InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Conversations Concerning...'That' ❯ Almost the Ending ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Tsuki: hiya! We're back! .
Akina: but not for long. Tsuki has exams in an hour.
Tsuki: so this will be a speedy little chapter, but T.T it's the ending!
Akina: cries
Tsuki: you've all been very wonderful with reviews and everything, thank you SOOOO MUCH! Watch out for any more stories we think up—it's summer now, there's bound to be a lot.
Akina: so here, have some more CCT! Adios muchachos!
Sesshoumaru was relaxed and happy. His hair was up in a pink hairnet and he was reclined in a soothing bubble bath, romance novel held safe above the water. He had kidnapped some random weird humans that seemed to be musical and was gushing over the book while listening to happy-peppy flute and harp music.
(How Tsuki got her harp into the feudal era, we're not sure. It happened. Deal.
Tsuki: one word, Kitty, one word…
Akina: we're in the story for the ending! .)
Yes, this was a great improvement on the oddities of his day. After the hell that his brother had put him through, Sesshoumaru was resolved to live in the bathtub for the next few days. Of course, once he got all gross like a raisen after twenty minutes or so he would have to move on with life, but he was happily deluding his own tormented mind by telling himself that he would never have to leave.
Back in that musical clearing of happiness and kiddy songs, Inuyasha was happily dancing to Miroku's butchered voice/lyrics. He was so happy and absorbed in his little dancing in fact, he didn't notice when he accidentally shoved Kikyo off the cliff that they just happened to be standing near.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” she screamed. This was followed by a most entertaining noise, which souded something like `pop-que-mish!'
Yes, you guessed right. Kikyo had landed on the back of a slime demon, getting sucked into the green ooze that those fellows are generally coated in. Struggling for air and trying to escape, she was aggrivating the generally peace-loving and calm demon. This was causing him to try and pull her out, which resulted in her total soaking in of green slime.
The other little kiddles rushed over to make sure that she wasn't dead.
“Hey, hold on! We'll send Inuyasha to get you out!” Miroku yelled. He then turned to his friend. “Sorry, you have to be the sacrifical one here. It's your fault.”
Pervert Child shoved Inuyasha off the cliff.
“Hurry up, let's go,” he said, grabbing Little Stalker Friend's arm and running back towards his village. They both ingorned Inuyasha's curses and his screaming as the slime demon got really irritated.
You see, when these fabled creatres get really irritated their happy green ooze turns a brownish shade and puts off a smell akin to that of a burrito in a portapotty on a REALLY hot hot day.
“Hey…your hair…is green…” Kikyo muttered. She pointed and laughed at the smelly little hanyou.
Inuyasha bowed his head and began to cry, using his slimy pudgy fingers to drag his nasty green hair over his face. This only make Kikyo laugh harder, which made Inuyasha cry harder, which led to more hair and one really angry slime demon.
That of course, led to an even worse smell. But we won't get into that, we're feeling happy at the moment. Let's see what happened to Miroku and Little Stalker Friend.
In the village, Miroku knew that Inuyasha was going to kill him. Logically, his mind registered that he had also taken Inuyasha's female friend. To the mini-pervert, this meant that he would only be safe if he surrounded himself with even more females.
Knowing that his dad would kill him if he got caught anywhere that little kiddies aren't supposed to be, he headed over to the one place in the town that he knew there would be a girl.
She was the same age as the rest of them, brown hair pulled into a ponytail. Miroku thought that she was beautiful, even if she was a little weird. He was actually afraid to talk to her because he didn't have a reason, but the threat on his life seemed to be reason enough to him now.
Her name…was Sango. She sat on the same bucket every day outside of the bookstore and read the last page of any book that she could get her hands on. Sango was never interested in the rest of the story, only the LAST PAGE! A small stack of novels sat next to her already, telling Miroku that she had been there since noon.
He had been watching her for a while, see. It was sorta getting to the creepy stalkerish point.
“Hey, who's that? Do you want to talk to her or something?” Little Stalker Friend asked curiously.
“Hush. This takes concentration and precision. Don't interrupt me while I'm meditating on how best to approach—hey!”
Little Stalker Friend broke away from his grasp and waved brightly at Sango. “Hey! HEY! HEY BOOK-GIRL! OVER HERE!”
Miroku suffered a small heart attack.
Sango looked up and slammed her book shut, grinning and walking over to Little Stalker Friend.
She was staring at Miroku, who was lying on the ground like he was dead. “Hey, you can't die. You brought me here, I don't know how to get back to that weird cat-kid or the slime-girl,”
“Um…maybe I could help. You seemed to know me…?”
“Yeah. This kid on the ground wanted to talk to you, but I think he died or something.”
“That's sad. My name's Sango. What's yours?”
“Little Stalker Friend,”
Sango blinked. “Um…okay,”
Little Stalker Friend and Sango lifted Miroku onto their shoulders and headed in the direction that Little Stalker Friend thought they had come from.
“If we follow the scent that smells like really really really bad puke, we'll find them.”
Sango twitched but didn't say anything.
“Not just normal puke either, it smells like grandma's old lasagnia and carrots dinner mixed together with some poo and topped off with a little bit of horse manure.”
Sango wasn't really sure what half those things were, but she wasn't about to ask. The smell was starting to kill her, and she was too afraid of the weird people to just turn and leave.
