InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Change of Heart: Inuyasha's Will ❯ Chapter II ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: Oooo! Cliffhanger! Read on! Not mine!

Change of Heart: Chapter Two

"When do you think he'll wake up, Houshi-sama?" Sango asked building the fire to it's strongest.

"I don't know. He just fell unconcious. He should be fine and Kagome-sama is a great nurse." Miroku remarked.

"But she's upset, do you think her feelings will cloud her train of thought?" Sango said giving Kagome a side glance.

"No, she may be upset but Kagome-sama is very wise." he smiled, "And maybe this encounter will bring she and Inuyasha closer..."

Kagome leaned over him, resoaking the rag and dabbing it across his forehead, "Inuyasha...please wake up soon..." then someone touched her hand, "Uh, Inuyasha?" she looked down.

He smiled up at her, something rarely done by him, "I'm okay. Thank you, Kagome..." he grunted.

"Are you all right?" she asked.

"Yes, but I'm still really tired. I'm going to go back to sleep..." she pulled the covers over him tightly and sat back.


"Yes, Sango-chan?"

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine, but I can't say the same for Inuyasha. He's been acting really wierd lately."

"So I've seen." Sango mused.

"I'm not sure but I think he may or may not be suffering from bad dreams." Miroku said calmly.

"What makes you say that?" she asked.

"He's been muttering things in his sleep. Things about Kagome, things about his mother as well as Kikyou." he said.

'Things about...Kikyou...? Wait just a minute! Things about me?!' "What do you mean things about me?!" Kagome came to her senses.

"Things such as...Kagome, if I could really tell you how I feel..." he explained.

"Perhaps his subconcious is very strong while he's sleeping." Sango reasoned.

"True enough." Miroku smiled.

"Move it or lose it, Houshi." Sango warned.

He removed his hand, "I shall go retrieve more firewood, Sango, would you accompany me?"

She sighed, "I suppose."

"Can Kirara and I come?!" Shippou said sounding very excited.

"Of course you can." Sango smiled.

This, of course left Kagome alone with Inuyasha. She hugged her knees and buried her face in her knees, 'Why...does this always... What is wrong with him?!' she thought sadly.


She turned quickly, "Are you allright?" she asked leaning over him a bit.

His eyes were closed but he nodded and pulled her down onto him, "Kagome..."

"I-Inuyasha!" she said struggling to pull away.

"K-Kagome..." he growled lowly.

She sat up and as she looked into his eyes fear overtook her. She stared back into his eyes which had turned red and his fangs which had grown longer, "Inuyasha please-Inuyasha!" she said as his hand found it's way up the back of her shirt.

He growled again and slammed her down beside him. He sat up and leaned over her, still holding her down, "Kagome..." he said her name for the third time but it was different. It's tone wasn't angry, but sad.

"Inuyasha..." she stared up at him, still fearing what he might do.

He smirked, he was in control now. His animalistic instincts took him over and he quickly closed the space remaining between them and fervently kissed her, tangling his hands in her raven locks and rubbing her back as he did so. He grinned insanely inside when she returned his kiss and held her tighter to him.

'What?! What?! What's going on here?! How did this happen?! His Youkai blood took over and now he's-' she gasped. If he was full Youkai right now...then his intentions were-'No way! I'm only 16!' she urged and pushed him off of her, swallowing the air, "Inuyasha!" she hollered, "Osuwari!"

"Dammit, Kagome! What the hell are you doing?!" he looked up at her. Her hair was mussed and dangling in her face, which was badly flushed red. Her clothes looked like they'd almost been pulled off and to top it off she had his scent all over, except in one place. He blushed madly, "I...uh.."

She looked down, feeling horribly embarrassed, "I..." she stood quickly and ran into the woods, heaving for air and reason for everything that just transpired.

"Kagome!" he touched his lips which were slightly sore. He quickly regained his composure and ran in after her. "Kagome! You can't just run away!" he said catching up with her soon enough.

He startled her so, that she tripped and fell right into his arms, "Inuyasha, let go!" she cried and turned to run away but he pulled her back into his chest.


She pulled away holding onto her chest tightly, "No! I can't deal with this! I can't do this, Inuyasha!"

"I didn't know what I was doing! I'm sorry!" he said sadly.

She collapsed to her knees, "Why...did you kiss me...?"

He blushed, "Is that all I did?"

"Yes...but something inside of you...had to have triggered it..." she said lowly.

He blushed and looked away, "It was an accident. I..." of course he cared about her. Of course he did. He'd cared about her for two years. He'd actually started to... "Kagome...I do care. I can't say that I don't. But I..."

She shook her head and began to stand up when she tripped again and again she was caught by Inuyasha, "You love Kikyou..."

"I don't know. She's...not the person I once knew... I love her...but..." he hugged her tightly, "I care about you, too. I want to protect you from everything I possibly can, even myself."

She let a few tears roll down her face and looked up at him, "Let's get you back to camp. You're still sick." she said and took hold of his hand, taking him back.

"Ow! Dammit! Get you're hands off of me now!" said a voice from the bushes.

"It was a mistake! I only meant to find a way to keep myself balanced." another voice said.

"My butt is not a balancing marker!" she hollered.

"Quit yelling or they'll hear!" a younger voice whispered.

"They're gone, let's get out of this space." Sango climbed out of the bushes and began to beat on Miroku's back.

"I apologize, like I said, I was unbalanced." he smirked.

She blushed and headed off for the campsite, gathering the wood she'd put aside, "Hentai."

Kagome sat, looking at the stars as Inuyasha slept. She hoped he'd be okay...

AN: Soooo. Anyways. I like this one. Good so far. Well read on.