InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ BLOODY KISSES: of death may come. ❯ We are children of moonlight. ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: none of the Inu yasha characters used in this story belong to me. The sad but painful truth.


Of death may come.


Chapter 2: We are children of moonlight.

Only minutes had passed since he had left the old church behind him and already he could see the old villa coming in sight. For some strange reason this house that Miroku designed so long ago felt more like home than his true one ever did.

It was done up in ancient Greece style, Sesshoumaru almost smiled at the whisper of a memory that bubbled up. "So tell me Sesshoumaru Sama how did the houses in your life time look like. Livable?" Miroku casually asked while focusing the brunt of his attention on the wet painting before him. He was down to the minuscule parts like lashes. Not completely focused Sesshoumaru had answered the question rather thoughtlessly. He missed the delighted smile that curled Miroku's lips while he listened.

Not much later maybe fifty years or so Miroku had dragged them all of to this very secluded spot. He had been thoughtful enough to buy a great deal of land around the house and in the middle of all these acres of wild savage beauty lay this pearl, a true art piece any vampire would hold in the highest regard.

Not much had changed around the house Sesshoumaru made sure it was kept in prime condition. Even the lands were carefully maintained, it was one of the last places wolfs still freely dwelled along with various other kinds of endangered species.

Leaping with ease Sesshoumaru launched himself into the air so fast and for such long periods of time he was almost flying. Something that would have been impossible for him a couple of centuries back, but then with each growing century a vampire would only become stronger, better, harder.

Enjoying the wind that fanned his hair back like a long silver stream Sesshoumaru for the first time looked at the girl in his arms. At first he had hardly noticed her but when Naraku had not only made fierce attempts to get away from Sesshoumaru but with the girl Sesshoumaru had started to pay attention. What he saw made his heart lurdge.

There in the middle of the protection circle stood this scared newly turned vampire girl the moment she bolted Sesshoumaru saw his change and dived at the distracted Naraku. His blow meant to kill was barely deflected but his goal was reached. Naraku needed to go his immortal live at great danger and the new vampire was saved from his savaged nature.

Calling the fledgling to him he was pleased that she obeyed at least she wouldn't cause any more trouble. But she had made things more difficult. Bringing her into his pack could proof risky, she would need to be watched at all hours of awaking. A nice job for Kouga and Sango.

Sesshoumaru almost smiled again. Then softly scolding him self he looked down at the small form in his arms. Her skin had already taken on the marble white of vampires it was one of there traits also a reason why a vampire would dwell in the shadows rather than walk for all to see in the moonlight.

Her hair and lashes where a midnight black a color any vampire would appreciate highly, he could almost see the dark bleu gleam to bad that it was a clouded night. With the moonlight showering her hair its true beauty would be brought out proper.

The more Sesshoumaru looked the better he understood why Naraku would have made her a vampire. She was a natural beauty, not in the classic sense of the word but one that grew with each passing minute you watched it.

Shaking his head he looked at the door before him. Landing gracefully he slowed his leaping to a normal human walk. With a bit of his mental power he forced the door open and closed. A trick he had been taught by his master all those centuries ago. One that had even saved his life many times.

The soft heals of his shoes made no sound on the mosaic marble floor. As always Sesshoumaru's eyes wondered at the inlayed floor taking in the inscription Miroku designed for it. It said in ancient tongue `Begone creatures of the night, only those who come with the light are welcome here.' Talk about your twisted humor.

Going on he listened for his companions and followed there laughter and chattering to the tea room, Sango's domain and the place to be when you wanted information about anything happening in today's world.

Sesshoumaru never had understood Sango's fascination with humans and to even take this curiosity so far as to follow there every progress was beyond him. But it had its uses and she didn't harm anyone with it so he let her have her little fatuation.

