InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Curse of The Jewel ❯ Decisions ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Inuyasha and gang belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

Chapter 15


"Fine." Kagome said without hesitation.

Inuyasha held Kagome back when she started walking toward Kikyo. "Are you crazy?" He said.

"No, I'd rather die than see our kids stuck with her like they are now." Kagome yelled trying to get out of his grip. It was useless because he was a lot stronger than her and because she didn't have much energy left.

"We'll find another way to get them back." Inuyasha said. "I don't want any of you to die."

"What else can we do?" Kagome said. She started crying.

"He's right Kagome. We'll find another way." Sango said.

"There is no other way. I want her dead." Kikyo said.

"How about we play along." Miroku said.

"Are you fucking crazy?" Inuyasha yelled.

"I meant make it seem like Kagome will do it. When we get Inuki and Shippo Inuyasha can grab Kagome before Kikyo kills her." Miroku said.

"What if something goes wrong?" Inuyasha asked.

"Then I die." Kagome said.

"I'm not letting you die." Inuyasha said.

"It's the only way to get them back. I'd rather see all of you safe and alive then be alive." Kagome said.

"I don't like this idea." Inuyasha said.

"It's not your decision." Kagome said.

"I'm growing impatient. I will give you until tomorrow to answer." Kikyo said. "If I don't get an answer I'll kill your precious children."

"What?" Inuyasha and Kagome yelled.

"Until tomorrow." Kikyo said before her and the hut disappeared.

"Kuso." Inuyasha said. He grabbed Kagome as she collapsed on the ground and cried.

"We need a plan." Inuyasha said.

"Well let's find a place to camp first. We can think of something later." Miroku said.

Inuyasha nodded. He picked Kagome up and they searched for a decent place to camp. When they found one Sango started cooking and Miroku searched for firewood. Kagome sat on the ground with no emotion on her face. She didn't respond to anything either. She just sat there.

Inuyasha watched her with worry. He didn't know what to do. How could he get his children back without endangering his mate? He could care less what happened to Kikyo. He wanted her dead. She was trying to rip his family apart. He would not let that happen.

"So any suggestions on what we could do?" Miroku said.

"No." Inuyasha said. Sango shook her head.

"So far the only thing I can think of is to let Kagome go to Kikyo and you grab her when the kids are safe." Miroku said.

"And like I said what if she gets killed in the process?" Inuyasha said. "She's obviously thought this out. Look at how long it took her to act on her plan."

"He's right Miroku. What if she wants her dead and then gives the kids back." Sango said.

"That's true." Miroku said. "I can't think of anything else."

"I'll do it." Kagome said. "I don't care if I die. As long as we get them back."

"You won't get them back if you die!" Inuyasha yelled. Why wouldn't she get it out of her head? He wasn't going to let her die.

"If you can't think of anything else I'll do it." Kagome yelled. "I'll subdue you until your buried fifty feet under ground if I have to."

"Kagome I don't want you to die." Inuyasha said.

"It's not like I want to die either." Kagome said.

"Fine we'll do that ONLY if we can't do anything else." Inuyasha said. "But you have to promise me you won't do anything without telling me."

"Fine I promise." Kagome said.

"Kagome maybe you should go to sleep you look exhausted." Sango said.

"I don't want to miss out on anything." Kagome said.

"I'll wake you up early and tell you everything that happened. You're going to need all your strength for tomorrow." Sango said.

"Arigato Sango." Kagome said. She crawled in the sleeping bag and drifted off.

Inuyasha, Miroku, and Sango all thought of any ideas of what they could do. Nothing, they couldn't think of anything. Inuyasha was starting to get really pissed. He'd only promised Kagome that they'd go with that plan because he thought they would think of something better.


Inuyasha had stayed up all night. He couldn't think of anything. Miroku and Sango had stayed up most of the night. He told them to go to sleep because it was useless trying to think of something.

He hadn't let go of Kagome at all that night. If there were even the slightest risk of losing her he wouldn't let her do it. He was tempted to tie her to a tree until this was all over. No doubt Kikyo would hunt her down and kill her. Either that or some youkai would kill her for the jewel or a meal.

Everyone was starting to wake up. They all got up and silently put their things away. They all knew they were leaving right away so there was no need for words. They all tried to think of a better plan. There was nothing they could come up with.

Nothing could keep either of them alive. It was either Kagome died or Inuki and Shippo did. No one wanted to lose any of them. Miroku and Sango got on Kirara's back while Kagome got on Inuyasha's.

As they were going to the place they were at the last time they all thought about what could happen. "What's the plan?" Kagome asked.

"We haven't thought of one." Inuyasha said.

"Then I'm going to follow her demands." Kagome said.

"I told you I'm not letting you." Inuyasha said.

"We had a deal." Kagome said.

"I don't care." Inuyasha said. "The only one who is going to die is her and I don't want to hear anything else about it or I'll tie you to a tree."

When they all landed on the ground they waited impatiently for Kikyo to show up. "You'd think if she wanted me dead so badly she'd be here already." Kagome said.

"I guess she wants to make us wait." Miroku said. A white mist came from nowhere and formed where Kikyo and the hut stood the last time. After a while the hut and Kikyo appeared.

"So you're here." Kikyo said. "So what is your decision?"

"How do we know they aren't dead already?" Miroku asked hoping to buy some time.

"If you really want proof that they're alive I'll show you. But if you try anything I'll kill them without hesitation." Kikyo snapped.

The hut door opened and some soul stealers came flew out and went around the hut. Inuki and Shippo were carried out. The soul stealers were holding them. "Okaa-san, Otou-san." They yelled.

"Inuki, Shippo." Kagome and Inuyasha yelled.

"You're answer now." Kikyo demanded.

"How will we know that they will be safe once you're done?" Miroku asked.

"You're pushing it Houshi." Kikyo said. "My only concern is the death of the miko. If I can't kill her then I'll kill her children and watch her suffer."

Kagome started walking towards Kikyo. "Kagome!" Inuyasha yelled.

"Sit." Kagome said. "I told you yesterday and we had a deal."

When Kagome was a few feet away from Kikyo she stopped. "Let them go now." Kagome said. Kikyo smiled and waved her hand. The soul stealers carried Inuki and Shippo over to her mate and friends.

She pulled out an arrow and aimed it at Kagome. At the same time the soul stealers released the hostages. "Any last words?" Kikyo said. Kagome said nothing. "No? Fine then lets get this over with shall we?"

Inuyasha ran towards Kagome hoping he would make it in time. Kikyo saw what he was trying to do and shot the arrow before he could reach her.


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Such and evil cliffy isn't it? I hope you like it. Only one more chapter left. What will happen?