InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Boarding School can be Harsh ❯ Hunky Janitors and Telly phones ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
no own inuyasha or any characters.
oh and I would like to thank my reviewer!
oh and also i would like to apologize for name mix up in last chapter! enjoy
Hunky Janitors and Telly Phones
Kagome was sitting in the backseat of her stepfather's new retro mustang, whilst her mother sat in the passenger seat, singing along to an old country song. Kagome was trying to think of positive things that could possibly come out of this new life she was journeying into. Besides the fact that she was being sent to a boarding school to become a concubine (whore) for her step father's own selfish reasons; she thought that this could be an ok experience. It might even be better than the crappy shack they call school she goes to now. Much better in fact. She probably wouldn't see a soul from her old school. Which was actually a good thing since everyone treated her worse than the dog crap on the bottom of their shoes. She was pretty sure they treated her that way was because her grandfather left a small fortune to her mother when he passed away, and they thought she was stuck up. It also could be the possibility that she was one of the smartest people in her school, and they thought she was a goodie-goodie. Considering the fact that everyone was more stupid than pee-brained bird; so the resented her.
Hank Williams' song Your cheatin heart faded softly as the song ended. Kagome's mom, turned halfway around so that she was facing Kagome and Onigumo. Smiling brightly she took a brightly rapped box out of her purse and handed it to Kagome.
It's a going away present. It'll help us keep in touch.", Ami exclaimed in a rush.
Kagome felt her ears burn. She looked up into the rearview mirror to see a very unhappy Onigumo. He stared at Kagome intently as if secretly telling her to give it back, and that she doesn’t deserve it. Kagome was about to do what she figured he was telling her to do, until she looked up again. There it was. That hideous smirk. He now knew she understood what to do. The smirk that completely said I own you. The smirk she saw when she first met him. The smirk he gave her the first time he smacked her to the floor, along with the others. The smirk he gave her when he finally broke her. No, she was not going to give this gift back. She was going to keep it. She was going to rebel against him. She will no longer stand for this. No, not any more, not ever. She looked up into the rearview mirror, looking at his face. She was sure he could see the defiance in her eyes. She looked at her mother's smiling face and returned the smile, even if it was fake. She could tell she had just started a war.
"Thanks Mom. What is it?", she questioned.
"Well open it silly and find out."
Her mother was oblivious to the tension in the air. Kagome began unwrapping the paper hurriedly. Inside was a flip phone. Kagome gaped at it, she always begged for one when Christmas and her birthday came around.
"Th-th-thanks", she said softly.
She picked it up carefully, afraid it would disintegrate. Looking up into the rearview mirror again she saw Onigumo. He was not happy.
The rest of the ride was almost normal. The only problem was that was Onigumo was giving Kagome promising looks of pain in the near future.
When they got out of the car they all walked up to the train station. Kagome was standing as close to her mother as humanly possible without having a doctor personally sowing them together. A train station helper sent them to platform eight.Walking to platform 8 Kagome noticed her mom was slightly squirming.
" I have to go to the lady's room, excuse me.",she stated. She walk off hurriedly.
"Wait! I'll go to.", Kagome tried to run away from Onigumo, but the sudden jerk of her hair, and being pulled off the ground stopped her quick.
"No, we need to talk, heart to heart."
Pulling her by the hair, he walked her to the back of the station. Slamming her against the wall, he got up in her face.
"I suggest you get your head straight. I do not except defiance. I saw that look in your eye. Do I need to teach you manners all over again?", he all but growled.
She didn’t answer soon enough. He slapped her, causing her to fall onto the hard cemient ground.
"Good." He drug her back around to the front of the station, where they awaited silently for her mother's return.
She was standing slightly off the train, waving to her mother, listening to her shoot stuff like "Be good." or "do your best." She waved as long as she could; basically till she could no longer see her mother. As she walked into a boxcar on the train, she tripped. Awaiting for the cold hard floor to kiss her face as she was tumbling downward ,but instead she fell into a warm embrace.
Slowly she looked into warm golden eyes.
a/n i no a crappy place to end but school is about to start and dad is trying to get me ready for rude awaking in the morning. Tell me how it was! to short to long to awful? sorry if to short