InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Changes of the Soul ❯ Could this be love? ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]





Author's Notes: Ok, this is the second chapter, and I know people are going to yell at me for the up coming chapter, but hang with me I promise its good and it will play out in the end! I mean I'm a trustworthy girl…most of the time...LOL! Ok, well read it and just note that if you have a problem just review and tell me and ill answer any questions!!! It's kinda slow at the beginning and I'm just hanging with it because the other upcoming chapters get better as the story progresses. But you have to write foundational/ informational chapters like this. Enjoy!



Kirah: Ahhh, im so sorry!!! I didn't mean to fry any brain cells!! Just send me the medical bill!! LOL!! Im glad your enjoying it!!!




Disclaimer: Ok, like I said, I don't own Inuyasha!!!! (She says while dodging angry lawyers grunting and grumbling random curses) AND NEVER WILL!!!!











The morning light was growing steadily in the east, turning the Feudal Japan sky from a morning pale pink with billows of orange to a beautiful forget-me-not blue.


But a certain disgruntled Inuyasha who leaped bonding through trees and dodging low branches, oblivious to everything around him knew none of this. He was too busy caught up in deep thought. Which normally would make him laugh. He usually acted on instinct, never giving anything a second thought. This of course got him into many a trouble in the past.


This however was not on his mind as he dashed in the dark, dense forest from branch to branch as if running from or toward some unknown something. He kept repeating the previous night's fight in his head with Kagome. He just couldn't shake it off.


"That Kagome…how dare she 'SIT' me!!!! She's such a…." He growled angrily but stopped slightly as her face appeared in his mind's eye. He sighed sadly as he remembered the hurt that had filled her beautiful sparkling eyes as he yelled at her that night. Then he suddenly growled louder than ever a frustrated, "Whyyyyyyy?!?!?!" The effect of his crazed question sent a number of crows in all directions.


"Why? Why?" He kept repeating softly, his eyes glazed in mild frustration. He was filled with such regret and sadness all of the sudden he just blankly stared ahead as he continued dashing madly at an inhuman pace through the tree tops.


"I'm such an idiot…Kagome…." He whispered in a barley audible voice. He inwardly winced as he realized that it was filled with loneliness and pain as he continued to stare hazily forward.


He could barely see the blurred branches as he darted through the foliage. He couldn't see the small cuts that appeared as the branches whipped at his skin. He couldn't feel the warm blood that dripped from his tightly fisted nails that dug into his palms. He couldn't feel the sudden fatigue that started to lay heavily upon him at his unceasing pace.

However, at that point he suddenly stopped, stooping on a high branch in the middle of the great never-ending forest with unknown villages dotting along the borders sporadically. With nothing around him but the faint cries of birds and smell of nature, he sighed, taking in the wonderful view. He was keen on hearing, sight, and sense of smell since he was of course half demon. He could smell other mostly harmless youkias from about a mile away and hear the smallest snap of a twig within the allotted parameter.


This made him think of things that kept cropping up in his mind regularly, lately about his life and his fiends and the end of it all. He couldn't help but think of this since it was on everyone's mind in the group.


He was a worthless half demon, what could he say to them. They were his friends no of course but no one had ever cared about him with the exception of his mother. From the time he was born he had been ridiculed, rejected, hated, feared, and mocked by both human and youka. He had grown up feeling alone and the only place he could belong was in his own world he had created for himself. He was made to feel inferior to his eldest half-brother and full youkai, Sesshomaru. The thought of him made an ever-present growl rise in his throat once again.


It was true. No one had ever truly cared for him until one day he thought found his love, the one person that shared pain too, Kikyo. She made him believe he was wanted for the first time. Being his first love he gasped at the chance for that feeling with open yet hesitant arms. But in the end their ultimate distrust in one another had resulted in each others demise.


"Well, more like eternal sleep for me and her destruction," He chuckled darkly.


He had come to grips that she didn't love him because she tried to persuade him into becoming a full human, but it still hurt to think about.


He used to love her with all his heart again after realizing they were both tricked into destroying one another by their now powerful enemy, Naraku. Kikyo, who still loved Inuyasha came back from the dead with the help of an evil spell and now sought to bring Inuyasha back with her to the after life so they could be together forever. What was he to do?


At first he whole-heartily said yes. However now, after contemplating over it night after night for almost three years he realized he had never loved her like he thought he did. He thought he would die for her since she was his first love but soon realized regrettably that she wasn't the woman he had first made her out to be.


"I mean she tried to change who I was with the wish of the Shikon No Tama, and who could love a person who tried to change who you really were? Who could not love you in the same way you loved them if it was real and true? That is not love!"


He contemplated over that angrily for a minuet and then closed his golden amber orbs and cross his arms securely over his chest as if in deep concentration.


After he realized he wasn't truly in love with Kikyo and she tried to change him to love him he suddenly felt alone once more. However this only lasted about a minuet because he snapped out of it quickly remembering who helped him unknowingly to come to the realization of himself. The last person he'd first thought would. Kikyo's reincarnation, Kagome. She had helped him feel accepted, loved, wanted, and so much more.


"That was more than Kikyo ever did when she was alive!" He grinded aloud, but soon went back to his reflecting thoughts.


"Kago…me" He sighed depressingly.


He cringed every time he remembered on how he taunted her and threw insult after insult at her when they first met. He had even tried to take a swipe at her a couple times their first days together. He hated Kikyo for betraying him before realizing Naraku's deception and her reincarnation was nothing less than a pathetic copy to him. He soon found out, however, traveling with her and looking for the jewel shards that Kagome and Kikyo were not alike at all. Not at all!


