InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Boarding School can be Harsh ❯ Naraku ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Meeting Naraku

The line went dead. Kagome could hear a roaring in her ears. She felt slightly dizzy. She could feel an unnerving feeling in the pit of her stomach. It wasn’t a good feeling. How does he know? Does he have someone following me? Could it be Inuyasha? No, Inuyasha doesn’t seem like the type to take orders easily. How does he know? gasp! what if he’s on the train!
“Huh?” Kagome just realized she had been ignoring Inuyasha.
“Oh, I’m sorry Inuyasha. I was distracted.”
“Who are you trying to kid wench? Your scared I can smell it in your sent. You just looked like you were about to faint. Your scared witless. It was your step dad, wasn't it. I can tell. I heard a gruff voice on your phone, and your face went all pale.
" Kagome sighed. He was right. She was scared.
“What did he say Kagome?” “ He said, ‘ I don’t believe your doing your job. You will be punished.’”
Inuyasha seemed to be deep in thought. “You said that you have to make his boss’ son fall in love with you, right?” , he asked unblinkingly, staring into her sky blue eyes.
“So that would be your job, right?
So who’s the guy that your supposed to make fall in love with you?”
“His name is Naraku Shingito.”
Inuyasha just sat and stared. There seemed to be many emotions on his face. The only two she really could see were, anger and deep hatred.
Inuyasha’s POV peoples
So her crack head of a father has her going after Naraku, eh? The Crack head who left with Kikyou. Feh, they deserve each other. I hope they both rot in hell.
Inuyasha’s POV over peoples
Before Kagome could even strand to her thoughts Inuyasha spoke.
“You’re asking for trouble if you even talk to Naraku”
“What do you mean by that? Do you know him?”
“Yea I know him alright. I went out with this girl named Kikyou, a couple of years ago. Well he convinced her she shouldn’t go out with a lowly hanyou like me. So she left me, but the more I thought about her after we broke up, the more I realized she was cold wench. Yea I also have a friend who smarted off to him. Naraku got mad and burned a curse into his hand. It's called an airvoid. Unless he kills Naraku, he will be sucked into one day.”
“How horrible! How could she just leave you, just because of what someone else said? And how can he get away with putting an air void in someone. Didn't the teachers do any thing. ” Ignoring her outbursts with a dark chuckle, Inuyasha continued, "His father owns the school, so anything that Naraku does, goes unnoticed by them, in fear for their jobs, and of Naraku's rath if he finds out he ratted him out. Kikyou and Naraku are mates too, there perfect for each other.”
“Oh...Wait a minute!" Inuyasha looked up at her
“If he has a mate, then that doesn’t make since. Wouldn’t Onigumo know that type of information about his boss’s son? I mean if he took the time to find out he had a son, or acknowledge he has one; wouldn’t he know something about him already being mated?”
Kagome was thinking about the situation to herself when Inuyasha interrupted her thoughts.
“Well if he’s as awful as you say he is, then I suspect he could care less if you broke up a marriage, or pull two mates apart. Besides that won’t matter to Naraku or Kikyou." Kagome look surprised. "It’s not like they’re faithful to each other and each other only. They both have affairs and they both know it. In fact the practically encourage it, but only on two conditions. When the other calls or beckons the other, they must go to, the other. Also if one of them does not like their mate’s current lover they can tell them and they won’t date that person in respect for their mate.”
Kagome looked disgusted at the thought. “Why would anyone want to date someone that they know is mated?”
Inuyasha chuckled darkly, “Well actually know one knows. I just happen to know because Kikyou told me when explaining why she had left me for Naraku.
Flash back peoples
Inuyasha and Kikyou are standing in a hallway, at opposite ends of the wall. Inuyasha looks angry and murderous. Kikyou looks as cold, clay pottish, and emotionless as usual. Kikyou was speaking harshly to Inuyasha.
“Inuyasha, you must understand. I didn’t want to betray you. This was an opportunity for me, that I wouldn’t risk.”
