InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Define Family ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Define Family

By Hiroko

Chapter Four

Yuki stared blankly up at the pale blue skies.

"Ummm…"she murmured, as she stretched out her arms. She swung herself onto a large branch on one of the nearby tree.

She suddenly felt tired. More than ever, as memories of the day before surged back into her mind, more vividly than at the time.

"Ke." She snorted, much like her brother, and very un-girlishly. "So much, for such little time."

Her gaze searched the sky for any sign of life, but she found none.

Quiet breeze tickled her face, and made her long, silver hair sail out behind her, exposing her elf-like ears.

She sighed.

I'm so tired of this life.

She thought to herself, as she looked gloomily at the horizon, and her thoughts drifted out into space.

"Hey!!!" a voice yelled from down below.

Yuki-Hime looked down to find her brother standing below the tree, facing up at her.

His face was stern, and he wasn't smiling.

"What do you want?" Yuki-Hime asked, not changing her expression.

"What are you doing up there?" Inuyasha asked sternly.

"Why do you care?" Hime-Yasha shot back.

"Because I can't just let you run around loose, and kill innocent humans!" Inuyasha yelled.

Hime-Yasha's expression showed a slight emotional drift to pain, but she turned right back to being expressionless.

"……" Yuki-Hime stared down at her younger brother.

"What?" Inuyasha demanded.

"I was just wondering, little brother, why you never sought to kill Sesshoumaru." She replied, as she shifted her weight down to the stem of the branch.

"I did, you dimwit. Didn't you see his left arm? He has none left!!! Why do you think THAT is? BECAUSE I CHOPPED IT OFF!!!!" Inuyasha growled.

"That was not what I meant, little brother, and would you keep your temper down? You surely have our father's blood." She chuckled quietly to herself. "But I suppose you never sought to kill him for his position as the highest ruler on the West Lands?"

"Nu……No… Why would I want to? Besides, if you are there, and you are older than me, then what's the point? You're the second child. You would surely get the throne!" Inuyasha protested, as he jumped up to the tip of the branch his sister was sitting on.

"Me?" Hime-Yasha scoffed. "Me? You are not being serious, are you, little brother?" She forced out a laugh. "I am a female, do you not understand? Females are not to have thrones in their grasp!"

"But…" Inuyasha's expression hardened. "Why?"

He had never thought this way before.

He had always treated women the same… As equals.

But in this world, in his time, women were same as cows or land.

They were property.

He suddenly changed the subject.

He was not used to this kind of talk.

He did not know how to react.

"Stop calling me `little brother'! It gets on my nerve! I have a name, you know!" Inuyasha barked.

"Yes, I know you do. Your father named you… Inuyasha. After me." Her eyes became dazed, as she recalled the beginnings of her life.

Inuyasha sat next to her uneasily.

"Inuyasha." She suddenly spoke again after a long silence.

"What?" Inuyasha snapped.

"You do know about the war Sesshoumaru had with the Leopards long ago, 50 years ago to be exact?" she asked sternly.

"Um… Yeah." Inuyasha muttered as he uneasily fidgeted around with his foot.

"I died then." Hime-Yasha smiled inwardly.

"????" Inuyasha gaped at her with his mouth open. "What did you just say?!"

"I said, I died then. All four of them Leopards ganged up on me, and killed me. I was so distracted with the little `helpers' that I didn't have the time to stop them." She sighed.

"You… Mean… Sesshoumaru revived you? Like he did with that girl?" Inuyasha stared with his mouth gaped open.

"Yes. I was the first he ever did that to, I suppose. That is when he found out how the sword works exactly. After that, I had barely seen him. I had to stay with my mother. I was too naive to continue with my life alone, they must have thought." Hime-Yasha told Inuyasha, and then, as if coming back to reality, clapped her hands to her mouth. "Why did I just say?" She muttered to herself.

Inuyasha knew better than to speak, so he kept quiet.

"Why don't you attack me?" Inuyasha blurted out, unable to stand the silence. "Why does Sesshoumaru attack me, but you don't? I don't understand! You are suppose to hate me!! You are suppose to try to kill me because I'm a Hanyou!! Why are you so different from him?!" he demanded.

"Why?" Yuki looked at Inuyasha with a surprised expression on her face. "Why? Inuyasha, do you want me to try and kill you?"

"Well, no, but….Sesshoumaru does…… He hates me…" Inuyasha murmured.

"Inuyasha…" Yuki shook her head. "He does not hate you… He just…"

"INUYASHA!!!" Kagome's high voice called through the thick forest. "BREAKFAST!!!! IT'S READY!!! BRING YOUR SISTER WITH YOU!!!"

Inuyasha and Yuki jumped, and almost fell off the branch.

They looked at each other, and Inuyasha shrugged his sholders.

"Better get going, I suppose." He said, as he landed swiftly onto the ground.

Yuki-Hime followed, as she did a mid-air flip, and landed next to him.

"So?" she quizzed with her eyes. "What now?"

Inuyasha grumbled uneasily as he sat down, his sister following every move he made.

He picked up his chopstick to eat his stew, and his sister mimicked him with great accuracy.

When he asked for seconds, his sister did too.

When he finally stood up, unable to take the awkward silence any longer, she did too.

"Will you STOP IT?!" Inuyasha yelled hysterically at his sister.

"Stop what? You stop yelling at me, you puppy!!" Yuki yelled back.