He thought back at what she had done for him these past three years. He slowly thought about the many times she had returned faithfully by his side after he went to see Kikyo in which at the time he had still felt a duty to. She had seen him swearing to always love and protect Kikyo. He didn't realize at the time how much it pained her every time she saw the old lovers together.


After these last couple months of jewel shard hunting, Inuyasha noticed how much he thought of Kagome and how much less he thought of Kikyo.. She filled every crevice and space of his mind. She was all he thought about now and had been that way for the past year.


His head suddenly snapped up as he held a sudden tight grip on the body of the old pine he was currently perched on.


"I love…I...LOVE….Kagome?"


He said unsurely at first. But then suddenly a stupid grin came over him forgetting any anger or frustration or cares he sighed happily and a little louder


" I love her…I love Kagome…."


Then he took a deep breath, and with that the stupid grin turned into a huge smile and he suddenly found himself yelling in the middle of the empty dark forest making birds scatter once more.


" I do!…..I love her! I love Kagome!!!! MY KAAAGGOOOMMMEEE!!!!!!"


As he stopped to catch his breathe he gazed above him through the dark hooded branches to the now a beautiful light blue sky peacefully. The wind was blowing lightly through his long silver mane and pushed it out of his face to reveal his enlightened eyes.


He chuckled. "Just like Buddha, I suppose."


He loved her. He realized that he had already known that for a long time and for some reason his brain had just needed to catch up with his heart. It just took his brain a little time to realized what it would be like alone in the world without her he guessed.


He loved Kagome. The only one that truly made his heart skip a beat when she laughed, the one who clung trustfully to his shoulders and back while travelling, the woman who loved me the way I am….a Hanyou. The woman who slowly thawed my heart and made me feel emotions that I'd never thought was possible anymore. This woman…….my Kagome.


"My Kagome…" He sighed his voice full of affection and awe.


"She has always shown her love and understanding patiently next to me, and I knew that!! I just took it for granted." He said suddenly as his eyes drooped slightly crestfallen.


"Why did I get so mad when she didn't say anything back at the campsite?"


He suddenly remembered the scene as his heart felt the pang of guilt from his previous harsh words. He had seen the hurt and could smell the salt of the tears in her eyes. He suddenly filled with regret as his head drooped in complete shame.


"I just remembered after Shippo asked that question, the time Kagome as going to leave forever. But instead ending up making a promise that I couldn't possibly had imagined." He said thinking back suddenly.





"Inuyasha….." Kagome smiled almost shyly standing up from the old wooden Bone-eaters well," May I ask you one more simple question?"


Inuyasha winced and just stared at her…."What is she going to ask, will I be able to answer whole heartily?" He thought unsurely.


She had just seen him promise to be with Kikyo forever in which had sent her running home in tears.


"What will you possibly ask that I can answer Kagome?" He thought sadly looking into her beautiful ocean blue eyes.


" Inuyasha may I...may I stay with you?" Kagome smiled innocently as her raven colored hair billowed around. Her questioning eyes which was looking into his shocked face was the picture of pure innocence.





"She had been so beautiful that day. Not that she's not always beautiful." He smiled surprisingly, as a faint blush began to rise on his high cheeks.


He remembered her kind words and gentle touch as they walked back, hand in hand to the rest of the gang. Then he then slowly realized it had to have been that day he had started to truly have feelings for her, for his Kagome.


"My Kagome" He smiled once again slowly making his way back to Kaede's village, leaping from branch to branch more slowly this time.


While he was making his way back while thinking of her, he went off in his own little world rambling away to an invisible audience.


"I want to be with her forever, and protect her the way she deserves. I will promise to always protect her!


"She always smiles in any situation. She always seems to bring everyone's spirits up despite of hopelessness. She's kind to everyone and everything…….. I love that woman so much!!! " He proclaimed affectionately, then drew a gaze as his eyes clouded with thought .


He turned his affectionate thoughts to their confrontation that past night.


"Kagome, I hate it when you cry and I am the cause. I promise you will never cry anymore! I will make you my mate and we will live together forever!" He smiled confidently as if she was right in front of him.


Then he stopped abruptly once more, his eyes flashing a shy and almost scared look as he said softly whispered out load to himself.


"Will she want to be my mate? What if she doesn't love me like I care for her. I care so much for her."


He suddenly became fearful of her answer as if she had already said no. He knew she came from the other side of the well and ultimately another time with different rules.


" She would never want to live here with me in this time….. but she said she'd always stay with me." He argued back and forth with himself.


His mind was full of confused, and hesitant thoughts as he tried out how he'd ask her to be his mate and stay with him.


All he knew was that he loved her with all his being, soul, and heart. He wanted to be there for her through everything, and always be there to protect her. He may be unsure how to approach her but he knew that all his heart belonged to her and if he could just show her how much he cared everything would be ok.


He just needed to get back to her somehow and express all his feelings.



Dashing through the trees once more toward the old well he tried to smell Kagome's scent nearby. Seeing if she had come back yet. As he raced he got lost in thought once more over his beloved Kagome.



"I love you Kagome, and will show you how much" He almost sang.


"I'll show you! Wait for me, wait for me Kagome!


Unknown to him something was watching his every action from a distance and deviously planning.


" Love? This will be sweeter that I thought." The dark shadow sneered, disappearing as swiftly as it appeared.