“An opportunity? DID YOU SAY AN OPPORTUNITY!”, yelled Inuyasha with a red tint in his eyes. “Kikyou, you make it sound like your changing to a college your parents don’t want you to attend to!”
Kikyou looked as if she were trying to not get frustrated with a small child. “Inuyasha, you don’t understand, I can still be with you, and we can finally do what we almost started before your ignorant friend called, whining about his grandmother dieing. I can also be with Naraku. By being with you and Naraku I get twice as much action.”
Before she could continue, Inuyasha exploded. “TWICE AS MUCH ACTION! KIKYOU, I AM NOT ONE OF YOUR LITTLE TOYS TO BE PLAYED WITH!”
Kikyou finally showed some emotion. “Inuyasha hold you tongue people could hear you.”
Inuyasha stopped and looked at Kikyou as if he could now truly see her. In a deadly calm voice, he spoke. “Kikyou, we are threw. We are going to stay threw. If all you can care about is sex, and your precious new toys. Then I have no reason to be with you.”
Inuyasha walked away while Kikyou screamed, “IF I CAN’T HAVE YOU, THEN NO ONE CAN!”
End of Flash back peoples
“Wow…how selfish.”
Inuyasha snorted, “No kidding, and she kept her promise too. Every time she sees a girl talking to me, she comes up screaming in the girl’s face saying I’m her man and crap. Apparently she catches them in the bathroom and keeps them in their for a long time. The girl will never talk to me again.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa , is she like threatening people?”
“Naw, she just gives’em a scare. I have friend named Sango, and Kikyou saw us talking once and she said all she does is say stuff like 'If you don't keep away from my man, you'll wish you were never born. she told me. She doesn’t give a rat’s butt what Kikyou says, in fact, they’ve had a couple of brawls. Sango always won though. I think you would be great friends.”
Kagome and Inuyasha both decided to take a nap, after tales of Sango and Miroku the pervert. Within in an hour, the train stopped with a jolt. Kagome got up and stretched, causing her shirt to ride up, which did not go unnoticed by Inuyasha I might add.
“Yo Kags, I’m gonna go to the office building and sort out my schedule, I’ll see ya after you get settled in your dorm. Girls dorm is right next to staff dorm, and the me and Miroku’s housing unit, is closest to the girl’s so, come find us, ok? Are housing, number is 2438, top floor.”
With that Inuyasha left. Kagome went up to the nearest table, and spoke to the person running it.
“Uh…hi, I’m Higuarshi, Kagome. Uh…so, where do I go and stuff.”
The uniformed woman looked down on Kagome, even though she was sitting and Kagome was standing.
“Virst of Vall you Vust go to de table vith the virst initial of your vast name on it, then you gives zem your vast name, and vecive your schedule”, said the woman with a heavy Russian accent.
“Uh…yea ok.”
Kagome Walked over to the table that had H-N on it and repeated her question as she did with the Russian woman. A very short, and balding man, replied, “Ah, yes Kagome. You will be residing in dorm 0384, with Sango Taijyai. It‘s Over there, by the tennis court.”
“Thank you.”
Kagome began walking towards, what she assumed was the girls dorm but a menacing voice stopped her dead in her tracks.
“Ah, by the looks of it you must be Kagome Higuarshi.”
Kagome turned around and looked at a boy with long, dark, wavy, and greasy hair. He also had reddish eyes
“Uh...yes, yes I am. Who are you?”
“I am Naraku Shingitio. Your stepfather, Onigumo, informed you would now be attending this school. Would you like me to give you a tour?”
I might as well. I don’t really know my away around.
NO! I can’t I have to break free of Onigumo. And I no he has someone watching me. So lets give them something to tell him.
“Sorry Naraku, I don’t really want to. I will eventually find my way. Let’s give the guy who’s watching me something to really tell him. Besides my new friend Inuyasha will help me. Thanks any way.”
Kagome turned to walk away but Naraku’s next cold statement voice sent a slight chill down her spine

“I don’t think Onigumo would appreciate it if you decide to disobey me or him. You should be doing what you were sent here to do. Your job."

OOO spooky! Sorry about the cliffy, but I had to do it. It keeps ya comin back! Ya I no a crappy way of keeping ya’ll around, but hey I’m desperate.