InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Different but the Same ❯ How it Begin ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


+^ 'Different but the Same'

(Chapter One) +^ How it Begin

The day was a warm day. Not to hot or not to cold.

The sun was up and the birds were singing a sweet melody that flew with the wind. In a hot spring bath two young women both with black hair.

Sango the older one eyes were a dark-brown color while the younger one Kagome had brown eyes.

They both were thinking about what they herd the villagers had told them about this side of the forest they and their companions were camping in.

" Sango-Chan?" Asked Kagome.

" Yes?" Asked Sango.

" Do you think what the villages said is true?"

" I don't know, Kagome-Chan it might be true."

+^~ Now where the guys are at ~^+

In the camp clearing area if you could look up in a certain tree around the camp you might be able to find Inuyasha being a figure wearing red clothes with long silver-white hair plus with fuzzy white doggy ears on top.

' Those humans must be crazy. Telling us we shouldn't go into the forest because some stupid tree. Feh. I can protect Kagome if something goes wrong.' Inuyasha thought.

On the other hand, on the ground across from the tree Inuyasha sat in was a handsome young monk with his hair pulled back in a small ponytail wearing purple and blue robes.

Seems to be meditating.

His name is Miroku and his golden staff was right beside him.

' We will have to leave this area pretty soon.' Thought Miroku.

" Monk!" Called Inuyasha.

" What is it?" Asked Miroku in a clam voice.

" Where the little brat and cat gone off to?"

+^ To where Shippou & Kirara are ^+

Shippou was running in the forest near camp searching for Kirara because they were playing hide' n-go-seek.

" Kirara!" Called Shippou.

" Kirara." Again he called but no sign of the youkai cat.

Kirara was running in the forest while thinking.

' Ha ha, shippou you can't catch me. Humm... I wonder what it would be like to look like mistress Sango, but still be me n..ufh' THUMP!

Kirara fell into a deep big ditch compared to her small from in cat size and bumped into a glowing root. Kirara looked to see a tree that she bumped into the root of glowing a bright light-blue light the same as the root.

Then Kirara glowed the same color. That was the last thing she seen before she fainted.

The glow came and went only to leave Kirara nude in Human-like from and unconscious.


Thanks for reading.
>' Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah