InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Define Family ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Define Family

By Hiroko

Chapter Five

There's no use in sitting here waiting for nothing to happen.

Yuki decided after a while.

She slid off the well, and began to leave, when she smelled her brother coming up the hill.

Ok, either I fight him face to face, or I leave. What is he up to now anyways?

She thought gloomily, as she searched for a place to yet again, spy on.

All she found were some trees and the well.

She decided to just jump in the well until he went past her.

Good thinking, Yuki.

She thought sarcastically.

Yes. That's really going to work. Just a sniff around, and he'll find me! But where else to go? Hell, better to try than to give up with out first seeing what he's up to.

She jumped into the well, expecting for the ground to appear a few meters down.

But nothing happened.

The ground seemed to have given way to her, and her head began to swim.

What was happening?

Why wasn't she hitting the bottom?

Then she remembered Kagome.

She is… Disappearing?

Blue light began to surround her, then, with a thump, she hit bare ground.

She looked up, and saw the opening of the well.

Good! She thought to herself. Nothing happened after all!

She jumped out from the well with ease, but what appeared around her left her speechless.

She was in a storage room, full of things.

There was one door, leading outside, so she decided to try it.

She noticed Kagome's smell lingering around in the room everywhere, and decided that the Miko must have done something, and brought herself here.

She walked out of the door cautiously, and was yet again, flabbergasted by her surroundings. She had just witnessed the 20th Century.

(I know this is the 21st century, but you know, this story takes place in 1996, and it wasn't the 21st then.)

She sprang onto the roof, and took a long look at the new surroundings around her. She decided that it was best to follow the girl's scent to… Where ever it led.

It turned out, that it led to one of the large buildings, covered by some materials she had never before witnessed.

Not wood, and not even dirt, though it smelled faintly like them.

No, it was something completely new, just like everything around her.

"Hi, Kagome!" Kagome's friends crowded around her, as she entered school grounds.

"Long time, no see! I heard you got hepatitis this time! Are you sure you are ok?" one of them asked.

Kagome silently cursed her grandfather for not being able to ever come up with a good excuse.

"We have a test today on the echinoderms, planarians, and cnidarians, Kagome, did you know?" Another asked.

"WE DO?!" Kagome began to panic, once again.

((Sorry! I'm doing my Animal Kingdom {biology} homework right now! Nya!!! I've got to finish by the end of winter vacation!!!!))

"Higurashi!!!!" Houjou, a boy that has a crush on Kagome yelled, as he rode in his bicycle.

"Ooh, Kagome! It's your boyfriend!" Eri exclaimed.

"Shut up! He's NOT my boyfriend!"

"Higurashi, here. I heard you had hepatitis. These sandals are good for your feet. Be sure to wear them!" He smiled widely, and stuffed a small package in Kagome's hands.

"Um..Thanks?" Kagome muttered, unsure of what to do.

"See you later!" Houjou beamed, and sailed off happily.

Kagome's friends crowded around her yet again.

"Woo!! What did he give you this time?"

"Lemmie see! Lemmie see!"

"Oh, Kagome-Chan, you are SO lucky!"

The three of them squeaked at the same time.

The bell of the school struck its warning sounds.

"AHHH!!" Everyone shrieked, as they ran into the building.

"What the hell. What the hell!" Yuki muttered to her self, as she crept her way through the house, and into Kagome's room. She didn't notice a human woman, and a cat watching her, curiously.

"There's something wrong… What is this place?" Yuki gave an exasperated sigh, as she gingerly sat on Kagome's bed. She took a look around, and only found some Shikon-Shards, and other foreign objects.

No bows and arrows.

Everything else, she could not make out.

Yuki shook her head, and decided to head out, and track down Kagome. Her scent seemed to be heading out ward, out of the shrine. Yuki decided to head wherever Kagome had gone.

Yuki carefully jumped down the stairs in one leap, and got up. That was when she noticed a cat purring, and walking next to her leg, pressing its body against her leg.

Yuki yelped, and also jumped in surprise, which brought Kagome's mother out of the kitchen.

"Why, hello." Mrs. Higurashi greeted, pleasantly. "Are you one of Kagome's friends? You sure do look like someone she usually takes home here."

Yuki was unsure of what to do, so she just stood there, petrified.

"Do, come in the kitchen. I have some food here, if you are hungry."

Yuki silently shook her head. She was alert, but something in this woman made her nerves sooth down.

"Are you sure?" Mrs. Higurashi seemed unsure, but then brightly smiled. "Well, I'll be in the kitchen if you need me. Can I ask your name? I'm Mrs. Higurashi."

"Yuki…Yuki-Hime-Yasha…" Yuki choked out.

"Oh, so are you a relative to Inuyasha?" Mrs. Higurashi wanted to know.

Why does she know about my brother?

Yuki thought, but just nodded her head.

She was actually fascinated, and disturbed by the lack of defense these humans showed when they saw demons. It was so… Unnatural.

"That is wonderful! He is always so bright, and fun to be with! I hope you tell him how much we love having him over, the next time you see him!" Mrs. Higurashi beamed.

I guess I better not tell her I came here because he wanted to kill me.

Yuki thought, gloomily.

"Well, if you want me, then just come in!" Mrs. Higurashi told Yuki sweetly, and went back inside the kitchen.

Yuki stood there, still perplexed. The cat, Buyo, purred against her legs.

After a few seconds, she decided to do what she intended to do: to find that Miko girl, and make her tell everything about what just happened.

"Agh!" Kagome cried in frustration. "I don't understand anything!"