InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Boarding School can be Harsh ❯ Meeting Inuyasha ( Chapter 3 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I don't own inuyasha but I wish I did. Sorry I didn’t update yesterday. my computer got a virus. I'm gonna try to update as much as possible, I’m not be able to as much as I’d like to, cause school starts tomorrow. oh and I would like to thank my reviewers.
"Oy, wench, what are you staring at? Get off of me while you're at it."
This comment bristled her feathers. She is not a wench and will not be called one by this, person. standing up straight, hands on her hips, and narrowing her eyes she spoke.
"My name is not wench, It is Kagome say it with me, KA-GO-ME. Learn it. Use it. And for falling on you, well I'm very sorry." Her eyes slightly softening.
" Geeze, don't get your undies in a twit. Hey, aren't you supposed to be in the front box cars with the other snobs?"
" Well, I don’t really want to go up there with them. I don’t really like stuck up people.",she replied thoughtfully.
"Well this is the janitor's box car, for the record, but since all the other janitors are at the school, I suppose you can chill with me."
Grabbing her bags, with the help of the janitor they went into a box car. Sitting her luggage over head the seated themselves across from each other. The box car was filled with a suffocating silence. During this moment Kagome took the time to study the golden eyed janitor.
Kagome's POV peoples
He is eyes are so beautiful. The color is so unreal. gasp His hair! It's silvery white. He shouldn't put a cap over his head. It hides some of that gorgeous hair. Her eyes scanning his well toned body. gorgeous. The red t-shirt he was not tight, but it showed off his abs and chest nicely. He's dead sexy, that’s for sure. WAIT! WHAT AM I THINKING! I JUST MEET THIS GUY! Well i guess it's ok to appreciate the male body, especially his. Her mind started drift towards dirtier thoughts about a certain janitor chained to the wall, at her mercy... AHHH! What am I thinking! Bad Kagome! No dirty thoughts about hunky janitors. I wonder what his name is? Well that was random of me. As soon as the thought passed she went back to her fantasy."
Kagome's POV over peoples
Inuyasha's POV peoples
She's acutely kind of pretty, she sort of looks like that stupid wench Kikyou. (I hate kikyou) The only difference is Kagome isn't as pale as her, Kagome's hair is shinier, Kagome seems nicer despite their first encounter; and Kagome's lips looker fuller. Not really fuller, but luscious, like the kind you just want to spend hours kissing. AHH! What am I saying? I don’t want to kiss her, even if she is hot...feh! Inuyasha looked up to find Kagome staring at him. Ha, looks like I’m not the only one who likes what they see.
Inuyasha's POV over peoples
Normal POV peoples
Kagome felt her ears burning. Looking up out of her trance, she saw the janitor guy smirking at her. Not an evil smirk like Onigumo's, but an I-have-a-secret-about-you-smirk. Kagome began to squirm under his gaze.
"What...", Kagome said nervously.
"Oh nothing." ,he said, smiling slightly showing off one of his fangs. what a minute fangs?
"Wait a minute...your a youki!"
The janitor guy looked slightly taken aback.
"Uh...yea, well actually a hanyou."
"Your fangs gave you away."
"Uh...yea. So if you now no I’m a hanyou, do you mind if I take off my hat, it's killing my ears."
"Your...ears? I guess you can take off your hat."
The janitor guy took off his red and black cap, reveling triangular fluffy dog ears. The silence stretched for what seemed like hours. Inuyasha getting embarrassed and angry for the long silence finally burst.
"What! You think I’m some kind of freak now?"
Kagome still staring at the triangles of cuteness, shook her head no.
"So why are you staring?", asked the janitor slightly confused.
Befor e the janitor could do anything, Kagome pounced on him, and began to rub the triangles of cuteness.
"Oh they're so soft, and fuzzy!"
Kagome seemed to just realize what she was doing, and immediately got off of him and went back to her cushioned bench.
"Uh... s-s-sorry.", she stuttered embarrassedly.
The janitor guy just kind of stared.
"Feh! My ears are not kawi. There dangerous looking."
He had a small pout on his face. Kagome just giggled at him. When she was done she found him with a scowl set on his face.
"So...what’s your name?"
"Wouldn't you like to no.", he said harshly, still obviously offended finding out his ears were kawi.
He heard Kagome sigh and look down at the ground sadly.
" Look, I’m sorry. Did I just apologize? My pride was a little hurt."
Kagome looked up with hope in her eyes.
"Oh yea and my Inuyasha."
" fits somehow. So what type of hanyou are you, I mean what’s your hanyou part?" "
I'm an inuyouki."
"Cool. Is it your mom or your dad that’s an inuyouki?"
A pained look crossed his face
" It was my Dad, but he was died while on duty. He was a cop. why amI telling her this? she's a complete stranger. Killed by a snake or dragon youki.(I’m referring to the dragon thing in the episode of the backlash wave, cause myoga said his father died in that battle) I was five years old. My mom died a year later of unknown illness."