He could also hear the monk and Inu yasha talking. The loud voice of his brother casting all other in his shadow. Over the years Inu yasha never had learned the value of a low vocal volume. This meant that Kouga was out on the hunt, making some quick calculations Sesshoumaru nodded his head it was the time.

Yet again he opened the door with his mind and the room grew quiet when he walked in. all six eyes were focused but not on Sesshoumaru. All watched with keen attention the girl he had safely tucked in his arms.

Not bothering to answer there obvious questions just yet Sesshoumaru walked over to the couch with Queen Anne style. Carefully dropping his luggage on it he turned and went to his favorite spot near the hearth. Inu yasha patients was spend.

Just when Sesshoumaru made himself comfortable in his chair Inu yasha began to sputter his golden eyes so much like Sesshoumaru's showed he wanted explanations and he wanted them fast. Sango on the other hand seemed more interested in the girl her self watching her still her soft magenta eyes never wavering while she took in every inch of the nameless girl. And Miroku, well Miroku seemed for once to be speechless. Always nice to know people could still surprise you even after spending centuries with them.

"I found her, Naraku made her, he wanted her desperate enough." Thinking this short explanation sufficient enough he moved from the sight of his pack to the roaring fire in the hearth for some reason fire always mesmerized Sesshoumaru, never the same always changing and with a magic of its own that never became boring and it was one a the few things that could actually destroy such as him.

"You mean you just picked this bitch up and took her here! Have you gone daft?" Inu yasha sputtered. "And not only that but did you have o bring one of Naraku's spawn. Knowing him she's just some raving lunatic killer and you just went ahead and brought her hear are you sick of live for if that's the case I would kill you and the rest of us can go on living."

Sesshoumaru ignored the temper tantrum Inu yasha was throwing, but when Inu yasha quieted down he did peek over his shoulder to see what could have possible shut his little brother up. His attention was almost immediately at the girl on the couch, she was awaking from his spell. Good it was about time she did and he felt a little pleased that she was strong enough already to throw such a tiny spell of so quickly. Whatever else she was she was strong Naraku had chosen well.

While Kagome groggily sat up she first opened one eye then the other. Blinking fiercely she tried to get rid of the picture of four perfect humans before her, unfortunate they seemed to not want to go away.

Now sitting up she watched them she didn't even wonder about the fact that she was able to see them so good in the pour light. Sitting directly opposite her was a woman with long ebony hair. It was done up in thousand of tiny braids pulled back in one big one, the mass would have reached her butt when she stood. Her eyes had a loving Magenta color and for just a spell Kagome was mesmerized by them, then she broker away and took in the perfect skin small nose and lush lips. Kagome blinked when those lips where pulled up in a slow smile, shaking her head she continued taking in the strangers. Unlike the other two she didn't know (she recognized the long silver haired man by the hearth from last night.) she had on the latest fashion unlike other two males.

Going from the woman to the male with also silver hair Kagome felt very certain that he was family to the man sitting secluded from the rest. But his appearance was gruffer missing all the grace and smoothness of the other man but he had his own appealing way and could easily compete for attention with the ladies. His eyes had an amber color almost the same as the other his hair do was shorter but still longer than normal. Then the last man he was the most strangest short black hair pulled in a low pony tail outfit completely made up out of dark bleu and purple he made her think about ancient Boedist monk except that the cloths weren't dresses but a suit with an extremely long overcoat, nice and good looking in a weird kind of way. His eyes had the same purple color as the fabric used in his costume and he had a boyish charm thing going on, she liked him instantly.

All the time she had watched them they had sitting there like frozen statues but now that she was done the overcoat came at her with such speed Kagome felt dizzy from just watching it. One moment he was standing at the other side of the room the next moment he was kneeling before her holding her right hand in both of his own. "Dear lady would you do me the honor of bearing my child?"

Kagome blinked and her mouth fell open from all things to suspect this was one that wasn't anywhere on her list. "O joy a silent agreement." The monk whispered his purple eyes twinkling with pleasure. The next moment he was eating carpet and a seating ebony haired woman stood over his crumbled frame.