"I'm telling you to STOP DOING EVERYTHING I DO!!" Inuyasha barked.

"Are you trying to tell me what to do?!" Yuki screeched.

Everyone sighed, and continued on with their meals silently.

"YES, I'M COMMANDING YOU!!" Inuyasha growled.

"Well, what ever did I do to YOU?!" Yuki yelled back.

"Why, you little…" Inuyasha began pouncing on his sister, knocking her backwards.

"What the?! Inuyasha, STOP IT!!" Yuki screeched, as she tried to pry her brother off.

She picked Inuyasha up with extraordinary force, and threw him onto the ground.

She flipped back onto her feet, and crouched low to the ground much like a dog, and bared her fangs.

Inuyasha lunged at her again, but this time Yuki was ready.

But before he got to her…

"Inuyasha, sit!!!" Kagome screamed, as with a sickening thud, Inuyasha fell head first into the ground.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?! You're invading our social time, you baka!" she screeched at him.

"Bu-BUT, Kagome!!" Inuyasha tried to protest, but was unable to, receiving the dark glare from Kagome.

Inuyasha reluctantly stomped down, and picked up his chopsticks again.

Yuki meekly slid out of the hut.

"Inuyasha…." Kagome began, quietly. "We need to talk…"

"Talk about what?" Inuyasha asked, sharply.

"About… Your sister…" Kagome sighed, and placed her chopstick down.

Miroku and Sango remained quiet, and listened.

"Yeah, what about her?" Inuyasha grumbled.

"I know you don't fancy her, but…" Kagome muttered blushing.

"What?" Inuyasha demanded irritated.

"I think she should come… With us, on the journey…" She whispered. "She thinks everyone is an enemy, Inuyasha, don't you understand? She is just like…Just like when I first met you, and …"

"And before I met with Kikyou? Is that what you are trying to tell me? Give me a break, Kagome she is NOT coming with us! Think of all of the damages and losses she could pose on us! She's SHESSHOUMARU'S SISTER!!" Inuyasha bawled.

"So are you." Miroku commented, solemnly.

"Eike!!! Get off me, you PERVERT!!" Sango screeched, as she slapped Miroku across the face, his hand quivering close to her bottom.

Kagome sighed, and placed her gaze back to Inuyasha.

"Don't you think…It'll be better for us? To have another ally?" Kagome half whispered, half shouted at Inuyasha.

"No…" Inuyasha growled, determined to get rid of this idea. "No, no, and NO she is NOT coming with us!"

"But, Inuyasha!" Kagome protested.

"NO BUTS!" Inuyasha shouted, and stomped swiftly out of the cot, leaving the rest sitting uneasily.

"Ye must think about his feelings, Kagome." Kaede told Kagome softly. "He is still at the cliff… He does not know whether to hate, or to love. She is a new existence to him…"

"I guess you're right… I'm going back. Home, I mean. Tell Inuyasha I'll be back in a few days. He needs rest, and I need to go to school." Kagome sighed, and picked up her backpack.

"Remember to bring me that special lollypop!" Shippou screeched after her.

"I will!"

Yuki sat on an old wooden well, thinking to herself, when she smelled that girl coming.

Oh, not her again.

She thought, as her head raced in determining what to do. She decided to jump onto a nearby tree, hidden from view, and spy on her.

Kagome came running up the hill, a few minutes later, out of breath, and pausing to get her breathing even.


Yuki thought. They are just outright hideous. Just look at her!! Just that much distance, and just look at her panting!!

Kagome, after a while, walked silently up to the well, and the next second, jumped in it.

Is she nuts? Why that hell would she want to jump into a WELL?! Yuki thought grumpily, as she got down from the tree.

She peered down into where Kagome disappeared into, but she was…Gone.

No other word.

Not a trace left of her, even her scent was gone after a few meters down.

What the hell?

Yuki was suddenly shaken.

What was going on?

She had been wondering about the girl ever since she was rescued.

Why was she not afraid, or show hatred towards demons as other humans do?


She sat on the edge of the well again, and began thinking, as the morning songs rose with the birds happily chirping their melodies……..

To be continued…………….

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^o^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

I think this is going to become like a little inside story of this story, Define Family, and how I got into making this story……

Anyone that's interested, you are welcome to read it.

If you don't… Well, I can't help that. (^.^;

I sort of based this character- Yuki, sort of with my personality. I look all strong, and tough, and smart and everything on the outside, but in the inside, I'm quite the opposite. I think that is why I got into Inuyasha so much. It almost reflects my personality, how Inuyasha is, and how he traps his feelings inside………

If he lived in this world, this time, then he would have to go to a psychologist. :P

Most of my poems are sad, and abusive, but that is just my way of writing things.

BUT I was GOING to make this one not so depressive, but I don't think I've succeeded much… (^_^;

That is a problem…… Of it's own…

Anyways, so how I got into writing this fic… I was, and I think am still writing another Inuyasha fan fiction, and it was in Japanese, because at that time, I've only seen Japanese Inuyasha, and read Japanese Inuyasha Mangas, so my mind wasn't into writing in English yet.

(And yes, so people who are wondering, I am Japanese.)

This story came up to my mind somehow, when I was imagining how it would be like if Inuyasha had a sister.

I guess I shouldn't start writing a fic when I am in the pits of depression, but I guess it's too late now.

It isn't too bad of an idea anyways……

Comments welcome!!!

(Comments for A/N welcome too!!!!)



To be continued…………