"Oh...Inuyasha...I’m so sorry."
"The only family I have is my half brother can I put this nicely, tolartates me. So basically Ilived in an orphanage till I was fifteen. I've been living on my own for the past two years. I mostly live at the school. I work as a janitor part-time at the school so I can pay the tuition to go to the school. Ironic huh?"
" Inuyasha, I would've never known. I’m so sorry. Geeze and I thought I had it rough."
Inuyasha looked rather interested. Ha! yea right, rich kids only think they have it tough.
"How would you have it bad? I mean most people who go are pretty pampered. Not saying you are of course, don't get me wrong.", he added, so he wouldn't offend her.
"Well...I'll start at the beginning. It was right after grandpa died, Mom and Dad got a divorce. It was pretty rough on all of us. They had apparently had a huge fight and couldn't swallow their pride and apologize. Dad took my brother Souta with him. After the divorce Mom was diagnosed with cancer. Dad, after he had heard, would call every few days and check on her. They were still in love, it was obvious. After a month when she was in chemo therapy she meet my stepfather Onigumo. He swept her off her feet. Gave her flowers everyday, made sure he had her in his pocket, before he asked her to marry him a month later, two more months later and they became Mr. and Mrs. Shinganoya. (couldn't think of a name.) He began blocking my father and Souta from calling. He made sure they were out of the picture. He told my mom that Dad was using Souta to get to her so Dad could get Mom's inheritance. He called my Dad's house one time, and talked to Souta. I no this because I was listening; he caught me though. That was the first time he hit me. I never found out what he said to Souta, but it was bad enough to make him never call again. From then on Onigumo, when ever my mom was at chemo, He trained me as he called it. Every time he would hit me over and over. He would give me orders, like "Stand straight and look ahead." If it didn't meet his approval he would slap me to the ground. In fact, I’m going to this school on his orders. He wants me to pleasure his boss' s son so he can get a partnership. He has another thing coming though. I’m not playing by his rules anymore."
She looked up to see Inuyasha looking angry about what she just told him.
"I'll help you, Kagome. No one deserves that."
Kagome smiled sadly. "It would make it easier if my mom didn't love him so much."
Inuyasha was about to say more but...Kagome's knew cell phone rang. Without looking at the caller I.D. she answered it.
"Moushi, Moushi"
"I don't believe your doing you job Kagome. You will be punished.
a/n Yea i no a cliffy i did that special for a friend of mine coughcoughCherrybunnycoughcough
gimmie a review and I’ll update! I like reviews they make me happy.
tell me- to short to long to stupid
-Katy Chan-
Meeting Inuyasha
While staring into warm golden eyes, she was brought of a trance buy a rugged voice."Oy, wench, what are you staring at? Get off of me while you're at it."
This comment bristled her feathers. She is not a wench and will not be called one by this, person. standing up straight, hands on her hips, and narrowing her eyes she spoke.
"My name is not wench, It is Kagome say it with me, KA-GO-ME. Learn it. Use it. And for falling on you, well I'm very sorry." Her eyes slightly softening.
" Geeze, don't get your undies in a twit. Hey, aren't you supposed to be in the front box cars with the other snobs?"
" Well, I don’t really want to go up there with them. I don’t really like stuck up people.",she replied thoughtfully.
"Well this is the janitor's box car, for the record, but since all the other janitors are at the school, I suppose you can chill with me."
Grabbing her bags, with the help of the janitor they went into a box car. Sitting her luggage over head the seated themselves across from each other. The box car was filled with a suffocating silence. During this moment Kagome took the time to study the golden eyed janitor.
Kagome's POV peoples
He is eyes are so beautiful. The color is so unreal. gasp His hair! It's silvery white. He shouldn't put a cap over his head. It hides some of that gorgeous hair. Her eyes scanning his well toned body. gorgeous. The red t-shirt he was not tight, but it showed off his abs and chest nicely. He's dead sexy, that’s for sure. WAIT! WHAT AM I THINKING! I JUST MEET THIS GUY! Well i guess it's ok to appreciate the male body, especially his. Her mind started drift towards dirtier thoughts about a certain janitor chained to the wall, at her mercy... AHHH! What am I thinking! Bad Kagome! No dirty thoughts about hunky janitors. I wonder what his name is? Well that was random of me. As soon as the thought passed she went back to her fantasy."
Kagome's POV over peoples
Inuyasha's POV peoples
She's acutely kind of pretty, she sort of looks like that stupid wench Kikyou. (I hate kikyou) The only difference is Kagome isn't as pale as her, Kagome's hair is shinier, Kagome seems nicer despite their first encounter; and Kagome's lips looker fuller. Not really fuller, but luscious, like the kind you just want to spend hours kissing. AHH! What am I saying? I don’t want to kiss her, even if she is hot...feh! Inuyasha looked up to find Kagome staring at him. Ha, looks like I’m not the only one who likes what they see.