Straitening up Sango casted a look in Sesshoumaru's direction, all high and mighty kept looking in the fire. Great this meant he wanted them to take care of the new vampire why o why hadn't she seen this one coming.

Reaching out she helped the new girl up and took her several steps away from Miroku heaven knew how fast that vampire would be up and about. "Hello my name is Sango we." she indicated all the people in the room. "Will help you adapt to your new live. Listen to us for it might mean the difference to just living and living." She smiled at the girl but frowned when she was bestowed a what kinda crap are you talking about look.

Sighing Sango looked at Sesshoumaru pointedly knowing full well the ancient vampire would feel her gaze. Meanwhile Kagome was regaining her wits and her senses were telling her something was of big time. Panic took over and she made a blind run for the door not bothering with the windows.

The next moment she was eagle spread on the ground and someone was sitting on her back. Trying to buck and throw whoever it was off she wore her self out after a few intense minutes. Calming down Kagome suddenly grew very still, she heard the person sitting on her light out a long suffering sigh.

"listen to me and listen carefully, what you have gone through today was not just a sickness but dieing- Kagome made a small wriggle at that but kept quiet all the same- as all vampires you were allowed one last sunrise before becoming a nightwonderar a child of moonlight. I don't care if you believe me or not but know this we are the only ones who can help you in your knew live so join us or die with the next sunrise for it will burn you to ashes." The weight disappeared and Kagome flip over to see who had been sitting on her, her eyes fell on the disappearing back of the beautiful silver haired man.

Fro a few minutes silence ruled then the woman stepped forward and helped her up Kagome was still to confused at what she had been just told. The woman looked her in the eye and her magenta eyes became sad. "You don't know, he took you and you didn't know. O how very sorry I am." Her voice was sad and she embraced Kagome in a loving hug.

Stroking the black hair Sango started to explain for Sesshoumaru had barely scratched the surface with his little chat. For a great vampire he went about with little words and even less patient in dealing with certain things. "Hush little one we will help you. Let me tell you what happened, you know of course of the fairy tail stories about vampires- Kagome nodded- well we are very real but not as bad as humans made us out to be. Of course this differs with each vampire. The one who made you is a classic example he is bad to the bone and if he ever had a conscious he got rid of it a long time before. Now Sesshoumaru the one who just left is our leader he is a good guy even if this is not easily seen, he took you with him to hold you out of Naraku's hands. I know that being brought into our world without so much as a warning is going to be hard but yu have great strength you will manage." Sango walked Kagome back to the Queen Anne seat.

"know first thing you have to know is your pack mates I am Sango- she pointed at her chest- over there looking grumpy is Inu yasha he is Sesshoumaru's younger brother- she pointed at the man who had his arms firmly wrapped before his chest his eyes holding a accusing look in them- and the one who just asked to bear his child is our perverted friend Miroku, then you have Kouga but he is out on the hunt you'll meet him tomorrow." Sango cocked her head t the side to see if Kagome was still taking everything in she had said, satisfied she knelled before the shocked looking girl, `poor thing' Sango thought.

Patting her on the knee Sango fixed the girl a warm smile. "Tell me what your name is and where you're from?" Sango was slightly surprised when the girls silver eyes began to burn with fire, she even felt relieved it wasn't directed at her.

"Naraku did this to me, tell me where can I find him I will kill him for doing this to me my family- silver eyes became hazed over with tears- o my god my family they'll know I'm missing by now they'll be worried sick I need to go back." Kagome sprung up from the seat but Sango grasped her wrist and easily held her back.

Kagome exploded all the tensions and angst feelings, frustration and anger became one. "Let go of me, you are just sick going about telling such lies." With inhuman strength Kagome ripped her self lose and made a dash for a window this time.

