InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bodyguard? ❯ CHapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )
A/N: I PROMISE that the next chapter is where EVERYTHING happens! Please keep reading and please REVIEW!
Thanks to "ruby youkai" for your review!
"….." Speaking
`…..' Thinking
Sango gazed in awe at the ballroom. It was stunning. The huge chandelier lit the whole room up, making it almost seem like magic. A few people were already on the dance floor, dancing to a soft melody provided by the musicians near by.
Sango sighed in contentment as her brother, stunning in a suit, guided her to a table near the doors that led to the gardens. Kohaku knew if she ever got bored, she could venture out into the beautiful gardens.
Sango sipped her wine, taking her time in looking around the spectacular ballroom. Suddenly she caught sight of a handsome guy looking at her. Her breath caught. He had sparkling violet eyes and his hair was tied into a low ponytail. Not only was he drop-dead gorgeous, but he was heading her way!
She could not take her eyes away from him. It was like some invisible force was drawing him to her. Suddenly he blinked, and Sango was shaken from her little trance. She shook her head, she was being stupid. It was just some guy, right?
Her eyes widened, as that same guy and the rest of the people walking with him, stopped in front of her brother. Sango watched as Kohaku leaned down to kiss the cheek of the girl standing in front of the group.
"Hey Kags. Didn't think you'll make it."
"Of course, I would. I invited you, didn't I?"
Sango's jaw dropped. Her brother was talking to none other than KAGOME HIGURASHI!!! Sango could not believe it. How did her brother meet a big time celebrity? Before her mind could register what was happening, her brother had grabbed her arm and escorted her to Ms. Higurashi.
"Kags, I would like you to meet my baby sister, Sango."
"It's a pleasure, Ms. Higurashi." Sango started to curtsey, but Ms. Higurashi grabbed her elbow and dragged her back up.
"No need for formalities, Sango. Ms. Higurashi makes me sound old."
Sango looked at Kagome at noticed how young she looked. If she hadn't known who she was, she would have mistaken her for a little schoolgirl. Sango smiled, she liked this girl. "Thanks, Kags."
Kagome smiled. She liked this girl, Sango. "Oh, may I introduce my two new bodyguards. This is Inuyasha." She pointed to the silver-haired guy. "And this is Miroku." `Miroku', Sango thought.
"Oh, and over there is my former bodyguard, and friend, Sesshoumaru."
Kohaku grinned. "Since you're so well protected, you wouldn't mind a dance would you?"
Kagome laughed. "Sure." And with that they left.
Inuyasha felt himself growl as he watched that Kohaku guy hold Kagome's hand. `Feh, why should I care? I just need to protect her. Weak girl.' But a tugging feeling in his heart, filled with the unsettling feeling in his gut that something was going to go wrong, made him more aggravated. `Gggrrrrr. I need a drink.'
Inuyasha stormed off, leaving Miroku with a very pretty girl. He turned to talk to her, when their gazes suddenly locked. Miroku felt his chest contract. He couldn't believe it. There, staring at him, was the most dazzling girl he had ever laid eyes on. Her hair was swept into a ponytail, and her chocolate brown eyes seemed to shimmer. She was wearing a deep maroon dress that emphasised all her curves. Miroku felt his eyes never leave hers. Wait. He needed to calm his thoughts. He was being silly, he had a job to do. `I'm going to play it smooth.'
Miroku decided to go talk to Sango. Walking over to her, the same words kept repeating themselves. `Smooth. Smooth. Play it smo-.' Concentrating so much on the girl in front of him, he didn't notice that one of his shoelaces had come undone. WHAM. Miroku gracefully landed in front of Sango, as he skidded across the floor. `Idiot.'
Sango fell out of her trance when she saw Miroku trip over his shoes, and worry took over her features. "Are you alright?"
Miroku looked up, a blush staining his cheeks. "Yeah, I'm fine, Miss."
Sango blushed as she helped the poor guy up. Miroku smiled, he could redeem himself. He grabbed her hand and left a feather-light kiss on it. Sango's blush deepened. But the romantic moment was ruined when Sango felt a hand on her behind. Growing red from anger and embarrassment, she slapped Miroku with all her might.
"Eh, sorry about that."
"Wanna dance, sis?"
Sango looked up. It was her brother. "Sure."
Miroku watched as Sango was led to the dance floor and sighed. `I sure made a fool of myself, didn't I?'
Kagome watched as Miroku's shoulders slumped, and smiled sympathetically. "Don't worry. I think she likes you, she was watching you the whole time."
Kagome watched as Miroku's head jerked up. "Thanks." And with that he walked off.
*A few hours later*
Man was he bored. Inuyasha watched as the same woman try to flirt with him. He just ignored her. She was a major slut. He watched as she pouted, trying to look cute. He shuddered. `I'm leaving'.
`My day just gets worse doesn't it?' Inuyasha thought as he bumped into a girl, making her fall. Without thinking twice he grabbed her arm and dragged her up. Not realising she was very light, he used too much force, causing her to crash into his chest.
Kagome blinked, first she was falling then, she was gazing at someone's chest. She blushed. Her cheek was touching the man's bare chest.
Inuyasha looked down. And Kagome looked up. Their gazes locked. Inuyasha felt his head dip ever so slightly.
"May I cut in?"
Inuyasha growled. Kagome snapped out of her little daydream, and turned to her left. Standing there was a gorgeous guy. He had steel blue eyes, and his hair was up in a high ponytail.
"My name is Kouga."
Inuyasha snorted. "Who cares what your name is?"
Kagome looked at Inuyasha. That was the first time she had heard him speak. He had a deep, gruff, yet gentle voice. She liked his voice, it suited him perfectly.
"I wasn't talking to you." Kagome noticed a threatening note in his voice. "Care to dance, my lady?" Kouga's attention now directed to Kagome. She felt Inuyasha's arms around her tighten. "Um…"
"She's with me, so get lost."
Kagome watched Kouga's eyes narrow. "Why would she want to be with you?!"
Kagome felt Inuyasha's chest vibrate in a deep growl. She was going to stop this. She grabbed Inuyasha's hand, startling him out of his staring match with Kouga. "Let's dance."