When Miroku, Sango, and Little Stalker Friend returned to the edge of the cliff, Inuyasha and Kikyo had gotten themselves out of the slime demon. They were climbing up the side of the cliff but falling back down, their hands to slimy to really make a difference on their progress up the cliff.
“Hey! Don't come up here! You smell like poo!” Miroku yelled down at them.
“Then follow me!” Inuyasha called back.
“Okay, you don't have to yell that loud. Geeze, crazy boy.”
Yes, Sesshoumaru was happy. Tsuki on the harp and Akina on the flute were getting a little bit sleepy, and Tsuki was running out of time before she had to go take her exam, but that was all okay and spiffy and the same time. It was relaxing.
In fact, as he turned to the last page of the book, Sesshoumaru thought, finally. I wish every day could end like this…
That was when the door burst open.
“Her legs are too short for the side of the bath, we're going to have to throw her in,”
“I can climb!” Kikyo exclaimed.
“Yeah, and none of us are touching either of you when you smell like poo.”
Sesshoumaru died a thousand deaths as he looked over the edge of the bath at his brother's little mob of misfit friends.
Little Stalker Friend stifled a laugh. “Your just like cat-boy, only you smell like flowers instead of puke.”
Sesshoumaru twitched violently while he stared at the innocent little girl. “Get…out…” he intoned, giving his brother a death glare.
Wrapped in his tail, which is a convinent towel-type thing, he advanced towards his brother. Inuyasha squeaked and began to backpedal.
“But…but Sessy! I smell like puke! You don't want to make your spiffy flowerey scent all icky with my puke! No! Don't kill me!”
Sesshoumaru shoved his precious novel at the closest available person. It happened to be Sango…
Automatically fipping open to the last page, she began to scan it.
“Can I see?” Miroku asked shyly.
“No,” she snapped.
Miroku grabbed the book and pulled.
To prevent complications, Sango simply tore out the last page. At the sound of the ripping, Sesshoumaru snapped.
Because they hate her and haven't tortured her enough this ficlet, Akina and Tsuki grabbed Kikyo by her slimy sleeves and shoved her into the bath. They then left.
“Ew, you smell like poo Akina,”
“You do too!”
“No, that's just your nose picking up on you.” Tsuki explained wisely.
They migrated after Sango and Miroku, who were trailing quite a ways behind Sess and Inu.
Tsuki: horray for us! We managed to prolong this long enough for another chapter for you!
Akina: .
Tsuki: so we'll write it later, which is all happy.
usagi kurari yaaaayyyyyy! You're our fiftieth reviewer! We love you and your dedication to our story! `nyway, to answer your questions…
TsukinoOni”Demon of the Moon” or “Moon Demon” (http: Tsuki is the one that talks all the time, even when it says that Akina is. Akina is the one that sits on Tsuki's shoulder and spews out ideas. Tsuki just types them down and acts generally insane. …schizo? Well…since Tsuki finally understands what you mean, she'd have to say that we're being nice. We could have just ended it right there, no real warning besides our repeated claims of “the end is near”. …cries you shouldn't understand the swords and humans thing! No one does, it's one of the most talked of topics in our early reviews! …nyway, thanks for your continued faithful reviews!
Sesshomaru Rules (I'm back!) cries we're so sad that it's ending! But then you can tell all your friends about it and they can review their little fingers off! .
akina kumi-tami …but Akina, we already knew that the italics didn't work! We sat here and played with word forever! cries I'm confused!
Akina: it's okay, I was talking to the people.
Tsuki: you mean people actually read other people's reviews?
Akina: nods at least, I think they do…hmmm…
fuf what line do you speak of? (you don't respond, you're too busy singing. Instead of killing you, Tsuki simply joins in.) dances
KittySamurai506 so now I'm just a happy perky person? That's all I am to you! cries first it was the third movie, now it's hitting me with that accursed frying pan… which is why Inu-chan belongs to me, because II/I TELL people about movies! grumbles now I have to run off with Akina, and…she smells like cheese, this is really inconvenient! She's going to get taco sauce all over the theatre, and that stuff's really nasty when you sit in it…
kumi meyano …crazy? looks puzzled whatever are you talking about? evil grin and the chibis are cute when they sing, you should see them! Err…what are you talking about, I don't have any anime characters locked in my closet! looks guilty pues, sus tacos poder es malo, pero mi tacos es muy muy MUY bueno. Mi tacos es muy bonita y morena. Mi taco es llamo Akina. Como es su taco? (sorry if that was butchered and not really right! Yo es una espanol uno alumna. .)
Tomiie-789 nods and grins you have to know us to fully comprehend us.
Tomiie-789 …Tsuki likes you, you're funny. But now she'll have to draw a chibi to end the problems you're having seeing our mental images. .
UsagiKurari HAPPY BIRTHDAY! . sure, we're caring sorta people. Akina even colored you a little birthday cake on the back of a Meijer's receipt, but we couldn't blow out the candles so Tsuki just ate it instead. (it had better actually be your birthday O.o crayons taste nasty).
silver-celestial …serious? We're capable of serious thought? Hmm….
Nehszriah Tsuki: eats Stalker Friend's head
Akina: gah! What happened to Kagome's head!
Tsuki: …steamrollers? .
Akina: ;;;; why do I put up with you?
Tsuki: ramen that ISN'T inferior?
Akina: beats head on desk