Before any could do anything Kagome jumped through the window glass chattering all around her, she didn't even care if she ripped her self up. Landing on soft grass she was ready to go into a run when the sky caught her eye. Colors of soft pink and yellow came rolling up taking away darkness.

For just a moment Kagome was spellbound while inside she was doing a jiggle her was proof those sicko's had been lying. Morning was coming and nothing happened to her. Her troimp was however cut short; when the colors became brighter Kagome let out a high pitch scream her eyes were on fire, looking at those lights hurt so much.

Crumbling to the floor her hand covering her eyes Kagome tried to think rational; she had to get back inside. Maybe this was some weird after affect of the sickness, whatever it was she had to get back inside.

Turning she took a run at the open window only to be backhanded by the one called Inu yasha, her eyes almost closed Kagome could barely tell it. There was a devilish smirk on his face and fear began to eat at her as she desperately tried to get inside. Every particle in her body was telling her she was in great danger and this, this jerk didn't let her in tears began to spill down her cheeks and then the first ray's of weak sunlight hit her.

Agony made her sink limbless to the ground and when she looked at her arms that were in most pain she watched in horror when her skin just burned away. The smell of her own burning flesh sickened her and the pain was unbearable and Kagome whished she would just faint but no such luck.

Suddenly she felt she was lifted from the garden by the same person who had stopped her coming in at the first place. Then she was carried into darkness and she heard Sango's voice. "Inu yasha was that necessary, we could have just told her but you had go on and give her some experience didn't you." Sango sounded pisses Kagome noted.

"Sango shut up." her carrier stated and she felt him sit down. Sango however didn't shut up. "You idiot that girl has been through enough, she was never given the choice to become vampire she didn't even know such as us existed and you expect her to believe right away!" there was a rustle of clothing and Kagome tried to see what was going on, but her poor eyes were to hurt still to be any good.

"Inu yasha I have to agree on this, she should have been schooled gently and carefully. Not only did she lose her life but will have to suffer the knowledge that she lost her family in a way few ever experience. This will be hard enough without you making it harder." Miroku said his voice low and earnest. Inu yasha huffed dumped Kagome on the cough and left.

"Fine, you do it then but at least I got the bitch to believe a lot sooner than all of you could have hoped for." There was a small pause of silence then some bustling and Kagome felt Sango helping her up. She could hear Miroku going after Inu yasha do.

"Here let me see- Sango coed while she picked up Kagome's arms- o this isn't so bad even though it feels so. One sleep and you'll be just fine. Here let me show you to your new sleeping place, until you're used to your new life you'll stay with me." Sango whispered at the shocked girl.

Helping the near blinded vampire girl up Sango leaded her to the hallway not caring for the broken window that would be something to take care of next morning. "Say you still haven't told me your name?" Sango whispered softly to the still shocked Kagome.

At first Kagome didn't want to answer, but then she changed her mind. It was not like she would be leaving soon, not after that little experience in the garden just a few minutes ago. One thing Inu yasha was right about he had got her believing a whole lot faster then she otherwise would have, even if his way was crude and mean.

Gradually Kagome's eyes regained there sight and by the time she was able to make her direct surroundings she noticed that Sango had taken her to a bedroom. The place briefed a warm feeling and to Kagome's surprise it was filled with modern day gadgets and her thoughts on telling her name vanished.

In the far corner a big table with a pc, printer, scanner and games could be seen, furthermore she noted that there were other modern little things. Camera's telephone's and many other things. But what unsettled Kagome most was that instead of a normal bed a huge coffin stood in the middle of the room.

Sango leaded Kagome to a vacant chair. "You wait here, I will just go and get you a nice coffin for yourself." Kagome gulped at that. "You mean vampires really do sleep in those things, can't I just use a normal bed?" Kagome asked her fingers pulling at the hem of her green t-shirt restlessly.

