not Kikyo?"

"Because I don't love Kikyo, I love Kagome."

~I probably wouldn't be this way,
I probably wouldn't hurt so bad,
I never pictured every minuet without you in it,
Oh you left so fast.~


"It's time for me to move on."

~Sometimes I see you standing there,
Sometimes I feel an angel's touch,
Sometimes I feel like i'm so lucky to have had the chance to love this much,
God give me a moment's grace.
'Cause if I'd never seen your face,
I probably wouldn't be this way.
Probably wouldn't be this way.
Got a date a week from Friday with the preacher's son,
Everybody says I'm crazy,
I'll have to wait and see.~

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A/N: Muhahaha! So wadya think? I hope you're enjoying this so far! omg! oh nooo! I ate my i own nothing again!

thank you to Megan Consoer, Inugrrl, and Biteswhenprovoked for reviewing ^^