InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Can't Get Enough ❯ Can't Get Enough of Your Love ...But Your Little Brother is a Pest ( Chapter 29 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 29
I Can't Get Enough of Your Love…But Your Little Bother is a Pest
InuYasha and Kagome stood together under the blanket as Kaede took a trusted few people with her to the wreckage of her house to find their clothes.
InuYasha was fuming.
“It's worse here than it was in Tokyo,” he grumbled, “at least there we didn't have houses falling on us.”
“With Kaede's house gone, maybe we should return,” she said with a sigh.
Kaede walked over to them and handed them their clothes. Kagome had her nightgown because they had not found her backpack with her other clothes in it yet. InuYasha held the blanket around her as she dressed and she did the same for him. Then he sprang away to help look for Kagome's backpack and other belongings.
By lunchtime, the wreckage had been dragged away and Kagome had all her things back. The villagers began at once to rebuild the house, and InuYasha showed them where to find all the felled trees from his earlier release of his frustrations.
Kagome removed some things from her pack to leave behind for Miroku, Sango and Shippo. She gave them to Kaede.
“Don't worry, InuYasha,” the old miko said, “the rut should be over by the time ye return.”
“It better god damned be over,” he growled, “or else I'll just stay in the well, alone, until it is.”
“Poor InuYasha,” said Kagome, reaching up to scratch behind his ears.
“Don't be sarcastic with me, Kagome,” he said, gently batting away her hand. “You weren't the one fighting Kagura stark raving naked.”
“And with two swords,” she said laughingly.
“Come on wench, let's go,” he growled, his face turning red. He grabbed her hand, pulling her off balance.
“You have to admit that was funny,” she said as she staggered after him.
“To you maybe,” he said. “Come on, stop dragging your ass, and let's get back to the well.”
Kaede shook her head as she listened to them and watched them leave.
When they appeared at Kagome's house, her mother was surprised to see them.
“Back so soon?” she said. “Your exam isn't until the day after tomorrow.”
“Um, unforeseen circumstances have forced us to return early,” Kagome replied.
“Yeah, like our house being blown down around our ears,” grumbled InuYasha.
“What?” said Mrs. Higurashi, raising her hands to her face with alarm.
“It was nothing, really,” Kagome said, giggling nervously and pulling InuYasha after her out of the room.
“Please don't tell my mother things like that,” she whispered urgently as they went up stairs. “I don't want to make her worry.”
“But Kagome, that's lying,” he said. “The feudal era and our quest is dangerous.”
“Yes, but she's relying on you to protect me,” she said. “So please don't make her doubt you.”
“Feh!” he said angrily. “No one, not your mother, not anyone should doubt my ability to protect you.”
“Ok, ok,” she said shaking her head as she opened the door to her room. “I didn't say anyone was doubting you.”
InuYasha sniffed the air before entering her room.
“I don't think your annoying little brother is home,” he said.
“Well thank God for small miracles,” she replied, putting down her backpack.
She turned around as she heard him close the door.
“So we better take advantage of this time while we can,” he said evilly, his eyes blazing to life.
“Inu -..” was all she managed to say as he dove for her, taking her back on to the bed and smothering her with his kiss.
After kissing her thoroughly into submission, he came up for air, leaving her panting and gasping.
“I wasn't through with you when Kagura interrupted us this morning,” he said, “and don't think I've forgotten that quip you made about two swords.”
He gave her neck a long, sensuous lick as he removed her clothes. Then he left hot trails on her skin as he continued to lick her naked body. Kagome wriggled in unbridled ecstasy under these ministrations. He took a moment to remove his own clothes. Then he rubbed her clitoris with the tip of his erection, making her jerk off the bed as the shock of sexual pleasure shot through her.
“My other sword needs its sheath, Kagome,” he said and thrust into her. “Ah, that's better, now I've found it.”
Kagome could not say another word as he relentlessly worked on making her come. When he saw she was about to proclaim her climax to the household with her scream, he covered her mouth with his.
“So which sword to you think I wield better?” he said evilly, increasing his thrusts inside her, making her come again. Her body jerked wildly underneath him as he moved to cover her mouth.
Then he laughed.
“I think I know which sword you like best,” he hissed, then let go the floodgates he had been holding back, and pumped wildly into her until he achieved his own release.
Suddenly there was a crash behind them, like breaking glass.
“OW!” said InuYasha, surprised as something round glanced off his shoulder.
“OUCH! That hurt!” said Kagome as it hit her smack in the forehead.
“Sota!” they heard her mother yell. “What have I told you about playing baseball so close to the house?”
InuYasha groaned and Kagome held her aching head. The curse of the little brother had struck again.