InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Staind Lies ❯ Welcome Back ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: As I have said, and will continue to say time and time again- I do not own Inu Yasha. All I own is this bowl of mashed potatoes.
Blood Stained Lies
Chapter 5: Welcome Back
By: Hells_Angel89
“It's time for me to move on.” Kagome turned to look out the window. “I can't spend the rest of my life thinking about what happened that night.”
“And you can't move on here?” Sango's voice had a sharp bite to it.
“Not with him still here. I have to get away. I need to go somewhere he won't be.”
“So you're running away?” All of the sudden a light bulb went off in Sango's head. Maybe she could get Kagome mad enough to stay here.
Kagome just stared out the window. “...”
“You're just gonna give up?”
“...” She hung her head slightly.
“You're just going to sit here and let him win.”
“NO!” Kagome's head shot up in a fury as she screamed the word. “I won't let him win.”
For a moment, Sango let herself smile at the fire behind those pools of brown. It showed her that the girl was in fact getting better. There were two emotions missing, when she was nothing but an empty shell of a girl. Hatred and Love. The fire behind Kagome's eyes showed that she felt hatred again. As for love... only time would tell.
Sango let out a breath of relief, thinking that Kagome had changed her mind and decided to stay.
“But if I stay here,” Kagome said, staring at her with pleading eyes. “He'll be winning everyday of my life. I will be living with the fear of him showing up. Can't you see Sango? The only way for me to truly get over it is to move away for awhile. Not forever, I'll even promise to keep in contact with you. I just don't want to leave here on bad terms with you.”
“How else am I suppose to react? Smile and wave while singing the song `Oh Happy Days'?”
“Please Sango, can't you just go along with this?”
There was something in Kagome's voice that struck a cord in Sango's heart. Sango's eyes began to tear up and her eyebrows scrunched together. “Does my approval on this really matter that much?”
Kagome slowly nodded her head. “Sango, for the last few years it's been like I've been under someone's spell. I don't remember most of it, nor do I wish to remember. But in ever memory I do have, you're in it. It just wouldn't be right for me to leave here if we were on bad terms.”
Sango shook her head and began to help Kagome get ready to leave the hospital. “Well, if you're leaving, then we better make the most of it.”
Kagome pulled on the jeans her friend had brought her and grabbed the “perscription” sitting on the counter.
Sango turned towards her as they walked out.
“Welcome back.”
Miroku leaned back in his seat, staring at Inu Yasha as if her were a tree eye, tree leg, purple people eater. “It took you that long to figure that one out?”
“What's that suppose to mean?” Inu Yasha snapped defensively. Miroku dropped his forehead on the table with a loud thump.
“It means that everyone around you knew you loved her before you left us.”
“Listen you-.” The raven-haired man sighed in relief as he held up a hand and awnsered his phone. He could tell the hanyou was pissed from the way his ears were swiveling on top of his head.
Inu Yasha watched as the lech nodded and told whoever was on the other line that he'd be there soon.
“Well,” said Miroku with a hint of resentment. “Are you ready to see her.”
To be continued...
A/N: Ok, I know that was really short... please don't hurt me >.< ! I'll be sure to make the next chapter longer!!!!! PLEASE REVIEW!!!!! And thank you to those of you who have reviewed.