Sango turned and eyed the nervous girl she almost laughed out loud at the clear despair. Holding up her nose as if to sniff Sango looked thoughtful for a few seconds then she turned to fully face Kagome. "Alright lets make a deal starting with tomorrow for everything you tell me about yourself and of the world of today I will tell you about vampire live and as added bonus I will shield you from the guys until you can take care of them for yourself." Sango stepped forward. "And for tonight I will tell you the deal with coffins if you tell your name." Sango cocked her head sideways and held out her hand to seal the deal.

For just a heartbeat Kagome hesitated but then she stood up and took Sango's hand in firm grip to give it quick firm shake. "I'm Higurashi Kagome Sango." Kagome smiled while she said this the more time she spended near Sango the more she began to like her.

Sango was caught of guard by Kagome's smile but smiled back none the less. "great, now about coffins- Sango walked to the sleek oak coffin- we need them for one reason they are the only things that reassure absolute safety against sunlight, you wouldn't like to be caught of guard now would you. Not after that little experience Inu yasha put you through." Kagome winced openly.

"But could we not just sleep in a room with no windows?" Kagome replied after thinking for just a little while. Actually she thought it was stupid to still sleep in coffins if you could just sleep in a closed of room.

Sango nodded her head in agreement and Kagome felt glad she would not be spending her `nights' in a coffin, her hope however was quickly squashed. "your right about a such rooms, but those are hard to secure. You see there are still enemies vampire hunters- Sango ticked her fingers of- enemy vampires blundering humans etc. we have spells to put over our coffins for protection but those spells become useless for big spaces hence the coffins."

Kagome's shoulders sunk and she gave a barely noticeable nod. Sango smiled and disappeared from her room only to come back a few minutes later dragging a coffin along like it weight was nothing.

"Here you go I already placed the spells on it so your save to go." Sango opened the coffin and helped a not to glad Kagome inside. "Don't worry Kagome you'll find that sleeping in a coffin can be quite enjoyable." Kagome didn't bother to answer that with a replay but just laid down and watched Sango close the lit. so far as she was concerned this was going to be one of the parts about her live she least liked.

Just after the lit was closed a immense weary and tired feeling swept over Kagome and she was out cold before she could put another thought together. On the other side of the lit Sango turned away from her new charge and raised her nose once again in the air, after a few seconds of thoughtful consideration she went to her own coffin and laid down for the day.

The whole villa seemed to quite down while morning set in fully until it seemed that it was a long deserted place with an almost eerie sheen placed over it, it was one of those places that would make humans uncomfortable and raise there need to leave as soon as possible.

A/n: well second chapter finished I hope you liked it. Next chapter I'll start Kagome's real live as vampire and she will have to go on a hunt for eating.

Notes: maybe some of you wonder if vampires can cry my answer to this is yes although they can't cry long or much, but since water is part of blood they are still able to cry. If you have any more thoughts are questions be free to ask me and of course if you have suggestions of your own you think I should really take into consideration I like to hear those as well.

Responses to reviewers:

Aenima: firstly thanks for the review and secondly amateur in which way, I would like to know so I may improve my writing. Hopefully till next time.

Nikki-hanyou: thanks and here's the awaited second chapter.

Yuki Tsukiyo: thanks for your compliment and I'm a big vampire fan myself so I'm happy to be writing a story about it.

Corrupted-miko: your welcome, hope you keep enjoying it.

Sess'snekofiregoddess: thanks and will do.

Addanc-TSC: short yet powerful, thanks for your review. =D

Kikyokiller: well I'm not offended at all, and the rest of my answer is in an e-mail I send to you.

Lady Sakura: That's always great to hear, hope you still enjoy it.

X 36 : that is something I most surely will do and have done already the story is also running on mediaminer.

Vampirezdarkgurl: its all in the name :: winks:: anyway thanks for the lovely review and I hope that the stories keeps up with your expectations.


Sesshoumarulov4L: yet it is a kag/ sessh story and thanks for the review such is always appreciated.