Inuyasha's POV over peoples
Normal POV peoples
Kagome felt her ears burning. Looking up out of her trance, she saw the janitor guy smirking at her. Not an evil smirk like Onigumo's, but an I-have-a-secret-about-you-smirk. Kagome began to squirm under his gaze.
"What...", Kagome said nervously.
"Oh nothing." ,he said, smiling slightly showing off one of his fangs. what a minute fangs?
"Wait a minute...your a youki!"
The janitor guy looked slightly taken aback.
"Uh...yea, well actually a hanyou."
"Your fangs gave you away."
"Uh...yea. So if you now no I’m a hanyou, do you mind if I take off my hat, it's killing my ears."
"Your...ears? I guess you can take off your hat."
The janitor guy took off his red and black cap, reveling triangular fluffy dog ears. The silence stretched for what seemed like hours. Inuyasha getting embarrassed and angry for the long silence finally burst.
"What! You think I’m some kind of freak now?"
Kagome still staring at the triangles of cuteness, shook her head no.
"So why are you staring?", asked the janitor slightly confused.
Befor e the janitor could do anything, Kagome pounced on him, and began to rub the triangles of cuteness.
"Oh they're so soft, and fuzzy!"
Kagome seemed to just realize what she was doing, and immediately got off of him and went back to her cushioned bench.
"Uh... s-s-sorry.", she stuttered embarrassedly.
The janitor guy just kind of stared.
"Feh! My ears are not kawi. There dangerous looking."
He had a small pout on his face. Kagome just giggled at him. When she was done she found him with a scowl set on his face.
"So...what’s your name?"
"Wouldn't you like to no.", he said harshly, still obviously offended finding out his ears were kawi.
He heard Kagome sigh and look down at the ground sadly.
" Look, I’m sorry. Did I just apologize? My pride was a little hurt."
Kagome looked up with hope in her eyes.
"Oh yea and my Inuyasha."
" fits somehow. So what type of hanyou are you, I mean what’s your hanyou part?" "
I'm an inuyouki."
"Cool. Is it your mom or your dad that’s an inuyouki?"
A pained look crossed his face
" It was my Dad, but he was died while on duty. He was a cop. why amI telling her this? she's a complete stranger. Killed by a snake or dragon youki.(I’m referring to the dragon thing in the episode of the backlash wave, cause myoga said his father died in that battle) I was five years old. My mom died a year later of unknown illness."
"Oh...Inuyasha...I’m so sorry."
"The only family I have is my half brother can I put this nicely, tolartates me. So basically Ilived in an orphanage till I was fifteen. I've been living on my own for the past two years. I mostly live at the school. I work as a janitor part-time at the school so I can pay the tuition to go to the school. Ironic huh?"
" Inuyasha, I would've never known. I’m so sorry. Geeze and I thought I had it rough."
Inuyasha looked rather interested. Ha! yea right, rich kids only think they have it tough.
"How would you have it bad? I mean most people who go are pretty pampered. Not saying you are of course, don't get me wrong.", he added, so he wouldn't offend her.
"Well...I'll start at the beginning. It was right after grandpa died, Mom and Dad got a divorce. It was pretty rough on all of us. They had apparently had a huge fight and couldn't swallow their pride and apologize. Dad took my brother Souta with him. After the divorce Mom was diagnosed with cancer. Dad, after he had heard, would call every few days and check on her. They were still in love, it was obvious. After a month when she was in chemo therapy she meet my stepfather Onigumo. He swept her off her feet. Gave her flowers everyday, made sure he had her in his pocket, before he asked her to marry him a month later, two more months later and they became Mr. and Mrs. Shinganoya. (couldn't think of a name.) He began blocking my father and Souta from calling. He made sure they were out of the picture. He told my mom that Dad was using Souta to get to her so Dad could get Mom's inheritance. He called my Dad's house one time, and talked to Souta. I no this because I was listening; he caught me though. That was the first time he hit me. I never found out what he said to Souta, but it was bad enough to make him never call again. From then on Onigumo, when ever my mom was at chemo, He trained me as he called it. Every time he would hit me over and over. He would give me orders, like "Stand straight and look ahead." If it didn't meet his approval he would slap me to the ground. In fact, I’m going to this school on his orders. He wants me to pleasure his boss' s son so he can get a partnership. He has another thing coming though. I’m not playing by his rules anymore."
She looked up to see Inuyasha looking angry about what she just told him.
"I'll help you, Kagome. No one deserves that."
Kagome smiled sadly. "It would make it easier if my mom didn't love him so much."
Inuyasha was about to say more but...Kagome's knew cell phone rang. Without looking at the caller I.D. she answered it.
"Moushi, Moushi"
"I don't believe your doing you job Kagome. You will be punished.
a/n Yea i no a cliffy i did that special for a friend of mine coughcoughCherrybunnycoughcough
gimmie a review and I’ll update! I like reviews they make me happy.
tell me- to short to long to stupid
-Katy Chan-